Occult/Magic Books

Jul 12, 2022
I wanted to share this here, a bit off-topic. Sorry for that.
@Seekeroftruth55 check this one out.

Apparently she is a succubus, why would KFC promote it, you may ask. This is getting weirder..
Thanks for finding this! Wow! This is really intense stuff. Shame in KFC! Do they know no morals? Anyone promoting this filth should be banned!
And it's no wonder so many of us women have issues with our menstrual cycles and what else ... Makes even more sense now.
Sorry if I'm also off topic lol!
Oct 20, 2021
When did KFC have any morals? LOL I don't know what any of this is about but one thing is certain Instagram is a Pandora's Box I prefer to leave shut along with TikTok.
Jul 12, 2022
And so many women actively worshipping her..imagine the times we live in.
I just can't understand why they would even want to do that. Yeah, these times are pretty rough, it's a crazy generation. I find people have become too wild.
The fact that they would worship such a horrible figure just shows us how much we have fallen as a society.
Jul 12, 2022
I as a millennial was somewhat lost too until I reverted back to my deen. But Gen Z is totally swept off and the main culprit is social media. That's why I take social media breaks from time to time.
It's tough to be a millenial for sure so I can understand the struggle. Yeah, it's sad, all they know is social media and "influencers". Taking a break from it all sometimes can be good for our mentalities:)


May 8, 2023



Please check out the book, The Cult of the Black Cube by Arthur Moros.

Please click the word "GET" to download the book safely in pdf.

He explains the Saturn diety, aka the ancient Roman Saturn, aka the Greek Cronos, the Gnostic Ialdabaoth/Yaldabaoth, the Indian Śani, where the origin of the Grim Reaper came from, is being worshipped today, especially by a black cube cult in India. But this deity has been worshipped in the Roman, Greek and ancient Arab pagan (pre-Islamic) and Indian cultures.

This book is also a grimoire, a magical instruction book to cautiously contact the Cronos/Saturn deity.

Warning: The Cronos/Saturn deity is a fundamentally unkind and sadistic being that will harm the magician who evokes or invokes the deity, so the magician must wear protective phylacteries, like Talismans.

However, it's explained that the black cube cult is global and Cronos/Saturn is the diety behind Judaism and the Zionist elites are part of this black cube cult.

This Saturn/Cronos/Ialdabaoth deity's worship is represented by various black cube, black stone, and black obelisk symbolism. You'll find his symbolism if you search "black cube saturn" in Yandex images.

It says on page 108 of The Cult of the Black Cube,

"One might wonder what Virgil intended when he wrote Magnus ab integro saeclorum nascitur ordo, iam redit et Virgo, redeunt Saturnia regna (The new world order is born, and now justice returns, Saturn's reign restored)."
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May 8, 2023
There are two books of interest regarding The Hermetic Order of the Golden Dawn.

Please click on the word "GET" to download the book safely in epub format. You will need an epub-reader app like Lithium to read it.

The second book is this one, I'll make two separate posts for each book.

This book's summary is as follows:

An easy-to-follow, step-by-step guide to the Golden Dawn system of magic

The Golden Dawn system of magic is known throughout the world as one of the most effective and comprehensive approaches to working with occult powers.

But for beginners or intermediate practitioners, it can be difficult to know where to start and where to go for expert guidance. Golden Dawn Magic shares bite-sized exercises and meditations to help you build the skills that are needed for the more advanced rituals, guiding beginner and intermediate practitioners on a powerful journey of magical work.

Chic and Sandra Tabatha Cicero, senior adepts of the Golden Dawn, provide a firm foundation in practical Golden Dawn theory and methods, without the complex lessons and grades of more traditional approaches.

This collection ofaccessible step-by-step instructions for visualization, meditation, energy projection, and working with willpower opens the doorways of magic.
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May 8, 2023

Please click on the word "GET" to download the book safely in epub format. You will need an epub-reader app like Lithium to read it.

This is the first book of The Hermetic Order of the Golden Dawn.

First published in 1937, Israel Regardie’s The Golden Dawn has become the most influential modern handbook of magical theory and practice. In this new, definitive edition, noted scholar John Michael Greer has taken this essential resource back to its original, authentic form. With added illustrations, a twenty-page color insert, additional original material, and refreshed design and typography, this powerful work returns to its true stature as a modern masterpiece.

An essential textbook for students of the occult, The Golden Dawn includes occult symbolism and Qabalistic philosophy, training methods for developing magical and clairvoyant powers, rituals that summon and banish spiritual potencies, secrets of making and consecrating magical tools, and much more.
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May 8, 2023
I found a Saturnian grimoire, Saturn Rising by Jimmy Kirkbride.



It is purchasable here.

At the miskatonic books is the full summary, which I'll copy and paste here.

Book is in near fine condition.

Publication specification:

– Page-count for this title is 332 pages, a huge tome!

– A soft tone, bone white 120 grams paper book-block

– The standard edition is bound in black cloth.

– The cover is adorned with gold foil sigil stamp to the front cover and gold foil lettering stamped to the spine.

