Wearing a Mask


Mar 14, 2017
So we should just let the over-70s die then?
If you are over 70 with a preexisting condition, lay low, wash your hands, don’t touch your face, don’t make contact with others, social distance... and whatever you do get the hell out of the nursing home because they’ve been sending COVID+ there! If you want to take the vaccine when it becomes available, I’m assuming they are taking the flu vaccine now, then do so. If you are not under the care of a physician that’s a problem as well.


Mar 14, 2017
The elites think you’re gross. They’ve deemed you a biohazard. They’d be pleased if you sanitize yourself to death.

“Woe unto you, scribes and Pharisees, hypocrites! for ye make clean the outside of the cup and of the platter, but within they are full of extortion and excess.”


Jan 5, 2020
If you are over 70 with a preexisting condition, lay low, wash your hands, don’t touch your face, don’t make contact with others, social distance... and whatever you do get the hell out of the nursing home because they’ve been sending COVID+ there! If you want to take the vaccine when it becomes available, I’m assuming they are taking the flu vaccine now, then do so. If you are not under the care of a physician that’s a problem as well.
Thanks, I’m not over 70.
My parents are though, and I’m really not too happy about handing them a life sentence because they are. Both of them spent their entire working lives working in the heath service. They are both active members of their community who still have much to offer. Until my mum broke her hip last week, they’ve been completely active and self-sufficient, despite her having some pre-existing medical conditions.
As it happens, they’re in better health than I am and helped my husband care for me, after an almost catastrophic illness, last year.


Jan 5, 2020
Those are great arguments for people to wear masks. Now with that information it should be left up to individual discretion and not mandated. A technocratic and scientistic ruling elite mandating the same remedy for all people and all situations is a sign of the future. That is the only principle I’m debating not the efficacy of masks.

Have you read Jonas Salk "the Survival of the Wisest"? Its the machinations of a psychopathic maniac, talking about using rna viruses to mutate man through injections (someone call sherlock holmes and ask what he thinks) and about how the scientific class needs to rule humanity and take charge of depopulation and eugenics. This is the words of the so called father of innoculations, and theres a lot more craziness there, that's just to put it in two sentences.

people literally dying of natural causes is not worth sacrificing the rights and freedoms of the entire world. If you accept that it is, there will be no end to how far that is pushed. I don't believe anyone that says these two things are related or correspondent. Same with the airports before, you can search my bag and scan my body 1 million times, it wont stop terrorism. You giving up your rights does not correspond to keeping people safe or alive, and we shouldnt try to mix these two concepts.
If you’re going to quote me, please try to keep it in context. My response was related to the poster’s remark about why should we try to contain a disease that affects those, who are primarily over 70 years old.
Are their lives any less valuable due to their age? That was one implication of the question asked and I was seeking clarification.
My country’s government has not yet called for us to wear masks. If they did, I wouldn’t have a problem with it. I don’t really see wearing a mask for a short period of time, to offer protection to another individual/s, as suppression of my rights. I’m an ex-nurse and I have on many occasions been required to wear a mask to protect either myself or someone else, even when the clinical evidence for doing so has not been conclusive.
Life requires us all at one time or another, to give a little and take a little.
I suffered a very sudden and almost fatal illness last year. It has changed my life unrecognisably. Without wanting to sound sanctimonious, it refocuses your mind a little. On at least 3 occasions over the space of a few days, I almost lost my life. I value those dear to me and I understand that others value those dear to them. As a nurse and a parent, I’ve had the privilege to be present when a new life arrives into the world. As a nurse and an individual, I’ve been privileged to be there when life leaves a person. Now, I’ve also had the fear and loneliness of having faced leaving those dearest to me behind. It wasn’t a pleasant experience for them, or for me.
Undoubtedly, I’m not the only person here, who has faced that situation. It will have had a different impact on those who have experienced it.
I live in the knowledge that the catastrophe that almost cost me my life, could strike again at any time. I’m very lucky that a team of neurosurgeons and neuroradiologists were able to take steps to protect me and minimise the risk of it happening again. They have put in place a programme of screening to detect any problems, as soon as they arise. I’m very thankful for that. I don’t have a God-given right to that protection but I live in a country with free health care and some of the top neurosurgeons in the world. I’m blessed. People just 20 or 30 years ago (or in other less developed countries now) didn’t have the same chance of survival as me. Even now, 60% of people with my condition, won’t make it to hospital - 50% of those who do will die in the first 20 days. Yet, here I am, typing this now.
Excuse me, if my right to not wear a face mask isn’t a pressing priority. If I am required to wear one, it is a small price to pay for keeping others safe - even if the clinical evidence for doing so isn’t proven. If doing so, protects just one person, then it’s worth it.
If any of that makes me weak, so be it. I have bigger battles and bigger demons to fight daily, than whether or not I should wear a face mask. I don’t know about your life but mine has always involved balancing my moral responsibilities to other people, against my needs and rights as an individual. When I was a nurse and I needed to eat some lunch, but a patient in pain needed medication, did I go and eat lunch as was my legal right, or did I get them their medication and forego lunch? When my child had a bad dream and wanted to come into my bed at night, did I send her away knowing that if I let her in I wasn’t going to sleep or did I bring her in beside me? If my government asks me to wear a mask outdoors because doing so might protect other individuals, do I refuse to do so because I consider it as a breach of my rights or do I consider the safety of others?
If not giving a thought to my rights when others require protection, makes me a weak person, then so be it. Wearing a mask won’t harm me but not wearing it might harm others.
If you’re afraid that by giving into your government once, risks them taking more and more from you the next time, so be it. You’re entitled to believe that.Sometimes however, you have to pick your battles and only you can decide when it’s the right time to do so. You have to live with your decision and thanks for your concern, but I have to live with mine.


