Kpop Satanic/Illuminati Influence


Dec 26, 2017
And Mochi isn’t wishing for this thread to die and I don’t understand why people are confused why there is a need for separate threads? Mochi being confronted without deserving to be is PROOF that there should be a separate thread. ARMYs are not allowed to have an opinion in this thread, we are not allowed to speak in this thread without being attacked at all sides. BTS being mentioned starts arguments. Mochi wanting to go to a separate thread is what she deserves to do after being attacked so many times for breathing.
Dec 26, 2017
I believe that some people here want us to argue and fight all the time.
The thread was going on the right track, and now some people want us again to fight, there is no any reason for this
just continue posting about the original thread topics and ignore all of this, and if someone offended about some posts, just continue posting
Jan 11, 2018
I will give you only some clues about transgender idols.

There is a very new boy group and they changed their group name recently. One of the boys is wearing very heavy make up. He's a girl. He also photoshops his photos a lot. So in this group there are 3 boys and 1 girl.

In very popular girl group among them is 1 boy. He is relative of the CEO of this company where this girl group belongs. The CEO is very rich.

In 4 member girl group which is currently very popular there is 1 boy too.

There is a "male" idol who had scandal because he was accused of being verbally violent towards female idol. He is a woman. He was jealous of that female idol and constantly wanted a fight with her.
Just a hunch...

No idea on clue #1. I don't follow boy groups that much.

2nd clue is Sunny from SNSD? Insofar she's the only idol I know who is related to her agency's CEO but who knows, there are so many of idols it's impossible to know who else might be a relative of an agency's CEO if one's an industry outsider. But I'm leaning towards Sunny cos you mention a very famous group.

3rd clue is Lisa from Blackpink? I mean Lisa has been suspected in the past as trans in this thread. Not to mention Blackpink has 4 members. Even from a glance, I personally think that Lisa seems to be a biological male because of her features.
Another one is Hani from EXID? Yes, I know EXID is technically five-member group but how long has it been since Solji is actually an active member? Even in their recent comeback Solji's not involved so might as well make it four member LOL. Either way, Hani seems to be very boyish and her fans even alluded her as Hani Oppa because her disposition seems to be manly.

This is just a question I'm curious abt... Is Seulgi from Red Velvet also trans/biologically male? I can't help to think that way because of her facial features. You don't have to answer this one if you don't want to but it'd be greatly appreciated if you do.
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Jan 11, 2018
And for the love of heavens, can we stop the incessant quarreling pretty please?????? It already died down but now it's kinda picking back up again. What's so hard to just IGNORE users who are picking a fight/trolling and diverting away the discussion to pointless arguing over things not corroborating what we're trying to do in this thread.

For some users who pointed out that there were too many BTS-related posts lately posted by the same users, I also feel that way and honestly at times felt like scrolling page after page not necessarily getting anything. I'm not an ARMY so I don't pay special attention to BTS but I also didn't go flaming away just because they're talking about BTS-related stuffs that are relevant to the objective of this thread even though I'm sure the proportion of BTS-related topics are way higher than other groups. I just kept scrolling because others might be interested with these BTS-related posts.

So can we just please IGNORE belligerent users who are provoking you for whatever reason? This is for the best of us all. Your cooperation is greatly appreciated because it helps this thread to stay on track. Cheers!
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Jan 30, 2018
Hello everyone:) First time posting in this thread. My name is Esther and one day... I should backtrack and read the posts in this thread. Kpop is a hobby I really enjoyed... while at the same time popular music always seems to have demonic loyalties... I am sure there is so many things I want to discuss about all that was shared here. But first, here is something that might have been the first thing I ever saw about kpop and evil forces; I am not sure if it has been shared here yet. I was amazed and felt thankful for the blog owner who shared their knowledge. Have a great day, guys:)


Dec 23, 2017
Just a hunch...

No idea on clue #1. I don't follow boy groups that much.

2nd clue is Sunny from SNSD? Insofar she's the only idol I know who is related to her agency's CEO but who knows, there are so many of idols it's impossible to know who else might be a relative of an agency's CEO if one's an industry outsider. But I'm leaning towards Sunny cos you mention a very famous group.

3rd clue is Lisa from Blackpink? I mean Lisa has been suspected in the past as trans in this thread. Not to mention Blackpink has 4 members. Even from a glance, I personally think that Lisa seems to be a biological male because of her features.
Another one is Hani from EXID? Yes, I know EXID is technically five-member group but how long has it been since Solji is actually an active member? Even in their recent comeback Solji's not involved so might as well make it four member LOL. Either way, Hani seems to be very boyish and her fans even alluded her as Hani Oppa because his disposition seems to be manly.

