“Magicians” Prove A Spiritual World Exists


Sep 4, 2023
As a kid, I remember TV magicians blowing my socks off with sensational tricks, but one of them later admitted it was done by camera trickery, and i've never trusted any of them since..:)

A Freeman

Nov 11, 2019
This video is very similar to the ones I've posted earlier in this thread, however, in this particular one (is this your video @Daciple?), due to Criss Angel quoting Led Zepplin's "Stairway to Heaven" in his Planet Hollywood Resort & Casino, it discloses how, when played backwards, Robert Plant makes certain statements. Robert then wondered why so many terrible things were happening to him and the band. He's either a slow learner or clearly in denial:

Demon Magicians Exposed (Extended Version)
The spiritual battle between good and evil that began in heaven over 6000 years ago continues here on Earth, and will do so until Judgment Day.

While many attempt to deny it, both the good and the evil on this planet are centralized, i.e. each originates from a single source (good from God and evil from the devil/liar). And while God has provided us with this natural, physical world, Satan (the Opposer) is constantly trying to subvert everything natural and good in this world with his evil and unnatural substitutes (lies for truth, worldly "knowledge" for true wisdom, confusion for certainty, chaos for order, hatred for love, etc.).

In other words, the worldly institutions and corporate fictions all teach the exact opposite of reality, so that we live in an upside down and backwards world.

For example, if we look at the lyrics to Led Zeppelin's "Stairway to Heaven", it should be possible to see the truth contained within those lyrics. We have an entire world filled with corporate fictional organized religions, whose victims/parishioners/paying customers are all attempting to buy the stairway to heaven, which God has already provided for FREE to all who genuinely seek His Love and Truth in this world FILLED with hatred and lies.

The two paths described in "Stairway to Heaven" are straight out of Scripture (e.g. Deuteronomy 30:15-20; Matthew 7:13-14; Sura 90:4-20), as is the "tune" that we NEED to learn (Isa. 42:10; Rev. 14:3).

Only when the soundtrack is played backwards does it render its satanic message, just as playing anything in this world backwards -- by the worldly standard -- results in going backward spiritually (toward death and evil) instead of forward (toward life and good).

A simple example:

LIVE spelled backwards is EVIL.

There is REAL magic happening here on Earth every day in everyone's lives IF they take notice. NOTHING happens by accident or coincidence; we have literally two paths placed before us as well as all of the tools and help required to complete the tasks that would benefit everyone (accomplish God's Will). It's up to us to choose between the two paths, recognizing it's impossible to serve two masters (Matthew 6:24).


Sep 11, 2023
The spiritual battle between good and evil that began in heaven over 6000 years ago continues here on Earth, and will do so until Judgment Day.

While many attempt to deny it, both the good and the evil on this planet are centralized, i.e. each originates from a single source (good from God and evil from the devil/liar). And while God has provided us with this natural, physical world, Satan (the Opposer) is constantly trying to subvert everything natural and good in this world with his evil and unnatural substitutes (lies for truth, worldly "knowledge" for true wisdom, confusion for certainty, chaos for order, hatred for love, etc.).

In other words, the worldly institutions and corporate fictions all teach the exact opposite of reality, so that we live in an upside down and backwards world.

For example, if we look at the lyrics to Led Zeppelin's "Stairway to Heaven", it should be possible to see the truth contained within those lyrics. We have an entire world filled with corporate fictional organized religions, whose victims/parishioners/paying customers are all attempting to buy the stairway to heaven, which God has already provided for FREE to all who genuinely seek His Love and Truth in this world FILLED with hatred and lies.

The two paths described in "Stairway to Heaven" are straight out of Scripture (e.g. Deuteronomy 30:15-20; Matthew 7:13-14; Sura 90:4-20), as is the "tune" that we NEED to learn (Isa. 42:10; Rev. 14:3).

Only when the soundtrack is played backwards does it render its satanic message, just as playing anything in this world backwards -- by the worldly standard -- results in going backward spiritually (toward death and evil) instead of forward (toward life and good).

A simple example:

LIVE spelled backwards is EVIL.

