“Magicians” Prove A Spiritual World Exists

Red Sky at Morning

Mar 15, 2017
C.S. Lewis, in allegorical form foresaw a contact with new forces entirely transcendent to our understanding. A prisoner (Alcasan) had been decapitated and his head kept alive, and able to speak, possibly foreshadowing the transhumanist movement of today). In a key dialogue, Mark (a potential acolyte) is offered the choice of initiation into this inner circle of knowledge and obedience, or face death.

‘Yes,’ said Frost. ‘You have been selected as a possible candidate for admission. If you do not gain admission, or if you reject it, it will be necessary to destroy you. I am not, of course, attempting to work on your fears. They only confuse the issue. The process would be quite painless, and your present reactions to it are inevitable physical events.’
Mark considered this thoughtfully. ‘It–it seems rather a formidable decision,’ said Mark. ‘That is merely a proposition about the state of your own body at the moment. If you please, I will go on to give you the necessary information. I must begin by telling you that neither the Deputy Director, nor I, are responsible for shaping the policy of the Institute.’ ‘
The Head?’ said Mark.
‘No. Filostrato and Wilkins are quite deceived about the Head. They have, indeed, carried out a remarkable experiment by preserving it from decay. But Alcasan’s mind is not the mind we are in contact with when the Head speaks.’
‘Do you mean Alcasan is really…dead?’ asked Mark. His surprise at Frost’s last statement needed no acting.
‘In the present state of our knowledge,’ said Frost, ‘there is no answer to that question. Probably it has no meaning. But the cortex and vocal organs in Alcasan’s head are used by a different mind. And now, please, attend very carefully. You have probably not heard of macrobes.’
‘Microbes?’ said Mark in bewilderment. ‘But of course–’
‘I did not say microbes; I said macrobes. The formation of the word explains itself. Below the level of animal life, we have long known that there are microscopic organisms. Their actual results on human life, in respect of health and disease, have of course made up a large part of history: the secret cause was not known till we invented the microscope.’
‘Go on,’ said Mark. Ravenous curiosity was moving like a sort of groundswell beneath his conscious determination to stand on guard.
‘I have now to inform you that there are similar organisms above the level of animal life. When I say, “above”, I am not speaking biologically. The structure of the macrobe, so far as we know it, is of extreme simplicity. When I say that it is above the animal level, I mean that it is more permanent, disposes of more energy, and has greater intelligence.’
‘More intelligent than the highest anthropoids?’ said Mark. ‘It must be pretty nearly human, then.’
‘You have misunderstood me. When I say it transcended the animals, I was, of course, including the most efficient animal, Man. The macrobe is more intelligent than Man.’
Frowningly, Mark studied this theory. ‘But how is it in that case that we have had no communication with them?’
‘It is not certain that we have not. But in primitive times it was spasmodic, and was opposed by numerous prejudices. Moreover, the intellectual development of man had not reached the level at which intercourse with our species could offer any attractions to a macrobe. But though there has been little intercourse, there has been profound influence. Their effect on human history has been far greater than that of the microbes, though, of course, equally unrecognised. In the light of what we now know, all history will have to be re-written. The real causes of all the principal events are quite unknown to historians; that, indeed, is why history has not yet succeeded in becoming a science.’
‘I think I’ll sit down, if you don’t mind,’ said Mark resuming his seat on the floor. Frost remained, throughout the whole conversation, standing perfectly still with his arms hanging down straight at his sides. But for the periodic upward tilt of his head and flash of his teeth at the end of a sentence, he used no gestures.
‘The vocal organs and brain taken from Alcasan,’ he continued, ‘have become the conductors of a regular intercourse between the Macrobes and our own species. I do not say that we have discovered this technique; the discovery was theirs, not ours. The circle to which you may be admitted is the organ of that co-operation between the two species which has already created a new situation for humanity. The change, you will see, is far greater than that which turned the sub-man into the man. It is more comparable to the first appearance of organic life.’
‘These organisms, then,’ said Mark, ‘are friendly to humanity?’
‘If you reflect for a moment,’ said Frost, ‘you will see that your question has no meaning except on the level of the crudest popular thought. Friendship is a chemical phenomenon; so is hatred. Both of them presuppose organisms of our own type. The first step towards intercourse with the macrobes is the realisation that one must go outside the whole world of our subjective emotions. It is only as you begin to do so, that you discover how much of what you mistook for your thought was merely a by-product of your blood and nervous tissues.’

