the beginning of the end of free speech?


May 15, 2017
posting this here as it has to do with free speech
what will Peoples use now that ticktock is doing this
means there will be all that much more censorship



Jun 17, 2017
posting this here as it has to do with free speech
what will Peoples use now that ticktock is doing this
means there will be all that much more censorship

run by chinese communists; of course theyll put out propaganda. i guess this is the preliminary setup for the next pandemic. FB and YT probably have this in place already, but truthers always find a way around to get the message out for those who want to listen. truth can never be stifled!


May 15, 2017
I don't Know how much more tptb have to tell Us
what they've done and plan to do,before We say nope by the masses

they just admitted they controlled all the facts,that they wanted Us to
be socially engineered with,Ya Know propaganda

this is the infancy stage of the truth ministry
where they control all We See,Hear and Know,even more so than right now
where everything posted,uploaded,downloaded will need Ya to use Your
digital number and it will have to be approved



Nov 8, 2022
August 8, 2024

Putin signed a law on de-anonymization of bloggers

Putin signed a law on the provision of information by bloggers to Roskomnadzor

Russian President Vladimir Putin signed a law on the de-anonymization of owners of Telegram channels and pages on social networks with more than 10 thousand subscribers. The corresponding document appeared on the website of the official publication of legal acts.

From November 1, 2024, owners of pages on social networks and messengers with more than 10 thousand subscribers will be required to report information about themselves to Roskomnadzor. The composition of the information provided will be established by the Russian government.

August 28, 2024

The TASS Director General said that public opinion does not need anonymity

According to Andrey Kondrashov, freedom lies in the fact that the user must know who writes a particular text on the network

MOSCOW, August 28, 2024. /TASS/. Public opinion does not need anonymity, unlike those who spread fakes and destructive. This opinion was expressed by TASS Director General Andrei Kondrashov in an interview with Rossiyskaya Gazeta.

"Public opinion, if it does not push people to terrorism, to something destructive like ethnic and religious hatred, does not need anonymity. Unlike scoundrels and those [people] who push fakes. Therefore, the more open everything is, the better," he said, answering a question about the opportunities that anonymity on the Internet provides.

According to Kondrashov, freedom lies in the fact that the user must know who writes a particular text on the network. "His freedom is to be hidden, and mine is to know. Therefore, it is still necessary to figure out whose freedom is being defended today, because I, as a citizen, want to be free from fakes. And as professionals, we are fighting them. We even have a whole section "Checked by TASS", when we check not only isolated fakes, but also common misconceptions," he added.

In particular, earlier the agency released a large material on whether the 5G network is harmful or not harmful to health, and TASS has also repeatedly checked rumors related to mobilization. "By the way, we constantly check them and refer to the most reliable primary sources. With their help, we just refute some things from which social tension arises in our society," Kondrashov explained.

Have you read the TASS news that bloggers will now have to cite reliable sources? Does this oblige?

Andrei Kondrashov: Of course. In fact, the idea of de-anonymization is also very good and correct.

Kondrashov against the background of a portrait of Putin

According to Kondrashov, freedom lies in the fact that the user must know who writes a particular text on the network. "His freedom is to be hidden, and mine is to know. Therefore, it is still necessary to figure out whose freedom is being defended today, because I, as a citizen, want to be free from fakes. And as professionals, we are fighting them. We even have a whole section "Checked by TASS", when we check not only isolated fakes, but also common misconceptions," he added.

In particular, earlier the agency released a large material on whether the 5G network is harmful or not harmful to health, and TASS has also repeatedly checked rumors related to mobilization. "By the way, we constantly check them and refer to the most reliable primary sources. With their help, we just refute some things from which social tension arises in our society," Kondrashov explained.

August 23 2023

Are 5G networks harmful to health?

Since the advent of 5G technology, panic rumors have flared up around it every now and then, saying that 5G towers spread almost radioactive radiation and are dangerous to people, animals and the environment

They claim that...
… the fifth generation of mobile networks, 5G, threatens people's health.

And what is the reality?
Information about the potential harm of 5G networks has been spreading on the Internet for several years and has already been repeatedly denied by the Russian competent authorities.

In turn, the World Health Organization (WHO) noted in 2020 that numerous studies have not revealed the negative impact of wireless technologies on human health.
"Radiation from 5G towers does not harm health, which everyone is trying to write about," Alexander Bakhtin, head of the Department of Telecommunication Systems at MIET, head of the Distributed Digital Sensor Systems Research and Education Center of the Sensorika NTI Competence Center, told TASS.
According to Alexander Bakhtin, 5G is a natural development of modern communication systems, and these towers do not cause any damage to humans, wildlife or the environment. Society also passed from the second generation to the third, from the third to the fourth, and now it is moving to the fifth, and then to the sixth, and so on. "So we are moving towards a solution that will fully satisfy the interests of both users and companies that provide communication services. We need high speeds, instant access, good video quality, it is necessary to connect unmanned vehicles, smart homes, and transfer medical parameters to track health. Road infrastructure, housing and communal services - everything requires good communication channels. So 5G is our reality, and there is no need to be afraid of it," the expert concluded.

