The American “Coup d’etat”

Apr 13, 2017
76 members of the PA Legislature have signed a letter to have Congress reject the electoral votes based on the following 4 points:

  1. The Pennsylvania Election Code requires that all mail-in ballots be received by 8 p.m. on Election Day; Governor Wolf ordered that this statutory deadline be waived in some counties during the Primary Election, then sought its waiver statewide for the General Election.
  2. The Pennsylvania Election Code prohibits counties from inspecting ballots prior to 7 a.m. on Election Day; Pennsylvania’s Secretary of State issued guidance encouraging counties to ignore this prohibition, to inspect ballots, and to contact voters with deficient ballots prior to Election Day.
  3. The Pennsylvania Election Code prohibits the counting of defective absentee or mail-in ballots; Encouraged by the Department of State, some county boards of elections ignored this prohibition, and have proceeded to include thousands of defective ballots in the certified count.
  4. The Pennsylvania Election Code authorizes poll watchers to be selected by candidates and political parties and to observe the process of pre-canvassing and canvassing absentee and mail-in ballots; Certain counties in Pennsylvania prohibited these authorized individuals from meaningfully observing the pre-canvassing and canvassing activities.



Mar 16, 2017
Three of those four points don’t allege fraud - they are a blatant attempt at disenfranchisement. It’s like saying “letting too many people vote without hardship isn’t fair”

not surprising from state legislatures who determined employees aren’t even allowed to take a piss on company time no matter if they are working 24 hours straight :rolleyes:


Mar 14, 2017
Three of those four points don’t allege fraud - they are a blatant attempt at disenfranchisement. It’s like saying “letting too many people vote without hardship isn’t fair”

not surprising from state legislatures who determined employees aren’t even allowed to take a piss on company time no matter if they are working 24 hours straight :rolleyes:
I hear this a lot, explain yourself. What is disenfranchisement mean to you? Superdelegates? Sure....

but what about those points scream disenfranchisement? Why not just use a suggestion box over a months time? Do you understand about the importance of a secure election? It’s the most basic condition.
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Mar 14, 2017
The thing is they covered multiple bases and both parties were in cahoots. If the GOP and the AG were not also in the tank for Biden I would say an election steal would be tough, but I would bet my life that Biden did not get the most popular votes in history and in the most convoluted way. I’m past the point of caring, but don’t tell me it didn’t go down in the most shameful, record breaking way possible.

If the evidence is so obvious why all the stupid shaming. Stop saying ‘no proof’ and ‘baseless’ without looking at it.
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Mar 14, 2017
Whether Durham or AG Bill Barr does anything with the evidence is an unknown; however, according to Ratliffe there is enough detail in the evidence provided to show gross abuses of power by the FBI, DOJ and intelligence community under the Obama administration. This aspect becomes important as you realize almost all of Joe Biden’s executive staff is from the identical pool of former Obama officials.

WASHINGTON DC – “Between my predecessor Richard Grenell in an acting capacity and myself, we have declassified most of the intelligence community documents that would be suitable for the public to see, that wouldn’t jeopardize sources and methods,” Ratcliffe said in a phone interview with the Washington Examiner on Thursday. “There are others, many many documents — I think it’s been out there that I’ve provided literally thousands of documents to John Durham, but many of those do contain sources and methods that we can’t make public for a number of reasons, including to jeopardize any investigation that’s going there. So I think the level of cooperation — I’ve given them everything that they’ve asked for.”

“There was an abuse of power and of legal authorities, and it’s not a question about whether those things took place — they did. I mean, there’s an FBI lawyer who is going to jail for counterfeiting evidence before the FISA court. And that after all of the Obama-Biden senior national security officials said the idea of illegal spying and abuse at the FISA court is a bunch of nonsense, and now, they’re sprinting the opposite direction,” Ratcliffe said. “I mean, literally, every one of them — Comey, McCabe, Yates — they’ve all said, ‘Oh my gosh, we’re shocked and had we only known.’ And so, again, the American people deserve an accounting, and I’ve certainly provided a lot of information to the now-special counsel to provide that accounting, and I’m counting, like all Americans, on him to talk about a lot of the things that I know that I can’t talk about.” (read more)

“I mean, literally, every one of them — Comey, McCabe, Yates — they’ve all said, ‘Oh my gosh, we’re shocked and had we only known.’ And so, again, the American people deserve an accounting”


Mar 14, 2017
Apr 13, 2017
Three of those four points don’t allege fraud - they are a blatant attempt at disenfranchisement. It’s like saying “letting too many people vote without hardship isn’t fair”

not surprising from state legislatures who determined employees aren’t even allowed to take a piss on company time no matter if they are working 24 hours straight :rolleyes:
3 of those 4 allude to violation of the Equal Protection Clause and thus violation of the Constitution. This itself would probably be enough for SCOTUS to vitiate the election results.

And the only people being disenfranchised are those that voted legally. Can’t disenfranchise illegal voters who have no right to vote.


