the cornerstone: "the nature–like technosphere is a part of the noosphere.."


Nov 8, 2022
Putin and Russia are so smart and ahead of the USA. But what do the estonians and lithuanians and Latvia think about all this? Probably not much because I doubt they would understand it much like 99 per cent of people around the world wouldn't either. Who in their right mind would even read or right all this verbosity unless they are getting paid to do so? BTW Russia is winning Ukraine war and none of this changes that. Unfortunately I neither speak Russian or can read it either. Putin looks more honest than the western leaders. Hopefully when the nuclear bombs start falling they will be contained to Ukraine, Israel and DC. I'm still safe in California and have no desire to go east or visit Europe so whatever happens hopefully I will be safe and eventually not have to think about this anymore.



Nov 8, 2022
Press Center of the National Research Center "Kurchatov Institute"
"A Picture of the World with Mikhail Kovalchuk": Genomic Biotechnologies

Guest in the studio: Alexey Kochetov, Director of the Institute of Cytology and Genetics of the Siberian Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Academician of the Russian Academy of Sciences.

Watch the program "Picture of the World with Mikhail Kovalchuk: Genomic Biotechnologies" on March 3 at 4.30 p.m. on the TV channel "Russia Culture".

The Kurchatov Institute is creating a self-learning system for neuroprosthetics of the spinal cord

Scientists from the Kurchatov Institute, together with colleagues from Kazan Federal University, have developed a model that can be used to create neuroprostheses for patients with spinal cord injury. A memristor-based circuit is capable of self-learning.

A group of scientists from the Kurchatov Complex of NBICS Nature-Like Technologies is working on the creation of devices based on memristors, analog microelectronic components capable of imitating the synaptic plasticity possessed by neurons in the brain. This property lies in the fact that a synapse – the contact between neurons – transmits a signal from one cell to another with varying efficiency. For example, when memorizing information, the connections between neurons are strengthened, and the transmission of impulses between them is enhanced.

The researchers recorded the activity of "ensembles" of nerve cells connected to each other in a model neural network that regulates the analogue of the motor activity of one of the animal's limbs. After the synaptic connection between the groups of these neurons was broken, the contact-synapses were replaced by memristors, which were "trained" to conduct signals with a certain bandwidth.

As explained by the scientists of the Kurchatov complex of NBICS-nature-like technologies, the polymer electrochemical memristors they are working on change their resistance depending on the magnitude of the ionic charge that has passed through it. Under the influence of external electrical stimulation and feedback from the simulated limb, the desired value of resistance is established: the more intense the input signal, the higher the capacity of the synapse, that is, the "weight" of the signal.

Stimulation signals are selected in such a way as to achieve the necessary conductivity in certain areas of the neural network. This is possible due to the fact that the rate at which the organic memristors based on the conductive polymer polyaniline change their resistance corresponds to the characteristic parameters (frequency and duration) of signals from biological neurons.

Scientists at the Kurchatov Institute developed a model to simulate a neural network for controlling walking a few years ago, but initially it was a programmed system that was not capable of "learning."

"The model we have created is able to self-learn, that is, to adapt to the sensory responses generated by the simulated limb of the animal during normal walking," said Maria Serenko, a research assistant at the Neuromorphic Systems Group of the Laboratory of Artificial Intelligence Technologies of the National Research Center "Kurchatov Institute". "In the simulation, we used such an 'external' stimulus signal so that the memristors, also receiving feedback 'internal' sensory communication from the animal's foot touches during normal walking, establish a resistance that supports this pattern of normal walking without external stimulation.

In the process of "training", the scientists managed to get the memristors to conduct the signal naturally, as if there was no gap between the groups of neurons.

According to the researchers, in the future, based on the same principle, it will be possible to create an adaptive neuroprosthesis with memristive synapses, which will take on the role of a damaged area of the spinal cord. Such a prosthesis would be placed on the spinal cord and receive signals from stimulation and dynamic sensory feedback from intact limbs. In the process of receiving this feedback, the device will be able to self-adjust and adapt to the patient's specific motor skills.

Self-learning memristic devices will help people with spinal cord injury return to their natural motor activity. At the same time, it is quite possible that a neural prosthesis will allow not only to restore motor skills, but also to acquire new ones (for example, not only to start walking again, but also to learn to dance).

Currently, scientists from the Kurchatov Institute are working on testing the development in new model conditions, even closer to real ones.

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Nov 8, 2022
Scientists from the Kurchatov Institute and Kazan Federal University have developed a self-learning model that can help create neuroprostheses to restore the function of the injured spinal cord, according to the website of the Kurchatov Institute.

The basic principle of operation of this model is the use of special devices called memristors. Memristors are microelectronic components that mimic the plasticity of synapses found in neurons in the brain. A synapse is a contact between neurons that transmits signals from one cell to another. This signal is transmitted with different efficiencies.
In October 2023, scientists from the University of Nizhny Novgorod presented their technology for creating neuroprostheses that restore the functioning of damaged areas of the brain. It is based on the combination of artificial and living neurons. The researchers determined the parameters at which a living neural network and a source of neuron-like artificial signals work together. At the same time, the activity of the artificial neuron is controlled by brain cells. Scientists suggest that replacing the damaged area of the hippocampus with electronic neurons will restore brain function after injuries:

Russian Scientists Make Neuroprostheses for Damaged Areas of the Brain

Employees of the University of Nizhny Novgorod (UNN) have developed a breakthrough technology for creating neuroprostheses that restore the work of damaged areas of the brain, TASS reports.

The technology of creating neuroprostheses consists in combining artificial and living neurons. Scientists expect that replacing the damaged area of the hippocampus with electronic neurons will restore brain function after injuries and activate memory processes.

Researchers working at the Department of Neurotechnologies of the UNN Institute of Biology and Biomedicine managed to establish the parameters at which a living neural network and a source of neuron-like signals work as a single whole. At the same time, the activity of the artificial neuron is controlled by brain cells.

During experiments with mice, the scientists used a generator of artificial nerve impulses that was connected to a specific part of their hippocampus. The recreated circuit reproduced signals that mimicked brain activity. In response to these signals, living neurons in the mice's hippocampus responded with their own signals when stimulated. After that, the generator switched to the oscillatory mode and began to function in the rhythm of the hippocampus.

"This is an important step towards neurohybrid technologies. Replacing the damaged area of the hippocampus (the part of the brain responsible for emotions, memory consolidation, attention, and orientation in space – ed.) with electronic neurons can not only restore brain activity in case of injuries, but also improve memory and stimulate the ability to learn," said Albina Lebedeva, project leader, associate professor of the UNN Department of Neurotechnologies.