Aug 19, 2019
Unfortunately the hysteria is so hard these times that if you don't subscribe to EVERY VC standpoint it makes you a "sheep" (see this thread's 2nd post answer) SMH. What about not being a sheep blindly eating up anything VC pulls out instead?:rolleyes:
People are acting like asking people to OCCASIONALLY wear a mask on SOME PUBLIC space is ~oppression~ (which is utterly ironic considering how critical this website is of snowflakes lol), gonna transform us all into Muslims (while masks don't even cover the hair...SMH), kill us all, that COVID in an hoax, bringing up race for no damn reason, and all kind of crazy stuff. It's sad to witness how cultish this website is starting to become...
I mean people be dead*ss bitching against people saying they have to wear a mask to go to work and that it's unfair to deem anyone wearing a mask as a "sheep", saying they're "compliant" to the NWO system ... The entitlement is incredible....I really wonder if they'd have the audacity to tell that to the food worker that kept working during the quarantine (with a mask on) and basically kept providing for them to still have food on their plate they better pull off their mask (and loose their job) to suck it up the the big bad oppressing mask-erade...:rolleyes: Let's see if that "huh working ain't that important" entitlement remain intact when the fridge is empty.... lol

Even the mildest comments agreeing that there was indeed something fishy with this whole COVID thingie while being critical of the overall lack of nuance of the article ("the mask is bad") were downvoted to oblivion. People on this website love arguing they're all about using critical thinking but actually they're more than willing to eat up anything that fits their "everything is a conspiracy" narrative....
In the comment section there are several professional medical saying the mask, while indeed not fitted for an ongoing usage (causing breathing issues - which however is NOT an actual recommended policyt against the COVID so this whole narrative is very strawman'y), were still useful. Yet people are like "hmmm actually that ONE (1) professional in the comment agree with VC so your point is debatable". I personally think ALL those comments by professionals with diverging pov brought up interesting points, so I really don't get some commenters' entitlement to downplay the legitimacy of some based on their own bias. People on this website don't seem able to stand moderate stances anymore, only what goes along their belief is accepted as right and valid - any contradictory opinion is dismissed (the stale "sheep" narrative) and aggressively rebuked. This mob mentality is very disgraceful and pathetic, especially coming from an alleged "disinfo critical" community.
It's also VERY suspicious to witness how some comments critical of the article (with some VERY good points) miraculously disappeared.... Some good questions were brought up such as WHY Asians countries that adopted the all mask policies had much more compelling results in the fight against the virus. No responses, just downvotes....

