Islamophobia/Anti Muslim rhetoric


Mar 13, 2017
So why did the Christian president George Bush pull the FBI officers from the case whom were investigating the situation and monitoring the alleged hijackers lil Lisa?
Idk...but why did the muslim hijackers get on the plane in the first place? Why did they fly them into buildings..ending their lives, the lives of the people on the planes and the lives of people in the buildings?


Jan 29, 2018
What am I trolling exactly?

I don‘t read all the links or the articles..but I decided that maybe that wasn’t the best thing to I am trying to read articles and watch links now. You’re welcome! :)

I don’t know that I have all the answers..but I do have opinions that I like to share.
And thats an issue, you continuously attempt to pass off your opinions as fact, all while denying the facts you are actually presented with.


Mar 13, 2017
And thats an issue, you continuously attempt to pass off your opinions as fact, all while denying the facts you are actually presented with.
Haha, who doesn’t do that? Everyone has an opinion and I’m sure if they go online they can find others with that same which then they can say that their opinion is fact since they have others that agree?


Jan 29, 2018
Idk...but why did the muslim hijackers get on the plane in the first place? Why did they fly them into buildings..ending their lives, the lives of the people on the planes and the lives of people in the buildings?
Well, the stated purpose of the attack (if we believe our own governments account) is that they struck in retaliation for American wars of aggression, support of corrupt dictators in Muslim lands and the looting of their nations wealth and resources.

So there you go lil LIsa, straight from the US government. Now that I have answered your question, why did the Christian president GW Bush pull off the FBI investigators from the case right before the alleged terrorists struck? You know, the attack that his regime was presented with an urgent national security briefing regarding just weeks before 9-11?


Jan 29, 2018
Haha, who doesn’t do that? Everyone has an opinion and I’m sure if they go online they can find others with that same which then they can say that their opinion is fact since they have others that agree?
Well, the people whom are interested in honest communication (here and elsewhere) obviously dont do that lil Lisa.... you should try it sometime!
Mar 24, 2018
Actually we do = muslims

September 11 Attack Timeline
On September 11, 2001, nineteen terrorists who were members of al-Qaeda, an Islamist extremist network, hijacked four commercial airplanes.
Oh for goodness sake
Who made Al Qaeda who sponsored their weapons and advertisement
I don’t for one second believe that the rise of isis is purely due to Muslims - FBI agents have already outed that 9/11 was caused by america but it was pushed under the rug because it would mess their plans up to demonise Muslims ahead of the dajaals arrival


Mar 13, 2017
Oh for goodness sake
Who made Al Qaeda who sponsored their weapons and advertisement
I don’t for one second believe that the rise of isis is purely due to Muslims - FBI agents have already outed that 9/11 was caused by america but it was pushed under the rug because it would mess their plans up to demonise Muslims ahead of the dajaals arrival
So the muslims didn’t do anything? It was the US that what forced them? And how did that happen I wonder? You make it sound like muslims are saps that can be forced to do anything against their will...


Nov 5, 2019
Oh for goodness sake
Who made Al Qaeda who sponsored their weapons and advertisement
I don’t for one second believe that the rise of isis is purely due to Muslims - FBI agents have already outed that 9/11 was caused by america but it was pushed under the rug because it would mess their plans up to demonise Muslims ahead of the dajaals arrival
Apart from the many clues that 911 was and inside job, as you say, e.g. 9 11 Ripple Effect FULL and SEPTEMBER CLUES - Full Documentary - 9/11 TV Fakery and so many more, here's more which suggests the Synagogue of Satan's demonic fingerprint on it; just like their Satanic signature on the 7th July 2005 London Bombings (see next post).

911 A Twisted Synagogue of Satan (Rev. 2:9, 3:9) Old Testament Sacrifice

Satan signature on 911 attacks.png


Jan 29, 2018
Do you know why that happened?
Well, the stated purpose of the attack (if we believe our own governments account) is that they struck in retaliation for American wars of aggression, support of corrupt dictators in Muslim lands and the looting of their nations wealth and resources.

So there you go lil LIsa, straight from the US government. Now that I have answered your question, why did the Christian president GW Bush pull off the FBI investigators from the case right before the alleged terrorists struck? You know, the attack that his regime was presented with an urgent national security briefing regarding just weeks before 9-11?


Mar 13, 2017
Well, the stated purpose of the attack (if we believe our own governments account) is that they struck in retaliation for American wars of aggression, support of corrupt dictators in Muslim lands and the looting of their nations wealth and resources.

So there you go lil LIsa, straight from the US government. Now that I have answered your question, why did the Christian president GW Bush pull off the FBI investigators from the case right before the alleged terrorists struck? You know, the attack that his regime was presented with an urgent national security briefing regarding just weeks before 9-11?
The president who coined the phrase religion of peace? That guy?

The first 28 seconds...


Jan 29, 2018
The president who coined the phrase religion of peace? That guy?

The first 28 seconds...
Lisa, people on here humor you over and over again by providing that which you request, even when its obvious you dont read/watch what is researched for you...... but could you please answer the question? Im not asking for more distractions or deflections.... Im asking a clear question...... "why did the Christian president GW Bush pull off the FBI investigators from the case right before the alleged terrorists struck? You know, the attack that his regime was presented with an urgent national security briefing regarding just weeks before 9-11? "


Mar 13, 2017
Lisa, people on here humor you over and over again by providing that which you request, even when its obvious you dont read/watch what is researched for you...... but could you please answer the question? Im not asking for more distractions or deflections.... Im asking a clear question...... "why did the Christian president GW Bush pull off the FBI investigators from the case right before the alleged terrorists struck? You know, the attack that his regime was presented with an urgent national security briefing regarding just weeks before 9-11? "
If he did that..I believe I already answered your question. He did coin the phrase religion of peace..or at least that’s where I first heard it said. I don’t discount that they may have been working together but it was muslims who flew the planes into the buildings.


Jan 29, 2018
If he did that..I believe I already answered your question. He did coin the phrase religion of peace..or at least that’s where I first heard it said. I don’t discount that they may have been working together but it was muslims who flew the planes into the buildings.
Lisa, he did that. Its an established fact. It came straight from the FBI agents themselves. So without attempting to conjoin a Muslim conspiracy to the question.... again..... "WHY did the Christian president GW Bush pull off the FBI investigators from the case right before the alleged terrorists struck? You know, the attack that his regime was presented with an urgent national security briefing regarding just weeks before 9-11?"


Mar 13, 2017
Lisa, he did that. Its an established fact. It came straight from the FBI agents themselves. So without attempting to conjoin a Muslim conspiracy to the question.... again..... "WHY did the Christian president GW Bush pull off the FBI investigators from the case right before the alleged terrorists struck? You know, the attack that his regime was presented with an urgent national security briefing regarding just weeks before 9-11?"
I really can’t answer for George W...I don’t have any insider info. But I do know it was muslims that flew the planes.