Saturn Rising is a talismanic grimoire promoting the veneration, worship and pursuit of death in all its formless glory, whether manifesting as death-as-ending, death-as-change, or death-as-rebirth. While it may appear that creation and destruction are the two ends of a very broad spectrum, this work serves to guide the reader to the understanding that they are but two sides of a very thin coin, remaining forever inseparable. In order to create a work of art, we must first destroy a virgin canvas. Before we are able to compose a piece of music, we must likewise destroy the sanctity of silence. When we choose to create more Life for ourselves, we must also understand how – and what it means – to Die.

Saturn Rising is a fundamentally different text to most every esoteric publication to date. Its extensive use of dependable and reproducible modern science as a device for conceptual metaphor, in addition to its fervent championing of the Scientific Method remind us of those two short statements which grace the “Equinox” journal of the Argenteum Astrum: “The Method of Science — The Aim of Religion”.

While some may regard as suspicious the inclusion of a highly-scientific foundation within a talismanic grimoire, its purpose is by no means to attempt to explain-away any spiritual experience in terms of psychological – or other – wholly-physical phenomena. Rather, it is to provide a common foundation and a base of universal definitions by which spiritual experiences may be communicated, systematically evaluated, and if possible, even reproduced. Surely, there can be no better model to adopt than that of modern science if one wishes to attempt the reproduction – and study – of spiritual, mystical and paranormal phenomena.

The greatest benefit to the use of science in a work such as Saturn Rising is the great deal of conceptual standardization, and incremental advancement made possible. Whereas once, religious metaphor was used to explain even the most elementary physical principles we see all around us in the natural world, and which we now take for granted. Over the course of time, our understanding of Nature has progressed to such a degree that we are now able to reverse this practise, and instead use scientific examples of well-known phenomena to classify our many varied experiences, allowing for the systematic exploration thereof.

When dealing with such potentially-volatile concepts as death-worship and the integration of the death-current into our existing magical and religious systems, it is useful beyond measure to be able to approach – and adopt – these often-dangerous ideas in a manner, and at a pace best suited to ourselves alone. This is perhaps the most advantageous manifestation of all those which result from the founding of death-cultism upon a firm bedrock of scientific methodology.

The first section of Saturn Rising – entitled “Theory” – concerns itself with exploring the three principal manifestations of death energies; that is, death as an ending, as change, and as a rebirth. The fundamental nature of death itself is considered from the perspective of the author as a medical professional, the social phenomenon known as the “Seven-Year Itch”, and other social aberrations such as a disproportionate propensity for suicide – among numerous other topics – are treated with great clarity, depth of thought, and with two key concepts held at the fore.

Firstly, how the consideration of these theoretical subjects may benefit either the understanding, or the application of death-cultism by the reader, so as not to waste their time and energy on trivia or minutiae. Secondly, how the cosmic archetype of Saturn and its associated correspondences ultimately tie-in to the concepts at hand, and what it is that Saturn may be able to teach us regarding death in each of its forms, throughout each of the chapters of this section.

Did you know that Tobacco is the plant most directly associated with Saturn? As is the elemental metal Lead, while Saturn itself is related to both Death, and the passage of Time. What most people do not know, however, is that a number of commercial American tobacco crops are fertilized with material in which extremely high concentrations of a radioactive version of the lead metal may be found. All we need do is add a little time, and it’s little wonder that cigarettes are related to so many cancer deaths. At each step of the way, there is a direct and undeniable link to both death in some form, and Saturn as the archetypal representative thereof, while associations such as this prove themselves to be a recurrent theme throughout the entirety of this work, both quite by accident and yet with an almost unbelievable frequency.

The second section of Saturn Rising – entitled “Practise” – deals with the real-world application of established Western Ceremonial Magical techniques, the standardization of fundamental magical definitions using scientific methodology, the construction and employment of ritual tools, the nuances of magical timing, the overriding procedure behind the modified Western method of ritual magic as presented in this text, and a secular, non-ceremonial form of magic which has heretofore seen mention in various books of Chaos – and of course, other – postmodern magical systems, yet not been fully explained in practise, nor had its fundamental workings hypothesized about to any great degree. Both of these oversights have been addressed in Saturn Rising, and a not-only complete, but also eminently workable form of creative magic – similar in some respects to the sigil magic techniques of Austin Osman Spare and Kenneth Grant – comes to the fore as a unique and incredibly flexible means by which future events may be easily molded and shaped to an incredible degree of acuity.

Finally, Saturn Rising closes with a selection of rituals designed to initiate the practitioner into the current of Saturnian death-cultism. The focus of these rituals is to provide a solid framework by which the sole magician may engage with, manipulate to their own ends, and apply in whatever fashion they see fit the energies of death, including integration into their own system(s) of magic and spirituality. The rites themselves include techniques by which gateways into the spiritual realm – including those areas in which angelic and demonic entities are said to reside – may be opened, allowing for a greater degree of contact with spirits, a deeper immersion within the subjective experience of ritual evocation, and the control of non-conscious energy for all manner of interesting ends. The concluding ritual provides the reader with the means to ritually charge objects with spiritual energy, or even invite the habitation of a spirit – again, including angels and demons – within the object in question, usually with the understanding that the particular spirit employed will continue to influence the magician’s life in a positive way, so long as the object sees frequent personal contact. It is for this reason that enchanted jewelry is most commonly encountered, but it must be understood that this situation is a mutual exchange and not one of spiritual dominance, or the use of magical force against the will of an entity.

