Hard drugs and The New World Order


Jul 27, 2017
Found the video I was gonna post!

Of course all stems to money. Damn elites push it on us. Definitely the big pharma companies

It sucks to see those that become addicted. Those that have the willpower to clean up and lead a sober life kudos. I battled two years of alcoholism myself.

Never got into the hard drugs, but I've seen the negative consequences it can have. My uncle passed away last year cause of a heroin overdose.


Mar 16, 2017
Of course all stems to money. Damn elites push it on us. Definitely the big pharma companies

It sucks to see those that become addicted. Those that have the willpower to clean up and lead a sober life kudos. I battled two years of alcoholism myself.

Never got into the hard drugs, but I've seen the negative consequences it can have. My uncle passed away last year cause of a heroin overdose.
So sorry to hear that, Maes. My best friend died with a needle in his arm on a train toilet. It was 1997 and I to this day visit his grave. Can totally understand why people go alcoholic though. This is one NASTY world!


Oct 23, 2018
Of course all stems to money. Damn elites push it on us. Definitely the big pharma companies

It sucks to see those that become addicted. Those that have the willpower to clean up and lead a sober life kudos. I battled two years of alcoholism myself.

Never got into the hard drugs, but I've seen the negative consequences it can have. My uncle passed away last year cause of a heroin overdose.
Glad you got free of alcoholism. So sorry about your uncle.


Jul 27, 2017
So sorry to hear that, Maes. My best friend died with a needle in his arm on a train toilet. It was 1997 and I to this day visit his grave. Can totally understand why people go alcoholic though. This is one NASTY world!
I went alcoholic cause of being a dad and starting my career so young.
What started as casual friday drinks turned into three day to eventual everyday binges. I wasn't necessarily crazy depressed. Just felt down and pressured. My wife would beg me to stop drinking. But I was young. Thought it was all harmless. What woke me up was taking my son to the park and I was getting absolutely winded. I quit cold turkey. I don't take my health for granted now.

My uncle had a lot of family support. He lived a very drug addicted and gang banging lifestyle. My grandma offered him meals, money and a place to stay. He was just into the street life. Sadly his youngest son is going down that path

Masked crusader7

Feb 3, 2018
So sorry to hear that, Maes. My best friend died with a needle in his arm on a train toilet. It was 1997 and I to this day visit his grave. Can totally understand why people go alcoholic though. This is one NASTY world!
hi vixy hows the n w o going for you?


Jun 4, 2017
Jan 27, 2018
Let's not forget Johnson and Johnson and their push of Risperdal (an anti-psychotic with serious side-effects (like most anti-psychotic drugs)) to the elderly, children and those with dev. disabilities. It was developed for schizophrenics - marketed to those with dementia and others. Not tested on them - and being pushed by their sales team - led by Alex Gorsky who surprise surprise! Is now the CEO.
J.&J. to Pay $2.2 Billion in Risperdal Settlement
Btw...2.2 Billion is not that big a deal for a company like J&J - sure it stings...but it's not enough.
Sep 5, 2018
Eli Lilly Looks To Newly Acquired Assets For Pain Market
JANUARY 02, 2019

Or Lilly's wiping out the competition.

This is like trying to figure out who the WORST demon is-- as though they arent ALL demons. All pharmaceutical companies are trying to corner the market on Sorcery... and it should come as NO surprise that they eat their own.

But yeah, sure... it's the Jooooos!

Metaphorically, yes institutions like pharmaceutical companies are demonic- but claiming they are cornering the market on sorcery implies an anti-science worldview that is as dangerous as the predatory and capitalist practices of the drug companies. No matter what you might think we have made some amazing advancements in the medical field and drugs do have a purpose. If we could take the profit motive out of this we wouldn't have these problems. So if you see demons (or Jews) as the problem you are missing that the problem is of an economic nature.


Jun 4, 2017
Metaphorically, yes institutions like pharmaceutical companies are demonic- but claiming they are cornering the market on sorcery implies..
I'm going to stop you right there-- mid-lecture. I reserve the right to speak colorfully, figuratively and / or dramatically. In this case, I mean Bad People. As for the Sorcery part... that just works out because it is where we get the word Pharmacy. Thank the Greeks.

pharmakeia: the use of medicine, drugs or spells
Original Word: φαρμακεία, ας, ἡ
Part of Speech: Noun, FeminineTransliteration: pharmakeia
Phonetic Spelling: (far-mak-i'-ah)
Definition: the use of medicine, drugs or spells
Usage: magic, sorcery, enchantment.

5331 pharmakeía (from pharmakeuō, "administer drugs") – properly, drug-related sorcery, like the practice of magical-arts, etc.


... an anti-science worldview that is as dangerous as the predatory and capitalist practices of the drug companies. No matter what you might think we have made some amazing advancements in the medical field and drugs do have a purpose. If we could take the profit motive out of this we wouldn't have these problems. So if you see demons (or Jews) as the problem you are missing that the problem is of an economic nature.
I'm sure you aren't implying I think the Jews are the problem-- quite the contrary. I thought that was obvious. The pharmaceutical nightmare is relatively recent but it has snowballed at an alarming rate. The problem isnt borne out of bad economics but Greed. Which also happens to be one of the reasons communism will never work. Historically, it has required way too much murder.


