Satan: Who is he?


Dec 27, 2017
Can Satan read our thoughts?

"Satan cannot read our thoughts, but he can see our actions, hear our words; and from his long knowledge of the human family, he can shape his temptations to take advantage of our weak points of character." R and H February 27, 1913.
Mar 14, 2017
Jesus is not just a human... but the Logos of God.

Before the Incarnation 2000 years ago... the Logos or Word of God spoke creation into existence.
Yes, Jesus is the incarnation of the Logos....
HOWEVER, the Logos itself is the eternal expression of the Trancendent Essence. It is the TRancendent Immanently revealing 'itself' (note, at this level, the Trancendent is not 'God with attributes' but a power unknowable and incomprehensible).
The Logos is more like the prism through which the Trancendent is made known ie Immanent.
This is what the NT teaches literally 'The INVISIBLE Father (ie the incomprehensible Essence) is made known THROUGH THE SON (logos))
This does not make the Son/logos itself, GOD.

IF you do stick to this bias of making the Logos into God, then you cannot exclusively limit the Logos to Jesus in order to make Jesus into your chief deity. Instead you have to view the Logos on the universal level and accept that EVERYTHING IS THE LOGOS....
you won't do this, yet you will claim the LOGOS IS GOD, this is clearly a flaw.
If however you do accept the universality of the Logos whilst also believing the Logos is God, then you have to become a panthiest at which point you turn into a hindu.

However coming from what islam has given me, i understand this
There is a logical left brain pov and a mystical right brain pov
from the left brain pov, I understand that God is the Trancendent power and the Logos is more like a transparent prism revealing God, whilst also understanding that the Logos is the origin of all things and is all things
"For from him and through him and to him are all things "
Thus, from the mystical pov, I can perceive the Immanence of God IN ALL THINGS

I understand the perfect balance here....and hence perfectly understand the meanining of John 1:1 where it says
1 In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God.
left brain pov and right brain pov, perfectly balanced..

whilst you xtian hindus have instead deliberately focused on the latter and thrown the former part of this statement 'behind your backs'

And when there came to them a Messenger from Allah (i.e. Muhammad صلى الله عليه وسلم) confirming what was with them, a party of those who were given the Scripture threw away the Book of Allah behind their backs as if they did not know!
(سورة البقرة, Al-Baqara, Chapter #2, Verse #101)

also, extending my previous point about the nature of the Logos
2 He was with God in the beginning. 3 Through him all things were made; without him nothing was made that has been made.

to any muslim reading this.....when ibn arabi spoke of the ONENESS OF BEING/WAHDAT AL WUJUD, this is the level he had experienced, the LOGOS.
This is the primordial waters in mythology. Genesis 1's creation story begins with this 'the spirit of God HOVERED OVER THE WATERS' referring to causation itself'. The holy spirit being the 'first and the last' meaning causation and dissolution. it is the same concept as brahma and shiva from hinduism.
the concept of Nu in egyptian mythology was the same, the primordial waters. Nu is a fascinating concept because the letter Nun also represents THE FISH which is a christian symbol, the Ichthys symbol which literally is 2 points uniting...
and hence this unity from duality pertains to Islam to Ihsan aswell as the story of Moses and Khidr which also refers to 'the fish'.
The Nun symbol is also connected to the name of christians in the arab world, the NASARA so it connects with Jesus even there.
Nun is the primordial waters...and whe you read Surah al QALAM (THE PEN) it begins with the letter NUN.

as in the Logos/primordial water is likened to the 'primordial ink' through which the Pen writes the code of creation.
The WORD OF GOD is the primordial ink, you could even call it the multiverse and imagine infinite universes, infiinite books of creation each one containing linear sequence of events of all things...

the Logos is THE EXPRESSION on the Macrocosmic level...
however creation/multiplicity is the Expression on the microcosmic level.


still..i personally do understand the Logos to be Allah because it is all the same. The logos being Transparent on it's Jesus said
so 'if you have seen me, you have seen God'.
It is God working through Jesus and since he is the logos incarnated and has already attained fana and unity of being by his very nature, then literally everything he is doing, is God working through him.
I'm just pointing out that if you extend this to the universal level, every planet, star, the forces of nature, are under the same argument, 'the act of God', so we don't worship those things as hindus be it pagan of panthiest, we see God through all things whilst maintaining the actual logical truth (everything ive explained above).