I wouldn't be surprised if there's actual hidden agenda aiming to use people's own paranoia against themselves to make them willingly endorse an irrational anti-mask/barrier gesture stance and make them even more vulnerable to upcoming virus outbreak LOL Let's see who the useful idiots actually are...
May 18, 2018
If you’re going to quote me, please try to keep it in context. My response was related to the poster’s remark about why should we try to contain a disease that affects those, who are primarily over 70 years old.
Are their lives any less valuable due to their age? That was one implication of the question asked and I was seeking clarification.
My country’s government has not yet called for us to wear masks. If they did, I wouldn’t have a problem with it. I don’t really see wearing a mask for a short period of time, to offer protection to another individual/s, as suppression of my rights. I’m an ex-nurse and I have on many occasions been required to wear a mask to protect either myself or someone else, even when the clinical evidence for doing so has not been conclusive.
Life requires us all at one time or another, to give a little and take a little.
I suffered a very sudden and almost fatal illness last year. It has changed my life unrecognisably. Without wanting to sound sanctimonious, it refocuses your mind a little. On at least 3 occasions over the space of a few days, I almost lost my life. I value those dear to me and I understand that others value those dear to them. As a nurse and a parent, I’ve had the privilege to be present when a new life arrives into the world. As a nurse and an individual, I’ve been privileged to be there when life leaves a person. Now, I’ve also had the fear and loneliness of having faced leaving those dearest to me behind. It wasn’t a pleasant experience for them, or for me.
Undoubtedly, I’m not the only person here, who has faced that situation. It will have had a different impact on those who have experienced it.
I live in the knowledge that the catastrophe that almost cost me my life, could strike again at any time. I’m very lucky that a team of neurosurgeons and neuroradiologists were able to take steps to protect me and minimise the risk of it happening again. They have put in place a programme of screening to detect any problems, as soon as they arise. I’m very thankful for that. I don’t have a God-given right to that protection but I live in a country with free health care and some of the top neurosurgeons in the world. I’m blessed. People just 20 or 30 years ago (or in other less developed countries now) didn’t have the same chance of survival as me. Even now, 60% of people with my condition, won’t make it to hospital - 50% of those who do will die in the first 20 days. Yet, here I am, typing this now.
Excuse me, if my right to not wear a face mask isn’t a pressing priority. If I am required to wear one, it is a small price to pay for keeping others safe - even if the clinical evidence for doing so isn’t proven. If doing so, protects just one person, then it’s worth it.
If any of that makes me weak, so be it. I have bigger battles and bigger demons to fight daily, than whether or not I should wear a face mask. I don’t know about your life but mine has always involved balancing my moral responsibilities to other people, against my needs and rights as an individual. When I was a nurse and I needed to eat some lunch, but a patient in pain needed medication, did I go and eat lunch as was my legal right, or did I get them their medication and forego lunch? When my child had a bad dream and wanted to come into my bed at night, did I send her away knowing that if I let her in I wasn’t going to sleep or did I bring her in beside me? If my government asks me to wear a mask outdoors because doing so might protect other individuals, do I refuse to do so because I consider it as a breach of my rights or do I consider the safety of others?
If not giving a thought to my rights when others require protection, makes me a weak person, then so be it. Wearing a mask won’t harm me but not wearing it might harm others.
If you’re afraid that by giving into your government once, risks them taking more and more from you the next time, so be it. You’re entitled to believe that.Sometimes however, you have to pick your battles and only you can decide when it’s the right time to do so. You have to live with your decision and thanks for your concern, but I have to live with mine.
Hello, no, every life is valuable no matter the age. As another poster said it would be better for health compromised individuals to be self quarantined than the entire world and it is better for all medical decisions to be made by individual discretion. If your discretion leads you to wear a mask nobody faults you, but don’t make medical decisions for others.

Again, this conversation is the basis for the one we’re going to have about vaccines in 8 months. The same arguments being given for mask wearing are what I’m going to hear for vaccines. “You don’t want to do this totally harmlesss thing to save 8 billion lives? You monster Gill Bates and all the elites who constantly write about the need for depopulation are trying to save everyone“ That is the greater context of the situation which is what I am addressing rather than the context of your post. Posts here are for a general audience and not directed at specific people like a private conversation would be


Mar 16, 2017
Hello, no, every life is valuable no matter the age. As another poster said it would be better for health compromised individuals to be self quarantined than the entire world and it is better for all medical decisions to be made by individual discretion. If your discretion leads you to wear a mask nobody faults you, but don’t make medical decisions for others.

