So what woke you up then?


Mar 20, 2017
The fact that you are on a forum like this probably means that something has 'woke you up' and made you question things you have once just soaked in as part of the culture. I will post up my story some time, but I would be very interested to read the stories of others...
Hey Red Sky! Did you ever tell us your whole story? I just created a thread in the Den for those who ARE awake it seems a lot of people here still aren't. Defending Abramovich WTF?


Apr 6, 2017
My dreams. I dream almost every night. All of my dreams are very vivid, as if I am actually there and I'm experiencing it. Most dreams I am kidnapped, or I am already in a hostage type of situation, sometimes by myself or with a child. I witness a lot of things behind closed doors, the dark, evil and unspeakable things that no one dares to talk about. However, my other dreams there is so much disastrous things taking place, it's like being translated to different parts of the world, places that I've never been to as the enviroment around me is only something I would seen in a National Geographical magazine.
I've had dreams of people getting a job and two weeks later they get the job. But most of my dreams seem futuristic to me and most of it isn't good at all. My dreams never interfere with the amount of quality of sleep I get either. To properly answer the OP's question. A few years ago, I started dreaming about a place in the woods, surrounded by men in capes/ robes of some sort standing at a huge altar of an owl, they were chanting around this massive bon fire and you could see things: spirits mainfesting out of the fire. They would speak a word in latin (I believe) and then would disappear like they had a limited time to speak. Other entities would come forth to give instruction, but they too only seemed to have a limited time to do so.

Some of my other dreams, I can see people, at night (@3:00am) being pulled from their homes by military personnel and there are military personnel everywhere, the streets are line with school like buses with no windows, there are tanks and even these large vans that people are being put into. Those are only two of the hundreds of dreams I have been having for the last few years.

Lol I've had dreams about the pyramid with one eye floating in mid ai, but in my dream, the eye illuminates a transparent rainbow just as a prism would when you hold it up to the light. To me it looks a powerful energy source of some kind. It's always constantly radiating this transparent rainbow light.

Anyways, that's enough of that. Basically through my dreams is how I woke up.


Apr 18, 2017
I've been aware that all is not as it should be since the 70's. I read Adele Davis's book "Let's Eat Right To Keep Fit"where she points out they are depleting our food of nutrients and spraying with toxic chemicals. Not good. Then there were the books as well as the bible, None Dare Call it Conspiracy, Brave New World and 1984. I joined another forum in 2006 where the New World Order, Chemtrails and many other things were up for debate. In the last year Wikileaks has opened many cans of worms including PizzaGate and the corruption in high places which is still unresolved. It seems to me they are definitely trying to create conditions to put into place their New world Order with lies and deceit fooling the people with the controlled media. It seems like there's a spiritual battle going on


Apr 16, 2017
Early 90's when I was a new Christian, I had a pastor who preached about the New World Order. I started doing research on my own and found a copy of the book "Pawns in the Game" at the library of Western Michigan University, where I was going to school. That was the first level. I still had this romantic idea that America was going to rise up and be this great Godly nation (Rather silly idea to me now LOL!). Then after 9/11, I began to question and research more and that's when I realized how deep and wide spread it really goes. For about 10 years after 9/11 I was really into studying the illuminati, shadow governments, rothschilds, etc In the last 5 or so years I have been more about studying and dissecting my faith and what I believe the Bible says, versus what mainstream institutionalized Christianity teaches.

For me, waking up isn't a one time's a lifelong process.

Red Sky at Morning

Mar 15, 2017
Early 90's when I was a new Christian, I had a pastor who preached about the New World Order. I started doing research on my own and found a copy of the book "Pawns in the Game" at the library of Western Michigan University, where I was going to school. That was the first level. I still had this romantic idea that America was going to rise up and be this great Godly nation (Rather silly idea to me now LOL!). Then after 9/11, I began to question and research more and that's when I realized how deep and wide spread it really goes. For about 10 years after 9/11 I was really into studying the illuminati, shadow governments, rothschilds, etc In the last 5 or so years I have been more about studying and dissecting my faith and what I believe the Bible says, versus what mainstream institutionalized Christianity teaches.

For me, waking up isn't a one time's a lifelong process.
In the end I got the Bible as an audio app - I think it was "Word of Promise" NKJV - if you listen to it a book at a time it really gives you a good idea of the message and in the correct context...


