Kpop Satanic/Illuminati Influence


May 18, 2023
That's crazy! I literally think her rich daddy pays for bots to defend her no matter what. One time all I said was that I'm tired of her and Yujin literally always being in center no matter the context. Especially at this point in IVE's career. They are already recognized as a successful group. It's not like they need to still ride off of iz*one's popularity still. Comeback pictures, award shows, airport photos, tiktok videos, choreography, etc they are ALWAYS front and center. Boy did they attack me for calling it out. I just wanted to get to know the other members and I'm sick of her being shoved in my face! She does nothing to fight this. The only thing she feeds off of is positive attention. I can see through her fake nice and innocent act. Entitled brat. Her fans are so delusional and gullible.
What really gets under my skin about her is how she goes on stage and has a half-hearted attitude. She doesn't put in nearly as much effort as her other members do, which she should because it's her JOB to do. She knows she doesn't have to try as hard because her blind followers will defend and support her no matter what. This makes her have one of the laziest stage presence I've ever seen in the industry. Does she even sweat? I've been given many different excuses like "she's tired because she's doing several other projects like modeling and brand deals" or "why should she put in the effort and mess up her pretty fixed hair?" I despise it. It's HER JOB! I wouldn't say anything bad about her if she would actually put a smile on her face and act just a little grateful that she is where she is, like how other idols pretend to do. It's impossible to say anything in certain places because her fans cannot take criticism.
Sep 4, 2023
You know Youtuber Sojang was the first person to call this out and W0nyoung fans doxxed and reported her to St@rship ENT.
St@rship threatened to sue her for "defamation" and so she had to delete her channel and post an apology
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the internet is a horrid place but theres no need to doxx someone for saying a bit of honesty about idols and their fake plastic looks


Jun 26, 2022
Ka1 is a great dancer but sometimes his performance does not match his facial expressions. For e.g the song would be emotional but he would sometimes do a sexy smirk and it will feel weird. JM on the other hand doesn't even change his facial expressions for most of the performance. I like seeing JM when he does his classical stuff but he can't make me feel emotional with his dance.
Sometimes Kai looks possessed with his expression when he dance.
Sep 4, 2023
speaking if other generations, i think post war britain looked much more successful than post plandemic britain. countries have one minor plandemic and every other business is going into administration including entertainment companies who are 100% dependant of those who follow their groups and their celebs, dont u think its a tad weird that countries have so much issues nowadays than they did prior to 2021? for instance kpoop groups were really able to take off now i think companies are struggling to make new entertainmentso they desperately shovel whatever they can out in a bid to attract new fans and it just aint working for them ehnce why groups disbanding more often but idrc about that. anyway my point is countries are lot more shittier than they were several decades ago.


May 18, 2023
speaking if other generations, i think post war britain looked much more successful than post plandemic britain. countries have one minor plandemic and every other business is going into administration including entertainment companies who are 100% dependant of those who follow their groups and their celebs, dont u think its a tad weird that countries have so much issues nowadays than they did prior to 2021? for instance kpoop groups were really able to take off now i think companies are struggling to make new entertainmentso they desperately shovel whatever they can out in a bid to attract new fans and it just aint working for them ehnce why groups disbanding more often but idrc about that. anyway my point is countries are lot more shittier than they were several decades ago.
You always brighten up my day. You are totally right! The plandemic was a scheme to push entertainment further down our throats, that's why global p0rn views went up because "people were shut in and needed something to do" yeah right so they chose something to rot their brain?
Sep 4, 2023
You always brighten up my day. You are totally right! The plandemic was a scheme to push entertainment further down our throats, that's why global p0rn views went up because "people were shut in and needed something to do" yeah right so they chose something to rot their brain?
ur very welcome. idfk whats going on in the world rn, it just sucks so much :( every other avsrage jane or joe and their grannies are now internet stars of some type. look at them and pay attention to all the garbage celebs and their personal lives!!!!!!! oh look an other celeb passes away in "mysterious" circumstances. if the world wasnt such a shitehole itd be laughable. instead of z list celebs its more so -F kpoop idols and dollar tree youtubers for entertainment.
Sep 4, 2023
just feels like time is flying by and every other idjit nowadays still seems to peddle junky entertainment and all the trashyness with it. if im being honest i just dgaf anymore what i believe in. its garbage thats generated to fill the minds of the gullible or the ones who want to actively seek out the wealth themselves.


May 18, 2023
just feels like time is flying by and every other idjit nowadays still seems to peddle junky entertainment and all the trashyness with it. if im being honest i just dgaf anymore what i believe in. its garbage thats generated to fill the minds of the gullible or the ones who want to actively seek out the wealth themselves.
I've noticed that a lot of young people want fame and fortune and are easily persuaded into the entertainment industry.


Jun 9, 2022
At first i thought it is cute but now it is looking as programming to u guys know a little girl who is getting famous and called as little Jenny....and she is continuously singing only Jenny songs.....I am really concerned about her..i mean i don't want another girl to become Jenny....i don't want that little girl turn into industrial slave
Sep 4, 2023
At first i thought it is cute but now it is looking as programming to u guys know a little girl who is getting famous and called as little Jenny....and she is continuously singing only Jenny songs.....I am really concerned about her..i mean i don't want another girl to become Jenny....i don't want that little girl turn into industrial slave
only briefly saw it and i dont know why youtube would recommend it to anyone. why a kid singing a love song when they had no life experiences would be intruiging to watch? idfk. get her to do kidz bop or some shit
Sep 4, 2023
entertainment has always been aimed for younger generations tweens or kids, elvis was the first one imho then all those bubblegum campy boygroups of the 00s 80s 70s etc etc. it all seemed to want to appeal to gullible or easily swayed minds.


Jun 26, 2022
At first i thought it is cute but now it is looking as programming to u guys know a little girl who is getting famous and called as little Jenny....and she is continuously singing only Jenny songs.....I am really concerned about her..i mean i don't want another girl to become Jenny....i don't want that little girl turn into industrial slave
yes i believe her parents were behind that ..