This one hurts. But it is a great example of "Ordo ab Chao."
Recently talked to someone on how a girl scout troop went "rouge" and developed their own organization.
The idea seemed well intentioned: a brownie troop in Oakland, CA where a majority of the participants were Black and Latino were being marginalized by other girl scout organizations. The person I spoke with had talked directly to one of the organizers, and said that these youngers were being criticized for their skin tones and hair textures, as well as other more "minor" slights by other leaders in other brownie troops.
The enraged parents decided to take action, and developed their own version of the brownie/girl scout organization that would affirm their daughters personhood and racial identities. Evidently because they continued to use the official "Brownie/Girl Scout" name, they had do deal with a lot of backlash. Finally they broke from the girl scout organization, and formed
The Radical Monarchs.
As soon as I heard those words, I got suspicious. The idea sounds really good: people demonize your kids, you protect them, right?
But with MK ultra symbols???
See, that's what happens when you read too much Vigilant Citizen. That can't be what's going on, no way...
The eye isn't completely covered, but...
Naturally the group extended to include way more than simply affirming darker beige to darker brown skinned brownies.
But what a way to draw people.
Create a problem, put on a cute face to plead the injustice (preferably helpless kids), offer a "solution" that sounds really good, but make sure it is firmly tuned to the "illumined" side.