Kpop Satanic/Illuminati Influence


May 10, 2022
Difference is in bt$ photos atleast some are smileing in those txt photos not even one person is simileing . And today they did a dance in a show with sports costume. And fans are becoming crazy because some one edited them with that bike race costume and now it became true
i don't follow the group so im not aware of that but maybe staff saw the edit and they gave them those sports costime to create hype with the fans
Mar 1, 2021
4,702 Guys I think this sh@wol was right about T@emin having aspergers I've been watching videos about it since yesterday and T@e shows 80-90% of all classic symptoms associated with Asperger syndrome.
He has poor social communication skills. He flaps his hands when he's excited, he fidgets his hands during interviews, he had issues in school. He can't read social cues and says things at the wrong times, he is forgetful and will often forget important events or things like his habit of losing his phone all the time. Jj0ng said once that T@e when he likes a food he will eat it again and again until he gets tired of it that's common among people who have Aspergers they will have narrow, obsessive interests. T@e is obsessive with his interests. He also said that 5m told him he walks weirdly.
People with Asperger have to follow a fixed set routine to feel safe and when there is an unexpected change it will cause anxiety and they might have what is termed as an Autism meltdown something quite similar to an emotional tantrum or anxiety attack. T@e has talked about having to follow a strict routine somewhere as well but I can't find in which interview he said that right. And I've also read that anxiety disorders and depression are often comorbidities that exist along side Aspergers
I think T@e has an undiagnosed Asperger and maybe Adhd too but I'm not sure about Adhd and the massive change in routine that came with military service caused him to have Autism meltdowns in the military worsening his mental health.

Most Fans don't want to believe it because having Asperger or Autism is still considered a negative thing many people still associate having autism with having below than average IQ or someone not being able to function at all in social settings but Asperger is a high functioning neurodevelopmental disorder in fact most people who have Asperger tend to have higher than average or at least Average IQ levels.
K3y was always nagging him and making sure he was ok. Do you think him being autistic could be why? Even as an adult, he fusses after Tae and was sad when he left for the military. There's also something called shutdowns when a person with autism is overwhelmed. They shutdown, lose speech in some cases, sleep excessively or withdraw from friends and family. He lost his support people, routine and familiar clothing and food. That's a recipe for a meltdown. Even someone without autism would feel uncomfortable without familiar surroundings.

Everything you listed sounds like autism. His obsession with dance made him who he is today. He focused on practice, not playing with other kids at the playground, being with friends, girls or video games. As a kid he was serious, and the baby role was put on him by essem.

He's soooo forgetful it's a meme. And don't talk about his magic hand. If it can break, don't let him hold it. Sometimes autistic people walk on their toes, and that's something pediatricians look for in toddlers. Does he sort his belongings weird, in a line or focus on collecting things? Bugs set him off and he's run on stage to avoid them.

At debut, he was so naive and sweet. K3y made him think the buzzer would explode at the coffee shop if he didn't take it back to the counter in time. He thought it was obviously a lie but Tae fell for it. Even at 14, he reminds me of a child in older videos. Kids are very mature at that age, but he was still a baby.