Albina Lebedeva suggests that if it is possible to suppress outbursts of hippocamp activity with the help of a pulse generator during tests, then this discovery can be used to regulate the brain of patients with epilepsy by creating neuroprostheses. "The new technology opens up wide opportunities in the field of neuromorphic applications: from the development of smart and adaptive robots to the creation of revolutionary medical devices for the treatment of neurological diseases," said Alexander Pisarchik, professor and scientific consultant of the project.

Scientists conduct research within the framework of the federal program "Priority-2030".

Earlier, we talked about the development of specialists from the Almazov National Medical Research Centre for the recovery of patients after stroke and spinal cord injury. The unique non-invasive prosthesis is attached to the patient's back and stimulates the spinal cord with alternating current:

Russia's First Spinal Neuroprosthesis Helps Recover After Stroke Without Surgery

Kosima's development has successfully passed clinical trials in patients with stroke and spinal cord injuries. The first domestic non-invasive spinal neuroprosthesis is expected to be available from spring 2023.

A self-learning prosthesis for the spinal cord has been created in Russia
The Kurchatov Institute has developed a self-learning spinal prosthesis


Previously, scientists for the first time grew a living model of the nervous system of a human embryo:
February 29, 2024

For the first time, scientists have grown a living model of the nervous system of a human embryo

Nature: 11-week-old fetal brain and spinal cord organoids created

photo: Weizmann Institute of Science

Israeli scientists from the Weizmann Institute of Science have for the first time created a living three-dimensional model of the human central nervous system at a very early stage of its development in the laboratory. The study is published in the scientific journal Nature.

Experts were able to recreate organoids that mimic the brain and spinal cord of an 11-week-old human embryo. The process of growing the structures took 40 days.

The new model was created using human pluripotent stem cells, that is, cells that can be transformed into any tissues of the body. First, the stem cells were lined up in a row about 4.39 centimeters long and 0.018 centimeters wide. This roughly corresponded to the shape and size of the neural tube, an early structure from which the brain and spinal cord originate.

The team then placed the cells in a so-called microfluidic device containing many tiny channels. There, biomaterials were exposed to various chemicals, causing them to grow and form a three-dimensional structure.

According to the authors of the discovery, no one has yet managed to produce all three parts of the embryonic brain and spinal cord.

The team hopes that this model can be used to improve scientists' understanding of microcephaly and other brain diseases that occur in the early stages of development.

Earlier, a miniature copy of the brain was grown in Russia to study thinking:

February 09, 2024

Novosibirsk Scientists Have Created Mini-Brains to Study Thinking

In Novosibirsk, mini-brains were obtained to study the connection between genetics and thinking

Scientists from the Institute of Cytology and Genetics of the Siberian Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences (ICG SB RAS) in Novosibirsk have grown volumetric "mini-brains" (brain organoids) in the laboratory to study the influence of genetic features on thinking. This was reported on the website of the institute.

Biologists said that they managed to create cerebral 3D organoids, which are similar in structure to human tissues. With their help, they plan to investigate how turning off certain sections of DNA (HAR elements) affects a person's mental abilities. It is believed that these features of the genome were one of the reasons for the development of the human ability to speak and think complexly. In particular, Novosibirsk plans to study how mutations in the CNTN6 gene affect the development of mental retardation.

The first results showed that the deletion of the HAR elements of the genome leads to serious consequences for the functioning of mini-brains. A group of scientists led by Tatiana Schneider intends to continue their research at the expense of the grant in order to better understand the mechanisms of the formation of pathologies and find ways to prevent them.

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Nov 8, 2022



Nov 8, 2022

Vladimir Vernadsky is the founder of a whole complex of modern Earth sciences. Modern world ecology is based on his theory of the biosphere, and in his theory of the noosphere, the researcher predicted many discoveries and achievements of the second half of the twentieth century, including space exploration.

Vernadsky devoted a significant part of his scientific career to the minerals and chemical elements of the Earth. Before Vladimir Ivanovich, minerals were studied from the point of view of their external properties — shape, color, hardness, size, and little attention was paid to the causes and conditions of the formation of minerals, the laws of their relationships with each other, their internal properties and structure.

Vernadsky also created the Commission for the Study of the Natural Productive Forces of the Country, on the basis of which the Institute of Geography, the Institute of Mineralogy and Geochemistry, the Radium Institute, the Meteorite Committee and others were subsequently organized. Today, the State Geological Museum, the Institute of Geochemistry and Analytical Chemistry and the Crimean Federal University bear the name of the scientist.

Draft Decree of the President of the Russian Federation "On the Strategy for the development of nature-like (convergent) technologies"
The noosphere is a new, evolutionary state of the biosphere, in which scientific and technological human activity becomes a determining factor in the development of the biosphere.

The main content of this stage will be the development and creation of:

- nanobiotechnology products;

- hybrid devices and bionic devices;

- nanobiosystems and devices, including fundamentally new hybrid bionic-type sensing systems;

- biorobototechnical systems, including new generation artificial intelligence systems and neuromorphic processors.

The implementation of the task of the third stage will lead to the creation of a fundamentally new technological basis of the economy in the Russian Federation.
Stage 1. Formation of the scientific and personnel base for the development of nature-like (convergent) sciences and technologies (2022-2026).

Priority tasks of the stage:
development and creation of combined (hybrid) technical systems and technological processes using natural components, primarily biosensors, biofuel elements, brain-computer interfaces, additive technologies for creating separate biosimilar and artificial biological objects, nuclear medicine and radiation therapy technologies;


Nov 8, 2022
St. Petersburg Institute of Nuclear Physics Holds XXIII Winter Youth School on Biophysics and Molecular Biology

March 13, 2024

The results of the XXIII Winter Youth School of the National Research Center "Kurchatov Institute" - PNPI on Biophysics and Molecular Biology have been summed up. It was held from February 26 to March 2 in the Kurortny district of St. Petersburg.

The topics of lectures and reports covered such scientific areas as biophysics, molecular, cellular and synthetic biology, genetics, neurobiology and molecular medicine, proteomics, biotechnology, bioinformatics, bioengineering, genetic technologies, nuclear medicine.