Apr 13, 2017
Many things, Prince's death was a big one. I teach 7th graders, and just seeing over the years how mean they have gotten. Kids are always mean, but it has gotten so much worse. They are addicted to their phones, games, etc. There is a reason, and it is because this crap is getting fed to them at every turn. I found VC and got a little obsessed myself. My neighbor and I talk about stuff like this all the time, and I guess I just saw that there were things that didn't add up. Now I drive my poor hubby and sister nuts. It's just good to notice it, even in things I love such as Harry Potter. Doesn't mean I like it, or OK it, but I see it.

Red Sky at Morning

Mar 15, 2017
Many things, Prince's death was a big one. I teach 7th graders, and just seeing over the years how mean they have gotten. Kids are always mean, but it has gotten so much worse. They are addicted to their phones, games, etc. There is a reason, and it is because this crap is getting fed to them at every turn. I found VC and got a little obsessed myself. My neighbor and I talk about stuff like this all the time, and I guess I just saw that there were things that didn't add up. Now I drive my poor hubby and sister nuts. It's just good to notice it, even in things I love such as Harry Potter. Doesn't mean I like it, or OK it, but I see it.
I used to be very impressed with HP till i found it was based on the Chymical Wedding of Christian Rosenkreutz!!!



Mar 13, 2017
Many things, Prince's death was a big one. I teach 7th graders, and just seeing over the years how mean they have gotten. Kids are always mean, but it has gotten so much worse. They are addicted to their phones, games, etc. There is a reason, and it is because this crap is getting fed to them at every turn. I found VC and got a little obsessed myself. My neighbor and I talk about stuff like this all the time, and I guess I just saw that there were things that didn't add up. Now I drive my poor hubby and sister nuts. It's just good to notice it, even in things I love such as Harry Potter. Doesn't mean I like it, or OK it, but I see it.
My sons sixth grade teacher would tell her class that she likes them now but probably won't like them the next year...


Mar 18, 2017
For me the problem wasn't being awake or not. For me the problem was being alone. So I think I started to wake up the moment I realized that being awake didn't mean i would have to be alone. It started with some documentaries and i realized that other people were talking about these things, and that's how it all started I guess.


Mar 14, 2017
I guess I have never seen the world as others around me do. I have always been an outcast, always questioning things.

At preschool a teacher already asked me ''are you dumb or stubborn?'' to which I answered ''stubborn'' and got ''that's also dumb''. I guess I never fit into the system well. I still don't. I've managed to assymilate a bit better on the surface, but I am a loner to boot and not very interested in belonging to any clique.

What first made me question things more deeply was the 9/11 attacks, I saw how things just didn't add up. I believed from the start that there was more behind that than just some angry men from a desert. I still don't believe it was a real terror attack.

Being an introvert and a nerd, triggered by the 9-11 attacks I soon delved into the more obscure parts of the internet to search for the truth and started reading conspiracy websites and other things generally hidden from the public eye. These things and my spiritual training woke me up. I have been part of a Wicca coven for about five years, and since then have followed the path of a solitary witch/pagan because the group thing didn't suit me too well in the long term. I really don't fit in anywhere.

Buddhism comes closest to my own spiritual experience now, because it can be practiced alone and is one of the few religions which value the experience of inner contentment with self. I feel at home in it for that reason.

I don't believe the elite are spiritual at all, I believe money and materialism are the driving factors between world wars and division. If anything, they worship the earth (material things) literally above the spiritual (God).The symbolism in music etc is just something they use because symbolism is more powerful for the subconcious than anything else, and those symbols are ancient. Not because they are actual pagans.

I still don't ''belong'' anywhere, I question everything including my own beliefs. I am fluid in my thinking and will probably be somewhere else entirely in five years..
Well said. Thanks for sharing. I have always had the similar feeling of "not fitting in" despite being part of multiple groups, spiritual followings, etc. I go by what is in my heart... and that suits me very well.