I think it entirely possible that the apparent benevolence of these “magical” extra dimensional personalities may turn out to be a vaneer.
Mar 14, 2023
C.S. Lewis, in allegorical form foresaw a contact with new forces entirely transcendent to our understanding. A prisoner (Alcasan) had been decapitated and his head kept alive, and able to speak, possibly foreshadowing the transhumanist movement of today). In a key dialogue, Mark (a potential acolyte) is offered the choice of initiation into this inner circle of knowledge and obedience, or face death.

‘Yes,’ said Frost. ‘You have been selected as a possible candidate for admission. If you do not gain admission, or if you reject it, it will be necessary to destroy you. I am not, of course, attempting to work on your fears. They only confuse the issue. The process would be quite painless, and your present reactions to it are inevitable physical events.’
Mark considered this thoughtfully. ‘It–it seems rather a formidable decision,’ said Mark. ‘That is merely a proposition about the state of your own body at the moment. If you please, I will go on to give you the necessary information. I must begin by telling you that neither the Deputy Director, nor I, are responsible for shaping the policy of the Institute.’ ‘
The Head?’ said Mark.
‘No. Filostrato and Wilkins are quite deceived about the Head. They have, indeed, carried out a remarkable experiment by preserving it from decay. But Alcasan’s mind is not the mind we are in contact with when the Head speaks.’
‘Do you mean Alcasan is really…dead?’ asked Mark. His surprise at Frost’s last statement needed no acting.
‘In the present state of our knowledge,’ said Frost, ‘there is no answer to that question. Probably it has no meaning. But the cortex and vocal organs in Alcasan’s head are used by a different mind. And now, please, attend very carefully. You have probably not heard of macrobes.’
‘Microbes?’ said Mark in bewilderment. ‘But of course–’
‘I did not say microbes; I said macrobes. The formation of the word explains itself. Below the level of animal life, we have long known that there are microscopic organisms. Their actual results on human life, in respect of health and disease, have of course made up a large part of history: the secret cause was not known till we invented the microscope.’
‘Go on,’ said Mark. Ravenous curiosity was moving like a sort of groundswell beneath his conscious determination to stand on guard.
‘I have now to inform you that there are similar organisms above the level of animal life. When I say, “above”, I am not speaking biologically. The structure of the macrobe, so far as we know it, is of extreme simplicity. When I say that it is above the animal level, I mean that it is more permanent, disposes of more energy, and has greater intelligence.’
‘More intelligent than the highest anthropoids?’ said Mark. ‘It must be pretty nearly human, then.’
‘You have misunderstood me. When I say it transcended the animals, I was, of course, including the most efficient animal, Man. The macrobe is more intelligent than Man.’
Frowningly, Mark studied this theory. ‘But how is it in that case that we have had no communication with them?’
‘It is not certain that we have not. But in primitive times it was spasmodic, and was opposed by numerous prejudices. Moreover, the intellectual development of man had not reached the level at which intercourse with our species could offer any attractions to a macrobe. But though there has been little intercourse, there has been profound influence. Their effect on human history has been far greater than that of the microbes, though, of course, equally unrecognised. In the light of what we now know, all history will have to be re-written. The real causes of all the principal events are quite unknown to historians; that, indeed, is why history has not yet succeeded in becoming a science.’
‘I think I’ll sit down, if you don’t mind,’ said Mark resuming his seat on the floor. Frost remained, throughout the whole conversation, standing perfectly still with his arms hanging down straight at his sides. But for the periodic upward tilt of his head and flash of his teeth at the end of a sentence, he used no gestures.
‘The vocal organs and brain taken from Alcasan,’ he continued, ‘have become the conductors of a regular intercourse between the Macrobes and our own species. I do not say that we have discovered this technique; the discovery was theirs, not ours. The circle to which you may be admitted is the organ of that co-operation between the two species which has already created a new situation for humanity. The change, you will see, is far greater than that which turned the sub-man into the man. It is more comparable to the first appearance of organic life.’
‘These organisms, then,’ said Mark, ‘are friendly to humanity?’
‘If you reflect for a moment,’ said Frost, ‘you will see that your question has no meaning except on the level of the crudest popular thought. Friendship is a chemical phenomenon; so is hatred. Both of them presuppose organisms of our own type. The first step towards intercourse with the macrobes is the realisation that one must go outside the whole world of our subjective emotions. It is only as you begin to do so, that you discover how much of what you mistook for your thought was merely a by-product of your blood and nervous tissues.’