Jun 4, 2017
Let's not forget Johnson and Johnson and their push of Risperdal (an anti-psychotic with serious side-effects (like most anti-psychotic drugs)) to the elderly, children and those with dev. disabilities. It was developed for schizophrenics - marketed to those with dementia and others. Not tested on them - and being pushed by their sales team - led by Alex Gorsky who surprise surprise! Is now the CEO.
J.&J. to Pay $2.2 Billion in Risperdal Settlement
Btw...2.2 Billion is not that big a deal for a company like J&J - sure it stings...but it's not enough.
They budget for that, I think. .. seriously. :/


Mar 27, 2017

OxyContin Billionaire Granted Patent for Opioid Addiction Treatment

Seems they've got the market cornered on getting them coming AND going. But hey, YOU give them a pass. I can not....

A town of 3,200 was flooded with nearly 21 million pain pills as addiction crisis worsened, lawmakers say
Last edited:
Sep 5, 2018
I'm going to stop you right there-- mid-lecture. I reserve the right to speak colorfully, figuratively and / or dramatically. In this case, I mean Bad People. As for the Sorcery part... that just works out because it is where we get the word Pharmacy. Thank the Greeks.

pharmakeia: the use of medicine, drugs or spells
Original Word: φαρμακεία, ας, ἡ
Part of Speech: Noun, FeminineTransliteration: pharmakeia
Phonetic Spelling: (far-mak-i'-ah)
Definition: the use of medicine, drugs or spells
Usage: magic, sorcery, enchantment.

5331 pharmakeía (from pharmakeuō, "administer drugs") – properly, drug-related sorcery, like the practice of magical-arts, etc.


I'm sure you aren't implying I think the Jews are the problem-- quite the contrary. I thought that was obvious. The pharmaceutical nightmare is relatively recent but it has snowballed at an alarming rate. The problem isnt borne out of bad economics but Greed. Which also happens to be one of the reasons communism will never work. Historically, it has required way too much murder.
Yeah well I got the impression that using sorcery was more than just etymological cuteness and an attempt to disparage medical science as a whole, as is common with people who hold your beliefs.

No, I wasn't implying that Jews are the problem. Despite our vast, vast differences the fact that you also don't believe that puts you automatically in the top 10% of this forum, for sure.

My opposition to Capitalism, and my admiration of Trotsky doesn't actually make me a communist because I'm not, but it has never actually been implemented either. USSR was really just state capitalism, Red China is state capitalism, pretty clearly. Capitalism (and feudalism before it) has killed and oppressed just as many people and still does, Capitalism and greed are inherently the same thing.


Jun 4, 2017
Yeah well I got the impression that using sorcery was more than just etymological cuteness and an attempt to disparage medical science as a whole, as is common with people who hold your beliefs.

No, I wasn't implying that Jews are the problem. Despite our vast, vast differences the fact that you also don't believe that puts you automatically in the top 10% of this forum, for sure.

My opposition to Capitalism, and my admiration of Trotsky doesn't actually make me a communist because I'm not, but it has never actually been implemented either. USSR was really just state capitalism, Red China is state capitalism, pretty clearly. Capitalism (and feudalism before it) has killed and oppressed just as many people and still does, Capitalism and greed are inherently the same thing.
I dont have a problem with medicine, at all-- I have a problem with bad medicine which is abundant these days. People are prescribed new, expensive, under-tested drugs with a host of side effects, when there isn't anything wrong with the older ones that are safer and time-tested-- there's just no profit for the drug (SORCERY!) companies when the patents run out.

NOTE: I think you may be confusing my people with the Jehovah's Witnesses. :p Garden variety Christians, to the best of my knowledge, dont avoid medicine. Still though-- I proceed with extreme caution.

Scott Peck (The Road Less Traveled) was really into Community-- not communal living or straight communism necessarily... maybe community interdependence? Idk (HERE) but he held (and I agree) that compartmentalization allows untold evil to be perpetuated in the world. In government, for instance-- a person is responsible for doing one thing... they have no idea what happens next. At the end of the line, though, they may have helped to facilitate the weapons of the next world war. If people knew what they were actually doing, they probably wouldn't do it anymore... hence the compartmentalization.



Dec 21, 2018
I'm a pharmacist and i'd like to say that people have their share of guilty too. It's easier to take a pill than changer their food habits. People have high cholesterol and blood pressure, take captopril and simvastatin but they don't let go the porkchops. And this is not fault of the pharma company or doctors, it's just plain laziness of people


Mar 14, 2017
I'm a pharmacist and i'd like to say that people have their share of guilty too. It's easier to take a pill than changer their food habits. People have high cholesterol and blood pressure, take captopril and simvastatin but they don't let go the porkchops. And this is not fault of the pharma company or doctors, it's just plain laziness of people
I don't begrudge you for defending your field. I would ask that you address the issue of some people taking BP pills because their pain is not being adequately treated. And perhaps the recalls of BP pills due to carcinogens.
Jan 9, 2018
I turned 30 last month and celebrated 2 years clean from drugs and alcohol. The majority of my 20s were spent in a love/ hate relationship with many drugs, methamphetamine being my drug of choice. I’m also a performing singer and guitar player. Towards the end of my use as I shifted From a party rocker to a full blown junky i developed an obsession for the music of artists who died young. I started noticing a lot of similarities. Early on I thought of them mostly as paranoid delusions but as my mind as cleared and I’ve started studying connections between music, drugs, power, human trafficking there’s obviously a connection.

Can we discuss the use of drugs to control a population? And also can some one point me in a direction where I can research this topic further? Thanks!
Project MK Ultra is a CIA program of drug-induced, trauma based mind control used on people to control thoughts and actions.

Congratulations on being clean for 2 years!

I pray that you continue and God bless you.