The work of the School was opened by its scientific supervisor, President of the National Research Center "Kurchatov Institute" M.V. Kovalchuk. Lectures were also given by E.B. Yatsishina, Deputy Director of the National Research Center "Kurchatov Institute" ("Mummies of Ancient Egypt. The Art of Immortality"), First Deputy Director of the National Research Center "Kurchatov Institute" for Science Y.A. Dyakova (Nuclear Physical Methods in Biology), Vice-President of the National Research Center "Kurchatov Institute" A.E. Blagov (Capabilities of Synchrotron Radiation Sources for the Study of Biological Objects), Academician V.M. Govorun (Synthetic Biology), E.N. Evdokimova (Work of the Kurchatov Publishing House), and other outstanding scientists.

On the opening day of the School, a solemn signing of the Cooperation Agreement between the National Research Center "Kurchatov Institute" and the Pavlov Institute of Physiology of the Russian Academy of Sciences also took place.

The agreement provides for cooperation in the field of biomedical research and the development of nature-like technologies, the development of cooperation in various areas, including work on primates.

Representatives of the medical community also took part in the work of the school. The report was made by the Chairman of the Board of Directors of the Group of Companies "My Medical Center" V.V. Baranov. Participants of the round table from the leading medical organizations of Moscow and St. Petersburg discussed the problems of gene therapy.

Syntol, the general sponsor of the school, held a master class on mitochondrial DNA sequencing using the example of DNA forensics.

Kurchatov Institute at the World Youth Festival


Modern science and its capabilities, the tasks that Russian scientists are solving today, and the peaks that they can reach tomorrow – these topics occupied a prominent place in the program of the World Youth Festival, which took place in early March in Sochi.

Over the seven days of the festival, dozens of sessions, lectures and master classes were devoted to scientific topics. A number of them were organized by the National Research Center "Kurchatov Institute" or were held with the participation of our employees.

Thus, a notable event in the scientific program of the festival was the session "Megascience as the basis for breakthrough scientific research". It was possible to learn what megascience is and why huge research facilities are needed, what are the prospects for international cooperation in the field of megascience, what unique opportunities are created here for young scientists... The session was attended by Alexander Blagov, Vice President of the Center, and moderated by Nikita Marchenkov, Head of the Kurchatov Synchrotron and Neutron Research Complex.

At the session "Atom 2:0: Closed-Loop Energy", the festival participants were told why nuclear energy is the only way not only to solve the problem of energy supply for all mankind, but also to preserve the Earth's ecosystem. The experts presented the concept of "green" nuclear energy, which is now being implemented in Russia as part of the national scientific and technological program. The session was moderated by Alexei Kovalishin, Deputy Director of the Center for Nuclear Technologies, and among the speakers were Alexey Gorbunov, Head of the Department at the Kurchatov Complex of Fusion Energy and Plasma Technologies, and Viktor Egorychev, Assistant to the President of the Center.

During the discussion "Genetic Sovereignty", scientists discussed the rapid development of genetic research and the growth of the bioeconomy: what opportunities it opens, what risks it faces, and how Russia can ensure technological parity and its biological security in this area. The discussion will be moderated by Maxim Patrushev, Head of the Kurchatov Genome Center of the National Research Center "Kurchatov Institute", and Ekaterina Blokhina, Deputy Head of the Kurchatov Institute's representative office in Belarus, is among the participants.

Representatives of the Center also participated in events dedicated to the development of international scientific and educational cooperation and scientific volunteering. And young scientists from Kurchatov conducted laboratory research classes for young participants of the festival in the Workshop of Nikolai Vavilov and the Workshop of Alexander Stoletov.

Young scientists of NRC "Kurchatov Institute" - PNPI participate in the training of future leaders of science at the World Youth Festival in Sochi

March 07, 2024
Employees of the Laboratory of Experimental Genetics of the Department of Molecular and Radiation Biophysics of the National Research Center "Kurchatov Institute" - PNPI, Ph.D. Elena Ryabova and research assistant Artem Komissarov held a scientific laboratory for schoolchildren interested in science "Drosophila – a model object of neurogenetics" at the World Youth Festival in Sochi. The project lasted from 4 to 7 March and was presented as part of the Nikolai Vavilov Workshop, aimed at supporting talented young people, educating professional and responsible leaders – the future scientific, business, cultural and civic elite of Russia and the world.
The project of Elena Ryabova and Artem Komissarov is related to such a universal model object as a fruit fly fly. The task of the young scientists was to show how easy it is to work with, and how valuable and unique it is for a variety of biological research. Under the strict guidance of Elena and Artem, six girls from different parts of the world - Russia, Turkey, Venezuela, Egypt and South Ossetia - worked on the research task assigned to them and coped with it 100 percent, presenting the results of their work first to the commission, and then at the general fair of the Festival's projects.

"We tried to convey to children how genes affect the functioning of the nervous system. Despite the fact that this is quite a complex science, we have selected simple experiments, both to understand and to perform. And, accordingly, we tried to tell about it in simple words," Elena Ryabova shared. - "The children are talented, motivated, very friendly. Despite the fact that biology is not a core subject for some children at school, they really enjoyed performing experiments and presenting them at the festival. It's very satisfying and encourages you to keep doing these classes!"

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Nov 8, 2022
Press Center of the National Research Center "Kurchatov Institute"
The Kurchatov Institute has created a combined cathode for biofuel cells


The National Research Center "Kurchatov Institute" is improving biofuel cells that make it possible to obtain electricity from glucose contained in the blood. A new type of cathode that combines platinum nanoparticles and an organic catalyst will improve the efficiency of the biofuel cell. The work was published in the international journal Electroanalysis.

Biofuel cells (BTEs), which are being worked on at the Kurchatov Institute, are necessary for pacemakers, neurostimulators and infusion pumps. By generating electricity from blood glucose, they can replace batteries in implantable medical devices. This will allow users of such devices to avoid unnecessary surgical interventions to replace batteries.

Biofuel cells consist of two electrodes. At the anode, the enzyme breaks down glucose to form protons and electrons, which are directed to the cathode, where the oxygen reduction reaction takes place.

However, in bodily fluids, including blood, the concentration of oxygen is limited, which means that the energy conversion efficiency of BTE is low. The scientists were solving the question: how to increase the efficiency of the cathode process (that is, to increase the cathode current in implantable biofuel cells) in conditions of limited oxygen concentration?

"We have created a new type of cathode that combines platinum nanoparticles and an organic catalyst. Such a "hybrid" increases the efficiency of the cathodic reaction by 3 times compared to enzyme-based cathodes. In addition, it avoids undesirable products that can occur during the oxygen reduction reaction, which is especially important for potentially implantable fuel cells," said Yulia Parunova, Senior Researcher at the Department of Bioenergy of the Kurchatov Complex of NBICS Nature-Like Technologies.