understanding the meaning of Bismillah also opens up to a deeper comprehension of the meaning of 'God'.
St Augustine said
this takes us into a deeper understanding of God's Immanence THROUGH ALL THINGS ie the SINGLE EYE teaching of Jesus Christ, meaning 'to See ONENESS in all'

However end of the day, the average derpy xtian worships the image of a jewish cuck to the might of Rome aka the Beast. This is the absolute truth.
they are so dumb they don't even understand that the term 'lord' in the context of psalm 110 literally means 'adoni' and makes Jesus NOT ADONAI and hence not God.
i have to offend christians to get this point across. There are devout, sincere and good people who are christians, but the stupidity outweighs the good.
if it helps, i tend to offend muslims the same way when i do criticise muslims. i tend to refrain from attacking 'authentic christianity' and instead go after later roman christianity aka 'xtianity', the hijacked version of the Beast that is really the enemy of Jesus Christ.

just as the cross was hijacked by the beast and made into the symbol of the in the cross upside down. Thus the cross is a dead symbol and now sin is stronger through the Beast. In fact the sword also is an attempt to hijack the davidic conquerer archetype.
so if you worship the image of 'Jesus' as you know it, you are worshipping and celebrating the Beast and mocking Jesus. it is simply a warped polythiesm. you are just glorified hindus who worship krishna and rama, incarnations of Vishnu(THE LOGOS)

As for satan. Satan itself refers to evil. There is no singular entity called satan. just as Jesus called peter 'satan' at one point.
lucifer itself is the morning star, the symbol of wisdom which is from the holy spirit. It was only used in jest, in isaiah..
but xtians gotta xtian, so they made lucifer into satan..
in fact on top of all other things rome has done, rome has turned the holy spirit into satan. HOLY FUCKING SHIT!!!!
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Dec 13, 2017
This does not make the Son/logos itself, GOD.
John 1 1In the beginning was the Logos, and the Logos was with God, and the Logos was God.

Until you understand that the quran was inspired by satan... you are trying to understand God's book the Bible from a satanic perspective.
Mar 14, 2017
John 1 1In the beginning was the Logos, and the Logos was with God, and the Logos was God.

Until you understand that the quran was inspired by satan... you are trying to understand God's book the Bible from a satanic perspective.
i literally went through this in my previous post. the satanic perspective is the one where you select parts of the book that suit you as and when you see fit, then wipe your arse with the rest of it.

why did you ignore the FULL STATEMENT of John 1:1? ie why did you only focus on the latter part devoid of it's actual meaning and context?
like i said, logical left brain perspective and the mystical right brain perspective have to be balanced.

in the pov that the logos is God then you have to accept that panthiesm is the truth and hence you become a hindu.
Mar 14, 2017
@TokiEl you are literally a hindu. just replace Jesus with Krishna and it is the exact same belief.

muslims, esp educated muslims like me, are the only people on earth clued up enough to have a deeper explanation for the key difference between God's Trancendence and Immanence through the logical and mystical perspectives.

logical left brain pov = God is above all things, is not subject to anything, is not 'contained' inside His creation etc.
this perspective puts a distance between God and creation.

mystical right brain pov = God is Immanent in all things. Nothing exists without the power/attributes of God, hence every single thing is the act of God. This pov is about opening your mind to the singularity of God in/through all things...
and hence, 'if your eye is single your whole body shall be full of light' (AS IN LITERALLY NOTHING IS WITHOUT GOD HENCE EVERYTHING IS HOLY).

the above pov was what Jesus was teaching jews, who were already clued up on the former/logical approach and had become distant from God becuase logical truth alone doesn't build a relationship with God.
the mystical pov has it's limitations and has to be kept in check by the logical. if you stray too far in one over the other, you lose the way.

islam is the only religion containing the truth fully in the most balanced way..

Imam Malik (رحمه الله تعالى) said: “He who gains knowledge in jurisprudence (fiqh) without tasawwuf then he will certainly become corrupt (fisq), and he who practices tasawwuf without gaining knowledge in jurisprudence will become a heretic (tazandaqa), and he who gathers between the two has proven true (tahaqqaq).”

in the context, fiqh and tasawuff relate to the logical and mystical.

