The Democratic Primaries


Aug 18, 2017
Buttigieg apparently dropping out to help Biden get over 15% thresholds to get delegates on super Tuesday.

yeah something is up! my first thought was biden made deal w him for VP - but will announce after super tues?? makes no sense w all the early voting that pete wouldn't wait till tues night ..... they are trying to beat bernie and it may work - who's next - warren and bern will pick her as his vp pick?

don't forget cruz announced carly in the spring as vp pick to try to beat T.....


Aug 18, 2017
yeah something is up! my first thought was biden made deal w him for VP - but will announce after super tues?? makes no sense w all the early voting that pete wouldn't wait till tues night ..... they are trying to beat bernie and it may work - who's next - warren and bern will pick her as his vp pick?

don't forget cruz announced carly in the spring as vp pick to try to beat T.....


Mar 13, 2017
Except way more people actually like Bernie..
I don’t think he has enough support to get a majority of delegates, and the less the vote is split amongst other candidates, the more likely it is that it will coalesce behind someone who’s not Bernie.

I really don’t care who gets the nomination, but the DNC seems to think a Sanders candidacy would lose to Trump in a landslide. All their efforts are going to be behind Biden now, and Pete and Amy are clearing the way for their supporters to consolidate with those efforts.


Mar 16, 2017
I don’t think he has enough support to get a majority of delegates, and the less the vote is split amongst other candidates, the more likely it is that it will coalesce behind someone who’s not Bernie.

I really don’t care who gets the nomination, but the DNC seems to think a Sanders candidacy would lose to Trump in a landslide. All their efforts are going to be behind Biden now, and Pete and Amy are clearing the way for their supporters to consolidate with those efforts.
It’s not because they think he’ll lose. It’s cuz they are scared he’ll win
Apr 12, 2017
I don’t think he has enough support to get a majority of delegates, and the less the vote is split amongst other candidates, the more likely it is that it will coalesce behind someone who’s not Bernie.
this is why Buttigieg is strategically (but seemingly illogically) dropping out just before super tuesday, just as the little rat was likely paid to do.

I really don’t care who gets the nomination, but the DNC seems to think a Sanders candidacy would lose to Trump in a landslide.
LOL no. The truth is that the DNC would much rather have 4 more years of Trump than to lose their control of the party to a Sanders nomination.
Feb 22, 2020
With two dropping BEFORE Super Tuesday the fix or attempted fix is in for Biden.

It might be 3. Supposedly Kloubuchar is dropping out and will endorse Biden.

Governor of California has endorsed Biden. The fix is in.

Elizabeth Warren has shown herself to be the snake that she is. If she is so "progressive" she would drop out and endorse Bernie. Her numbers are way below Buttigieg but she still sees fit to stay in the race.

This may not be a popular opinion but I hope people are also beginning to see Tulsi Gabbard for the self serving snake that she also is. Why is she still in the race with ZERO delgates ? Why not drop out and also endorse Bernie ?

As loathsome as Hillary Clinton is, I think she was telling the truth when she called Tulsi a "Russian asset" Tulsi seems to be doing everything in her power to make sure Trump is re-elected. I wouldn't be surprised if she ended up in Trump's cabinet or his re-election team somewhere.
Apr 12, 2017
Ironically Trump himself is an important factor in maintaining the DNC power structure. Hopefully more people will wake up to this before November. The DNC uses peoples' fear of Trump as a tool in their arsenal... in the exact same manner that the GOP uses peoples' fear of Muslims, LGBT+, immigration, etc.


Mar 16, 2017
A lot of warren supporters will go to Biden, not Bernie. I’m sure she knows this.


Mar 13, 2017
The DNC uses peoples' fear of Trump as a tool in their arsenal... in the exact same manner that the GOP uses peoples' fear of Muslims, LGBT+, immigration, etc.
Two things I’ll point out.

There is no anti-LGBT agenda on Trump’s part. He has appointed five openly gay ambassadors — one of whom, Richard Grenell, he appointed to be the first openly gay member of a presidential cabinet. Trump has also been promoting a global initiative to decriminalize homosexuality, something Obama must have forgotten to do.

Secondly, Democratic voters have rejected all the women, all the people of colour, and the only openly gay man to ever run for the Democratic nomination, in favour of two old, white, straight men. It’s going to get harder and harder for them to accuse Republicans of being the party of racism, sexism and homophobia, when they keep rejecting anyone who isn’t a white straight male.
Feb 22, 2020
Two things I’ll point out.

There is no anti-LGBT agenda on Trump’s part. He has appointed five openly gay ambassadors — one of whom, Richard Grenell, he appointed to be the first openly gay member of a presidential cabinet. Trump has also been promoting a global initiative to decriminalize homosexuality, something Obama must have forgotten to do.

Secondly, Democratic voters have rejected all the women, all the people of colour, and the only openly gay man to ever run for the Democratic nomination, in favour of two old, white, straight men. It’s going to get harder and harder for them to accuse Republicans of being the party of racism, sexism and homophobia, when they keep rejecting anyone who isn’t a white straight male.
There's a reason why these 2 old white men are the final candidates.

1. Sanders has the best message and agenda BY FAR.

2. Biden is just living off Obama's "legacy" of being the first black president.

If black Kamala Harris

Or female Amy Kloubuchar or gay mayor Pete had the history of fighting for things Sanders has fought for and had not been the corporate sellouts they are, they would be in Bernies position today.

These people all fell not because they were black, female, or gay, but because their message and agenda SUCKS.

Trump is still a racist clown.


Mar 16, 2017
The nominee doesn’t automatically gain control of the DNC.
The DNC doesn’t want radical change. They want more of the status quo with some small pebbles thrown to the base to keep them quiet. They most definately don’t want sanders winning and taxing the hell out of them. Sanders is a major problem for them, his following even more so.

@vancityeagle if warren drops out more of her followers will vote for Biden (doesn’t even make sense, I know, but still true) then will flock to sanders. So I’m not sure this is an issue of her being a “snake” or her “ego” - her lane is kinda unique here and I personally am not sure it is in the progressive wings interest for her to drop out before Tuesday and potentially throw even more votes to the neoliberals now that they are mostly consolidated behind Biden.

I said this earlier in the thread but my husbands aunt was here this weekend and she received a call from her super liberal wealthy relatives in California who so far have been for warren - telling her warren has no shot, vote for Biden. This woman has literally no political bone in her body and when I asked her why they’d tell her Biden and not sanders she said because sanders is a communist. I had to give her a beginners lesson in communism and walk her through what she is currently paying for health insurance vs what she would pay etc.. so my fear and feeling is there are a lot of people like those California relatives out there who are okay with some progressive stuff but were more comfortable with warrens pronounced capitalistic take on it and are scared of the word “socialism” no matter how it’s used and will default to Biden or Bloomberg as compromises.

I personally voted for sanders in 2016 and warren running as well conflicted me because I love them birth but I feel overall she’s better for the job.. and I wanted her to run in 2016 before sanders announced and instead of Hilary. I will vote for sanders because I’m truly a progressive and he’d be a great president. But most warren supporters are dipping their toes in progressivism, so it plays out different for them.