The scientists studied in detail the structure and properties of the created electrodes using electrochemical and X-ray techniques. According to the researchers, the combination they proposed provides the maximum cathode current due to the fact that both elements – platinum nanoparticles and a catalyst – contribute to the oxygen reduction reaction.

And the high catalytic activity of the cathode, in turn, increases the "performance" of the biofuel cell.

At present, experimental work is underway to test BTE with new cathodes in laboratory animals. And in these experiments, the development has already confirmed its effectiveness.

Scientists have improved the efficiency of systems that derive energy from blood glucose

The development will increase the efficiency of such devices, designed to replace batteries in implantable medical devices - cardiac and neurostimulators and infusion pumps

Breakthrough in medicine: new biofuel cells will replace batteries

The development opens up new prospects for the long-term use of implantable devices, which will be a real revolution in medicine. Patients will be able to eliminate the need for regular battery replacement surgeries, which will significantly improve their quality of life. The innovation of the Kurchatov Institute is a significant step forward in the field of bioenergy and medical engineering. This discovery not only contributes to the development of new technologies in the treatment of various diseases, but also makes an important contribution to the development of devices capable of running on renewable energy sources taken directly from the human body.

February 8, 2018
The president held a meeting of the Council for science and education in Novosibirsk.

Vladimir Putin:
The world is undergoing dramatic technological change. In their scale, they are comparable to the epochs of industrial revolutions and scientific discoveries that radically changed the way of life of people on our planet.
In science, as in other fields, we need to make a real breakthrough. It is necessary to abandon once and for all the support for inefficiency, for outdated, outdated approaches to the organization of scientific activity. And, of course, the country expects from Science new solutions that can change the quality of people’s lives and give a powerful boost to the development of Russia.

These are the tasks that have been set in the strategy for scientific and technological development. And projects of scientific institutes, research programs, ministries and departments should be directed to this.
And today, our scientists are helping local companies succeed in the technology race, including in the processing and transmission of big data.

The interaction of Science and business should be a key condition for the implementation of the Digital Economy Program. On the basis of modern solutions, it is necessary to organize the activity of state and social institutions, transport and management of the city to a qualitatively new level, to take a leading position in the development and implementation of artificial intelligence systems.

Moreover: local scientists have taken a significant step forward in such relatively new interdisciplinary fields for us as life science, where research is carried out at the intersection of biology, chemistry, genetics, medicine, bioinformatics and physics.
I believe that the accumulated intellectual and scientific potential makes it possible to organize large-scale genomic research in Russia. And I ask you to develop a suitable program in a short time, to provide mechanisms to support strong teams, create modern infrastructure and train staff. We have just discussed this in detail with representatives of the Siberian branch of the Academy of Sciences.

Both in genetics and in other fields, t should be used more widely. pomegranate. convergent approach, nature-like technologies. On this basis, we will be able to create new drugs and methods for the treatment of severe diseases, a new energy based on technologies for the most careful treatment of resources. I would, of course, like to hear your suggestions on this.
Please give the floor to Mikhail Valentinovich Kovalchuk.

Mikhail Kovalchuk [director of the Kurchatov Institute]:
…We, speaking of the digital economy as a big breakthrough (which is indeed the case), should understand that according to the International Energy Agency, in the coming years the share of energy consumption in the network infocommunication sphere (only networks and terminal devices – consumer network equipment, communications, Wi-Fi) without industrial computing information infrastructure will exceed one third of the world’s electricity production.

When we talk to you about the digital economy, we have to understand that if we do not develop the energy sector appropriately, we will not have a digital economy. In the near future, this creates serious constraints on energy resources for the formation of a digital economy. At the same time, nature does not know resource crises and energy starvation. The explanation for this is the extremely high energy efficiency of natural sites.

I will repeat an example I have given so many times. The human brain, which actually created a unique civilization on Earth, consumes 30 watts, and a modern supercomputer consumes tens of megawatts. At the same time, the efficiency of all the computers in the world is far from reaching the efficiency of the brain of an ordinary person.

Thus, in order to solve the problem of sustainable energy supply to humanity, it is necessary to move to technologies based on the principles of functioning of living nature – nature-like technologies. It is these technologies that should form the basis of a fundamentally new technological base for the country’s economy.

Vladimir Vladimirovich, allow me to quote your speech at the 70th session of the United Nations General Assembly when the Kyoto Protocol was being discussed. You said that we support the Kyoto Protocol, but it is only a partial solution to the civilizational problem. We need to talk about the introduction of fundamentally new nature-like technologies that do not cause damage to the surrounding world, but exist in harmony with it and will allow to restore the balance between the biosphere and the Technosphere, which has been disturbed by man. This is truly a global challenge.

I would like to say that a number of technologically significant results have already been achieved both in the field of energy production and in the field of energy consumption. For example, technologies have been developed to generate electrical energy based on the metabolic processes of living organisms. These are so-called biofuel cells, which can be used, in particular, to power microsensors of a biological nature and implantable medical devices.

The second is consumption technology. Hardware technologies are actively developing, I stress, not software, but hardware implementation of artificial neuromorphic networks for computing devices that work on the principles of the human brain and as a result consume significantly less energy. It should be noted that this research and development in all these areas is actively and systematically carried out in many countries around the world.

I would like to say that today we are at a world level in the field of studying processes in living nature and creating nature-like technologies.”

Press Center of the National Research Center “Kurchatov Institute”, 03.11.2023
Russia will have a program for the development of nature-like technologies
The decree was signed by the President of the Russian Federation Vladimir Putin.

[…]within 6 months, an action plan should be prepared, including “the creation of an advanced scientific infrastructure, the formation of human resources and the conduct of scientific research in this area.” Scientific guidance over the implementation of the plan, as well as monitoring and evaluation of scientific results in the field of nature-like technologies are entrusted to the NRC “Kurchatov Institute”.

“Back in the 1930s, Academician Vernadsky said that as soon as the technosphere spreads to most of the world, there will be a resource catastrophe. And we can see it. There are two ways: either a war for resources, which is already starting all over the world, or the creation of a nature-like technosphere,” commented Mikhail Kovalchuk, President of the Center

Draft Decree of the President of the Russian Federation “On the Strategy for the development of nature-like (convergent) technologies” (June 14, 2022), full text (some quotes)

General characteristics of the big challenges that the Strategy is designed to answer:
The global challenge of the XXI century is the need to ensure the sustainable development of civilization.
The cause of the crisis is the antagonism of nature and the technosphere created by man.
Nature–like (convergent) sciences and technologies are a tool for responding to the great challenges of the modern world.
The symbiosis of nano- and biotechnologies allows not only to reproduce living matter, but also to create fundamentally new bioorganic materials and structures.
In order to intelligently and effectively use the possibilities of nature-like (convergent) sciences and technologies, a radical transformation of the consciousness of man himself as a social being is necessary. This is possible only on the basis of combining nano-, bio-, information, cognitive technologies with the achievements of socio-humanitarian sciences and technologies.

