Houses, furnitures and objects Illuminati


Apr 6, 2018
Two little notes:
I just remembered why they put royal meals. The meal is the representation of drug taking. Taking certain drugs causes hunger, not possible. Some drugs can make you cannibal, for example Flakka.

Otherwise, thinking about the P. Diddy case, I watch the show "Finding more ugly in the south". He has a house that has cameras everywhere.


Apr 6, 2018
The information given with the photos looks too much like what is marked in the MK-Ultra technique or other. Like in the KPop clips, where many references are visible in these clips, in addition, they have a link with China, which makes me think of the many links he has, with China. The photos would be fakes, but given what we know... Coming from a hippie movement, whose symbol is that of the anti-Christians. And the use of drugs, knowing that they are in fact criminals. And coming back to KPop, he often has a hippie joke. He also has mattresses on the floor, computers in a room (it made me think of the TVs, which are stacked). The kitchen, which makes me think of the Japanese clip: "Blood, Sweat and Tears". Where the members of BTS, fight with weapons, a kind of morbid game. On the other, he has the series "Sweet Thoot", inspired by the comic book, of the same name. Watch Gust, a servant who is free in his forest, surrounded by a cage, to protect him from Men. The cage is covered with branches, which makes one think of a wild forest. The Satanist temple also makes the same apology, saying that they do not do Satanist acts, but are a learning center. And while we have it, the increase, of sexual scenes in visual media:

P.S. It's true, they often say that they are a game. They say it super often, it's literally their mantra for everything they do. And in addition they have a real link with the CIA, and given the number of affairs he had with the CIA, which looked like prepared acts:
Société secrète... P2 ou Propaganda Due - - Journal de la Franc-maçonnerie
One of the supposed culprits, Kennedy CIA or terrorists. September 11th the CIA or it's the mafia too and Pope John Paul II, the mafia, since he was taking money for his country. However, in the book of popes, he was supposed to be hit and survive his injuries. The book of popes is a guide, to designate the popes, rather than a book that predicts, which pope will be elected, since it is planned.
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Apr 6, 2018
The information given with the photos looks too much like what is marked in the MK-Ultra technique or other. Like in the KPop clips, where many references are visible in these clips, in addition, they have a link with China, which makes me think of the many links he has, with China. The photos would be fakes, but given what we know... Coming from a hippie movement, whose symbol is that of the anti-Christians. And the use of drugs, knowing that they are in fact criminals. And coming back to KPop, he often has a hippie joke. He also has mattresses on the floor, computers in a room (it made me think of the TVs, which are stacked). The kitchen, which makes me think of the Japanese clip: "Blood, Sweat and Tears". Where the members of BTS, fight with weapons, a kind of morbid game. On the other, he has the series "Sweet Thoot", inspired by the comic book, of the same name. Watch Gust, a servant who is free in his forest, surrounded by a cage, to protect him from Men. The cage is covered with branches, which makes one think of a wild forest. The Satanist temple also makes the same apology, saying that they do not do Satanist acts, but are a learning center. And while we have it, the increase, of sexual scenes in visual media:

P.S. It's true, they often say that they are a game. They say it super often, it's literally their mantra for everything they do. And in addition they have a real link with the CIA, and given the number of affairs he had with the CIA, which looked like prepared acts:
Société secrète... P2 ou Propaganda Due - - Journal de la Franc-maçonnerie
One of the supposed culprits, Kennedy CIA or terrorists. September 11th the CIA or it's the mafia too and Pope John Paul II, the mafia, since he was taking money for his country. However, in the book of popes, he was supposed to be hit and survive his injuries. The book of popes is a guide, to designate the popes, rather than a book that predicts, which pope will be elected, since it is planned.
I am finally creating a reconstruction of the rituals, but also of how we got there:

Small supplement, interesting information:
"The Code Yoko series, about the AI center, whose computer building has a round shape with a metallic, electronic appearance. The Poppy game, playtime has a learning center (the daycare has a round and metallic shape). And the Death Star from Star Wars (which a Youtuber compared to Lord of the Rings) has clone soldiers. We can also add the planet Pandora, which has a round shape and an electronic network, which is connected to the sacred trees. Where the treasure is under the tree, a precious fuel (which can be found in Dune)."