Mar 14, 2017
Hard times which woke me up to reality.
It is often when people go through the dark challenges of life when an awakening occurs. Definitely started my path going through a very difficult time in my teenage years with my mom who was an addict and just plain mean. We were Christians in my family and I remember learning some things that I just didn't relate to at all. Once, I asked my mom if there were children in the furthest corners of the world who never learned about Jesus and would they go to Hell? She said YES!!! That moment changed my life. It's when I began listening to my heart where God places the truth. Then in college, I had a terrible breakup with my boyfriend that I had been with from the age of 14 to 21... he went through a literal mental melt-down, moved in with a new woman and broke off all contact. It was like he died. Part of me felt like I died. I had to face being alone. I had to face the fact that nearly my entire personality was based on my relationship with him. I didn't even know who I was. That time in my life started an intense spiritual journey outside of Christianity (which I began distrusting more and more throughout my teen years... not distrusting God, but distrusting the hypocritical Christians that surrounded my youth). There was a time when I was alone, walking around the city I lived in. I sat on the steps of this church and looked up to the moon in the sky. All of a sudden, this intense "knowing" filled my body and I got this sense of seeing the Universe for what it was and I remember thinking, "Oh my God!~ It is SO simple!" And I laughed and felt so restored. But then, that Knowing just closed its door....and I went on a hunt trying to figure out what "IT" was (that is what I called the experience or the knowing or ??). That lead me to years of searching through alternative bookstores, looking into Wicca (which I did not connect with after all due to the dogma attached to it... it felt contrived).. I started studying Tarot, out of body experiences and other "occult" information. But anytime I would come across something dark (and there is a lot out there) I immediately would put that in the "NO" category. I moved from PA to San Diego when I was 23 on a train! I fell into an awesome group of hippies..... and those people led me to a whole other path of Loving Vibes, Chakras, Energy, Spirit World and Native American teachings. A whole new world of information was available to me and I have been piecing things together for years. I'm 42 now. I have finally moved into a Spiritual path that is connected to the amazing Love Energy that connects us all and that Christ Consciousness is the highest level of Energy that we can aspire to return to. I also began delving into conspiracy theories about 15 years ago but much stronger over the last couple of years. I see the deep dark Shadow world that is part of the Earth.... and it is our job as Love Warriors/Awakened Beings to plant the seeds of Awakening and Living on a path of Righteous Love (not so that others look to us as being righteous.... but that we feel that we are Living according to the Highest Good). We don't have to necessarily preach to others but to live our lives with Love being consulted on all of the choices we make in life. Which choice is the path of higher good/love? And when you start walking this path, love starts pouring into your own life... though the challenges never stop. Those challenges are the hardest times when we have to surrender to allowing for the pain to come in and through and to grow with those lessons. Also, I feel that we must not give into the great Fear mongering that is placed on us constantly by the news media, government, and even our fellow "theorists". I certainly don't have the answers to what is going on on our planet right now but it feels HUGE.... and Good/Evil is gearing up for a war. I don't like what I am seeing in the technological advances that are breaking down all of our privacy, and putting it as something positive like increasing our power as human by adding robotic pieces into our bodies... or the story about Facebook today about merely "thinking" and then the words are written for you?!?! I see a lot of this agenda (and many others that are disturbing)... the same ways that the Illuminati symbols, etc are videos, music, celebrity BS. I don't know what to do with all of this "dark" knowledge.... I don't want to live in Fear. So, right now I am just living my life in the best way possible, raising my kids to be loving, solid human beings; loving my husband and continuing to create and maintain my sacred marriage to him; being kind and loving to my fellow humans when I am out in public.