I've heard that he dates foreign women when he's overseas, and it makes sense. Autism isn't a reason not to date or sleep with someone here, but would make someone a pariah in his country. Women will think he's an adorkable person, not unintelligent.
Mar 1, 2021
I actually liked One (Monster& infinity) and many people thought Tiger inside was a bop even Jopping wasn't too bad if we compare it to PTD and Dynamite so it's definitely not about quality. The hyung line are seniors in the industry they have all made a name for themselves through hard work and talent so even if the members of maknae line like l4cas or 10 were ok with it I don't think KaiBaekTaem would've agreed to provide services to American executives. T@e doesn't really have an actor friend and that rumor was from 2017 so I don't think it would apply to his time promoting as s4perm.
A3spa are young and give me high escort type vibes both Giselle and Kar1na are rumored to have bad personalities so I think they were more willing to sleep around with American executives and that's how they got to perform on Coachella because they are in no way qualified to perform there based on their current experience, exposure to American GP and output as artists.
Ae$pa have no reason to be at Coachella. That's for elite artists. They're following BPs lead and give escort vibes. I doubt KaiTaeBae would sleep with American elite to make it here. What's the point of btees does it and still didn't take off or win a Grammy? I've heard rumors about Baek selling himself, but I don't think Tae would be comfortable with that here. Ten would do it, and has shown a willingness to secure the bag with other men. I don't understand why because his family is rich. Are well-to-do kids chasing clout and fame? He's rich by Western standards but chases older men.
Mar 1, 2021
Look at 0.37 is that a company or spirits and witches playground. No wonder jh was fear while doing live alone in that company took camera in washroom. Do they do rituals 24/7? I feel bad who works there does there staff also did not suspect? With common sense of that country having about shaman they should identify things like that it's not even cool anymore. I casually saw it like it was nothing. But then realised first in vedio also they show weird pic.
The recent election used shamanism. There's a lot on it if you're interested. It's looked at weird, especially by Christians and Catholics but it's not uncommon. Their concept is witchcraft and it's almost always in their videos, or photos. They were serious when they said the members are supposed to be witches in their alternate reality.
Mar 1, 2021
well I think the problem is that neither sh!nee nor F(x) have the kind of massive and crazy fanbase as Bt5, BB or X-0. Sh@wols have always been known as one of the most polite and unproblematic fandom because Sh1nee were targeted towards an older female audience so most K-sh@wols and I-Sh@wols are adult women who aren't as aggressive as 12-15 year olds. Newer Sh@wols especially those who joined through S4perm or DCM era are younger and more aggressive but the fandom kicks out or reports most who are not percieved as polite and unproblematic. But still, T@emin in particular has a lot of young and crazy fans and I think they sort of did throw temper tantrums at 5m to the best of their ability during Criminal, Advice and military era for him but most of them get shut down or called out by other member fans. MVPs (0new fans) can be quite aggressive too when it comes to sales or reporting ot4 sh@wols that are a certain type of sh@wols who wanted 0new to leave sh1nee after his scandal in 2017 I personally think die hard 0new fans can be extremely annoying just like bt5 solo stans but most of them act like blind sheep who like to think 0new's sunshine persona is real and there is nothing wrong with him so I don't have hopes from them to do anything about it.
I watched videos of SHINe3 and it's obvious to anyone that those are personas. Sometimes they slip, and the real person comes out, but personalities are assigned to idols. A Western woman who worked on a concept for a group, said everything is decided during meetings. Their clothes, personas, music, facial expressions. Nothing about kpop is natural or organic. It's even faker than western music. Here, artists have scandals and drama because fans expect it. Idols want to be seen as innocent and amazing people and most of them are just like regular people or worse.

I can see On3w as problematic and when you told me about his depression, it's easy to see his mask. The group is like btees, ready to move on to other stuff and have to keep promoting a group they've outgrown. There was a scandal about him touching a woman inappropriately, and Tae has a misogyny scandal.

That's so icky that essem wanted them to have an older fanbase. Their youngest members was a little kid. Why are Armys so loud? Most are older and go crazy whenever someone criticizes the group. Fx deserved better.