Apr 6, 2018
J'ai finit la première partie, du descriptif du second dieu, (donc il a quelques références sexuel, qui sert à expliquer certains symboles). Je consacrerais une seconde partie, dans un style plus lié au matériel, avec des exemples plus matérialistes. La version est disponible dans le second "SPOILER", FRANCAIS et ENGLISH, mais voici la partie un, une partie, de la partie deux est disponible après le "_". La partie Anglaise est juste en dessous de la partie Française:
I finished the first part, of the description of the second god, (so it has some sexual references, which serve to explain certain symbols) I would dedicate a second part, in a style more related to the material, with more materialistic examples. The version is available in the second "SPOILER", FRENCH and ENGLISH, but here is part one, a part, of part two is available after the "_". The English part is just below the French part.


Apollon - Bacchus - Cerbère - Dionysos - Exus (Eshu) - Faucheur - Janus - Jack Frost - Jupiter - Hadès - Hermès - Loki - Lucifer - Neptune - Odin - Pazuzu - Satan - Seth - Thor - Yamaraj - Zeus

La mère (les ténèbres) accouche de son second fils (les rayons). Ce faisant, elle crie ou souffle, avant ou pendant l'expulsion des rayons qui se rejoindront pour former son premier fils (une sphère de lumière). Avant de se divisé, pour ensuite se rejoindre de nouveau, dans un perpétuel recommencement. Inversement, le plus jeune des deux frères (les rayons) nait après ou provient de son grand frère (le soleil). L'impacte, qu'il a entre son père (le ciel de feu), qui refroidit en rencontrant sa femme (la terre de glace). Et sa mère qui est entrain de fondre en rencontrant son mari. Fait que ses parents vont, de leurs rencontres, donnés naissances à leur fils; qui s'auto ou ne s'auto entoure pas d'évaporation/de fumée/de nuages. Qui, au dessus de l'eau (sa mère) et sous un beau ciel bleu (son père). Qu'il soit sur ou sans son trône, il bouge et/ou il reste immobile. Il s'intériorise et/ou il accumule l'énergie qu'il y a aux alentours.
La météorite (le phallus) du/et second dieu s'écrase et marque la terre (sa petite amie) d'un cratère (le vagin). Ensuite, il utilise son phallus afin d'écarté le vagin, si il n'est pas ouvert. Le sperme (l'eau). où coule des larme(s) et/ou l'eau/le sperme giclent: goutte par goutte, ou sous forme de pluie. Et/ou les gouttelette(s) ou la rosée(s) sont réparties parterre. L'eau/le sperme coule et se projette, en devenant une rivière/une cascade, et s'éjecte, en devenant une fontaine. Lorsque ce trou/ce vagin est remplie de sperme/d'eau, il en devient un puit. L'eau va recouvrir ou recouvre et hydrate la terre faisant de même, lorsqu'il recouvre et hydrate les graines. Ces mêmes graines sont semblables aux bébés poissons qui se rapprochent, et aux têtards qui ressemblent aux spermatozoïdes. Qui traversent, parcours ou habites les cours d'eaux.
Les fruits sont composés de chaires (les testicules) d'eau/de jus de fruit (le sperme) et de graines (les spermatozoïdes). Le trou (des testicules) est remplie d'eau (de sperme). Qui est devant l'arbre (le corps) ou/avec la montagne (le phallus). Et le lac (du vagin) est en dessous ou éloigné du tronc (du corps) ou/avec la montagne (le phallus). La femme est donc en dessous ou séparée de l'homme. Mais quelque soit sa position et sa hauteur, qu'il soit ou non dans un trou. Le niveau de son eau est égale ou en dessous du sol. L'accès à la grotte se situe à la base du tronc, ou il se situe sous les premières racines de l'arbre, ou encore en bas de la falaise. La grotte (le placenta), abrite le lac (l'eau qui est à l'intérieur du placenta). Ainsi que des oeufs (des ovules), des trésors qui viennent de la mère. Ils s'associent afin de créer des enfants, aux poissons (les spermatozoïdes), des trésors provenant du père.