Nature-like (convergent) sciences and technologies are strategic priorities focused on the medium and long term, ensuring the creation of fundamentally new breakthrough technologies and leading to a change in the technological order.

Research and development in the field of NBICS convergence as a tool for creating nature-like technologies is actively conducted in a number of foreign countries, primarily in the USA.

In particular, in the USA there is a program of the National Science Foundation and the US Department of Commerce called NBIC – “Nanotechnology, Biotechnology, Information technology and Cognitive science”. In other countries, similar convergent programs are known by the acronyms GRAIN (Genetics, Robotics, Artificial Intelligence and Nanotechnology) and BANG (Bits, Atoms, Neurons, Genes). These programs are largely focused on the development of human resources. Thus, the NBIC program of the USA is called “Converging Technologies for Improving Human Perfomance”, and the NBIC program of the European Union is “Converging Technologies for the European Knowledge Society) (CTEKS).

The main content of this stage will be the development and creation of:

– nanobiotechnology products;

– hybrid devices and bionic devices;

– nanobiosystems and devices, including fundamentally new hybrid bionic-type sensing systems;

– biorobototechnical systems, including new generation artificial intelligence systems and neuromorphic processors.

The implementation of the task of the third stage will lead to the creation of a fundamentally new technological basis of the economy in the Russian Federation.

Stage 1. Formation of the scientific and personnel base for the development of nature-like (convergent) sciences and technologies (2022-2026).
Priority tasks of the stage:
[among them]
– development and creation of combined (hybrid) technical systems and technological processes using natural components, primarily biosensors, biofuel elements, brain-computer interfaces, additive technologies for creating separate biosimilar and artificial biological objects, nuclear medicine and radiation therapy technologies;

– creation of the first generation of the domestic neuromorphic processor and implementation of pilot projects for its application in real sectors of the economy and the military-industrial complex;

– search for available developments in the field of nature-like (convergent) sciences and technologies ready for industrial development.

Stage 2. Creation of technological foundations for the beginning of the formation of separate nature–like scientific and production clusters (2027-2032).
Priority tasks of the stage:

– transfer of the results of the first stage to the economy;

– research and technological reproduction of individual objects and processes of wildlife, primarily in the field of:

– synthetic biology (artificial cell, artificial virus);

– biophotonic devices;

– biorobots;

– additive manufacturing technologies and equipment for the creation of synthetic biological materials and artificial organs from them;

– new generation medicines and means of their targeted delivery;

– energy supply systems for implantable devices, artificial organs and biorobots due to energy processes in living organisms;

– development and creation of neuromorphic brain-machine and brain-brain interfaces, anthropomorphic bioprostheses, anthropomorphic robotic devices;

– development and creation of neuromorphic artificial intelligence systems, including those with the ability to self-study without connection to data storage and processing centers;

– creation of a fully functional (including the learning function) domestic neuroprocessor with characteristics that are not inferior or superior to foreign analogues;

– development of biocomputing technologies;

– creation of prototypes of components of nature-like nuclear power;

– development of the interdisciplinary education system.

Stage 3. Formation of the basic elements of the nature–like technosphere (2033-2037)
Priority tasks of the stage:

– transfer of the results of stages 1 and 2 to the economy;

– technological reproduction of systems and complexes of wildlife, first of all:

– nature-like energy systems, including nature-like nuclear power;

– cyberphysical additive production complexes (“Internet of everything”);

– medical systems based on technologies of correction of the psychophysiological sphere of a person;

– formation of basic elements of anthropomorphic biorobotonics, including communities of anthropomorphic biorobototechnical systems;

– creation of super-large neurocomputers based on the developed neuroprocessors, approaching the human in their cognitive capabilities;

– creation of a new generation of artificial intelligence systems with cognitive capabilities, providing approaches to creating a “strong” artificial intelligence;

– development of the interdisciplinary education system.

As a result of the implementation of the third stage, separate nature-like scientific and production clusters will be formed, as structure-forming elements of a nature-like technosphere."
Directorate of Digitalization, Technology and Agri-Business of the United Nations Industrial Development Organization (UNIDO)

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Nov 8, 2022
Of course, yes. Consistently, steadily, accelerated - to full-fledged transhumanism, straight from sci-fi dystopias.

Not "digital tyranny" and such things, but pure transhumanism (to which "digital tyranny" is only a path and a means).

And not a word from any of our respected "alternative" media and individual journalists, to some of whom I have said.
Why should they bother with such conspiracy theories as the one, that step by step is performed tirelessly, when they have to write and make videos about the insidious digitization, CBDC, biometrics, Agenda 2030 (withouth the main - transhumanism)...?!

Read, watch and listen to more mutts, you will go far
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Nov 8, 2022
The National Research Center "Kurchatov Institute"
"A Picture of the World with Mikhail Kovalchuk": Biophysics of the Brain and Bioelectronics


Guest in the studio: Susanna Gordleeva, Doctor of Physical and Mathematical Sciences, Professor of Lobachevsky State University of Nizhny Novgorod, winner of the 2023 Presidential Prize in Science and Innovation for Young Scientists.

Advances in modern brain research are leading to the creation of new physical elements and systems of nature-like electronics. They were called neuromorphic, that is, they repeat the shape and principles of neural structures, connections, and cells. Why is the brain more efficient than a supercomputer? How do we remember and process information? What electrochemical signals are involved in these processes? What cells and tissues are involved in this work? What are the functions of interneuronal contacts, called synapses? What role do the so-called "star" cells – astrocytes – play in the functioning of the brain?

Is it possible to reproduce fragments of higher nervous activity at the technological level? Which neuromorphic systems have already been created and successfully tested? What are the future prospects for the development of nature-like technologies in this area?

Watch the program "Picture of the World with Mikhail Kovalchuk: Biophysics of the Brain and Bioelectronics" on March 24 at 16.30 on the TV channel "Russia Culture".

— In what areas can such a neural network be used?

