Guys I think this sh@wol was right about T@emin having aspergers I've been watching videos about it since yesterday and T@e shows 80-90% of all classic symptoms associated with Asperger syndrome.
He has poor social communication skills. He flaps his hands when he's excited, he fidgets his hands during interviews, he had issues in school. He can't read social cues and says things at the wrong times, he is forgetful and will often forget important events or things like his habit of losing his phone all the time. Jj0ng said once that T@e when he likes a food he will eat it again and again until he gets tired of it that's common among people who have Aspergers they will have narrow, obsessive interests. T@e is obsessive with his interests. He also said that 5m told him he walks weirdly.
People with Asperger have to follow a fixed set routine to feel safe and when there is an unexpected change it will cause anxiety and they might have what is termed as an Autism meltdown something quite similar to an emotional tantrum or anxiety attack. T@e has talked about having to follow a strict routine somewhere as well but I can't find in which interview he said that right. And I've also read that anxiety disorders and depression are often comorbidities that exist along side Aspergers
I think T@e has an undiagnosed Asperger and maybe Adhd too but I'm not sure about Adhd and the massive change in routine that came with military service caused him to have Autism meltdowns in the military worsening his mental health.
Most Fans don't want to believe it because having Asperger or Autism is still considered a negative thing many people still associate having autism with having below than average IQ or someone not being able to function at all in social settings but Asperger is a high functioning neurodevelopmental disorder in fact most people who have Asperger tend to have higher than average or at least Average IQ levels.