That is why in John 16 Jesus literally said the holy spirit would bring you
only islam has done this. literally in this world today, islam is the only thing standing against the whore of babylon and beast system.
Just as islam was the religion that eneded the Beasts of babylon, persia and greece/rome (the byzantine empire).

in isaiah 42, it is clear that after Jesus paves the way for the gentiles, the new song prophecy is then islam-centric and finally we have a mass condemnation against the jews ie the synagogue of satan.
that is where we're at today.

christianity itself died long ago and that is why the holy spirit chose Mohammad and islam. The cross is a dead symbol and has absolutely zero power over sin. that is why christians moved the goalposts and claimed that 'you can be sinful and forgiven'
yet the christians first argue towards 'the nature of sin' 'being born in sin' ie why we need the cross...
and yet afterwards they claim 'no one is free of sin except Jesus'

i thought Christ's crucifixion was meant to END OF THE SIN OF ADAM AND EVE? so why was i born with the serpent/nafs in me? i dont remember having to accept a doctrine or get baptised to obtain this serpent..and yet you claim the cross put the serpent to death, but only if iaccept the doctrine. yet when i look at the common christian i know that sin lives in all of them. so what is the point of christianity? that is a dead religion with no purpose.
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Sep 4, 2023
this websites worst nightmare. oh the snowflakes on here cant handle disagreements on anything rofl. theyd rather believe the media and continue to spread it which aint doing anything anyway


Dec 13, 2017
in the pov that the logos is God then you have to accept that panthiesm is the truth and hence you become a hindu.
John 1 1In the beginning was the Logos, and the Logos was with God, and the Logos was God.

The Logos is to God... as the soul is to man.

christianity itself died long ago and that is why the holy spirit chose Mohammad and islam. The cross is a dead symbol and has absolutely zero power over sin. that is why christians moved the goalposts and claimed that 'you can be sinful and forgiven'
Hebrews 10 26If we deliberately go on sinning after we have received the knowledge of the truth, no further sacrifice for sins remains, 27but only a fearful expectation of judgment and of raging fire that will consume all adversaries. 28Anyone who rejected the law of Moses died without mercy on the testimony of two or three witnesses. 29How much more severely do you think one deserves to be punished who has trampled on the Son of God, profaned the blood of the covenant that sanctified him, and insulted the Spirit of grace?

As you can see God's book the Bible do not agree with such sort of "christians".

i thought Christ's crucifixion was meant to END OF THE SIN OF ADAM AND EVE? so why was i born with the serpent/nafs in me? i dont remember having to accept a doctrine or get baptised to obtain this serpent..and yet you claim the cross put the serpent to death, but only if iaccept the doctrine. yet when i look at the common christian i know that sin lives in all of them. so what is the point of christianity? that is a dead religion with no purpose.
There are a lot of testimonies from people all over the world who have been helped and healed by Jesus. Even i have experienced that.

Rpmans 10 11It is just as the Scripture says: “Anyone who believes in Him will never be put to shame.”e 12For there is no difference between Jew and Greek: The same Lord is Lord of all, and gives richly to all who call on Him, 13for, “Everyone who calls on the name of the Lord will be saved.”f

14How then can they call on the One in whom they have not believed? And how can they believe in the One of whom they have not heard? And how can they hear without someone to preach? 15And how can they preach unless they are sent? As it is written: “How beautiful are the feet of those who bring good news!”g

16But not all of them welcomed the good news. For Isaiah says, “Lord, who has believed our message?”h


Dec 27, 2017
“There is no neutral ground in the universe. Every square inch, every split second is claimed by God, and counterclaimed by Satan.” C.S. Lewis.

It’s ugly, constant, relentless, stressful; the raging battle for our souls. This is the most stressful time in earth’s history. Peace of mind is elusive and seemingly unattainable. Even the elements are in constant upheaval. No stone is left unturned, there are no exemptions in this battle called the Great Controversy. The entire universe is under attack. “And if it seems evil to you to serve the Lord, choose for yourselves this day whom you will serve, whether the gods which your fathers served that were on the other side of the River, or the gods of the Amorites, in whose land you dwell. But as for me and my house, we will serve the Lord (Joshua 24:15).

