Upon reading this article you will find one very important contradiction. It states that this manifesto was published on line the morning before the attack happened
A bullet point at the top if the article reads...
Gunman posted manifesto online hours before opening fire inside two mosques.
Now despite the manifesto being sent to 70 recipients at least 10 minutes before the attack no police were sent to any mosques until an emergency call was made to police.
Another excerpt from the above article...
The chilling 73-page manifesto details his twisted grievances, why he picked the mosques in Christchurch and how he was inspired by Norway mass killer Anders Behring Breivik, who killed 77 in 2011.
This indicates that the mosques were named. So police had the information and the location in hand a full ten minutes before the attack started, if not s lot sooner . The article also states that the manifesto was published on line the morning before the attack so how this never got to the police to prevent it from happening is a mystery.
Now for anybody who has seen the video they would have noticed that the perpetrator walked past two individuals at the gates of the mosque before the atrack started. So at least two witnesses saw him dressed in full combat gear carrying a semi automatic weapon walking into the mosque. Within 15 seconds of him passing the gates he started shooting, this would have been within earshot of the two witnesses.
The video runs for 6 minutes and 35 seconds before any gun shots are fired. This means the police have had at least 16 minutes to respond to this shooting at this point No police sirens can be heard.
Nine minutes into the video he is firing his weapon on a public road with traffic passing....still no police sirens.
12 minutes have passed since the attack started, he now gets in his car and heads for the second mosque....still no police sirens.
The question has to be asked. Why did no police arrive at the scene for at least 22 minutes considering the information they had already been given?