Converts to Islam: All Welcome


May 20, 2017
Greetings! I will re-post the convert videos re-post to this thread, God willing.
Those who are interested in Islamic theology and the associated subjects (life, death, the hereafter, the day of judgement etc) please go to that thread and those who are interested in the stories of converts kindly come to this one.:)
Brothers and sisters who have posted convert videos in the Islamic Videos thread are welcome to re-post them here.:)
Please note, this is also a resource thread if you need to express yourself please keep it to one comment.

“Say: He, Allah is One, Allah the Eternal. He begets not, nor was He begotten, and there is nothing that is equal to Him.” (al-Qur’an, Chapter 112, Verses 1-4)

“He is Allah besides Whom there is no god; the Knower of the unseen and the seen; He is the Beneficent, the Merciful. He is Allah, besides Whom there is no god; the King, the Holy, the Giver of Peace, the Granter of Security, Guardian over all, the Mighty, the Supreme, the Possessor of every greatness.” (al-Qur’an, Chapter 49, Verse 22-23)

“No vision can grasp Him
But His grasp is over
All vision: He is
Above all comprehension,
Yet is acquainted with all things.”
[Al-Qur’an 6:103]

Quran 24:46
Sahih International
: We have certainly sent down distinct verses. And Allah guides whom He wills to a straight

Islamic videos thread:
Malcolm X's Letter from Hajj

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Mar 30, 2017
Jesus is all you need man.

A personal relationship with your Maker.

Stop sprouting religious shite and get real.
I don’t think anyone has said anything about your thread here so I don’t really understand your vile attitude towards this one – manners are free, not to mention it takes more effort to type. Perhaps your mum fed you with a slingshot when you were young, but your foul comment says more about you than Islam.


Jan 29, 2018
My advise for all converts.......
- Get a translated copy of the Quran you feel comfortable with. Heck, get a few translations and cross reference/study them while you are learning Quranic Arabic in order to better understand their translations and to also better form you own, personal interpretations of the scripture. Last Ramadan someone recommended this version to me and its been pretty good so far.....

- Get a Rosetta Stone series or some equivalent study course so that you can learn Quranic Arabic at your own pace, in the settings which are most conducive to your learning and retaining the info.

- Research as much as you feel necessary regarding a Halal diet. And not just "Well some Muslim people said I should only eat Halal, but what they eat isnt healthy, but Ima just go with it because they do". No. You should research yourself so that you can properly implement a diet that is suitable to your palate, nutritional needs, within your personal budget and one that you can actually stick with.

- Adjust your mindset to a lifestyle devoid of pork, alcohol, drugs & pornography as well as no shoes/dogs in the house (cats are a-ok, even in the mosque!). Sounds easy, not always so..... therefore personal vigilance is important. The closer you can get to those ideals, the more benefits in life.

- Study the Salat (prayer) online. Research the different, accepted methods of performing Salat and guard those 5 times a day very carefully. But also, we will all miss some prayer times as well as commit some sins..... so its also important to understand that Islam is a guide back up once you have fallen, not just a beacon to the pure of heart and deed. Just dont give up on Gods love and care for you. Never doubt Gods forgiveness for us, but also fear the wrath of God almighty.

- Avoid conversations about politics and the secular world (Dunyaa) mixed with Islam initially. Once you have a stronger, Islamically-based perspective and feel confident about being able to engage with others regarding the faiths tenets, still be wary of conversations which are either unnecessary or are provoking of your ire.

- Understand that the born-and-bred Muslims are NOT the keepers of this faith. God almighty guides whom God will to Islam, not Muslims. My simple, yet serious advise is to avoid the company of born-and-bred Muslims as much as you can and limit your time spent in mosques, and if possible, avoid them altogether. You have not joined a team or a gang. You dont have to change your name or identity, you dont have to deny your culture. True, there will be sacrifices to make, but dont take the advise from born-and-bred Muslims about what you "must and must not" do......
The material that should guide those decisions is already available and whomever tells you that they know better than the Quran is lying. This can be really difficult because often, we dont have extensive knowledge of the faith initially and we look for others with knowledge to guide us. YOU are your own best guide though and YOU will have the best ideas how to implement these new lifestyle options. You have the best idea of what is realistic and non-realistic for yourself. If you make yourself vulnerable or dependent on born-and-bred Muslims, you risk the fate that so many other re/converts have unfortunately found. These people simply do NOT have the guidance or skills required to lead anyone in faith. If they were so together, they wouldn't be fleeing their own nations.

- Try not to turn your back on the people who were with you when you were not a Muslim. True, if they aint with it.... just leave it alone and dont force the topic. But becoming Muslim does not require you to turn your backs on your peoples. In fact, its your obligation to be the best Muslim you can around them and try to serve as both an example of human decency and Muslim ethics. You have received a soul-saving gift... guard it diligently, try not to take it for granted and dont be greedy with it. The people who supported you in life deserve to learn of your new faith. Lord willing, you can present Islam and your conversion to it in a fashion that inspires their confidence in your choice.
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Dec 13, 2017
You have no proof for your claims so you can't pretend like they're true or tell other people that they're lying. It's only your own personal opinion.
I have provided plenty of proofs.

So either you can't or you don't want to recognize them.


Dec 13, 2017
If that troll is offended we must continue to do more ......;)
Reach out and touch someone one video at a time.:D
But you are the troll.

You probably get paid to sprout your religious lies.

And that makes you a false witness as well.