Overall, Saturn Rising is a unique grimoire which aims to further the conscious acceptance and understanding of the death current, even to the point of venerating this ubiquitous and universal element within the natural world, of which the spiritual and magical realms are but a small part.


A Note On Sigils

– Part I: Theory

On the Nature Of Death
The Seven-Year Cycle Correspondences of Saturn
The Sabbatic Goat
Demons Of The Mind
The Wood Of Suicides
Bones For My Beloved
Sacred Geometry
Sacraments Of The Flesh

– Part II: Practise

A Note On Magic
Problematic Terminology
Construction Of Ritual Tools
Guardians Of The Watchtowers
Virtues Of The Hours
Incantations Of Saturn and Mars
The Magical Formula
The Creative Act As Ritual Magic
Life In The Service Of Saturn

– Part III: Rituals

Concerning the Rites Of Saturn
The Beginning Of The End
Opening Gateways Into The Abyss
Possessing An Object With Daemons

About The Author
About The Illustrator
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May 8, 2023
The Cult of the Black Cube by Arthur Moros, the third edition, is purchasable here.


The full summary is available from miskatonic books, which I'll copy and paste here.

Bibliographic details:

192 pages, 165×235 mm,
printed on wood-free high quality Lessebo Design paper (115gsm),
Surbalin deep black endpapers.
Cloth Hardcover Edition:

Bound in silver metallic fine cloth,
front embossing, lettering on spine, headbands, book ribbon,
limited to 900 copies.
Book is in new unread condition

Feared, bedeviled and vilified but also venerated, adored and embraced, Saturn and his shadowy powers have strongly influenced the spiritual and magical life of cultures and individuals for millennia. Concentrating especially on His antinomian and anti-cosmic character, The Cult of The Black Cube is a seminal study on the occult essence and esoteric significance of Saturn in theory and practice.

This work is divided into three main sections:

Part I examines the ambivalent role of Saturn in various religious and magical traditions around the world focusing especially on His Islamic, Classical and Indian cults. Fleshing out the common traits underlying Saturn’s global manifestations, Dr. Moros argues for a perennial cult of Saturn expressed in various cultural guises.

Part II and III comprise the Grimoire of the Black Cube which provides a comprehensive armory of occult weaponry to initiate Saturnine contact and to establish an individual cultus of Saturn. Part II presents a thorough esoteric analysis of the Saturnine Cult and the nature of its initiatic path. Part III is devoted to the practical applications of Saturnine worship and magic.

This tome is an indispensable work for any serious Saturnian occult initiate and researcher.

The author Dr. Moros (pseudonym) was a scholar of religions and a devoted initiate of Saturn for 30 years. Sadly he passed away in early 2017 under mysterious circumstances. This book is his esoteric legacy.


Foreword by Dr. Tomas Vincente

“Clavis Saturni: A Kosmic Heresy” by David Beth

The Cult of the Black Cube

■ Introduction (An Anecdote)

■ Overview

■ Section One: Scholarly Materials on Saturn

Saturn in Islamic Texts
Saturn in the Classical Tradition
Saturn in the Indian Tradition

■ Section Two: Saturnine Gnosis

The Spiritual Path
The Saturnine Deity: Analysis
The Saturnine Deity: Interpretation
The Saturnine Path

■ Section Three: Saturnine Practice

Saturnine Devotion: Establishing a Shrine
Saturnine Magic
Sacred Time
Saturnine Rituals:

Self Initiation Rite
The Oracle of Cronos
To Summon Saturn – Variant I-III
The Black Cube
The Rite of Chains

■ Concluding Remarks

Selected annotated Bibliography
Appendix I
Appendix II
Image Credits
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May 8, 2023
I realized that I have not found the occult and magic books that the illuminati and their zionist leaders themselves use, unfortunately.

The books that the masons use are self-published within their organizations and are hidden and restricted to those organizations.

However, the zionists do indeed worship the god Saturnus, who is Satan.

Saturnus is Saturnus-Chronos-Yaldabaoth-Shanidev-Tezcatlipoca-Samedi-Set (Sutekh) -Moloch-Satan-Lucifer.

The books The Cult of the Black Cube by Arthur Moros and Saturn Rising by J.T. Kirkbride are relevant as they are actual grimoires a masonic magician may use in their Saturnine magical work and devotions.

There is a book on one such illuminati masonic organization, a Saturnian illuminati organization called The Fraternitas Saturni. The book is called The Fraternitas Saturni by Stephen E. Flowers.


This book is in epub format. Please click on the word "GET" to download the book safely in epub format. You will need an epub-reader app like Lithium to read it.


Here is the summary of the book.

The most in-depth work in English on the most influential secret magic group of 20th-century Germany, the Fraternitas Saturni, or Brotherhood of Saturn

• Explores the history of the Order from its founding the late 1960s

• Transcribes many rituals and practices in such detail that readers will be able to undertake their own experiential work

• Examines the Order’s teachings on cosmology, the Kabbalah, the Saturnian Sacraments, electrical magic, and sexual mysticism--the Yoga of the Dark Light

• Includes biographies of prominent members, including founder Gregor A. Gregorius, Karl Spiesberger (Frater Eratus), and Albin Grau (Master Pacitius)

The most influential magical group in Germany during the 20th century, the Fraternitas Saturni, or Brotherhood of Saturn, is still the most active and important magical society in Germany today. But from its formal beginnings in 1926 in Weimar Berlin until around 1970 it was almost totally secret. Most of what is known about the Order in the English-speaking world is fragmentary and focuses exclusively on the sensational sex-magic practices and Luciferian tendencies of this magical lodge.

