Kpop Satanic/Illuminati Influence


Jun 2, 2021
probably so. Lots of idols are religious like Taemin but there's so much blasphemy in the artwork and even in just being an IDOL which is the biggest no-no of any Abrahamic religion believing person, throughout the three major faiths, Jewish, Christian and Muslim there is no such thing as being an idol and being apart of those faiths--most likely if they do really believe it's high tier angelic (star) worship, which is lowkey what most religious people are unknowingly doing. They can be idols and love God because somewhere along the way someone told them or asked them to be an angelic vessel, that would be the big secret in the Hollywood circles. In the end an openly religious celeb accepted by the media most definitely probably just a cover for being in a cult. People love Mel gibson for the passion of christ and the new movie sound of freedom, but what they don't know is how he knows what he knows and why he is allowed to speak of it. You cannot speak on what you aren't apart of in Hollywood--otherwise they'd off you or discredit you, put you in jail etc. They can't come out and say they are in a satanic cult but in Hollywood or the entertainment industry it's very common for celebs to say to the crowd they love God then wink to the camera and cover one eye and do the devil horns, they talk for the camera but they show symbols and colored clothing and make artwork for their real bosses. So yes it's all pretty much a farce, even if the people involved aren't deeply aware. Many are their parent's puppet, their managers/owners are their handlers are "God" on earth to them it all depends on how much they want them to know and understand at the time. It's possible they are ignorant depending on their level of knowledge or protection.

The plastic surgery thing is interesting because I believe it's deeper than people think they are literally going to a human being to recreate them it's high level dishonor and disrespect to God and what he created, but again people no longer think like that these days. It is just like mainstream media to get people to blaspheme God and not even comprehend what they are doing. Not only that but they are inadvertently giving themselves body dysmorphia and a litany of of mental disorders, it is a very horrid thing, but it's being framed as cool and trendy. People who hate the creator not only love to disrespect creation but to teach the creation to hate itself so much so it would be better to be disfigured, restructured jaw, plastic nose, unnecessary skin grafts simply to look younger. Something that was made for people who needed it after being in an accident or because of a birth defect or literally need plastic surgery to live has been misused to a high degree. Like everything good people have taken it way to far. The more years go by hundreds and thousands are reversing the surgeries trying to reverse the damage of putting plastic silicone and botox in their body but a lot of the time it's too late. In asia it seems that's not even a thought. Nobody talks about the dead nerves, the awful side affects or getting to the root of the problem which is lack of self love. To this day it makes me really sad because when I see such young children debut with a face full of botox, skin whitening and a full jaw reconstruction it seems like a horror movie come to life. Especially because nobody is thinking how that child will keep growing and now they will never know what they were supposed to look like, they are now a new creation.
I personally think the whole "He's a devout Catholic" thing was used to market Taem1n as a wholesome innocent and "virginal" boy to creepy old men and noonas. I added virginal because K-pop stans love the idea of their idols being "pure". Sh1nee's discography is filled with blasphemous songs and I don't believe he is really religious. Although, based on the themes of his songs he does seem to be aware that what he is doing is sinful. I interpreted his latest song "guilty" to mean that he knows the industry is evil and the industry has "abused" him but he is not a complete victim either. He was complicit in everything because it helped him become famous. He may have some underlying feelings of "guilt" and his mental breakdown in the army was probably related to this "guilt" but he cannot fully let go of the fame and leave the industry as of now.

I don't think other idols like Joshu@ of 17, Hwasa, Nshity's Mark or Ex0's Ch3n could be considered religious either. They have done so many demonic concepts and songs. 17's latest song is called "god" of music but J0shua claims to be a devout Christian. A real religious person would never sing a song like that. A lot of these idols also lie about being Christian because it is considered a good thing to be religious in SK. Their real religion is "materialism" and "hedonism". Fans should not be blind and idolize these people. I see many Christians, Jewish and Muslim K-pop stans defending these idols when they do something blasphemous and I feel so frustrated. These people are disrespecting God to protect their favs and most of them either don't care and don't seem to know that they are following the footsteps of Satan by doing this.