Those words were spoken to the Israelites at a significant time in history, Joshua recognised it was high time for God’s people to take a stand. We are at the same crossroad today. It is decision time; we must be resolute.

The Great Controversy.

The Great Controversy is a vicious attack on God’s character. Our relationship with Him doesn’t provide an exemption clause from demonic attack. In fact, it seems to draw the attention of the evil one. Those who already belong to him need not be alarmed (he doesn’t need to spend time on them). It’s those who side with God and the indecisive ones that are of interest to Satan. Sometimes he launches verbal assaults, when they fail to faze us, he upgrades it to a physical attack. We may be injured or hurt in the process but giving in or giving up, is not an option. This raging battle is of eternal significance.

The Apostle Peter urged us to, “Be sober, be vigilant; because your adversary the devil, as a roaring lion, walketh about, seeking whom he may devour" (1 Peter 5:8).

The Great Controversy is relentless. Satan charges with force and fury and has no care for our well-being. He seeks to possess and destroy us. Stand ready to fight with equal intensity. We must be fully “Scriptured”, guarded by the Holy Spirit, readying ourselves for the day that our reputation, our character, and identity come under siege.


Dec 27, 2017
The whole armour of God is our only line of defence.

We are not sent to the frontline without our PPE, in Ephesians 6:11-12 the Apostle Paul gives the battle plan, “Put on the whole armor of God, that you may be able to stand against the wiles of the devil. For we do not wrestle against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this age, against spiritual hosts of wickedness in the heavenly places.”

This great cosmic conflict is about authority: God or Satan. An age-old spiritual warfare between good and evil. We are confronted by two opposing forces which are always at odds: Satan and his host of rebellious forces contesting God’s authority. Both cannot harmoniously coexist. It is either one or the other. As C.S Lewis warned, “All the time the joke is that the word “mine” in its fully possessive sense cannot be uttered by a human being about anything. In the long run either [Satan] or God will say “mine” of each thing that exists, and specially of each man.” God does not force anyone to worship him, we get to decide to whom we belong.

Where does your allegiance lie?
Father God, you have not left us to fight on our own. Help us to recognise your presence and to know that we are never alone when we stand with you.



Dec 27, 2017

Satan is Often depicted as a dragon in prophecy, this mutinous angel’s very name means adversary and accuser, and he aims to deceive and destroy humans. The dispute between Satan and Christ, as revealed in Scripture, started in heaven and continues today. This intense war between good and evil plays out in every human heart.

Did God Create the Devil?

Who is Satan? Many believe he’s merely a mythical figure, but the Bible says that he is very real and that he is determined to deceive you and destroy your life. Indeed, this brilliant but cruel mastermind is so much more than what you have been told. He’s entrapping individuals, families, churches, and even entire nations to increase sorrow and pain in this world. Here are the Bible’s amazing facts about this dark prince and how you can overcome him!

With whom did sin originate?

“The devil has sinned from the beginning”
(1 John 3:8).

“That serpent of old, called the Devil and Satan” (Revelation 12:9)

Answer: Satan, who is also called the devil, is the originator of sin. Without the Bible, the origin of evil would remain unexplained.

What was Satan's name before he sinned? Where was he living?

“How you are fallen from heaven, O Lucifer, son of the morning!”
(Isaiah 14:12).

“[Jesus] said to them, ‘I saw Satan fall like lightning from heaven’ ” (Luke 10:18).

“You were on the holy mountain of God” (Ezekiel 28:14).

Answer: Satan’s name was Lucifer, and he was living in heaven. Lucifer is also symbolized by the “king of Babylon” in Isaiah 14 and as the “prince of Tyre” in Ezekiel 28. Lucifer was a heavenly angel created by God. He was perfect in wisdom and beauty and stood next to God's throne.

What was Lucifer’s origin? How does the Bible describe him?

“You were created”
(Ezekiel 28:15).

“You were the seal of perfection, full of wisdom and perfect in beauty. … Every precious stone was your covering. … The workmanship of your timbrels and pipes was prepared for you on the day you were created. … You were perfect in your ways from the day you were created, till iniquity was found in you” (Ezekiel 28:12, 13, 15).

“You were the anointed cherub who covers … you were on the holy mountain of God; you walked back and forth in the midst of fiery stones” (Ezekiel 28:14).