Presenting the most in-depth work in English on the Fraternitas Saturni, Stephen Flowers examines the history of the Order from the mid-1920s to the late 1960s when the Order was fundamentally reformed. He details their path of initiation, secret doctrines, ritual practices, and magical formulas and offers biographies of the Order’s most prominent members, including founder Gregor A. Gregorius, Karl Spiesberger (Frater Eratus), Albin Grau (Master Pacitius), and Franz Saettler (Dr. Musallam). Exploring the Brotherhood’s guiding principles, he shows that at the heart of Saturnian ideology is the idea of Saturn-Gnosis: the interplay of opposing forces in the universe leading to the realization of the individual self as a god-like entity. He examines the Order’s teachings on cosmology, the Kabbalah, the Saturnian Sacraments, electrical magic, sexo-cosmology, sex-magic rites, and sexual mysticism--the Yoga of the Dark Light--and transcribes many of their actual rituals and practices, including the highly controversial Gradus Pentalphae, in such detail that readers will be able to undertake their own experiential work.

Explaining the meanings of all 33 grades of the Order, the author also looks at the infamous Freemasonic Order of the Golden Centurium, the cult of Adonism, the links between Thelema and the Fraternitas Saturni, and the rare teachings of Master Pacitius (Albin Grau), the visual genius behind the film Nosferatu. He also includes rare reports by Aleister Crowley concerning his interaction with some of the forerunners to the Order and letters from the Order’s founder, Gregor A. Gregorius, to the “Great Beast.”
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May 8, 2023



Here is a Luciferian Saturnian grimoire, called SATVRNVS LVCIFER CODEX by David Mllr.

Here is the summary of the book:


Part I
Part II
Part III
Part IV
Lycanthrope Black Mantra
Part V
Part VI

The Awakening of the “I LUCIFER”
Lucifer Summoning Black Mantra



Binah to Sathariel Ritual
Magical Chant To Call Lucifugo
Black Mantra To LucifugoRofocale Firefighter
Visual Magick
Gnosis State







Protection figure (PF)


Alpha and Omega Symbol
The Skull of Saturn with the Two Crossed Scythes
Charging Ritual for the Saturn Triangle ST

Codex Satvrn Lucifer
Codex Satvrn Lvcifer Loading and Cleaning Ritual
Body Postures and Mudras During Practice
The Ceremonial Dress

The Candles
The Sickle, the Scythe, the Knife or the Ceremonial Sword
The Skulls or Bones

Method of Induced Subconscious Selection (MISS)
Unconscious Random Selection Method (URSM)
Figure of Protection

Magickal Chant: Charge The Protection Circle
Black Mantra


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Sep 4, 2023
..there are several books of black magick I found recently. Is it appropriate if I present the books here? Or will it offend people here at VC, or do people fear this information and knowledge?
Nah, we laugh at it..:)
Same with assorted cockamamie religions and cults, even God laughs at them too..:)-



Sep 4, 2023
A witch in a chatroom once said she was summoning the egyptian goddess Sekhmet to come and get me; I put the kettle on but she didn't turn up.
Hey guys don't you just hate getting stood up by goddesses?
Mind you after seeing her pic I wouldn't have known whether to offer her a saucer of milk or a plate of Kit-e-Kat..:)



May 8, 2023



Rites of Nullification comprise a detailed exegesis and expansion of a passage, in the book Black Magic Evocation of the Shem ha Mephorash, under notes for the demon Lekabel, which enumerate the four Qliphothic worlds of negation set in antagonism against the four Kabbalistic worlds of creation.

Originally written and released in truncated form as the thematic and lyrical underpinning of, and accompaniment to, the four-song album,1557: Rites of Nullification, by Swedish black metal ensemble Mephorash, it quickly became clear that the material therein cried out to grow into a more complete initiation, which is exactly what Aeon Sophia Press will be releasing: a full-praxis version of these ceremonies.

The grimoire enumerates and constructs a carefully and mathematically rigorous gnostic ceremony of the wedding of the Bride of Chaos using as its base structure a four-dimensional contemplative manifold formulated from permutations of the sacred binary, over which are overlaid a set of commonly used occult symbols to create a ritual space for the transformation of consciousness. These tools allow for that primordial differentiation, which gives rise to the possibility of experience itself, to be methodically disassembled. Using the book, the witch is given the opportunity to use demonic energies arranged carefully to deconstruct her own personality as if it were a scripture, giving rise to the possibility of new consciousness beyond the horizon of her reality tunnel, as she perforates it by marrying it to chaos.

In short, Rites of Nullification is an extremely detailed and exhaustive self-initiation that takes the practitioner on a deep dive into ritual and mystical Satanism, beginning with a betrothal to the Devil and commencing in the ur-gnostic bridal chamber itself.