— In fact, in any place where information processing is needed. But one of the promising tasks, perhaps, is the creation of neural implants or neural interfaces. Such systems record brain activity. Therefore, it is necessary that information processing should be carried out with the help of
systems adapted to biological mechanisms."



Nov 8, 2022
GSNTU students defended their project for participation in the Priority-2030 program

March 22, 2024

The team of Grozny State Petroleum Technological University. M. D. Millionshchikova defended the university's strategic project for participation in the Priority-2030 program.

Rector of GSNTU named after Acad. Magomed Mintsayev said that participation in the Priority-2030 program will allow the university to create a center for training competitive specialists.

"This will allow us to develop and use our competencies in the field of Green Building at a fundamentally new level. We will develop them under any development scenario within the framework of the Priority 2030 program, since they successfully fit into the industrial situation in the region. The construction industry as a whole has been identified as a priority for the Chechen Republic (Strategy of the Chechen Republic 2035), since almost all technological industry stages are developing here, from the extraction of raw materials for the production of building materials to the construction of high-rise buildings and complex industrial facilities," said Magomed Mintsaev.

The team for the defense of the Priority 2030 program also included representatives of Chechencement JSC, headed by Director Abdul-Hamid Baibetirov.

"According to the Strategy of Socio-Economic Development of the Chechen Republic, the production of building materials is one of the 4 most priority sectors of the region's economy (along with agriculture, tourism and the digital economy). As one of the main operators of the development of this sector of the economy in the region, Chechencement JSC, along with other companies, is the main industrial partner of the State University of Science and Technology in the Strategic Project "Low-Carbon (Nature-Like) Technologies", the implementation of which will make a great contribution to the socio-economic development of the region, creating new import-substituting and export-oriented products," added Abdul-Hamid Baibetirov.

The strategic project, the purpose of which is to develop nature-like energy- and resource-saving technologies for construction production, involves close cooperation with large manufacturing enterprises.

It is noted that the results will be known soon.



Nov 8, 2022

Lobachevsky University
A new project of UNN scientists received support from the Russian Foundation for Basic Research


The project will help in the development of energy-efficient brain-like electronic systems The application of the Lobachevsky University team No. 18-29-23001 became the winner of the competition for the best scientific projects of interdisciplinary fundamental research on the topic "Fundamentals of nature-like technologies for energy generation and consumption". The planned amount of financing is 18 million rubles for three years.

According to the head of the project, the head of the NIFTI laboratory A.N. Mikhailov, the project arose thanks to the initiative and support of the Vice-Rector for Research V.B. Kazantsev and is aimed at solving a fundamental scientific problem related to the development of energy-efficient brain-like electronic systems for a wide range of purposes and the implementation of hardware models of biomorphic neural networks for modeling the architecture of the brain, creating learning and adaptive robotic systems. neuroprosthetics and neuroimplantation. The team of performers includes employees and graduate students of the NIFTI, the Faculty of Radiophysics and the Institute of Biological Physics of UNN.

Research in the field of nature-like technologies, aimed at studying and applying the principles of energy-efficient functioning and information processing in neural networks of the brain, is one of the most actively developing areas of modern interdisciplinary science. The demand for such research is due to a wide range of relevant applications: information technology and big data processing, the design of neuromorphic computing systems, the creation of autonomous adaptive control systems, fundamental research in the medical and biological field, including in such breakthrough areas as neuroprostheticsand neuroimplantation. Along with a large number of theoretical studies aimed at identifying the fundamental principles of brain functioning, it should be noted that there is a growing interest in new experimental approaches to create artificial analogues of neural networks of the brain based on electronic neurons and synapses. And if today we know electronic models of neurons of various degrees of detail and principles of execution (analog and digital), then hardware modeling of synaptic connections with the reproduction of plasticity effects is at the initial stage of research.

This project is devoted to the theoretical and experimental study of the possibility of building electronic models of synaptic connections between artificial neurons based on memristive devices capable of adaptively changing resistance, and to the study of the collective dynamics of a biomorphic neural network based on the self-organization of memristive connections. In order to achieve biological plausibility, the architecture and dynamics of the developed neural networks with memstrative connections will be directly compared for the first time with the results of an experimental study of the wave and oscillatory activity of the hippocampal networks of the brain in vitro and/or in vivo. The novelty and significance of the proposed project consist in the complex modeling and hardware implementation of biomorphic neural networks based on memristive devices with the properties of synaptic plasticity, including those stimulated by living neurons of the brain. The basis of the project is an interdisciplinary approach implemented with the involvement of specialists with significant groundwork in the fields of electronics, nanotechnology, nonlinear dynamics, mathematical and physical modeling, as well as neurobiology, which provides a comprehensive study of the tasks at hand, achievability and reliability of the results.
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Nov 8, 2022
Codes of Youth: An Open Meeting of the Club of Young Scientists Was Held in Moscow

What Leading Experts Talked About with the New Generation of Researchers

April 10, 2024

On April 9, the Moscow Palace of Pioneers hosted a meeting of the Young Scientists Club and the opening ceremony of the conference "The Kurchatov Project – From Knowledge to Practice, From Practice to Result", dedicated to the results of the Kurchatov Institute's activities in the field of school education. At the event, diplomas were awarded to the winners of the Moscow Government Prize in six scientific areas. Mikhail Kovalchuk, President of the Research Center, gave a lecture on "Nature-Like Technologies – New Opportunities and New Challenges".

"Today we have an important event in the world of science. Young scientists get together to discuss the most ambitious plans that may seem impossible to some, but not for you. A rich working program will allow the audience to get closer to the great discoveries that will change the history of the planet," the host of the evening Yana Churikova greeted the audience.



Nov 8, 2022
Altai-2050 Strategy
LC-AV has started updating the Strategy of Socio-Economic Development of the Altai Republic until 2050

A team of experts from the Leontief Centre – AV Group Consortium has started working on updating the strategic planning documents of the Altai Republic. Alexey Krylovskiy, Managing Director of LC-AV, and Natalia Ivanova, Advisor to the Managing Director of LC-AV, visited Gorno-Altaisk.

On 23.11.2023, the team held a number of working meetings, and also took part in a meeting in the Government of Altai chaired by the head of the region Oleg Khorokhordin. During the meeting, the participants discussed strategic guidelines, tasks and priorities of socio-economic development in the face of new challenges, ways and mechanisms for achieving goals aimed at improving the level and quality of life of Altai residents.

