

May 15, 2017
it's extremely sad Daze and We are gonna See
so many Children who were just confused Children
that will become adults regretting the decisions they
made in that confusion that are in pain and suffering
the rest of their lives

this is what should be being shared with Children right now
that are thinking of tging but tptb cannot allow that as it would
cause to many to not tg at all


Nov 23, 2021
I hate liars and people that harm people
specially children
I am sure a lot of that stems from my own history of abuse
I believe a lot of children now a days especially are being abused by their parents gender assuming for their children and pushing an agenda
that imho should be spoke about at a lot older of an age
so the child has time to figure out what they truly want to be for themselves and can better understand what all the transition will hold for their lives
Exactly, young children are just figuring out life, their environments, their relationships with their parents, who they are and how their personalities are developing on top of learning how to count, read and write. Why do they need a curve ball thrown in about their gender when it's very clear and simple.

Childhood itself is its own transitioning but this is about manipulation, get em while they're young so they can't develop strategies to think for themselves. If you don't have parents or caring adults around to help "guide/protect" you then you are open for all kinds of attacks. Because that is one of the parental duties. And in a world where they've made it so expensive to live in, in order to be able to afford a life both parents have to work at the cost of the child's security.

The way I see transgenders is that they have an emotional void that cannot be filled with the insecurity they already have. They haven't accepted themselves for who they are or the way they were born, then they go on to expect everyone else to accept them as they the person they choose to be. No one is born and loves everything about themselves whether it's their gender or even their parents/families but the mature reasonse is growing to accept what we can't change.

The thing I strongly disagree with transgenders is the deception they present. Not only are they deceiving themselves but they force the rest of us into their lie. Especially those who trick heterosexuals into relationships where they weren't open and honest for the partner to truely consent.

The other thing is MTF trans making women question themselves about their feminine qualities. The celebs who are genetically male but pose as females are the worse. Males have less body fat hence no cellulite. So when they have pictures in bikinis and women look at their image feeling crap about their bodies, developing insecurities, that's what ticks me off.

Then it's the I've just (faked) having a baby and a week later lost all the "pregnancy" fat and looking slim like before. Yes well they never had a baby to begin with lol

Notice the celebs who have babies via surrogacies, adoptions, those who hide their bumps or those with fake bumps!

If you want to be a trans why not just be open about it, why must we accept the fakeness too.


May 15, 2017
I don't think it's just a void, think some are
confused but are getting support from family/
friends society in general so feel pressured or
enjoy the attention they're receiving while they
are going through this life altering phase

when Your young being accepted is a big part of it
specially for Children now a I always say to
mine that it doesn't matter who Ya are even the hardest
of Peoples wanna be Loved

I don't care a bit about an actual adults deciding these decisions
but Children shouldn't be making decisions on anything with the
kind of life long ramifications this has,specially when adults cannot
answer the question of basic genders but want Children to transition
as they understand what gender they wanna be even though no one
Knows how to define these so called genders anymore

far as Peoples hiding it I understand why one would want to
however if Your getting into serious relationships I do believe
Ya should disclose it as it has to be built on a foundation of Trust
or it won't work

why do they hide it in msm to twist what We See as the biological
form of the genders so We do not See that bone structure anymore


Jun 17, 2017
Lady Gaga Has A Schlong. How's It Hangin' Dude?

" @free2018 ...cleanup in aisle 4..."


Sep 8, 2018
Lady Gaga Has A Schlong. How's It Hangin' Dude?

" @free2018 ...cleanup in aisle 4..."
Yeah, Lady Gay is the first one I noticed myself. I knew right away. That was years ago. I knew they were a man, but I couldn’t tell anyone else because everyone loved “her”.


Nov 23, 2021
Jessica Alba daughter looks a boy in drag to me :

The length of that arm alone is suspect! They say she's inverted so why not her kids?

Before I used to think it's mean pointing out why some women look masculine especially coming from other women, but now not spending so much time watching TV programs, films and social media I can totally see it for what it is and not with the veil of deception they try to put on us.

The only thing I wonder is, when they have kids whose eggs/sperm are they using?


May 15, 2017
eggs/sperm is easy enough to get Behumble
I'm sure they get a catalogue of options/Peoples
to choose from and to use to carry the Child for

once the veil gets lifted it's easier to See the deceptions
in all facets of Our societies and it's easy to See
that a lot of Peoples in the msm's We get fed and
is heavily promoted to Us are Tg'ed

I think specially now with how its like an untouchable
Peoples to even question that it's to hide those structural
difference so that eventually these younger generations
won't even think of them or Know of them

I used to feel bad when I first started investigations
on this subject than I remembered who I was doing
the investigation on and that they're part of a club
that do horrific things to Children including their own
so I no longer feel bad


Apr 19, 2022
Tango & Cash
Kiki -
Craft 201 - 2 WTC in One WTC - Rebis 43
Craft Men+Women in Transgender

There's a scene in the movie where Kurt Russell half-naked grabs a pizza and then checks his desk "who touched my gun?"


Jun 26, 2022
she's an italian showgirl, famous for dating George Clooney for a while, now she live in the Usa, never realize she looks masculine til now :



Jun 26, 2022
even if i always support and i'm a fan of her, i really think she's a secret mtf:



Nov 23, 2021
she's an italian showgirl, famous for dating George Clooney for a while, now she live in the Usa, never realize she looks masculine til now :

Yeah seeing with fresh eyes are really an opener. Gosh like when I saw Melinda gates for the first time...

Rumour has it he GC is bent as a roundabout so it's plausible that his ex and his current are secretly mtf.


Jun 26, 2022
Yeah seeing with fresh eyes are really an opener. Gosh like when I saw Melinda gates for the first time...

Rumour has it he GC is bent as a roundabout so it's plausible that his ex and his current are secretly mtf.
so Clooney may be gay or gender reversed too