– The Sacred Quaternary
– Introduction
– Shaktipat
– The Four Elemental Voids
– Atziluth: Fire
- Beriah: Air
– Yetzirah: Water
– Assiyah: Earth
– Final Notes on the Worlds of Creation and their Qliphothic Nemeses
– Construction of the Universe
– The Steps of the Ladders of Descent into Negation
– Amulet of Negation
– Hex Primitives
– The Breath of the Hydra of Negation
– The Four Sacrificial Witnesses
– The Sacrificial Witnesses
– The Sacrificial Witness of the Debasement of Atziluth
– Tarotic Essence of the Witness of Fiery Negation
– Sikh Lemenat
– The Sacrificial Witness of the Destruction of Beriah
– Sethurian Esssence of the Witness of Aerial Negation
– Nazav Himmsich
– The Sacrificial Witness of the Malformation of Yetzirah
– Sethurian Esssence of the Witness of Watery Negation
– Tazak Geddoches
– The Sacrificial Witness of the Dissolving of Assiyah
– Sethurian Esssence of the Witness of Earthy Negation
– Chayiv Buddetton
– Master Tables of Elemental Voids
– A Pact with Satan
– Summoning the Devil
– Grimoiric Names of 36 Spirits of Necromantic Satanism
– The Grimoire Spirits Overlaid onto the Kamea of Saturn, the Sphere of Witchcraft
– Invocation of the Aerial Spirits
– Invocation of the Water Spirits
– Invocation of the Earth Spirits
– Invocation off the Aethyrial Spirits
– The Gnostic Ceremony of the Bride of Chaos
– Locate the Dragon
– Select a Location
– Construct the Altar
– Abag Dehu Zachaa Tarot Configuration
– Abeg Dali Khettaa Tarot Configuration
– Abbeh Velay Mena Tarot Configuration
– Eggeh Zalak Mesa Tarot Configuration
– Prepare the Mirror of Conjuration
– Prepare the Amulets
– Amulet of the Future Universe
– Prepare the attire
– Choose the Time
– Prepare the Incense
– Prepare the Circle
– Altar Configuration of Chayiv Buddeton
– Transcode the Incantation for the Dragon to be Summoned
– Perform the Procedure
– Wear the Amulet of the Future Universe for Nine Days
– The Future World
– The Alchemical Precipitate of Aethyr from the Elemental Universe in Solution
– The Cosmic Androgyne
– Baphometic Androgynders
– The Future Universe
– The Hymns of Nullification
– The Hymn of Berberioth
– The Hymn of Cheidolun
– The Hymn of Phezur
– The Hymn of Riphyon
– Appendices
– The Luciferal Cipher


May 8, 2023

AMOR DIVINA by Aleister Crowley – Limited Edition

One of only 444 limited edition hardcover. Book is in new unread condition, 5×7, 271 pages.

The collected documents and original papers by Aleister Crowley

From the publisher:

Aleister Crowley

Theodore Reuss, C.S. Jones, G.J. Yorke,

Marcelo Motta & others

Writings on sexual magick:

the occult praxis of

esoteric Thelema

271 printed pages of secret papers on the occult arts

Edited by

Cœmgen La Vaughan

Ordo Templi Orientis,

modern occultism and witchcraft

Bound in Saffron Linen


The secret of occult magic (or ‘Magick’ as the English occultist Aleister Crowley defined it) is focused in its entirety on the study, magnification, gathering and direction of life-force within the body and mind of the practitioner.

This life-force manifests within the human being in the form of sexual energy or prana, a psycho-physical energy which has supernatural potential.

In his early life, and in his magical career within the Hermetic Order of the Golden Dawn, Aleister Crowley sensed and recognised the need of this life-affirming force as the substrate of any achievement of the will whatsoever.

As a mountaineer, master of chess, student of meditation and master of Magick, Crowley worked tirelessly upon himself, to find and gather all exisiting sources of information regarding the focusing of the will and spent decades finely tuning his practise of powering this will with an unstoppable force.

His writings are the most detailed and technically perfect source of information on the use of sexual magick in the world.

After his student period within the Hermetic Order of the Golden Dawn, Aleister Crowley travelled to India and China seeking knowledge of the fundamental secret of magick in schools of Yoga and oriental alchemy. In 1910 he joined and soon became head of the secret occult school known as OTO or Ordo Templi Orientis.

At the time this was a German based esoteric order with an initiatory system like Freemasonry but with strong Knights Templar connections.

The Orders name means literally ‘Order of the Eastern Templars’ and their secret rituals and degree instructions purported to deliver the sexual secret of magick.

Crowley, as advanced in practical occultism as he was in theoretical scholarship, soon took over the Order and re-structured the system based upon his own unique and far-ranging insights upon sexual magick.

The resulting blend was a powerful fusion of ritual occultism, techniques of mental control, Indian, Chinese and other oriental techniques for harnessing the life-force.

Many of these ideas appeared in a simple form in the theorems and ritual instructions of ‘Magick in Theory & Pratice’ (Paris 1929) by Aleister Crowley, finding their summit in the ‘Liber Samekh’ or Knowledge and Conversation of the Holy Guardian Angel contained within the pages of ‘Magick in Theory & Practice’ 1929, a detailed instructional document for one of Crowleys advanced pupils (Frank Bennett) where Crowley makes explicit the relationship between the sexual force of the unconscious and the Higher Self.