I think it entirely possible that the apparent benevolence of these “magical” extra dimensional personalities may turn out to be a vaneer.
tq, this probably beyond my depth, wrapping my head around this, so summoning performances bring down something to our dimension/reality? What of ritual sacrifices?

Red Sky at Morning

Mar 15, 2017
tq, this probably beyond my depth, wrapping my head around this, so summoning performances bring down something to our dimension/reality? What of ritual sacrifices?
I think evil extra-dimensional entities will be likely to create their own “rules” in line with the depravity they wish to engender. Ritual sacrifice and Sex Magick are simply wretched, grubby activities that demons would enjoy seeing people made in the image of God ensnare themselves with. If people’s consciences and sense that they could be saved from it are wounded in the process, so much the better.
Mar 30, 2017
Interesting video, as it describes how the Quran clarifies how people are practicing black magic to gain material goods. I now understand why people used to think (and probably still do) that left-handed people are evil:

Christian reacts to the Secrets of Magic in Quran (this is Shocking!) (30 mins, 1 secs)


Mar 11, 2020
Interesting video, as it describes how the Quran clarifies how people are practicing black magic to gain material goods. I now understand why people used to think (and probably still do) that left-handed people are evil:

Christian reacts to the Secrets of Magic in Quran (this is Shocking!) (30 mins, 1 secs)
Do you know how creepy this actually sounds? Like, it kind of reminded me of this one video, I can't recall the location, but I think it was filmed somewhere in the Middle East and this one taxi driver told his fare how there's a new drug around that the youth enjoy using.
He has no idea how it arrived there, but word on the street is that some people were practicing black magic and a demon came out and offered the people who summoned him "new earthly gifts" etc. That's what he heard. He wasn't around there, but that's what he heard from others. They were practising black magic to gain new materialistic stuff, drugs etc.
Like, you're able to get any gift you want. It's quite terrifying when you think about technology and similar.
Mar 30, 2017
Do you know how creepy this actually sounds? Like, it kind of reminded me of this one video, I can't recall the location, but I think it was filmed somewhere in the Middle East and this one taxi driver told his fare how there's a new drug around that the youth enjoy using.
He has no idea how it arrived there, but word on the street is that some people were practicing black magic and a demon came out and offered the people who summoned him "new earthly gifts" etc. That's what he heard. He wasn't around there, but that's what he heard from others. They were practising black magic to gain new materialistic stuff, drugs etc.
Like, you're able to get any gift you want. It's quite terrifying when you think about technology and similar.
That's similar with what the magician "Dynamo" says in the first video I posted. The guy seems to be proud of this earthly possessions and how he's able to seduce women. He achieved all that by going into the forest to "obtain his knowledge", but won't disclose what happened when he was in the forest.

By deductive reasoning, it's not hard to figure out.


Jun 28, 2020
Interesting video, as it describes how the Quran clarifies how people are practicing black magic to gain material goods. I now understand why people used to think (and probably still do) that left-handed people are evil:

Christian reacts to the Secrets of Magic in Quran (this is Shocking!) (30 mins, 1 secs)
For what its worth Bobby has converted to Islam, he is no longer Christian. He converted several months ago i think. But anyone who regularly watches his content would have seen it as inevitable.

@DesertRose shared the same video (not the reaction). I think it was how i came across the channel actually, MPOM has alot of good content for anyone so inclined. They have multiple videos on the occult which seems to interest some people here.

A Freeman

Nov 11, 2019
Interesting video, as it describes how the Quran clarifies how people are practicing black magic to gain material goods. I now understand why people used to think (and probably still do) that left-handed people are evil:

Christian reacts to the Secrets of Magic in Quran (this is Shocking!) (30 mins, 1 secs)
Thank-you. For reference, Marduk (of ancient Babylon) is referred to in the Bible, as Merodach:

Jeremiah 50:2 Declare ye among the nations, and publish, and set up a Standard; publish, [and] conceal not: say, Babylon is taken, Bel is confounded, Merodach is broken in pieces; her idols are confounded, her images are broken in pieces.