Again, this conversation is the basis for the one we’re going to have about vaccines in 8 months. The same arguments being given for mask wearing are what I’m going to hear for vaccines. “You don’t want to do this totally harmlesss thing to save 8 billion lives? You monster Gill Bates and all the elites who constantly write about the need for depopulation are trying to save everyone“ That is the greater context of the situation which is what I am addressing rather than the context of your post. Posts here are for a general audience and not directed at specific people like a private conversation would be
That’s a false equivalence and you know it. There is a vast difference between wearing a mask for limited amounts of time in public spaces which has no risk of harm and being vaccinated with an unproven vaccine that can’t possibly have safety and long term risk profiles because it is being rushed. Huge vast difference. I will wear a mask, over my dead body am I getting a vaccine.

if we all wear the damn masks we take away their power to force vaccinate or shut down, the “need” for either will no longer exist.
May 18, 2018
That’s a false equivalence and you know it. There is a vast difference between wearing a mask for limited amounts of time in public spaces which has no risk of harm and being vaccinated with an unproven vaccine that can’t possibly have safety and long term risk profiles because it is being rushed. Huge vast difference. I will wear a mask, over my dead body am I getting a vaccine.

if we all wear the damn masks we take away their power to force vaccinate or shut down, the “need” for either will no longer exist.
No it’s not. Vaccines arent supposed to be harmful. Believing that they are is equivalent to some of the most taboo modern beliefs you can hold, being against all holy Science, and putting the lives of everyone else at risk. They are perfectly equivalent in the eyes of modern opinion.


Mar 16, 2017
No it’s not. Vaccines arent supposed to be harmful. Believing that they are is equivalent to some of the most taboo modern beliefs you can hold, being against all holy Science, and putting the lives of everyone else at risk. They are perfectly equivalent in the eyes of modern opinion.
There is plenty of research showing long term harm from vaccines. This is common knowledge and the medical profession even admits it as they do not claim there is no risk of harm nor do they deny side effects.

There is no research indicating long term harm from wearing masks. None. There is some showing short term negative experiences which resolve themselves upon removing the mask and some discourse in the literature about finding a way to reduce these “side effects” to increase wearers willingness to comply with wearing masks (this is prior to covid and in the context of occupational research).

They are not the same. It is fear mongering to make you believe they are the same and that one leads to the other and I have to question the motives of people promoting this line of thinking when it seems very likely that wearing masks would eliminate the need for a vaccine and shut downs altogether. So if this is the case and people are still agitating in the other way... why? What do they gain from it? How do you not question whether they are being paid to do so in order that shut downs and vaccines become more attractive and therefore more likely to happen to a population shell shocked from loss and desperate for something that will work and convinced the simple Least invasive option is ineffective or actually harmful?

There are provocateurs on all sides of issues, this has been constant throughout all of history. Why would it be any different now?


Jan 5, 2020
A talking head "expert" said on TV yesterday "Don't worry about picking up anything from fellow passengers on airliners, because airliners have air circulators and filters that keep the air fresh and germ-free"
I don't know who he was but I wouldn't be surprised if he was a lackey connected to the Airline Industry and wants us all to keep paying our money to book overseas holidays.
After all, the virus quickly spread from China all across the world and airliners are surely the chief culprit..

Well actually, I was watching a regional television programme recently, where I live, where an eminent virologist had studied some preliminary figures on Covid-19 and he explained that in actual fact the transmission on board an aircraft was to his surprise, much less a factor than he had anticipated it to be. He emphasised that the risk of transmission was greater in the airport and onwards journeys by other forms of transport.
He obviously didn’t go into any more detail than that, as they were only preliminary results. He also stressed that he would still be reluctant himself to travel on an airplane.


Mar 16, 2017
Well actually, I was watching a regional television programme recently, where I live, where an eminent virologist had studied some preliminary figures on Covid-19 and he explained that in actual fact the transmission on board an aircraft was to his surprise, much less a factor than he had anticipated it to be. He emphasised that the risk of transmission was greater in the airport and onwards journeys by other forms of transport.
He obviously didn’t go into any more detail than that, as they were only preliminary results. He also stressed that he would still be reluctant himself to travel on an airplane.
There are air filtration and sanitization devices that you can put on an ac system which will kill most germs in the air on contact. They create sterile environments. Idk if that’s what’s going on with airplanes but it’s a possibility. Because they are sealed systems they have to have air filtration systems otherwise it would be bad even without illnesses


Jan 5, 2020
There is plenty of research showing long term harm from vaccines. This is common knowledge and the medical profession even admits it as they do not claim there is no risk of harm nor do they deny side effects.

