Random Thoughts


Jun 17, 2017

i guess i am in the minority for thinking that the ''karen'' was 100% in the right. any customer who comes into the establishment takes priority. if one is working in the store and the phone rings, the person in front of you gets first priority. the people who physically visit are more important clients. i could care less about doordash.
also that millennial employee needs to learn some respect. if i was the manager i wouldve fired and thrown that girl right out of the store for her tone with the customer. i would never ever raise my voice to a customer nor have an attitude with them even if they were wrong. thats NEVER how you handle it.

excellent customer service is the difference between highly successful companies and failing companies.
Jul 29, 2023
This seemed like a good thread on the last forum....so here it is again....

I was wondering, what is the point of the trophies? Am I in kindergarten?
Why yes indeed as you are yet in kindergarten as you view as child-like our world.We are all in kindergarten really as we think we are adult but are really child in our world as some grandfather, perhaps some goddie view us mortal as such an errant child.

What to do one goddie grandfather may wonder as said grandfather view errant child as child continue to err?

One wonders perhaps as one wonder if you were that grandfather?


Jul 28, 2018
No, i remember when he was shot. If he was alive today a hologram wouldn't be performing at his concerts.
We all know that but let me clarify, I meant as in secretly still alive just like people speculate about mj, queen elizabeth, Sudam hussein, etc.. basically faking their deaths to get out of the spotlight


Jun 28, 2020
We all know that but let me clarify, I meant as in secretly still alive just like people speculate about mj, queen elizabeth, Sudam hussein, etc.. basically faking their deaths to get out of the spotlight
No, that's like saying Elvis lives.

Tupac died allegedly from west / east coast drama. But I remember he had a song called killuminati. He could have made some enemies amongst the elite.