Marduk/Merodach is the patron/pagan god of Babylon who presided over healing/magic, among many other things. Babylonian medical arts/sorcery were the basis for what became Greek medicine, and eventually Roman medicine. The Romans are the direct descendants of the Babylonians (Sura 17:5-7), who migrated first to Asia Minor (present-day Turkey), before moving on to Rome.

Pergamum (Latin)/Pergamos (Greek), one of the seven Babylonian communities referred to in Revelation 1-3, was home to many temples, the most notorious of which was the Asclepion, founded in the 4th century BC. The Asclepion was the central training facility for the medical arts and pharmacy, and remained that way for centuries, before being relocated to Rome. Hippocrates is said to have received his medical training at an asclepieion on the Isle of Kos.


And with regard to left-handed religions v. right-handed people and right-handed religions (or political parties, etc.), there is no left or right, except in the minds of people who believe in such fantasies.

Deuteronomy 5:32 Ye shall observe to do therefore as the "I AM" your God hath commanded you: ye shall not turn aside to the right hand or to the left.

Deuteronomy 28:14 And thou shalt not go aside from any of the Words which I command thee this day, [to] the right hand, or [to] the left, to go after other gods to serve them.

Fatir (The Originator of Creation)
Sura 32:35. Then We have given the Book for inheritance To such of Our servants As We have chosen : But there are among them Some who wrong their own Souls ; some who follow A middle course (John 14:6) ; and some Who are by God’s leave Foremost in good deeds ; That is the highest Grace.


Jun 28, 2020
I don't think OM would mind if i hijacked her thread..

When someone wishes you harm they will go to a magician and have a spell put on you. The spell is literally djinn harassing you.

It is the magician who puts the djinn to task. Yet the djinn and the magician have no clue who you are.
This is why magicians often ask for personal effects like a comb, body hair and so on. They are all meant to locate the victim.

This tweet has a short clip of selfies with black magic on them.

Don't put your face online.
Mar 14, 2023
I don't think OM would mind if i hijacked her thread..

When someone wishes you harm they will go to a magician and have a spell put on you. The spell is literally djinn harassing you.

It is the magician who puts the djinn to task. Yet the djinn and the magician have no clue who you are.
This is why magicians often ask for personal effects like a comb, body hair and so on. They are all meant to locate the victim.

This tweet has a short clip of selfies with black magic on them.

Don't put your face online.
How effective is this magic? What determines its effectiveness? I come from the west so i have never heard anyone around me coming across these things.


Jun 28, 2020
How effective is this magic? What determines its effectiveness? I come from the west so i have never heard anyone around me coming across these things.
I live in the west too. Its not a common thing for people to talk about real magic here, truth be told many don't even believe in God let alone magic outside of a few parlor tricks. But its more prevalent in the east because the general populace is more aware of it and they seek out magicians to cast spells on their rivals. Africa is a good example, alot of magic takes place there, many say its the home of voodoo.

Several things on the effectiveness of magic. First off protection comes from God alone. If God doesn't will it then the magic has no effect.

There was a viral video making the rounds about a year ago where a Russian witch was talking about magic and how it really had no effect on Muslims due to their constant connection with God, for example the 5 daily prayers.


The video is less then 2 minutes long if you're interested.

The second note on effectiveness if you removed God's protection from the equation. First thing you should know is all magic involves djinn (demons). The devil helps the magician because of a contract they have made. Its kind of a "you scratch my back and i scratch yours" kind of thing.

Basically a magician will disgrace himself to get the djinn to "serve" him. For example some magicians are told to go out in the forest and sit in some cave in solitude for 30 days never cleaning themselves covered in human waste. Eventually a djinn will contact them.

Things a magician might do is bow to the djinn, denounce God, etc. While the more evil acts bring stronger djinn to the magician. Like committing incest. killing kids, raping 2 year olds and so on.

Most magicians will tell you the strongest magic comes from desecrating the Quran. They put menstrual blood on it, clean themselves with it after using the bathroom and so on. This is why when a magician is found in Muslim lands its the death penalty.