Feb 7, 2022
Great presentation by @notyourunnie
Mar 1, 2021
We'll have to wait until he releases his solo singles or mixtapes to see if he was being held back by Hyb3 or it's just him being lazy. I have my reasons to doubt him he could've chosen another song go with Lie or serendipity why filter?? when korean Gp has called them out many times over it. About the tax evasion thing he probably doesn't do his own taxes maybe a staff or someone else hired to take care of his finances does it still it's something that adds dirt on his squeaky clean good boy image tax evasion is a huge problem in SK other wise they wouldn't be giving Knetz awards for being Good tax payers annually
They give awards for everything. It's worse than my country. They have weekly music awards and that's mind blowing. If his assistant took care of his taxes, it's easy to see how it happened. There could've been a staff shuffle as hive is understaffed. Btees is being problematic in their home country, and it's messing with their reputation. Knetz are going off about their hiatus because they have money and complain about working hard. Most people work hard at what they do, and make less. Most of us can't walk away when we get tired. Whoever told them to say that stuff needs to stop. It's only making it worse.
Mar 1, 2021
Sk is not nice to people with mental illness they probably thought he was faking or trying to run away from his service. A lot of celebrities have genuinely tried to run away from service in the past so I can understand why they were more harsh on him. T@e will be fine there are opportunities even in difficult times. Often people will come out stronger and more mature after going through the toughest times in their lives they just have to hold on and not lose faith In life and God
I would leave that country and live my life in another country. What can they do? He wants to continue to work, and that trapped him in the military. They were harder on him than his colleague who joined at the same time. He said that he was discharged or transferred but they made Tae wait and suffer.

The more I am reading about Asperger syndrome the more I am becoming convinced that he has Asperger. Usually an idol will show 2-3 signs of developmental disorder like ocd, Adhd, Autism etc so I will brush it off as not being anything significant but T@e has displayed 80-90% of classic symptoms associated with Asperger it can't be just a coincidence. People with Autism will often wear mask in social situations not to mention most idols go through intense training teaching them how to speak, act and control their body language in public so many idols who look and act relatively normal could have underlying developmental disorders. And unlike other more severe forms of autism Asperger is High functioning disorder so someone who has it can still lead a normal and happy life without much problems if they learn to manage their symptoms well.

It's a huge misconception that all people with autism are intellectually disabled in fact people with high functioning ASD like Asperger are way more likely to have higher than average IQ than below average IQ levels. Many geniuses throughout history were diagnosed or suspected to have Asperger like Einstein, Isaac Newton, Tesla, Emily Dickenson, Mozart and many more and people with low functioning Autism can often be gifted with exceptional skills in artistic field too. Judging from T@e's "peculiar" interests like Quantum Mechanics I'd say he has better chance of falling in the higher than average IQ category occupied by creative geniuses that would create a feeling of isolation for him as he expressed many times that he feels people do not understand him it's not something fans should see as a weakness or a disability they should appreciate him for who he is. I suspect jj0ng could have OCD too but he was so good at masking his problems it's hard to figure things out with him.

I suspect T@emin is still undiagnosed SK is far behind when it comes to awareness and treatment of mental health issues. I read that anxiety disorders and depression are often comorbidities that will exist together with Asperger syndrome. I believe he was diagnosed with depression and panic disorder but his Dr ignored the possibility of his depression and panic being a comorbidity existing alongside ASD he was taking too many pills for managing his symptoms and still his mental health got worse that makes me think that he was having Autism Meltdowns in the military due to a sudden change in his routine and environment he needed therapy and coping strategies to help him adjust better but the Dr kept prescribing him more sedatives, antidepressants and tranquillisers to calm him down which created further problems for him. I hope he is feeling better now in social service where he can set his own routines according to what is comfortable for him and I also hope he gets a better Dr who can provide him with the right treatment for his mental health issues. The other possibility is 5m didn't disclose information about him having Asperger to protect him from being stigmatised by the society.

I remember in jj0ng's suicide note he said his Dr blamed his personality for being the reason behind his depression now that I think about it maybe jj0ng too was autistic or had Ocd, Adhd etc an amateur doctor might've thought there was something wrong with jj0ng's personality and stigmatised him not realising that he could have a neurodevelopmental disorder.
The doctor who said that needs to be sued. He killed a man with his mouth. Blaming someone with mental illness is cruel and sounds like the Dark Ages of medicine. Do you think his parents knew that Tae was autistic or jjong's mother?