Jul 27, 2017
I think there are some that are purposely tainting exposure efforts. We can’t worry about that. There’s nothing to lose. Let the average citizen have their say. Don’t generalize and don’t get frustrated. That’s what they want. Forget the expert. Forget the politician. Trust the average citizen. They needn’t be shamed.

And definitely forget the media spin.
Pretty hard to forget the media spin when it makes you question your sanity.

Idk. I think this election is over for Trump. The hardcore followers just have a hard time processing it like the democrats in 2016.

Call me brainwashed, shill, whatev floats this forums boat. But common sense pretty much says Biden won. Conspiracy or not, Trump is looking like three sandwiches short of a picnic


Jul 27, 2017
3 of those 4 allude to violation of the Equal Protection Clause and thus violation of the Constitution. This itself would probably be enough for SCOTUS to vitiate the election results.

And the only people being disenfranchised are those that voted legally. Can’t disenfranchise illegal voters who have no right to vote.
Enough with the scotus talk. The election is over. All I heard all month was kraken this, scotus that. Sidney Powell was making up counties that didn’t even exist in states yet many people keep pushing for that narrative in the name of conspiracy.

You can try to justify every argument, truth is Trump lost. Why you’re so worried about our politics if you’re from Belgium is a mystery?

Does Trump own stock in Belgian governement or something


Jul 27, 2017
Just my observation on this forum and the conspiracy community in general. Is Trump supposed to fit into some zionist biblical prophecy?

I don’t want to get too much into religion here. So overlook this post.

But it seems like it’s some “failed” prophecy that his followers want to hold hope on even if it means they push far fetched conspiracies.

Red Sky at Morning

Mar 15, 2017
Nothing is gonna change @Thundarian

Like I said man, it’s all wishful thinking now.
Best case scenario. Don’t let politics affect our life.
I’m not too much for politics myself but when fear mongering Q anons want a civil war, that’s kinda scary
I am reminded of reading 1984. I think a good many Americans have come to feel like the woman in this pivotal scene:-

“...Winston knows that the song the woman sings as she hangs the laundry outside the window of the room above Mr. Charrington's flat has been composed by a machine, but he invests it and the woman singing it with a romantic pathos from the past, because, in his heart, he wants to believe that he has found a place of escape:

But the woman sang so tunefully as to turn the dreadful rubbish into an almost pleasant sound. He could hear the woman singing and the scrape of her shoes on the flagstones, and the cries of the children in the street . . .
His head tells him he is not safe, but the song, though manufactured by the Party, appeals to his heart:

It was only an ‘opeless fancy, / It passed like an Ipril dye, / But a look an’ a word an’ the dreams they stirred! / They ‘ave stolen my ‘eart awye!
What it made me think...

Orwell was an interesting character. You are left questioning whose side he was on? Was he encouraging people to fight for freedom or subtly suggesting that such a fight would be ultimately futile?

Red Sky at Morning

Mar 15, 2017
Just my observation on this forum and the conspiracy community in general. Is Trump supposed to fit into some zionist biblical prophecy?

I don’t want to get too much into religion here. So overlook this post.

But it seems like it’s some “failed” prophecy that his followers want to hold hope on even if it means they push far fetched conspiracies.
Subtle here - I would say “not quite

Superficially you might see Trump standing by Israel or even trying to broker peace with the surrounding countries, but many who read Psalm 83 as well as Ezekiel 38 and 39 (an attack against Israel likely by Iran, Turkey, Russia, along with Libya and Sudan) note that it appears that both Britain, Saudi Arabia and the newer English speaking offshoots of Britain, like Australia and notably, the US, simply rebuke the alliance of nations that come against Israel. Neither does the US have any role in the destruction of these nations on “the mountains of Israel” - God does.

As for Daniel 9:27, peace treaties often follow conflicts and it would appear to many observers that the sudden power imbalance created by the defeat of major foes would produce a vacuum in the region into which the false Messiah will step.

None of this has much to do with Trump. As far as I am concerned he has just had the gumption to stand up to the loons at the UN and do the right thing by Israel. A weak, Biden-like response to a sudden future attack on Israel would seem to be more in line with Bible prophecy for me.

P.s. I found this reflection on the ethos of Masada and its contrast at times with the words of the prophets very interesting:-

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Apr 13, 2017
Enough with the scotus talk. The election is over. All I heard all month was kraken this, scotus that. Sidney Powell was making up counties that didn’t even exist in states yet many people keep pushing for that narrative in the name of conspiracy.

You can try to justify every argument, truth is Trump lost. Why you’re so worried about our politics if you’re from Belgium is a mystery?

Does Trump own stock in Belgian governement or something
Do you realise the time it takes to file lawsuits of this magnitude with over 5,000 affidavits? Usually this would take at least months, if not years. It's upon the legal teams to form a strategy to file lawsuits as effectively as possible in the short time frame they have. Have some patience. This could take another month before it is settled.
Apr 13, 2017
Just my observation on this forum and the conspiracy community in general. Is Trump supposed to fit into some zionist biblical prophecy?
I'm actually more worried that this biblical prophecy is becoming more and more true and self-fulfilled. If there's one thing I don't like about this prophetic nature is its allusions to the story of Esther. But like you said, that's another topic.