There is REAL magic happening here on Earth every day in everyone's lives IF they take notice. NOTHING happens by accident or coincidence; we have literally two paths placed before us as well as all of the tools and help required to complete the tasks that would benefit everyone (accomplish God's Will). It's up to us to choose between the two paths, recognizing it's impossible to serve two masters (Matthew 6:24).
Thank you for posting this, It makes me read the Bible slowly and carefully (as well as listening to all verses of the classic pop culture music) with some real time reference to how I've been fooled in life. I was a music addict, and the lyrics are filled with meaning, not just 'creative verses to sound artistic'.

A Freeman

Nov 11, 2019
Thank you for posting this, It makes me read the Bible slowly and carefully (as well as listening to all verses of the classic pop culture music) with some real time reference to how I've been fooled in life. I was a music addict, and the lyrics are filled with meaning, not just 'creative verses to sound artistic'.
You're welcome.
Mar 30, 2017
This is one of the most interesting topics in the world. I must confess I did go through a phase where I was experimenting with occultism. I never saw or heard anything, but it did have some psychological side effects.
Do you think they were just psychological side effects, or do you think you were on the onset of something more sinister? I ask because I've listened to one testimony where one woman dealt in "white" magic and had some bad experiences and then became an alcoholic to deal with it all. What was interesting is that she said it began when she was young and watched the Disney film where there was magic character (I think it was "Aladdin"), and dreamed of a character from the movie. She remembers it telling her that they'll leave a Mars bar on her bedside table when they've finished their journey. When she woke up, she found a Mars bar on her table.

There was another individual where she studied and practiced Reiki and also experienced unusual encounters. She would hear growls in the corner of her room and had no idea what was making them. She knew she was on the wrong path and stopped opening herself up to the so-called healing practices.


Jun 28, 2020
All of it is devil worship. There is no such thing as good magic. ie "white" magic.

The mars bar and the dream are both easily accomplished by the djinn. So was the "growling" heard in the room.

Ironically, anything that weakens the mind, like alcohol, makes one more susceptible to the djinn.
Apr 4, 2024
Do you think they were just psychological side effects, or do you think you were on the onset of something more sinister? I ask because I've listened to one testimony where one woman dealt in "white" magic and had some bad experiences and then became an alcoholic to deal with it all. What was interesting is that she said it began when she was young and watched the Disney film where there was magic character (I think it was "Aladdin"), and dreamed of a character from the movie. She remembers it telling her that they'll leave a Mars bar on her bedside table when they've finished their journey. When she woke up, she found a Mars bar on her table.

There was another individual where she studied and practiced Reiki and also experienced unusual encounters. She would hear growls in the corner of her room and had no idea what was making them. She knew she was on the wrong path and stopped opening herself up to the so-called healing practices.
I honestly don't know. What I did was in the Golden Dawn style of magic, which is sort of the high-class Victorian England scholarly sort. It's the same starting point as Crowley, although at his peak nothing he did resembled GD. Most new agers would call what I was doing energy work. Even the most occult people think of GD as the safest form of magic, but I don't know. I'm not touching that stuff again.

Reiki is interesting. Even some of the most skeptical people I know tried it and swear up and down that it works.

A Freeman

Nov 11, 2019
There are many big name professional musicians and performers who have admitted they "sold their soul to the devil" to gain their fame and fortune, and that they feel possessed when writing their material and/or performing on stage.

Why should it be any different with "magicians"? A magician is someone who attempts to deceive others. Who do people believe taught magicians that trick?
Mar 30, 2017
Reiki is interesting. Even some of the most skeptical people I know tried it and swear up and down that it works.
I'm sure they think it does. I'm not too familiar with Reiki, but I did come across this:

This reminds me of what some of the magicians are doing in the videos posted, as well as in this video I've posted in an another thread:

Flying UFO Device Cures Woman with Cancer (8 mins, 6 secs)

From my perspective, it all seems to align with satan masquerading as an "angel of light". Demons, a.k.a. "spirit guides" are notorious for making occultism appear "good".