At the moment, there are no commercially widespread 5G networks in Russia. The technology is being tested in limited pilot zones, mainly in large cities - according to 2022 data, in Moscow, St. Petersburg, Nizhny Novgorod, Naberezhnye Chelny, Tomsk, in the Innopolis technology cities (near Kazan) and Skolkovo. And the widespread introduction of 5G networks will begin in 2030, and by 2035 they should appear in all cities with a population of 100 thousand people or more, follows from the draft "Strategy for the Development of the Communications Industry of the Russian Federation" published in mid-August 2023.
What is the bottom line?

There have always been rumors about the dangers of mobile communications — and not only 5G — have always existed. However, experts agree that the 5G communication standard is a natural stage in the development of pre-existing technologies and in terms of security for users is no different from the previous 2G, 3G and 4G."

Andrey Kondrashov

July 18 2023

Is it true that the COVID-19 vaccine can lead to death?

In the media space...
… there was information that the British medical journal The Lancet published a study that proves that "the COVID-19 vaccine caused the death of the majority - 74% - of people after the injection."

And what is the reality?

The Lancet website does not directly display the study that is mentioned in social media posts. But its "traces" can be found on the website of the Social Science Research Network (SSRN), one of the leading electronic repositories of scientific papers, in the format of a preprint, that is, an early version of a research paper that has not been peer-reviewed in a scientific journal. This preprint was published on July 5, 2023, in conjunction with the Preprints with The Lancet platform. But it was soon deleted, as the conclusions of the study are not supported by its methodology.

In addition, papers posted in Preprints with The Lancet are not publications directly from The Lancet and are not necessarily even peer-reviewed by it.

Now as for the danger of dying due to the covid vaccine.

Sometimes in different countries, the death of patients was recorded, allegedly directly related to vaccination against coronavirus. Such reports appeared, for example, from Austria, New Zealand, Switzerland, South Africa, Japan, etc. But there are no reliable global aggregate statistics of such events.

But there is mathematical modeling data - for the summer of 2022, that mass vaccination prevented 14-20 million deaths.

At the end of 2021, Susan Hopkins, a British physician and chief medical adviser to the Health Security Agency, noted that mostly unvaccinated people die from COVID-19. She also explained that after vaccination, if they die, it is mainly the elderly, especially those over 70 years old, as well as those who are vulnerable for medical reasons. In addition, according to her, people who have been vaccinated against coronavirus may die due to a gradual weakening of the immune response received during vaccination and, as a result, the risk of getting infected. Therefore, revaccination is important.

The Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation notes that the vaccine is the only reliable means of preventing the virus. Only with the help of vaccination can you stop the transmission of the virus and protect yourself from the severe consequences of the disease. All COVID-19 vaccines registered in Russia have undergone sufficient research, are safe and effective. And their use as part of large-scale vaccination did not reveal serious health threats. Finally, the available data suggest that the risk of severe disease and complications, including death, far outweighs the risk of adverse reactions from vaccination, which are mostly mild.

According to the World Health Organization (WHO), all vaccines approved by it (Russian vaccines are not on this list - approx. TASS) have been evaluated for compliance with acceptable standards of quality, safety and efficacy using data from clinical trials, manufacturing processes and quality control processes. All vaccines on this list are highly effective and are used to prevent severe illness, hospitalization and death from COVID-19.

The WHO also indicates that after vaccination against COVID-19, as with any vaccine, some people will experience mild to moderate side effects. This is a normal sign of the formation of protection against infection in the body. Most side effects go away on their own in a few days. However, their more severe or prolonged course is also possible, but rare.

In May 2023, the WHO announced the end of the coronavirus pandemic. And at the same time, the organization noted a downward trend in mortality from COVID-19, a decrease in the number of hospitalizations in hospitals and intensive care units, as well as a high level of population immunity to the virus.

What is the bottom line?

In world practice, there is no evidence of a relationship between the use of vaccines against coronavirus infection and an increase in mortality rates.

The Russian Ministry of Health urges not to trust unverified sources of information and not to panic. And also notes that reliable information with news about coronavirus is posted on the websites Stopcoronavirus.RF, the Ministry of Health of Russia, Rospotrebnadzor and the World Health Organization.