This is just a question I'm curious abt... Is Seulgi from Red Velvet also trans/biologically male? I can't help to think that way because of her facial features. You don't have to answer this one if you don't want to but it'd be greatly appreciated if you do.
I have no idea about 1st , 2nd and 4th clue. I'm still wondering about the third one -maybe it's someone from Mamamoo? They have 4 members and seem to be popular nowdays with their new song?


Dec 24, 2017
I found interesting post in the other thread of BTS and thought of sharing it here
there is some Koreans thinking the deaths of celebrities are behind the BTS success I think, and this link actually of fans angry over it, not the original posts, I couldn't found the original
I have tried to search through the links that posted there and I found this link
I am not sure what they are saying but I guess they are talking about Jonghyun death and possible link with BTS
if someone can translate korean, may be can tell us about it?

Edit: Those others links related to Jonghyun death
That's the blog I cited for my post about Minwoo's death. That website is... complicated actually. The author knows so many things and also an expert of numerology. However, I find some of his theories very ridiculous, he said many times that "this number matched this number, therefore it suited the date where this event happened and it directly connected with another event", that's why I'm afraid to post his articles because it might sound ridiculous, even to me, because I don't really know about numerology, and he posts really sensitive topics about S*msung and J*BC. Companies do take this kind of accusements very seriously, I think. He wrote once that he's being continuously attacked by someone from S*msung (one of the 'evil' companies he mentioned there) because he knows too much. In order to understand what he really means for each post, we must do researches about the background stories of the events he mentioned there, because many things would sound very ridiculous and being made-up when we really don't understand what he's saying. I don't really follow local news of South Korea either, so sometimes I just don't know about 'this person' or 'this event'.

If anyone else wants to team up with me, we can try translating and search the background stories (articles etc) of his oldest posts to the new ones, otherwise some things he said there wouldn't really make sense. I don't suggest using a translator machine because he uses 음슴체 a lot (I don't know what it's called in English), but it includes endings like 음, 함, etc that translator machines aren't really capable of making the translations sound understandable, just my opinion. What I like is, the author seems to know what he's talking about and always refers to the facts, he links one event with many others too, even though I don't understand everything yet lol. He doesn't provide so many links so we have to actively search for most of the information he's referring to.
Mar 24, 2018
Do any of you guys believe In fortune telling
Personally I don’t but this person came out saying that Exo will have a big success with their comeback this year bigger than when they released Growl
This is all that he/she claimed will happen in 2018
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Apr 1, 2018
Do any of you guys believe In fortune telling
Personally I don’t but this person came out saying that Exo will have a big success with their comeback this year bigger than when they released Growl
This is all that he/she claimed will happen in 2018
whats the credibility of that fortune teller? could it be possible it’s just a media propaganda disguising as fortune telling stuff? haha


Jan 25, 2018
Do any of you guys believe In fortune telling
Personally I don’t but this person came out saying that Exo will have a big success with their comeback this year bigger than when they released Growl
This is all that he/she claimed will happen in 2018
i'm laughing at the end.. how are you going to get mad at someone when you were the one that chose to believe it? and besides they dont owe you anything. lmfao

I believe it tbh, I also believe there's nothing set in stone. There are people that connect to others just by knowing their name, and they can see all the possibilities but theres always one or two MAIN, most probable, possibilities, or time lines, if you will.
But I also believe in law of attraction, we change our future with our thoughts, and what we focus on. So some people that are aware of that, and change their thoughts, can change their future, so these 'fortune tellers' can't be sure 100% that it will happen, because it might change in one second with one thought.

Have any of you seen the movie Lucy? from what I've heard theres a scene that might describe this visually.

See how there are different, let's say possibilities, but there's one that stands out the most? and others that are also brighter. That's how I think of it, from what I've heard from someone who actually has this ability.
Mar 7, 2018
Honestly I wasn't going to say anything but it's extremely obvious at this point.

First off I like this thread. And I've fully enjoyed some of the opinions here.

There will always be people who oppose views here so let's talk about their true nature.

Some of these trolls come from a different website called L*S*A and these posters are negative there. Others who come from the same website have been nice.
They are trolling because they have lost power over the kpop forum there and their discord forum is becoming old. One font pages before mentioned how VC should develop characteristics of L*S*A knowning full well how destructive that would be.
The best thing to do is ignore them and continue to do what y'all do.
Though one thing they were right about, we need to diguise names so their companies don't know.
So instead of Kim it should be K!m or K3M .
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