Aleister Crowleys ‘Magick in Theory & Practice’ is still today one of the most advanced and complete presentations of practical occultism, but the detailed instructions required to make the system work in a precise and perfect manner have never been entirely revealed.

For nearly fourty years after journeying to the East, Crowley continued to study and experiment with the secret of the life-force and imbued his Tarot designs (‘The Book of Thoth’ published in 1944) with these ideas, many images in the deck of cards relate to passages in his ‘Book of the Law’ and other magickal writings, but some speak directly as to the inner alchemy of self-change or ‘Magick’, and point to the sexual origins of this driving force.

Perhaps the most striking influence of Crowleys teaching and ideas in relation to the use of this sexual energy in occultism is that which he had upon the witchcraft author Gerald Gardner.

Crowley issued a charter to operate degrees of OTO to Gerald Gardner and would have issued him with the relevant instructions and papers to practise the secrets of sexual magick.

After Gerald Gardner we see the ‘King of the Witches’ Alex Sanders writing in his personal notebook (‘The Alex Sanders Notebook’ published also by Hell Fire Club Books) lists of deities, demons and powers all drawn from the tables in Crowleys ‘Magick in Theory & Practise’.

Sanders own alterations to this material make it abundantly clear that he had himself worked upon the secret energies of magic from the beginning, his later career saw him experiment broadly with this energy.

The influence that these ideas have had upon the esoteric sciences in the West, upon the history and literature of magick, upon art, pop culture and the development of new and diverse social and religious movements around the world has been immense.

Students of occultism, mind control, tantric yoga, practical occult magick, witchcraft and Thelema today all require a clear and detailed guide to the practical application of this power, so we here present for the first time a full collection being 271 printed pages covering:


Hymn to Pan with performance notes by A. Crowley

The Gnostic Neo-Christians by T. Reuss

Sex, 666, & the O.T.O. by G.J. Yorke

General Documents on the Sexual Secret of Magick


The Elixir of Life

The Elixir of Life from the diary of A. Crowley, June 7, 1919

The Elixir of Life: Our Magical Medicine

Remarkable Experiment with the Elixir of Life

Amrita (1933)

Additional Cases

On Liber XV: Ecclesiæ Gnosticæ Catholicæ Canon Missæ

Liber Artemis Iota

Secret Papers of the OTO

A Private Letter of Parzival X° (V°) by C.S. Jones

De Natura Deorum (VII°)

Letter from Crowley to Jones re VII°

De Nuptiis Deorum cum Hominibus (VIII°)

Liber C vel AGAPE (IX°)

De Arte Magica

IX° Emblems & Their Mode of Use

Liber Qoph: Gnosticorum Missa Minor

Adorations for IX° Working

De Homunculo Epistola (X°)

The Holy Hymns to the Great Gods of Heaven

Crowley to G.L. McMurtry re IX°

XI Degree OTO

C.S. Jones to G.J. Yorke re XI°


O.T.O. Degrees & How They Relate to Freemasonry

Marcelo Motta‘s Revision of Liber C

VIII° & IX° ―Secrets

Two Essays by G.J. Yorke: Tantric Hedonism & Tantric Theory

G.M. Cowie Address to London O.T.O. (1916)

Epistle from Frater Achad to Sister Katherine Talbot (1918)

An O.T.O. Interpretation of the Trigrams of the I Ching by W.T. Smith

Liber Stellæ Rubeæ

Bibliography and Notes

The edition is privately printed and has been bound at the Hell Fire Club.




May 8, 2023

GENESIS OF THE BOOK OF THE LAW: The Complete Texts by David Allen Hulse (Deluxe Leather Bound Limited Edition Hardcover)


Limited to only 93 numbered copies

93 copies bound in full tan kidskin leather with pale ochre hemp embossed endpapers.
Each volume is wrapped in a single sheet of Egyptian papyrus and sealed with the signet ring of Ankh-af-na-Khonsu.
Each comes complete with three gold embossed cards bearing the Kameas (magickal squares created by the author) of the three phases of Revealing, stamped onto Italian mould-made paper cards.

From the publisher:

GENESIS OF THE BOOK OF THE LAW is an intricate study of the magickal events in the life of Aleister Crowley specifically leading up to the reception of The Book of the Law
and its aftermath over decades.

We have presented the work in a square format with wide margins, it is our hope that earnest students will take the opportunity to make their own notes in their books in order to analyse the countless numerical and qabalistic ciphers which appear both in Crowley’s life and in their own magickal work.


May 8, 2023

THE PHILOSOPHER’S STONE: A Facsimile Rosicrucian Alchemical Manuscript (Leather Bound Limited Edition)


200 leather bound hardcover copies, titled in gilt and to the front of each copy is a gilt talisman designed after a Rosicrucian emblem found at the end of the manuscript: a squared cross of parallel lines enclosing the four letters I.N.R.I. in gothic characters, surrounding a tripartite crown, each corner of the device flanked by decorative scrolls and leaves.

Published by Hell Fire Club Books

A Facsimile Rosicrucian Alchemical Manuscript
On the Philosophers Stone.