There is no research indicating long term harm from wearing masks. None. There is some showing short term negative experiences which resolve themselves upon removing the mask and some discourse in the literature about finding a way to reduce these “side effects” to increase wearers willingness to comply with wearing masks (this is prior to covid and in the context of occupational research).

They are not the same. It is fear mongering to make you believe they are the same and that one leads to the other and I have to question the motives of people promoting this line of thinking when it seems very likely that wearing masks would eliminate the need for a vaccine and shut downs altogether. So if this is the case and people are still agitating in the other way... why? What do they gain from it? How do you not question whether they are being paid to do so in order that shut downs and vaccines become more attractive and therefore more likely to happen to a population shell shocked from loss and desperate for something that will work and convinced the simple Least invasive option is ineffective or actually harmful?

There are provocateurs on all sides of issues, this has been constant throughout all of history. Why would it be any different now?
I don’t think the wearing of masks will ever eliminate the need for vaccines. Not all viruses are transmitted in the same way.
I mean, a mask will do little to protect someone from Hepatitis B, for example.
However, if there is some evidence to suggest it helps reduce transmission of Covid-19, it seems ludicrous to ignore that.
Then again, I’m pro-vaccine, so no one is likely to respect my opinion.


Mar 14, 2017
My dad is 80 and on dialysis. What on earth is your point???
Thanks, I’m not over 70.
My parents are though, and I’m really not too happy about handing them a life sentence because they are. Both of them spent their entire working lives working in the heath service. They are both active members of their community who still have much to offer. Until my mum broke her hip last week, they’ve been completely active and self-sufficient, despite her having some pre-existing medical conditions.
As it happens, they’re in better health than I am and helped my husband care for me, after an almost catastrophic illness, last year.


Mar 14, 2017
I’m sensing a selfish, misery loves company (that is so prevalent in today’s liberal) mindset. No matter if we agree about the corrupt uniparty elite, I won’t control you but don’t try and control me. YOU take care of your family cause the government wants them dead, don’t worry what I do. If you think the CDC cares about any of us you’re not paying attention. You think it’s an accident they want every case flashed across the screen and Hollywood is all on board.
Look up manufactured consent. This is what this is, don’t doubt it.


Mar 14, 2017
lol selfish? You’re willing to sacrifice people’s lives cuz you don’t wanna wear a mask or distance from others.
How am I doing that? There’s no other consequences ? Are there? What are the other consequences and then we can talk about who is selfish. You can’t play God with an overblown lie. I will wear a mask around somebody who is vulnerable, i don’t ever get in anyone’s space. Ever.


Mar 14, 2017
I’m off this thread. Bunch of virtue signaling losers. Have fun with your manufactured consent. You deserve the fascist commie world you’re gonna get.
Last edited:
May 18, 2018
There is plenty of research showing long term harm from vaccines. This is common knowledge and the medical profession even admits it as they do not claim there is no risk of harm nor do they deny side effects.

There is no research indicating long term harm from wearing masks. None. There is some showing short term negative experiences which resolve themselves upon removing the mask and some discourse in the literature about finding a way to reduce these “side effects” to increase wearers willingness to comply with wearing masks (this is prior to covid and in the context of occupational research).

They are not the same. It is fear mongering to make you believe they are the same and that one leads to the other and I have to question the motives of people promoting this line of thinking when it seems very likely that wearing masks would eliminate the need for a vaccine and shut downs altogether. So if this is the case and people are still agitating in the other way... why? What do they gain from it? How do you not question whether they are being paid to do so in order that shut downs and vaccines become more attractive and therefore more likely to happen to a population shell shocked from loss and desperate for something that will work and convinced the simple Least invasive option is ineffective or actually harmful?

There are provocateurs on all sides of issues, this has been constant throughout all of history. Why would it be any different now?
If healthcare practitioners think vaccines are harmful why are newborn babies given 70 of them? Why did npr run a two month campaign 2 summers ago shaming parents who chose not to vaccinate every day? there Is a label with loaded social stigma if you think otherwise - “antivaxxer”. So theres no difference between wearing a harmless mask and getting a harmless vaccine, they are completely equivalent.