So.. September 23.


Mar 18, 2017
I seriously just learned today that the sep 23 thing included a planet hitting the earth. I had no idea.

As a result, I think a lot of this is disinformation to make people cynical about the potential of an apocalyptic event.

Red Sky at Morning

Mar 15, 2017
I seriously just learned today that the sep 23 thing included a planet hitting the earth. I had no idea.

As a result, I think a lot of this is disinformation to make people cynical about the potential of an apocalyptic event.
As far as I was aware it was a unique alignment of stars and planets... what if anything it comes to be a sign of, if anything will come clear.

As far as Planet X is concerned, I don't really know how it has become associated with the date in question?!


Mar 16, 2017
Well, now the sign should have almost passed. SO many signs from the bible have now been fulfilled so there is no doube where we are in time. It's about to break loose.


Jul 31, 2017
As a result, I think a lot of this is disinformation to make people cynical about the potential of an apocalyptic event.
Or just greedy people looking to make a profit. Then there were crazy people who actually wanted the world to end and for billions of people to die. Calling it disinformation is kind of flippant since it's letting conspiracy theorists off the hook easily after they started this hoopla.


Mar 16, 2017
What was everyone expecting? This thread seriously confused me.

Back to my evening of bad Saturday television.
Well, I'm not saying it's gonna break loose TODAY, I'm saying that the shit's about to hit the fan for real. The tribulation is at the door. So many things happening now with the natural disasters, wars and rumours of wars, crime, coldhearted people, drugs, homosexuality, transgender, fornication, abortion..It's about to start any day. Mankind hasn't been as sinful as this since the days of Noah.
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Mar 16, 2017
Its funny this thrrad has been at the top of recebt posts for weeks now.. we are more than halfway through septemver 23rd and we are still here the world is still here and suddenly damn near crickets

My apologies to anyone thatcounted on meeting their maker today, looks like youll have to tolerate other humans a bit longer
Yeah, Imma have to blow us all up instead. ;D


Mar 15, 2017
Well, I'm not saying it's gonna break loose TODAY, I'm saying that the shit's about to hit the fan for real. The tribulation is at the door. So many things happening now with the natural disasters, wars and rumours of wars, crime, coldhearted people, drugs, homosexuality, transgender, fornication, abortion..It's about to start any day. Mankind hasn't been as sinful as this since the days of Noah.
I think that is giving an excuse for anybody in power looking for an excuse to deliberately cause war/ disaster of any variety. Many people half-expecting it in a superstitious way.
Similar to December 2012 Mayan calendar, I have seen a lot of suggestions that things have got much worse on all levels since then.

It is making people more accepting of it all in a way, not fighting against increasing societal dysfunction because it was predicted anyway. Self-fulfilling prophecy on an international scale. Very dangeous mindset for us all.


Jun 3, 2017
Well, I'm not saying it's gonna break loose TODAY, I'm saying that the shit's about to hit the fan for real. The tribulation is at the door. So many things happening now with the natural disasters, wars and rumours of wars, crime, coldhearted people, drugs, homosexuality, transgender, fornication, abortion..It's about to start any day. Mankind hasn't been as sinful as this since the days of Noah.
Did you really just say homosexuality is the sign of the apocalypse?

Gosh people are idiots


Mar 16, 2017
Could that be something?

Valerian; Everything I say pisses you off, huh? Well maybe you don't want to live after Gods rules but I and many with me DO and YES, it's a sign. Men weren't meant to press their penises in other mens rectums nor women sleep with other women. The same sex marriages performed by churches and other institutes are a mockery of Gods rules. YOU might think it's perfectly normal and healthy and a sign of looove that two men sleep with each other and that two women do, but I for one sure don't!

Guess I don't have to state the question which one of us is really dumb, cause it sure ain't me and for you to point to your fellow man as stupid says alot about your love for other people. As christians we are taught to love our neighbour but also to point out when he does wrongly. ;) I onät at ALL feel it's a good thing to celebrate men pressing their penises in each others rectums. Free love huh? It was never meant to be like that. Men aren't made to sleep with each other nor are women sleeping with each other. What are you doing on a site that teaches people of the evils in this world if you do? That baffles me, my friend.

You know, I find it so strange with all of the unbelievers on this forum. After all of VC's articles of the satan worship the most powerful people in the world do, you still don't believe theres a good side, you refuse father God? Wow! Then there's nothing more to be done for you. :(


Jun 3, 2017
Could that be something?

Valerian; Everything I say pisses you off, huh? Well maybe you don't want to live after Gods rules but I and many with me DO and YES, it's a sign. Men weren't meant to press their penises in other mens rectums nor women sleep with other women. The same sex marriages performed by churches and other institutes are a mockery of Gods rules. YOU might think it's perfectly normal and healthy and a sign of looove that two men sleep with each other and that two women do, but I for one sure don't!

Guess I don't have to state the question which one of us is really dumb, cause it sure ain't me and for you to point to your fellow man as stupid says alot about your love for other people. As christians we are taught to love our neighbour but also to point out when he does wrongly. ;) I onät at ALL feel it's a good thing to celebrate men pressing their penises in each others rectums. Free love huh? It was never meant to be like that. Men aren't made to sleep with each other nor are women sleeping with each other. What are you doing on a site that teaches people of the evils in this world if you do? That baffles me, my friend.