Jan 20, 2021
I feel bad for him. He was just a rookie and probably has a lot of trainee debt to repay rn. Instead of going after the person who is leaking his private info they are dropping this idol. Those scandals weren't even bad. He got canceled for smoking and dating only. I bet 99% male idols smoke and date around.
Exactly. That’s why I suspect that wasn’t the real reason he was let go. I think someone higher up wanted him and he refused and that’s why they might have let him go. It’s reminding me of that Looc@s scandal.

Yeah, he is going to have to pay that debt back. I remember someone mentioned they have to “work” it off by being at cafes or hosts at the bar.


Jun 2, 2021
quick question does anyone know the backstory of lsm taking this photo?

also sorta related

When super m blew up in america I knew he had to have connections and I heard about this photo but what was the event? Also I always found it odd he had to create a supergroup to get famous and not just use a preexisting groups, I wondered if it was a bloodline thing idk if anybody remembers super m's first instagram live but they spent a few minutes talking about their bloodtypes, it seemed scripted and so did their other lives and very controlled much more than any exo stuff. Lsm went and told the whole world super m was coming back then it's like sm collasped. Stocks and all. Kai had a whole fiasco going to the military. Lucas was kicked out of nct and way v. Taemin had a mental breakdown in the army, baekyun sued sm. It definitely seemed like something went wrong behind the scenes. lsm in infamous for screwing people over with money I wonder if the occult powers punished him in some way after he may have tried to screw over some american elite or something. His family eventually got overthrown concerning sm's leadership and they threw away all of his plans and replaced all of his groups with new ones. Exo's season's greetings didn't even happen.

Now the ceo of Yg is in jail and the ceo of hybe is saying kpop is failing and he wants to completely rebrand. Also possibly related tons of american artists are selling their catalogue's for very cheap considering what most people think they are worth. I believe the financial backing of the worldwide ent industry is collapsing in general but it's not being reported on. The hollywood strikes dealt with music as well many of the songwriters for kpop are actually american and work under sony and other larger music companies and they rent them to kpop companies, who are notoriously cheap even compared to american standards where writers don't get a lot, Marz a writer for exo basically gave an example of 10 people splitting a small check even after writing one of exo's million dollar albums. Once they even tried to not give a member of one direction credit on a song of his they sampled, just an example of how cheap they are. Fans were okay with it because they believed exo was being paid a lot but the lawsuit proved they most likely weren't if they were that desperate to see their contracts and the paperwork. lsm stole a lot of money from his artists, it's the 2000s version of motown basically. Nobody really talks about it but everything going on in kpop could be a big news story or documentary waiting to break. It's so much stuff going on but it's shoved under the rug and covered up with everyday gossip and new outfits.

more and more truth is coming out recently
I think L$M was part of the elites' and when he was kicked out of $M the company started to fall apart. $M is broke rn. Their employees are leaving to join Hyb3. Ex0 members are trying to leave. SNSD are mostly inactive broke apart and their current active groups are underperforming. A3spa and Nshitty's sales declined with the recent album and Riize are facing strong competition from other 5th gen BGs. RV members were spotted without security guards because apparently the company is understaffed. Most of their veteran artists want to leave. Team1n asked $M to raise salaries of staff workers and people who work behind-the-scenes on his livestream because too many are leaving due to horrible working conditions and low pay.

YG is in a similar condition and only Hyb3 seems to be doing great but now that BT$ members are enlisting their stocks might fall too. I guess this is the start of K-pop's downfall.


Jan 20, 2021
I think L$M was part of the elites' and when he was kicked out of $M the company started to fall apart. $M is broke rn. Their employees are leaving to join Hyb3. Ex0 members are trying to leave. SNSD are mostly inactive broke apart and their current active groups are underperforming. A3spa and Nshitty's sales declined with the recent album and Riize are facing strong competition from other 5th gen BGs. RV members were spotted without security guards because apparently the company is understaffed. Most of their veteran artists want to leave. Team1n asked $M to raise salaries of staff workers and people who work behind-the-scenes on his livestream because too many are leaving due to horrible working conditions and low pay.

YG is in a similar condition and only Hyb3 seems to be doing great but now that BT$ members are enlisting their stocks might fall too. I guess this is the start of K-pop's downfall.
Do you think the K-pop popularity will decline? Or you think it was strategic?
Sep 4, 2023
Saw this on my feed.