Tae was probably disruptive in class, and has said he would eat non-food things and bite the other children who bullied him. Biting someone can happen when the child is overwhelmed or too excited. The amount of medication that he was on is not normal. I worry about him overdosing or forming an addiction to sedatives and tranquilizers. He took the medicine in the evening and needed more at night. What kind of meltdowns to you think he was having? Do you think a meltdown can be mistaken for a panic attack? I'm interested in your perspective.

i think kids on the spectrum or with ADHD would thrive in training because of the rigid expectations. They would need to control their bodies, mind and facial expressions, but it would give a routine and teach them about the world. I read that companies often teach manners, communication, and social and basic life skills to the kids. Autistic people are often closer with animals than people.
Mar 1, 2021
i know which video you're talking about lol. but it's understandable cause that's all the group really has going for them. mid vocals, terrible music, awful dancing. the only thing knets even talk about is how small their heads are or how cute they look, it's rarely about the music. this is why talent is dead in kpop
I felt so bad for laughing but that's all they have. He was trying to be nice and keep the peace. I bet he can't stand Kar8na after she dragged his friends. Kpop is dead unless it brings back vocals and dance. Until then, he's scratching his weave and smiling.


Jun 2, 2021
K3y was always nagging him and making sure he was ok. Do you think him being autistic could be why? Even as an adult, he fusses after Tae and was sad when he left for the military. There's also something called shutdowns when a person with autism is overwhelmed. They shutdown, lose speech in some cases, sleep excessively or withdraw from friends and family. He lost his support people, routine and familiar clothing and food. That's a recipe for a meltdown. Even someone without autism would feel uncomfortable without familiar surroundings.

Everything you listed sounds like autism. His obsession with dance made him who he is today. He focused on practice, not playing with other kids at the playground, being with friends, girls or video games. As a kid he was serious, and the baby role was put on him by essem.

He's soooo forgetful it's a meme. And don't talk about his magic hand. If it can break, don't let him hold it. Sometimes autistic people walk on their toes, and that's something pediatricians look for in toddlers. Does he sort his belongings weird, in a line or focus on collecting things? Bugs set him off and he's run on stage to avoid them.

At debut, he was so naive and sweet. K3y made him think the buzzer would explode at the coffee shop if he didn't take it back to the counter in time. He thought it was obviously a lie but Tae fell for it. Even at 14, he reminds me of a child in older videos. Kids are very mature at that age, but he was still a baby.

I've heard that he dates foreign women when he's overseas, and it makes sense. Autism isn't a reason not to date or sleep with someone here, but would make someone a pariah in his country. Women will think he's an adorkable person, not unintelligent.
The magic hands thing is a clear sign of poor hand and eye coordination another sign of autism. We don't know anything about collecting things, walking on toes or sorting his belongings except sh1nee members used to nag him for dressing lazily when they were on tour and well not everyone on the spectrum will show all symptoms and with T@e I feel he is more likely to have Aspergers which is a more mild form of autism than the classic autism we are more familiar with. I think he could've had an Autism shutdown at the time of Jj0ng's death. He appeared emotionless and didn't say anything on jj0ng's funeral but I am not sure about it.

Honestly I have no idea if his members even know that he could have ASD Sk is so far behind on this front I wouldn't be surprised if they just think he is clumsy but members especially k3y has said that he's someone who has to be taken care of so I guess he could be dependent on others like his staff and members for doing things for him. K3y is always nagging him for his lack of social skills he said he told him to listen to more trendy kpop songs learn how to socialize on apps like instagram better and dress in a more fashionable way etc but T@e doesn't seem interested unless it involves his work as soloist.

He was naive as a kid and that's ok but after being in the industry for 13 years if he still acts clumsy, doesn't get jokes and says wrong things on shows then that could be seen as a problem.
The clip at 4:50 is suss as well after being in the industry for 10 years he still got a hand cramp because of extreme nervousness while being a one time MC at Mubank this is not normal.
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