Red Sky at Morning

Mar 15, 2017
It is often when people go through the dark challenges of life when an awakening occurs. Definitely started my path going through a very difficult time in my teenage years with my mom who was an addict and just plain mean. We were Christians in my family and I remember learning some things that I just didn't relate to at all. Once, I asked my mom if there were children in the furthest corners of the world who never learned about Jesus and would they go to Hell? She said YES!!! That moment changed my life. It's when I began listening to my heart where God places the truth. Then in college, I had a terrible breakup with my boyfriend that I had been with from the age of 14 to 21... he went through a literal mental melt-down, moved in with a new woman and broke off all contact. It was like he died. Part of me felt like I died. I had to face being alone. I had to face the fact that nearly my entire personality was based on my relationship with him. I didn't even know who I was. That time in my life started an intense spiritual journey outside of Christianity (which I began distrusting more and more throughout my teen years... not distrusting God, but distrusting the hypocritical Christians that surrounded my youth). There was a time when I was alone, walking around the city I lived in. I sat on the steps of this church and looked up to the moon in the sky. All of a sudden, this intense "knowing" filled my body and I got this sense of seeing the Universe for what it was and I remember thinking, "Oh my God!~ It is SO simple!" And I laughed and felt so restored. But then, that Knowing just closed its door....and I went on a hunt trying to figure out what "IT" was (that is what I called the experience or the knowing or ??). That lead me to years of searching through alternative bookstores, looking into Wicca (which I did not connect with after all due to the dogma attached to it... it felt contrived).. I started studying Tarot, out of body experiences and other "occult" information. But anytime I would come across something dark (and there is a lot out there) I immediately would put that in the "NO" category. I moved from PA to San Diego when I was 23 on a train! I fell into an awesome group of hippies..... and those people led me to a whole other path of Loving Vibes, Chakras, Energy, Spirit World and Native American teachings. A whole new world of information was available to me and I have been piecing things together for years. I'm 42 now. I have finally moved into a Spiritual path that is connected to the amazing Love Energy that connects us all and that Christ Consciousness is the highest level of Energy that we can aspire to return to. I also began delving into conspiracy theories about 15 years ago but much stronger over the last couple of years. I see the deep dark Shadow world that is part of the Earth.... and it is our job as Love Warriors/Awakened Beings to plant the seeds of Awakening and Living on a path of Righteous Love (not so that others look to us as being righteous.... but that we feel that we are Living according to the Highest Good). We don't have to necessarily preach to others but to live our lives with Love being consulted on all of the choices we make in life. Which choice is the path of higher good/love? And when you start walking this path, love starts pouring into your own life... though the challenges never stop. Those challenges are the hardest times when we have to surrender to allowing for the pain to come in and through and to grow with those lessons. Also, I feel that we must not give into the great Fear mongering that is placed on us constantly by the news media, government, and even our fellow "theorists". I certainly don't have the answers to what is going on on our planet right now but it feels HUGE.... and Good/Evil is gearing up for a war. I don't like what I am seeing in the technological advances that are breaking down all of our privacy, and putting it as something positive like increasing our power as human by adding robotic pieces into our bodies... or the story about Facebook today about merely "thinking" and then the words are written for you?!?! I see a lot of this agenda (and many others that are disturbing)... the same ways that the Illuminati symbols, etc are videos, music, celebrity BS. I don't know what to do with all of this "dark" knowledge.... I don't want to live in Fear. So, right now I am just living my life in the best way possible, raising my kids to be loving, solid human beings; loving my husband and continuing to create and maintain my sacred marriage to him; being kind and loving to my fellow humans when I am out in public.
"Once, I asked my mom if there were children in the furthest corners of the world who never learned about Jesus and would they go to Hell? She said YES!!"

She should have said 'I won't be the judge' which would have been a wiser answer...


Mar 20, 2017
I've been aware that all is not as it should be since the 70's. I read Adele Davis's book "Let's Eat Right To Keep Fit"where she points out they are depleting our food of nutrients and spraying with toxic chemicals. Not good. Then there were the books as well as the bible, None Dare Call it Conspiracy, Brave New World and 1984. I joined another forum in 2006 where the New World Order, Chemtrails and many other things were up for debate. In the last year Wikileaks has opened many cans of worms including PizzaGate and the corruption in high places which is still unresolved. It seems to me they are definitely trying to create conditions to put into place their New world Order with lies and deceit fooling the people with the controlled media. It seems like there's a spiritual battle going on
I read None Dare Call it Conspiracy cool book :)


Mar 20, 2017
For me the problem wasn't being awake or not. For me the problem was being alone. So I think I started to wake up the moment I realized that being awake didn't mean i would have to be alone. It started with some documentaries and i realized that other people were talking about these things, and that's how it all started I guess.
it can get lonely! especially if you don't use social media


Mar 20, 2017
"Once, I asked my mom if there were children in the furthest corners of the world who never learned about Jesus and would they go to Hell? She said YES!!"

She should have said 'I won't be the judge' which would have been a wiser answer...
my family told me the same thing and i thought that is just not logical. does not compute.


Apr 23, 2017
I woke up when I noticed, within the depths of the ocean, was an imaginary beast gazing back at me. Since that day my life has never been the same. I mean, these days I eat raisin cookies! Not only chocolate chip! Mind=blown.