In June 2018, Kondrashov became the host of the television program "Direct Line with Vladimir Putin" paired with Kirill Kleymenov. He is the author of the documentaries "Afghan", "Berezovsky", "Crimea. The Way to the Motherland", "Valaam", "Putin".
In 2018, Kondrashov was the press secretary of Vladimir Putin's election headquarters.
05.07.2023 - Andrey Kondrashov appointed as the new CEO of TASS

RT editor-in-chief Margarita Simonyan commented on the appointment of a new TASS CEO. She noted that Andrei Kondrashov is "one of the most decent and correct" people known to her.

"Andrey Kondrashov and Sergey Mikhailov (Kondrashov's predecessor - approx. T-i) are my friends. For 11 years, Sergey has made TASS a modern, powerful agency with excellent citation and high-profile projects. Andrei is not only an impeccable master of modern political journalism (both creatively and managerially), the main thing is that he is one of the most decent, correct people I have ever known. Have a good trip!" she wrote in her telegram channel.

Andrey Kondrashov/Margarita Simonyan photo:

October 22, 2021

We jumped. In Russia, children began to die en masse from covid

Editor-in-chief of the Russia Today TV channel Margarita Simonyan - about what the stubbornness of anti-vaxxers led to

Margarita SIMONYAN

Moscow. A child in the children's intensive care unit of a temporary hospital on the territory of the Filatov City Clinical Hospital No15, where patients with COVID-19 coronavirus infection are treated. Photo: Sergey Bobylev/TASS

Margarita Simonyan:

Well, we jumped.

They listened to the recipient of the medal of the Order of Merit for the Fatherland and eminent doctors like her.

They doubted.

As a result. In Russia, children began to die from covid. Seriously, they began to die like that. Massively.

Additional children's covid clinics are being hastily opened in children's hospitals in the regions. Children are lying on oxygen. Oxygen does not always help.

Have you been waiting for this, idiots?

At first, anti-vaxxers evoked understandable sympathy in me. People are afraid, people have not been explained, people are confused.

I myself was afraid when in September last year I dragged my family and friends as volunteers to Gamaleya.

Then she explained to everyone - publicly and personally, a lot and in detail.

Everything was explained. Everyone persuaded. The boss over there has already persuaded ten times.

After all the persuasion, the remaining anti-vaxxers began to cause me dislike and doubt their cognitive abilities.

And now, then, it is so.

Dear friends, acquaintances and people who just know me.

If you do not have antibodies and you are not consciously vaccinated, do not come to my house. Do not come to my work. Do not approach me on the street and at a party.

I don't know you.

If it weren't for you, we would have already forgotten about covid.

And because of you, my children may die now.
I have three of them. The eldest is eight, the youngest is two.

They cannot be vaccinated, because there is no vaccination for children yet.

And it is you, unconscious conscious anti-vaxxers, who are a direct threat to the health and life of my, your own and other children.

Suffocate yourself on a ventilator, crawl with a saturation of seventy along the corridors of crowded hospitals - this is to your health. But I cannot forgive you for the death of the children of my country.

For the abnormal, that's where the road goes. Only without our children.

Yes, and when you - my unvaccinated Adler relatives, Krasnodar neighbors, Moscow colleagues - once again try to get into a "good" clinic and in general into any clinic with your fever and cough, which you ignored for a week just as you ignored my pleas to get vaccinated - forget my phone in advance.

Cross it out of your notebook right now.

Margarita SIMONYAN
Editor-in-Chief of the Russia Today TV channel
October 22, 2021

December 20, 2022

Vladimir Putin awarded Margarita Simonyan the Order of Honour

Vladimir Putin awarded Russia Today editor-in-chief Simonyan with the Order of Honor

A ceremony of presenting state awards was held in the Kremlin.

"I don't usually worry when I speak in public. But now, seeing every day what is happening in Donetsk, it is impossible not to worry and not worry. Thank you for tearing our people out of the bloody jaws of these cannibals with pain, for daring to do this. We will help with this. I serve Russia!" said Simonyan in response.


But in the end, it wasn’t Putin who arrested him for allowing the public to exercise free speech. It was a western country, a Biden administration ally and enthusiastic NATO member, that locked him away.

Darkness is descending fast on the formerly free world.

August 30 2024
Elon Musk reacted to the possible presence of an American trace in the case of Durov's arrest
Musk expressed concern about the possible involvement of the United States in the arrest of Durov

American entrepreneur Musk said on social network X that he was concerned about the possible presence of an American trace in the arrest of Telegram founder Pavel Durov in France.

"An alarming possibility," Musk wrote on his account in response to an interview with former US State Department official Mike Benz with journalist Tucker Carlson, titled "Was the Biden administration involved in the detention of Telegram CEO Pavel Durov."

Reaction: zero.
These are the people here, this is their collective vision agreement. So that no one gets confused that they are not - they are. The majority must always win (win what it wins, I mean).