SK the only country where kpop stars have to be present at diplomatic events. Just why? I never see any other country doing this.

So Charles can enjoy himself a bit? Not a single British celebrity in sight.

who cares that much tho? it just buncha rich ppl doing rich ppl things? idk why they went all out for some random koreans like in 20 years time no one gonna know who blackpink are. just tired of the way thiis useless country has to make it always about the rich royals but never mention how they steal tax money for their carraiges.
Feb 20, 2020
So their going to be doing Sodomy rituals at events like this?
mhm they are present at the physical ritual place and at the astral ritual places (some of their alters that are called up to the second heavens to the astral plane to practice in rituals mind u most times those people have no idea that their alters travel to the second heavens for ritual purposes where the rituals can continue for years).i noticed triggering and calling the alters to the astral plane via elon musks "ad astra" tweet with the rocket. (rockets are used as triggers to cause alters to come to the desired place for the rituals etc. insluding the names of the rocks and such it actually goes incredibly deep.) there are signs of something happening in the spirit tho in the programmed individuals and in the survivors of mind control due to things like bruises, sores cuts and more appearing on the skin out of nowhere it also effects your emotion on a very deep level and can make you feel suicidal etc. due to the torture your alter is going thru in the spirit realm.

blackpink along with bts and the beatles have been created by the elites for their own purposes and you can read more about that if you look up how beatles was created and the purpose of them and how it was to popularize drug culture and other harmful beliefs.
the purpose for all this is literally to turn away from christianity and from Christ. that's why during the ongoing programming there is a moment where the child will be bought up to the druid council and will be required to denounce Jesus Christ, The Father and The Holy Spirit and accept the antichrist and serve the antichrist and stuff like that. 1700673353829.png


Jun 2, 2021
mhm they are present at the physical ritual place and at the astral ritual places (some of their alters that are called up to the second heavens to the astral plane to practice in rituals mind u most times those people have no idea that their alters travel to the second heavens for ritual purposes where the rituals can continue for years).i noticed triggering and calling the alters to the astral plane via elon musks "ad astra" tweet with the rocket. (rockets are used as triggers to cause alters to come to the desired place for the rituals etc. insluding the names of the rocks and such it actually goes incredibly deep.) there are signs of something happening in the spirit tho in the programmed individuals and in the survivors of mind control due to things like bruises, sores cuts and more appearing on the skin out of nowhere it also effects your emotion on a very deep level and can make you feel suicidal etc. due to the torture your alter is going thru in the spirit realm.

blackpink along with bts and the beatles have been created by the elites for their own purposes and you can read more about that if you look up how beatles was created and the purpose of them and how it was to popularize drug culture and other harmful beliefs.
the purpose for all this is literally to turn away from christianity and from Christ. that's why during the ongoing programming there is a moment where the child will be bought up to the druid council and will be required to denounce Jesus Christ, The Father and The Holy Spirit and accept the antichrist and serve the antichrist and stuff like that. View attachment 96792
What is the meaning of ad astra? In Sh1nee's latest title track HARD they use that word.


Mar 23, 2018
SK the only country where kpop stars have to be present at diplomatic events
Kpop is a soft power tool of South Korea. Tbh, hallyu has done a lot to let know Korea worlwide. Before that, not many people had interest in Korea, only to comment the Korean conflict.
What is the meaning of ad astra?
It's Latin, if I'm not wrong, the meaning is "to the stars".


Mar 23, 2018
I think L$M was part of the elites' and when he was kicked out of $M the company started to fall apart. $M is broke rn.
Nshitty wasn't the bighit they thought it would be. Not saying they're a flop, but the idea wasn't a success, at the end of the day, too many subgroups and members. Yet, only two or three members are known.
A3spa and Nshitty's sales declined with the recent album and Riize are facing strong competition from other 5th gen BGs.
With the zillion groups of Hybe out in the market, it's hard to compete. Besides, the market is oversaturated, so standing out it's complicated. They tried to prop up Aespa with that "dream team" group of top members of the company, but didn't go as expected.