Answer: Lucifer was created by God, as were all the other angels (Ephesians 3:9). Lucifer was a “covering” cherub, or angel. One covering angel stands on the left side of God’s throne and another on the right (Psalm 99:1). Lucifer was one of these highly exalted angels and was a leader. Lucifer’s beauty was flawless and breathtaking. His wisdom was perfect. His brightness was awe-inspiring. Ezekiel 28:13 seems to indicate that he was specially created to be an outstanding musician. Some scholars believe he led the angelic choir.

What happened in Lucifer's life that led him to sin? What sin did he commit?

“Your heart was lifted up because of your beauty; you corrupted your wisdom for the sake of your splendor”
(Ezekiel 28:17).

“You have said in your heart: … ‘I will exalt my throne above the stars of God; … I will be like the Most High’ ” (Isaiah 14:13, 14).

Answer: Pride, jealousy, and discontent arose in Lucifer’s heart. He soon began to desire to unseat God and to demand that everyone worship him instead.

Note: Why is worship such an important thing? It is the key factor in the ongoing conflict between God and Satan. People were created to be happy and fulfilled when we worship only God. Not even the angels of heaven are to be worshipped (Revelation 22:8-9). Satan selfishly sought this worship due only to God. Centuries later, when he tempted Jesus in the wilderness, worship was still his central desire and a key test (Matthew 4:8-11). Now, in these last days, as God calls upon all people to worship Him (Revelation 14:6-7), this so infuriates Satan that he will try to force people to worship himself or else be killed (Revelation 13:15).

Everybody worships someone or something: power, prestige, food, pleasure, possessions, etc. But God says, “You shall have no other gods before Me” (Exodus 20:3). Like Lucifer, we have a choice about whom we worship. If we choose to worship anyone or anything other than the Creator, He will honour our choice, but we will be counted against Him (Matthew 12:30). If anything or anyone other than God receives first place in our lives, we will end up following in Satan’s footsteps. Does God have first place in your life—or are you serving Satan? It is a sobering question, isn’t it?

What happened in heaven as a consequence of Lucifer’s sin?

“War broke out in heaven: Michael and his angels fought with the dragon; and the dragon and his angels fought, but they did not prevail, nor was a place found for them in heaven any longer. So the great dragon was cast out, that serpent of old, called the Devil and Satan, who deceives the whole world; he was cast to the earth, and his angels were cast out with him”
(Revelation 12:7-9).

Answer: Lucifer deceived a third of the angels (Revelation 12:3-4) and caused a rebellion in heaven. God had no choice but to cast out Lucifer and the other fallen angels, because Lucifer’s aim was to usurp God’s throne even if it meant murder (John 8:44). After his expulsion from heaven, Lucifer was called Satan, meaning “adversary,” and the devil, meaning “slanderer.” The angels who followed Satan were called demons. Satan's headquarters is the earth. He hates human beings and aims to hurt God by destroying us all.

Where is Satan’s present headquarters? How does he feel about people?

“The Lord said to Satan, ‘From where do you come?’ So Satan answered the Lord and said, ‘From going to and fro on the earth, and from walking back and forth on it’ ”
(Job 2:2).

“Woe to the inhabitants of the earth and the sea! For the devil has come down to you, having great wrath, because he knows that he has a short time” (Revelation 12:12).

“Your adversary the devil walks about like a roaring lion, seeking whom he may devour” (1 Peter 5:8).

Answer: Contrary to widespread belief, Satan’s headquarters is the earth, not hell. God gave Adam and Eve dominion over the earth (Genesis 1:26). When they sinned, they lost this dominion to Satan (Romans 6:16), who then became ruler, or prince, of the earth (John 12:31). Satan despises humans, who were created in God’s image. Since he can’t harm God directly, he directs his anger against God’s children on the earth. He’s a hateful murderer whose aim is to destroy us and, thus, hurt God.

What does the Bible reveal about Satan’s methods to hurt, deceive, discourage, and destroy people?

The Bible reveals that Satan uses every conceivable approach to deceive and destroy people. His demons can pose as righteous people. And Satan will one day appear as a glorious angel of light with power to call fire down from heaven. He will even impersonate Jesus. But you have been warned, so don’t fall for it. When Jesus comes back the second time, every eye will see Him (Revelation 1:7). He will remain in the clouds and will not touch the earth (1 Thessalonians 4:17).

