Islamophobia/Anti Muslim rhetoric


May 20, 2017
Right keep believing the intelligence agencies that keep getting you into wars:rolleyes:
They continue lying and the strangest thing is that some people keep on falling for their fabricated intelligence.
Like Zombies these undead only come alive when there is talk of war. smh.
This is their type of reasoning.

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Mar 13, 2017
I came from an oppressed country and I love the freedom here. Godbless America!
Sometimes that’s what it takes to really see America for the good country it really is.


Jan 29, 2018
I came from an oppressed country and I love the freedom here. Godbless America! It is clear people like you and tempe take freedom for granted, you think you know what it's like to be living under a commie and actually give a ****. "American" like yall make me sick. You should be celebrating the death of a well known terrorist that killed his own people and AMERICANS who shed their blood so you can sit on your ass enjoying the freedom at home. Instead, you think you're so smart and got everything figured out, bashing the POTUS and sympathized with the enemy. Oh you're actually afraid they will bring the battle here? Why would you? They know you're a muslim lover, don't worry you'll get a pass. I don't think these terrorist are stupid enough, but if they are we'll be ready for them. #Trump2020
The fact that you are typing about us from a place of ignorance invalidates any of your pseudo-patriotism or transparent religious faith.
Mar 24, 2018
Let’s talk about the Hijab :
No it doesn’t mean oppression in Arabic you wouldn’t believe it it literally means covering, I know bonkers!

Society is far too concerned in what women choose to wear when they are pushing the ideology of feminism and female empowerment- don’t get me wrong I’m all for it but when a society pushes the agenda that female liberation comes in the form of the shortest skirts and the highest heels and forms of covering up are seen as oppression, I am unable to believe that society is promoting women’s freedom of choice. When a women chooses to cover up as a worship to God she is criticised as being weak and the subject of patriarchal control but an insecure woman who cakes her face with makeup to enhance her natural beauty and wears clothes which please the Male eye she is liberating herself from the same control.
The interesting point is that modesty in the 1800s and early 1900s was seen as beautiful and was encouraged in the same counties who criticise the Middle East for covering their women
Anti Muslims are so dedicated to calling on women oppression in Islam but they don’t check their own history
The 1918 Representation of the people Act ensured votes to women over 30, married and property owners. This was due to the rise of the women’s suffrage movement pushing for a change in political views on women. Less that 100 years ago a country run by politicians who believe Muslim women were oppressed only allowed votes on women who were dependent on mere constructs of their spouse, wealth or their age. 1400 years ago, Khadija (Ra) was the most influential business owner and Aisha (ra) was one of the biggest narrators of Hadith.
They didn’t have to fight like the British women did for a vote. Islam gave them the freedom to work 1400 years ago.