To put it all in a nut shell.. if you remove God, for example you might be an atheist, and do the most evil things you can imagine, you can call on the strongest magic. This is why places like the Bohemian grove exists. For human sacrifice and the younger the better.

Idk if you heard of Frazzle Drip, its a video that can be found on the dark web and it shows Hillary Clinton and one of her aides cutting the face off of a young women and then wearing it. HC is just one example, she's far from alone when it comes to elites engaging in kabbala.

Theres a reason this women, this artist is famous among holy-wood and the politicians in DC.

MA.jpg 1687238696371.png


Notice how there is an on-going effort to make magic look good, fun even and something you'd want to engage in. Harry Potter is an excellent example that tries to glamorize magic.

Know that there is no such thing as good magic. "White magic" is a lie, all of it brings harm.

Avoid magic at all costs. Its a one way ticket to hell.
As i just told you, all of it is literally devil worship.


Sep 4, 2023
David Copperfield likens himself to Jesus Christ and David Blaine, in his near comatose voice, states he has the eye of Horus on the palm of his hand for “protection”..

Coppo is trailing badly in the miracle stakes til he can do stuff like this..:)-

JESUS- "Come on out of there Lazarus mate"


As for Blaine, a bloody parrot won't help him much..:)



May 15, 2017
I was wondering not that long ago about some the
more popular "magicians"where they've been
I thought coperfeeld was gone guess not

doesn't sound like some kind of lautir though right
imho I Believe it is

Peoples have been Seeing many strange things happening
in the skies and I'm sure tptb are responsible for a lot
of it and that We will See a lot weirder to come

in case Ya didn't Know there's a hunters moon tonight and
a eclipse of it
I won't See anything my sky is all clouds


Jun 28, 2020
I was wondering not that long ago about some the
more popular "magicians"where they've been
I thought coperfeeld was gone guess not

doesn't sound like some kind of lautir though right
imho I Believe it is

Peoples have been Seeing many strange things happening
in the skies and I'm sure tptb are responsible for a lot
of it and that We will See a lot weirder to come

in case Ya didn't Know there's a hunters moon tonight and
a eclipse of it
I won't See anything my sky is all clouds
I imagine you know the story of Moses and the snakes? When he challenged the magicians of Pharaoh?

Then We inspired Moses, ‘Throw your staff,’ and- lo and behold!––it devoured their fakery. (7:117 Quran)

This verse is an example of showing how some magic is nothing more than a trick of the eyes.
The staffs the magicians threw down appeared to be writhing snakes.
When Moses threw down his staff, it became a real snake and ate the staffs of the magicians.

Copperfield has a lot of "magic" like this. Remember when he made the Statue of Liberty disappear?

It's nothing more than a trick of the eyes. I'm sure his moon trick will be the same if he goes through with it.
Last edited:


Jun 28, 2020
Coppo is trailing badly in the miracle stakes til he can do stuff like this..:)-

JESUS- "Come on out of there Lazarus mate"
View attachment 91261


As for Blaine, a bloody parrot won't help him much..:)

View attachment 91264
Look at the link I posted above you.



Mar 15, 2017
There’s a British Muslim called Tim Humble. He specialises in Curing people afflicted with Magic. It’s very real, I’ve experienced it in my family and as @Daze explained, all someone needs is a hair, nail or a possession of yours with maybe sweat or even bodily fluids…they pledge allegiance to the magician who in most cases in the UK appears as a spiritual healer. Someone very ignorant of what this is could easily think this is some great guy just helping them out and using God as a means to do so.
Anyone interested in how they disgrace themselves to get access to Jinn or how the magic is carried out should check out Tim Humble’s videos. They’re on YouTube. I’ve posted one below but it’s quite old, he has updated versions.

Mar 30, 2017
This video is very similar to the ones I've posted earlier in this thread, however, in this particular one (is this your video @Daciple?), due to Criss Angel quoting Led Zepplin's "Stairway to Heaven" in his Planet Hollywood Resort & Casino, it discloses how, when played backwards, Robert Plant makes certain statements. Robert then wondered why so many terrible things were happening to him and the band. He's either a slow learner or clearly in denial:

Demon Magicians Exposed (Extended Version)