The updating of the regional development strategy approved in March 2018 is associated with the appearance of a number of important documents at the federal level over the past period, as well as new challenges that our country has faced. The priority of the Altai Republic is balanced ecological, socio-economic development without damage to nature. The Altai Mountains are a territory of noospheric development. The noosphere type of territory development implies a type of organization of the society's activities in which a balanced (conflict-free) co-development of the technosphere and the biosphere is ensured on the basis of the use of nature-like and nature-saving technologies.

Oct 20, 2021
I do give credit to OP for his efforts in bringing a subject to light that no one really cares about or even wants to waste time reading. Today there are many things to be paying attention to such as wars etc. But the diligence and thoroughness of this knowledge is proof that a lot of things exist somewhere that might exist in other places far beyond.


Nov 8, 2022
Seminar "New Directions of Molecular and Biomedical Technologies"

Thematic Seminar of the Kurchatov Complex of NBICS Nature-Like Technologies of the National Research Center "Kurchatov Institute"

April 25
The seminar is devoted to the possibilities of reproductive technologies in the conditions of a new vivarium
Topic: "Embryotechnology: Yesterday, Today, Tomorrow"

Speaker: G.A. Serobyan (Candidate of Biological Sciences, Leading Specialist of the RC for Neurocognitive Research)

The current level of development of scientific technologies and medicine, diagnostics and treatment require the creation and study of model animals (transgenic, cloned, chimeric, knockout). These animals in SPF (specified pathogens free) status allow you to obtain more accurate results, without error for an infectious disease. For this status, you need to use rederivation. The report will analyze the main methods of rederivation of laboratory animals in terms of efficiency, economy, labor intensity and other characteristics. A promising method of using agarose capsules as a replacement for the transparent membrane (ZP) of embryos, a natural barrier to the entry of various pathogens and viruses into the embryo, will also be presented. Modern technologies for creating transgenic animals will also be discussed. Relatively new and promising tools in embryology - laser technologies - will be considered. The use of picosecond and femtosecond lasers to perform complex nanosurgical non-invasive operations on mammalian embryos for the production of hybridomas, reprogramming, gene transfer and genetic therapy, obtaining pure lines of genetically modified animals and chimeric animals.


Nov 8, 2022
A meeting of the heads of the BRICS academies of sciences will be held in Moscow

A meeting of the heads of the BRICS academies of sciences will be held in Moscow

One of the venues of the event will be the Kurchatov Institute.

The meeting of the heads of the BRICS academies of sciences will be held on May 29-30. The motto of the event is "Academic Partnership for Peace, Mutual Development and Well-Being". The agenda includes the organization of a common scientific and educational space of the BRICS countries, joint research under mega-science programs and the formation of scientific teams of young scientists.

Details about the upcoming event were told at a press conference in TASS. Its participants were Vice-President of the Russian Academy of Sciences and Vice-President of the National Research Center "Kurchatov Institute" Vladislav Panchenko, Vice-President of the National Research Center "Kurchatov Institute" Alexander Blagov, Deputy Minister of Science and Higher Education of the Russian Federation Konstantin Mogilevsky.

The meeting of the heads of the BRICS academies of sciences, timed to coincide with the 300th anniversary of the Russian Academy of Sciences, will be held in the format of a two-day forum. The working program of the first day, which will be held at the Russian Academy of Sciences, will include issues of strengthening the common scientific and educational space of BRICS, in particular, the organization of a single information, analytical and publishing platform, which could establish a regular exchange of information in order to jointly develop recommendations based on a detailed analysis of information collected from all BRICS countries," Vladislav Panchenko explained.

The topic of comprehensive security in a multipolar world will also be discussed. "We have to talk not only about information security, but also about biosecurity. The whole world has to solve very big problems," the academician added.

Special attention will be paid to the formation of international research teams of young scientists. "Many leading scientists of the Russian Academy of Sciences are ready to take part in the training of the country's scientific leaders," Vladislav Panchenko emphasized.

Scientific discussions and a significant part of the business program will be held at the site of the National Research Center "Kurchatov Institute". In addition to representatives of the BRICS countries, the heads of the academies of sciences of the Republic of Belarus, Kazakhstan, and Kyrgyzstan are invited to participate. President of the Research Center Mikhail Kovalchuk will make a plenary report on the topic "From fundamental knowledge to results, from the atom to the genome".

The program of the second day will consist of two parts. First, BRICS representatives will be introduced to the research infrastructure of the Kurchatov Institute. "Over the past decades, a unique scientific center has been created that conducts research in a wide range of areas that may be of interest to our partners. This is "historically" our direction - nuclear technologies, thermonuclear fusion, plasma technologies, nuclear medicine. This is research using mega-science facilities, which make it possible to study any materials at the atomic level, predict their properties, and create new materials. In addition, the Kurchatov Institute has organized the NBICS Center - a center for the convergence of sciences designed for the development of nature-like technologies," said Alexander Blagov, Vice-President of the National Research Center "Kurchatov Institute". The meeting participants will be able to discuss areas of cooperation using this infrastructure.

The second part of the program consists of two thematic sessions devoted to nature-like technologies and mega-science research infrastructure projects.

Russia is the world leader in the creation of mega-science facilities, Alexander Blagov emphasized. Under the scientific guidance of the Kurchatov Institute, 12 such facilities are being created and developed, including the synchrotron radiation source with a free-electron laser SILA [POWER] and the OMEGA neutron source in the city of Protvino near Moscow, the PIK nuclear research reactor in Gatchina and others. At the same time, the International Neutron Research Center was organized on the basis of the PIK reactor, which includes scientific organizations from Belarus, Uzbekistan and Iran; the accession of Kazakhstan and Tajikistan is being discussed. "Now the focus of this center is expanding, synchrotron and laser studies are being added. Colleagues from BRICS will be invited to join it," said Alexander Blagov.

On January 1, 2024, the chairmanship of the BRICS association passed to Russia. Deputy Minister of Science and Higher Education of Russia Konstantin Mogilevsky, within the framework of the program of the Russian presidency, proposed to allocate targeted support for flagship scientific projects; to include the humanities in the topic of international cooperation; to hold the BRICS Young Scientists Forum, combined with the IV Congress of Young Scientists, which is traditionally held on the Sirius federal territory.


Nov 8, 2022

BRICS Academicians Discuss the Future of Global Science

What are the main topics identified by scientists to ensure global security?

3 June 2024, 00:00

Researchers from the BRICS countries will cooperate to implement breakthrough projects in science and technology. They discussed such prospects at a meeting of the heads of the academies of sciences of the member states of the association. In addition, scientists agreed to share the infrastructure of the "mega-science" class. Mikhail Kovalchuk, President of the National Research Center "Kurchatov Institute", spoke about the possibilities of domestic science in this direction. He also drew the attention of his colleagues to the possible dangers associated with the spread and use of biotechnologies, including genetic ones, and took the initiative to create a supranational body to exercise control in this area.