The Three Magisteriums of the Art
attributed to Edward Kelley 1592-97 the companion of Dr. John Dee
(Of which this is the second edition prepared and printed from the first editions lithographic plates) that came from an unpublished handwritten notebook circa 1860. The work reflects the secret alchemical traditions of the Societas Rosicruciana in Anglia and the Hermetic Society of the Golden Dawn

Regarding this rare manuscript Professor Teresa Burns of the University of Wisconsin-Platville wrote in the ‘Journal of the Western Mystery Traditions’ that it
‘‘…constitutes a critical link in the transmission of the underground current of physical alchemy… this volume is a significant addition to the library of any serious student, practitioner, or historian of the alchemical arts…’’

“..Manuscriptial Compendium During 1592-1597 …”

This unique document opens with a curious history relating to the Emperor Rudolf II and his court physician Sennert, who were involved in the discovery of an alchemist ‘Kallnuss’, his eventual imprisonment and attempted escape, which lead to his ‘..breaking four ribs..’ and dying ‘soon after..’.

This legend of Edward Kelleys (here misnamed Kallnuss) demise is a variant of the famous story found in Francis Barrett’s ‘Magus’ and in Elias Ashmoles early account,; the manuscript itself contains much material not found in any of the surviving Kelley material (either the ‘Tractatus de Lapide Philosophorum’ or in the collection of texts which survived through the agency of Sigismond Bacstrom).

The alchemical traditions of the Hermetic Society of the Golden Dawn are derived through the agencies of Fredrick Hockley et al, yet it is widely believed that a connection with the older tradition is to be sought in the German Gold und Rosenkreuz formed in the late 1500’s. Our manuscript is clearly a translation from a German original, as we know it is Kelleys recipe, could the transmission of the alchemic mystery in the Rosicrucian Orders have come ultimately from the experiments of Dee and Kelley?…

Prefixed to the treatise is a chapter ‘Magnalia’ which exhorts the aspiring alchemist in highly religious language to be ‘…as cunning as the Serpent and candid like the Dove..for who, not possessing these qualities in this sedimental earth, will be attacked by men and beasts, even devoured by dogs..’. The path of Initiation in the Western Mysteries is clearly alluded to here, and the work herein described contains many deep allusions to the esoteric mysteries for those who ‘know, and well consider..’.

A most curious and dark passage on
‘..The Hand of the Philosophers..’
from wherein is mentioned a ‘Philosophical Club’ to which the aspiring student must swear and bind himself as a servant and ‘truly as an alchemist’, to learn the secrets of the ‘Hand’ which contains the secrets of the masters of the art…

This strange anonymous ‘Philosophical Club’ with its religious language, its sacred oaths, is this the invisible college of the Rosicrucian Fraternity?

Immediately following the previous passage is a lesson on the Four Lettered Name of God and the ten qualities or ‘Image’ of the true alchemist, an elevation to god-like status for the natural man, the ‘..true footsteps of the Image..’, a work of prayer which leads to the Heart of the Father, ‘by which he extracted, cleansed us, reconciled, and made us lovely to God..’..

Following is a fulsome account of the V.I.T.R.I.O.L.U.M.
from which the ‘Philosophi Adepti’ prepared their ‘First Stone’, their starry regulae and ‘sap of the wise’, a substance both solid, powder, and limpid liquid, quick in its agency and startling transformations!

An extended rehearsal of its names and attributes follow, taken from Valentine, hosellanus, Romanus, Erbinacus, Hollandus &c &c..

This same ‘Vitriol of the Wise’ spreads as a vapour, and our author likens it well to the potency ‘..thrown into the large Vessel of nature..’ at the time of the incarnation of the deity, ‘..opened with the menstruum which closes the whole world..’ a Rosicrucian mystical cipher for the enlivening of the natural elements by the spirit…

A careful instruction on preparing this flower ‘..in a glasse, in the balneum..’ which then is putrified, the crystals dried and ‘..you will receive in your eye and hand an liquorum unctuosum which the Philosophers give different names..’ encompassing the dry, wet, and middle passages to the ‘Golden Fleece’..

Our Manuscript details both the processes of the ‘Dry’ and ‘Wet’ alchemical paths, both the processes and the various secret names by which they are known, followed by a disquisition on the Red Philosophical Egg and its procedures given in terse language and each page bristling with alchemical signs and symbols of the work, a hidden language of the Adepts…

Next comes the largest and most significant section of the manuscript:

‘..To Prepare The Red Elixir..’
Being the actual recipe for the projecting powder used by Edward Kelley in Bohemia in the 1590’s. Kelleys Famous red tincture was reputed to have been found at Glastonbury alongside an indecipherable manuscript, but the initiated tradition maintains that he discovered the secret himself, with the blessing of his Angel, and practised it with great effect:

‘..Edward Kelley made projection with one small grain (of the red elixir) upon one and a quarter of common mercurie..’ from which he produced an ounce of pure Gold, as Elias Ashmole attests in his Theatrum Chemicum Britannicum of 1652.