How effective are Satan’s temptations and strategies?

Satan convinced: one third of the angels (Revelation 12:3-9); Adam and Eve (Genesis 3); all but eight people in Noah’s day (1 Peter 3:20). Almost the entire world follows him instead of Jesus (Revelation 13:3). Many will be forever lost because of his lies (Matthew 7:14; 22:14).

Answer: Satan’s success rate is so astoundingly high that it is almost unbelievable. He deceived a third of God’s angels. In Noah’s day, all but eight people on the earth were deceived. Before Jesus comes the second time, Satan will appear as an angelic being, posing as Christ. His deceptive power will be so great that our only safety will be in refusing to go see him (Matthew 24:23-26). If you refuse to listen to him, Jesus will protect you from Satan’s deceptions (John 10:29).


Dec 27, 2017
This is what Lucifer (Satan) planned. He was cast out of heaven and today is still working to ascend God's throne and become God. He wants all the worship and praise due to God to be for him even though he is just a created being. This is why he was cast out heaven.

He knows he can't achieve any of those things and he is wrong. He knows he is going to end up in hell and die eternally. So he is working tirelessly to get the whole world to sin, especially those who've chosen to accept, submit and obey Christ, so they end up in hell and die eternally. Satan knows this will hurt God very much since He gave everything in Jesus Christ to save mankind.


Aug 11, 2024
"Satan cannot read our thoughts, but he can see our actions, hear our words; and from his long knowledge of the human family, he can shape his temptations to take advantage of our weak points of character." R and H February 27, 1913.
Yes but i'd go a step further and say that not only can he read our thoughts, but he's actually constantly trying to get INSIDE people's minds to bend their will to his.
Christians recognise this and therefore ignore him and say what Jesus said to him- "Get behind me satan" because they've got God and Jesus in their minds to act as bouncers to keep satan out-
Jesus said- "..I am in my Father, and you are in me, and I am in you" (John 14:20)
But nonchristians have got no defence against satan and he therefore takes over their minds and they become his godless puppets-



Dec 27, 2017
Yes but i'd go a step further and say that not only can he read our thoughts, but he's actually constantly trying to get INSIDE people's minds to bend their will to his.
Christians recognise this and therefore ignore him and say what Jesus said to him- "Get behind me satan" because they've got God and Jesus in their minds to act as bouncers to keep satan out-
Jesus said- "..I am in my Father, and you are in me, and I am in you" (John 14:20)
But nonchristians have got no defence against satan and he therefore takes over their minds and they become his godless puppets-

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I posted, "Satan cannot read our thoughts..." That's not a power he possesses as a created being. Only an omniscient God has access to the intimacy of our mental activity, to our true intentions, and to our secret yearnings, "...then hear in heaven Your dwelling place, and forgive, and act, and give to everyone according to all his ways, whose heart You know (for You alone know the hearts of all the sons of men)" (1 Kings 8:39). Satan and his angels only can observe, listen, and estimate what goes on inside and tempt mankind accordingly.

However you are right about Jesus being the only One who can protect us from Satan's temptations. When we accept Jesus as our Saviour (by choice), and we submit and obey Him, our minds are put under the care and control of Jesus.

James 4:7-8 says, “Submit to God. Resist the devil and he will flee from you. Draw near to God and He will draw near to you.”
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elsbet's cat ^. .^

Mar 18, 2023
@phipps said:
Satan claimed the right to attend the
heavenly council as earth’s representative
(Job 1:6-12).

This isn't found in the biblical text.

However, since his defeat at the cross,
Satan and his fallen angels have been
confined to the earth as a prison, until
they receive their punishment.

Neither is this.

Satan is running loose, but the angels who fell are in chains awaiting judgment, according the verses you misquoted. I marvel at the brazen misdirection.


Oct 2, 2017
"The greatest error of a man is to think that he is weak by nature, evil by nature." -- Ramana Maharshi

If you want to get the plain truth,
Be not concerned with right and wrong.
The conflict between right and wrong
Is the sickness of the mind.
-- Sengtan, the third Zen Patriarch