And BoA is old for resurrecting that company. Let's see how this ends.
I guess this is the start of K-pop's downfall.
Could be, the more is westernized, the more people will lose interest. Seems a little bit paradoxical, because many people joined Kpop because of Kpop basically , copying the "90's- early 00's" trend of boy-girl groups adding in the mix, japanese idol culture. They just added a bit of Korean specifics. Kdramas still attract many people, but Thai dramas are gaining popularity.


Dec 14, 2018
Kpop is a soft power tool of South Korea. Tbh, hallyu has done a lot to let know Korea worlwide. Before that, not many people had interest in Korea, only to comment the Korean conflict.
I know, but they don’t need to bring them to every event to prove a point. I just cringe everytime i see them dragging kpop idols when meeting Biden Trump, the british royal family etc. Imagine if they dragged kpop idols to meet Kim Jong Un or the Chinese president, they would look ridiculous. Lisa just did a stripshow in front of a bunch of rich old men, like is that your national pride?
Eyes wide shut hinted about the British Royal family and their involvement in the elite’s s@tanic societies. I suspect that Lisa’s stripshow at the French cabaret was some sort if intitiation ritual for moving up and looks like Charles seems very pleased with them.
I saw this on my feed.
Last edited:


Jun 26, 2022
I know, but they don’t need to bring them to every event to prove a point. I just cringe everytime i see them dragging kpop idols when meeting Biden Trump, the british royal family etc. Imagine if they dragged kpop idols to meet Kim Jong Un or the Chinese president, they would look ridiculous. Lisa just did a stripshow in front of a bunch of rich old men, like is that your national pride?
Eyes wide shut hinted about the British Royal family and their involvement in the elite’s s@tanic societies. I suspect that Lisman’s stripshow at the French cabaret was some sort if intitiation ritual for moving up and looks like Charles seems very pleased with them.
I saw this on my feed.
The only one looks joyfull in the picture was Lisa, the others expressions looks awkward, Rose looks elsewhere and not in the CAmera.


Mar 23, 2018
I just cringe everytime i see them dragging kpop idols when meeting Biden Trump, the british royal family etc. Imagine if they dragged kpop idols to meet Kim Jong Un or the Chinese president, they would look ridiculous.
Yeah, it's ridiculous, but they do it. I guess the government considers the Kpop companies employees.

You won't be surprised if I tell you that, Red Velvet met Kim Jong Un and performed in North Korea.

What about BTS performing in Saudi Arabia?

Also, in the UAE, they have held some concerts. This was about cultural ties, promoted the Ministries of Culture of both countries.


Mar 27, 2023
I know, but they don’t need to bring them to every event to prove a point. I just cringe everytime i see them dragging kpop idols when meeting Biden Trump, the british royal family etc. Imagine if they dragged kpop idols to meet Kim Jong Un or the Chinese president, they would look ridiculous. Lisa just did a stripshow in front of a bunch of rich old men, like is that your national pride?
Eyes wide shut hinted about the British Royal family and their involvement in the elite’s s@tanic societies. I suspect that Lisa’s stripshow at the French cabaret was some sort if intitiation ritual for moving up and looks like Charles seems very pleased with them.
I saw this on my feed.
upside down Cross? :<
Feb 20, 2020
What is the meaning of ad astra? In Sh1nee's latest title track HARD they use that word.
ad astra=thus one goes to the stars:such is the way to IMMORTALITY.
stars=2nd heaven where lucifer and the fallen angels and his minions are. minions include human spirits(alters) and satans grotesque creations.

if you look into the stories of the mkultra victims and survivors and deprogrammists (those who work go deprogram all thats been programmed into those ppl) they all speak of the astral plane and what goes on there and how the ultimate goal of a deep demonic alter (the ones present there) is to go to the higher heaven (lucifer has split the second heavens to copy YAH. all he does is copy YAH. lucifers highest heaven is the upper part of the 2nd heavens where he was thrown into and soon he will no longer be able to sustain that place so he will be thrown down to the earth with all his creatures and minions thats where meta and the cloud comes in place for when he is thrown out of the heavens he will play as a “savior” to ppl and the interNET meta+mark of the beast will be used in ways to trap ppl in there with promises of “immortality and no more diseases” and such). so the goal to those alters is to achieve “immortality”
