I hate liars and people that harm people
specially children
I am sure a lot of that stems from my own history of abuse
I believe a lot of children now a days especially are being abused by their parents gender assuming for their children and pushing an agenda
that imho should be spoke about at a lot older of an age
so the child has time to figure out what they truly want to be for themselves and can better understand what all the transition will hold for their lives
Exactly, young children are just figuring out life, their environments, their relationships with their parents, who they are and how their personalities are developing on top of learning how to count, read and write. Why do they need a curve ball thrown in about their gender when it's very clear and simple.
Childhood itself is its own transitioning but this is about manipulation, get em while they're young so they can't develop strategies to think for themselves. If you don't have parents or caring adults around to help "guide/protect" you then you are open for all kinds of attacks. Because that is one of the parental duties. And in a world where they've made it so expensive to live in, in order to be able to afford a life both parents have to work at the cost of the child's security.
The way I see transgenders is that they have an emotional void that cannot be filled with the insecurity they already have. They haven't accepted themselves for who they are or the way they were born, then they go on to expect everyone else to accept them as they the person they choose to be. No one is born and loves everything about themselves whether it's their gender or even their parents/families but the mature reasonse is growing to accept what we can't change.
The thing I strongly disagree with transgenders is the deception they present. Not only are they deceiving themselves but they force the rest of us into their lie. Especially those who trick heterosexuals into relationships where they weren't open and honest for the partner to truely consent.
The other thing is MTF trans making women question themselves about their feminine qualities. The celebs who are genetically male but pose as females are the worse. Males have less body fat hence no cellulite. So when they have pictures in bikinis and women look at their image feeling crap about their bodies, developing insecurities, that's what ticks me off.
Then it's the I've just (faked) having a baby and a week later lost all the "pregnancy" fat and looking slim like before. Yes well they never had a baby to begin with lol
Notice the celebs who have babies via surrogacies, adoptions, those who hide their bumps or those with fake bumps!
If you want to be a trans why not just be open about it, why must we accept the fakeness too.