You know, I find it so strange with all of the unbelievers on this forum. After all of VC's articles of the satan worship the most powerful people in the world do, you still don't believe theres a good side, you refuse father God? Wow! Then there's nothing more to be done for you. :(

That entire essay you typed still did not change my statement on you. You're an idiot.

Homosexuality has existed for hundreds of thousands of years, abortion has existed for thousands of years. Crime, drugs etc, has all been here since human history - It's not like people JUST doing these things.

Do you understand why you sound foolish now? Also, good job spreading hate. Why do you care so much if 2 people sleep together? Are you sharing the bed with them? No. So fuck off. It doesnt effect you at all in any shape or form.

If God hated transgression so much, why do hermaphrodites exist? That's the epitome of transgression which is natural.


Jul 27, 2017
Looks as though nothing happened.

Athletes rising up against Trump was the news today


Aug 4, 2017
Did you really just say homosexuality is the sign of the apocalypse?

Gosh people are idiots
You're talking about a person who literally wanted this 9/23 stuff to result in the end of the world. They're a lost cause and part of the problem.


Mar 16, 2017
That entire essay you typed still did not change my statement on you. You're an idiot.

Homosexuality has existed for hundreds of thousands of years, abortion has existed for thousands of years. Crime, drugs etc, has all been here since human history - It's not like people JUST doing these things.

Do you understand why you sound foolish now? Also, good job spreading hate. Why do you care so much if 2 people sleep together? Are you sharing the bed with them? No. So fuck off. It doesnt effect you at all in any shape or form.

If God hated transgression so much, why do hermaphrodites exist? That's the epitome of transgression which is natural.
Wow! Nice vocablary. :D

I'm not spreading hate, neither is the bible. But gods word always stand and never change. I don't really personally think about what they do in bed, but the few times I do, I find it revolting.

To say that God would create hermaphrodites is a statement of lack of biblical knowledge. And I don't mean that in a patronising way but God would NEVER create something sick or flawed. However disease happen in this unperfect world and people are born everything but perfect everyday. Could be toxins, could be anything. But it doesnt come from God.

An essay? Not really when you see how much many others on here write. Didnt know it bothered you if I wrote "too much". :p

And yes, homosexuality have existed for many years but have we ever celebrated it? Have we ever openly talked down to those who doesn't like it and are offended by these activities? "As in the days of noah"..

So, not hating. God says to not feel hate for your brother but to correct him when doing wrong. Hate the SIN, not the person! :)


Jun 3, 2017
Wow! Nice vocablary. :D

I'm not spreading hate, neither is the bible. But gods word always stand and never change. I don't really personally think about what they do in bed, but the few times I do, I find it revolting.

To say that God would create hermaphrodites is a statement of lack of biblical knowledge. And I don't mean that in a patronising way but God would NEVER create something sick or flawed. However disease happen in this unperfect world and people are born everything but perfect everyday. Could be toxins, could be anything. But it doesnt come from God.

And yes, homosexuality have existed for many years but have we ever celebrated it? Have we ever openly talked down to those who doesn't like it and are offended by these activities? "As in the days of noah"..
Your statement proves how ignorant you actually are. You said " God would NEVER create something sick or flawed"
But hermaphrodites have always existed. So yes, God does create them that way. Your statement is illogical. That's like stating that every single mutation or abnormality, whether physical or mental is solely created by human intervention. What, did we have government chem trails 20,000 years ago also?

In regards to homosexuality, no nation globally EVER had a problem with it, until the Abrahamic religions came into play. If God resented 2 men loving each other so much, why didnt he just program our brains to not be able to operate in the way?

Being gay isnt an action, you dont have a choice over sexuality.


Mar 13, 2017
That entire essay you typed still did not change my statement on you. You're an idiot.

Homosexuality has existed for hundreds of thousands of years, abortion has existed for thousands of years. Crime, drugs etc, has all been here since human history - It's not like people JUST doing these things.

Do you understand why you sound foolish now? Also, good job spreading hate. Why do you care so much if 2 people sleep together? Are you sharing the bed with them? No. So fuck off. It doesnt effect you at all in any shape or form.

If God hated transgression so much, why do hermaphrodites exist? That's the epitome of transgression which is natural.
The way I see it, if you're against homosexuality then don't fall in love (or have intercourse) with someone of the same sex. It is really that simple. I think many people are caught up with trying to live other people's lives for them when they should be living their own. People criticizing those who are gay is like going to a restaurant and screaming at people "Why are you ordering French Fries when I prefer baked potatoes?" It's very silly.

If something doesn't feel right for you, then just don't do it. But there's no reason in the world to treat people like subhuman garbage just because of one thing they do that you disagree with. And I'm not saying Vixy does this by the way, but many do.


Sep 24, 2017
Once again, someone come up with a date somehow and we are supposed to believe that everything will be over when the said date comes. And once again, nothing happened and we are still here.

This is more disinformation and fear porn than anything else. We should be more serious about this, because the NWO is real and there is a plan for a world goverment.