What the academicians agreed on?
The main topic of the meeting of the heads of the BRICS academies of sciences, which took place at the end of May, was academic partnership in the interests of peace, mutual development and prosperity.

In addition to domestic scientists and statesmen, the event was attended by the presidents and vice-presidents of the national academies of sciences of India, China, Iran and Egypt. Academicians from Brazil, Ethiopia and the Republic of South Africa joined the meeting in a remote format.

BRICS is an interstate association created to achieve the goals of sustainable economic and social development of the member countries. The Union includes Russia, Brazil, India, China, the Republic of South Africa, Egypt, Iran, the United Arab Emirates, Saudi Arabia and Ethiopia. They account for a third of the world's GDP and 45% of the world's population. More than a dozen states are currently awaiting approval of the application to join the organization.

"Requests to the scientific community from the peoples of our countries are related to the solution of global problems. These are climate change, food security, health development, and energy shortages. These problems can be solved by increasing the competitiveness of science and providing scientists with access to innovative research infrastructure," said Gennady Krasnikov, President of the Russian Academy of Sciences, in his opening remarks.

He also drew attention to the fact that the development of scientific thought is possible only under the condition of openness, lively discussion and constant exchange of views and experience between scientists.

On the first day of the meeting, the delegates presented national scientific programs. The Russian side made proposals to create a common scientific and educational space and an information, analytical and publishing platform. Such projects will allow scientists to share research results and experimental data online. They will also help specialists to join forces and use the laboratory facilities and equipment fleets of partner countries.

At the same time, the participants considered the issues of personnel training, the formation of leadership competencies in the scientific community and the development of international collaborations between research organizations and industrial enterprises. Particular attention was paid to the problem of restricting access to the achievements of advanced science for political reasons.

Nature-like technologies and mega-installations

The second part of the forum was held at the National Research Center "Kurchatov Institute". At this stage, academicians from Kazakhstan and Kyrgyzstan joined the meeting. The plenary session was opened by the President of the Center Mikhail Kovalchuk. He made a report "From Fundamental Knowledge to Results – From Atom to Genome", in which he spoke about the importance of nature-like technologies for world science.

"Our civilization consumes more energy and materials than it returns to nature. This causes their shortage and provokes world conflicts over resources. However, over billions of years in the natural environment, organisms have developed ways that allow them to use the resources obtained as efficiently as possible. The task of science is to understand these mechanisms and reproduce them in modern technical devices," Mikhail Kovalchuk explained.

According to the scientist, the world's largest network of research infrastructure of the "mega-science" class is currently being created in Russia under the scientific leadership of the Kurchatov Institute, which is focused on achieving breakthrough scientific and technological results.

Such installations make it possible to study "natural" structures, their structure, and the processes of their formation at the level of individual atoms and particles. In the future, the knowledge gained will help to reproduce nature-like mechanisms in artificial materials. On the basis of these developments, it will be possible to build a highly productive economy with low consumption of resources and energy.

Mikhail Kovalchuk also drew attention to the development of genetic technologies. With their help, scientists create new types of food, biofuels, medicines and many other products - even building materials. New data on the human genome can make it possible to develop methods to protect against epidemics and against the use of pathogens as biological weapons. However, at the same time, genetic technologies can also create new threats: "Biological methods of destruction can replace nuclear ones. They are more dangerous because they are less obvious and can be created artificially."

Summing up, the President of the Kurchatov Institute called on the participants of the meeting to come up with an initiative to create a supranational body to control biotechnology and, on behalf of the heads of national academies and leading scientific centers of the BRICS countries, to sign a "declaration on the creation of a biological safety shield by analogy with the Pugwash Agreement on Nuclear Safety." The document can be presented to the heads of state at the BRICS summit, which is scheduled for October this year in Kazan.

In addition, two scientific sessions were held on the second day of the forum. One of them raised the issues of comprehensive security of the BRICS countries in the context of the new multipolarity. Another session was devoted to science diplomacy in modern conditions. During this event, scientists spoke about their vision of ways to resolve acute international conflicts using scientific cooperation tools. Among other things, the participants discussed the idea of establishing new international specialized scientific journals that will reflect the achievements of scientists from the BRICS countries.

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Nov 8, 2022
The Era of Biocomputers (Timur Timofey Timofeev) /

The era of biocomputers


Fungal organisms have signs of reaction exactly the same as in the neural tissues of the human brain, fungi are able to perform the simplest versions of the algorithms given to them, writes 3DNews. The presence of nerve signals in fungi opens up the possibility of developing neuromorphic computers. The mycelium, for example, camelina, is good because it has a giant branched network and is the largest organism on the planet, occupying an area of several tens of hectares.

Three-dimensional cultures of human nerve cells are planned to be used in the creation of a biological computer. The concept was presented by American and European neurophysiologists and mathematicians. The material was published in the journal Frontiers in Science.

Now biologists are faced with the task of developing technologies that will allow growing complex organoids of the human brain, consisting of at least 10 million nerve cells.

And mathematicians and physicists will simultaneously create devices and algorithms that will write data to a biocomputer and read information from it. This is reported by Rambler.

"Of course, the combination of living matter and information technology has been a challenge for humanity for more than a decade. The step that humanity is taking today, combining advances in the field of artificial intelligence with the ability to create living cells, is a truly important event in the history of the study of the human brain. However, you need to understand that this is one of the steps on the long path of knowledge," says Tatyana Mosendz, Director for Strategy and Product Development at ELVEES-NeoTek JSC (NeuroNet NTI market participant).

Earlier, on February 6, Mikhail Kovalchuk, President of the National Research Center "Kurchatov Institute", spoke about the main drawback of computers and supercomputers. He explained that, unlike the human brain, they consume a huge amount of energy.

Over time, the need to grow artificial and defective neurons will likely disappear. Instead, scientists will develop algorithms for programming natural brain tissues of living beings, including humans, to create biosupercomputers with billions of neurons capable of performing complex calculations at great speed and low energy consumption.

In the future, apparently, people-biocomputers will unite into groups through telecommunication networks and the simplest already existing organomachine neural interfaces and work as a living network, the performance of which will be enormous.

In this case, humanity will abandon the technotronic path of development, along which it is now going, killing both itself and the entire Biosphere, of which only nature reserves have remained normal.
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