Isn't it time for you to stop monkeying around?
Isn't it time you stop monkeying around? All you seem to be able to do is say "no, I'm right because I say so", before labeling the truth as "gibberish" and calling anyone sharing the truth with you a "Bible-thumping ignoramus".
The Hebrew title "Satan" means "the Opposer" in English. Anyone who says and does the exact opposite of what the Scriptures tell us, as both you and the RCC repeatedly do, is obviously working for Satan.
There are idolatrous graven images/statues of Mary in Roman Catholic churches, and for sale in Roman Catholic gift shops and online stores, which very clearly break the First and Most important Commandment (see
Exodus 20:3-6).
The infamous and blasphemous prayers to Mary all Roman Catholics are taught to mock God, commonly referred to as "hail Marys", literally refer to Mary as both "holy" and as "
the mother of God", both of which are lies. Father (God) is YHWH in Hebrew or, in English "I AM". The self-existent
Apparently, the no one in the RCC can count to one, or knows what that number means or they wouldn't be so easily conned into believing so many obvious lies, e.g. that Mary can be a mediator too, or that God can be divided into different parts and have a human mother, or that anyone other than God Himself (Father) is Holy, etc.
One God means One God.
One Father, Who is in heaven means One Father, Who is in heaven.
Father (God, not the pope) is The Holy One of Israel.
One Mediator between God and men means One Mediator between God and men.
One Teacher means One Teacher.
One High Priest means One High Priest.
One Good Shepherd means One Good Shepherd.
There is no room for
Mary to magically become a second mediator, high-priest, etc. nor a mother to our self-existing (uncreated) God, so anyone who elevates Mary into such roles is obviously worshiping her, regardless of what they may nonsensically argue to the contrary.
ONE MEANS ONE, and anyone who claims otherwise doesn't know what they're talking about.
How can any of the claims of someone who cannot or will not learn to count to one be taken seriously?