Kelley was known to have produced the second magisterium of the art, in the healing of his one time master Willem Rozmberk, shortly before his arrest and detention at Krikovlat. He was subsequently transported to the Castle of Moste where he wrote the ‘Tractatus de Lapide Philosophorum’ a general treatise of the Stone which has none of the detail or practical instruction found in our manuscript.

Page after page of the chapter of ‘The Red Elixir’ details Kelleys experiment and application of its secret, this unique historical document puts Kelleys contribution to the science on a par with any of the great operative alchemists. A series of ‘Questions and Answers in the Work’, (an explication of the dry path) shows an advanced practical application alongside the more mystical and religious sentiments expressed elsewhere in the manuscript. Every hidden operation leading up to the stage of the Red Powder is discussed with a profusion of chymical hieroglyphs throughout the text…

Simplicitas Sapientiae Sigillum
Here follows a passage on the multiplication process, its vitues in the second magisterium (the art of healing) its stages and procedures…

Purificatio Salis Mirabilis Philosophica
Where the process of preparing the ‘Sea of the Wise’ is given in clear practical language, followed by..

Praeperatio Menstrui Apollonici & Preparatis Menstrui Mercurialis
which give in detail the materials, equipment and procedures necessary to these two compartments of the ‘Tablet’ which follows, a diagrammatic illustration of the Great Work in a four-fold process of transformation:
‘..who exactly understands this Tablet wil he know how one takest origin out of the other..’

A mystical-chymical expression of the formula of Tetragrammaton expressed at the commencement of the manuscript. More extraordinary is what follows, a complex alphabetic cipher, given in the form of a conjuration to the reader and to the book itself, that it fall into no unworthy hands, culminating in the final symbolic design of the manuscript: a Rosicrucian cipher of the five elements written in cruciform design in the letters of the name ‘YHSHVH’ which appears in the 18th Degree of the Rose Croix of Heredom and is ultimately derived from the Kabbalistic speculations of Johannes Reuchlin and the renaissance magicians.


May 8, 2023

Anima Satanae: The Book of Traditional Satanism – Deluxe Leather Bound Qliphoth Edition in Custom Slipcase


Qliphoth Edition: This deluxe hardcover edition will be limited to 90 hand-numbered copies, with a black French Morocco binding, embossed on the front cover with the sigil of the OSV. All the spines are hand-sewn with a ribbon bookmark, the end-papers are marbled, and each copy has been carefully worked on following artisanal methods and comes with a sturdy slipcase.

Specifications: Octavo size (148 x 210 mm.), 130 g. voluminous two side-coated paper with 140 g. black end-papers. 149 pages. A digital version of the book is included in the price as well.

After the successful release of titles such as The Ophidic Essence and Black Book of Quimbanda, followed by years of silence, the Ordo Volucer Serpentis is back with a new offering. Anima Satanae: The Book of Traditional Satanism aims to describe the philosophy and Traditional Satanism practices according to the vision of the Ordo Volucer Serpentis, rescuing the essence of the Devil’s cult and helping those who intend to take their first steps into traditional Satanism. The Diabolic manifestations are described through different myths in a philosophical way, with several traditions that are brought forward in the narrative. However, the focus of Anima Satanae: The Book of Traditional Satanism is the Qliphotic Kabbalah and the diagram of the Tree of Death as its foundation. The Tree of Death, composed of ten shells which are receptacles of Black Light, and its twenty two tunnels that express the opposing will of Satan, represents a path which the Satanist must go through in order to overcome YHWH.

Both the Otz Chiim (tree of life) and Otz Daath (the tree of death, the tree of knowledge of good and evil) are purely conceptual structures. The Qliphoth represent the different metaphysical powers of Chavajoth (HWHY), their desires being attenuated. Ascending Otz Daath represents the correction of our properties and the destruction of the layers that stand between us and the Divine, leading us to a noetic experience, an experience with the intelligible world. Anima Satanae: The Book of Traditional Satanism uses the teachings of the Kabbalah, but turning it against itself, invoking the Verb of anti-creation.

In order to ascend the Tree of Death, the Satanist must first seek his absolute potential, overcome himself, going beyond the common man to cross the barrier of the mundane so that, in this way, he has great changes in his life, transmuting himself into another creature, in a renewed species, represented by the personification of the demon of the sphere of Thagirion, the Qlipha where man becomes the Devil, for the number of the Beast is the number of man and his number is six hundred and sixty-six.


May 8, 2023

THE HOLY BOOKS OF THELEMA: 6 Volume Set by Aleister Crowley – Limited Edition in Custom Slipcase



includes all the five volumes of the now rare first edition with ‘Stele of Revealing: 666’ and essay on the translation and transliteration of the Cairo Stela 666 the funerary relic of Ankh-f-n-Khonsu who was Aleister Crowleys previous incarnation, the object in the Boulak Museum which led to the unveiling of the ‘Book of the Law’

larger format 230mm x 180mm (9″x 7″) includes all the five volumes of the now rare first edition with ‘Stele of Revealing: 666’ and essay on the translation and transliteration of the Cairo Stela 666 the funerary relic of Ankh-f-n-Khonsu who was Aleister Crowleys previous incarnation, the object in the Boulak Museum which led to the unveiling of the ‘Book of the Law’ These sets are quarter leather and azure cloth in azure slipcases. Only 14 sets produced.

Published by Hell Fire Club