Alors qu'au pied de la tour il passe par la porte Que ce soit à l'intérieur de la grotte du foyer des testicules Lorsqu'allumer et la chaleur de ce feu les spermatozoïdes représentent l'esprit, la vie. La fumée le sperme, enveloppe le feu, et traverse la cheminée jusqu'à sortir par l'ouverture en haut. Ainsi le foyer,. de la lumière est le Paradis. La source, alors que sur terre, elle vient du ventre de la mère. L'acquisition doit passé par sa fabrication. L'enfant est porté pendant neuf mois. Il se forme à partir d'eau et symboliquement de terre (la matière). Lorsque, l'eau et la farine (la matière) sont parmi les ingrédient qui compose le pain. Qui est pétri à la main, au bras ou à l'aide d'un pilon par l'homme; faisant référence à l'action du phallus à l'intérieur du vagin. Ensuite, selon la recette choisis, la pâte à pain a préalablement besoin de gonflé. Et ensuite, il cuit dans le four. Ainsi l'enfant qui est alors associé au pain, grandit dans le ventre de sa mère. Le ventre est comparé à un four, et le bébé a un pain.
La montagne et le volcan sont des symboles du phallus. Lorsque la pointe du phallus est inactif, la montagne et le volcan sont nus. Lorsqu'il contient de l'eau, il est soit inactif, lorsqu'il est au sommet du volcan, il a une forme de lac. Mais l'eau étant de passage, depuis le ciel reste ou s'écoule. La sperme a une goutte qui stagne, ou s'apprête à couler depuis le sommet du phallus. En hiver, les sommets sont recouverts de neige. Le soleil faisant fondre la glace, elle devient de l'eau ou elle devient complètement sec. Le volcan est réellement actif, lorsque la lave du volcan sort puis coule sous formes de rivières de feu, ou de cascades de feu.
La lave transforme tout en cendre. La cendre tombe. Elle nourrit la terre. Elle lui fournit des nutriments. Lorsque l'eau hydrate et qu'elle est nourrit de la terre, alors qu'elles ne possèdent pas assez nutriments. L'engrais nourrit, tout comme les copeaux de bois, etc. L'engrais peut-être composé de sang séché, pour une minéralisation rapide et de cornes pour une minéralisation plus lente. Les animaux possèdent différentes paires de cornes. Le bélier a par exemple, des cornes qui rappelle par sa forme: /le nombre d'or. Le nombre d'or étant présent dans l'ensemble de la création: de la coquille d'escargot, au coquillage. Des matériaux, dont l'extrémité de la pointe est trouée. Afin que le souffle, du sonneur qui incarne la source puisse traversé l'instrument, afin de produire un sons, à sa sortie. La corne, coquille, coquillage, cornet et tout autre objet, possédant une caisse de résonnance,; qui amplifie le sons. En le collant à son oreille, le sons est produit par la circulation du sang. La corne produit du vent/des ondes, et qui comme la lumière agissent symboliquement sur la matière. Mais, le vent et le sons sont aussi volatiles, que la lumière. Le second dieu a ou n'a pas de corps. Le dieu de l'esprit (et donc de l'âme), des égrégores, et donc des magiciens, il est donc capable de donné la vie et de la reprendre.
Les égrégores n'ont normalement pas de corps physique. Hors, il a des exceptions: ils peuvent possédés un corps, qui est vivant ou ne l'ait pas, ou encore, il peut naitre en temps qu'humain et égrégore. Mais même avec ce corps, il a besoin de se stabilisé. En absorbant la quantité, étant le chef, le dieu des égrégores se nourrit donc de son propre chef; ou à travers des serviteurs tels que: des abeilles qui récoltent le nectar qu'elles apportent à la ruche. Où il sera transformé en miel, avant d'être redistribuer sous la surveillance de la reine. Et les employés qui récoltent chaque année de l'argent pour leur entreprise, verront leur somme être redistribuée sous la direction du patron. D'autres types de serviteurs récoltent l'énergies. Certains utilises l'alchimie hermétique, cette pratique consiste à détruire le corps d'un "être vivant" afin de récupérer son esprit/son ou un peu de son âme. L'ensemble de ces récoltes symbolisent l'acte quotidien; de l'absorption au relâchement continue entre le ciel et la terre. De la même manière, que ce soit physique ou énergétique, l'homme absorbe tout autant. Le second dieu parcours l'espace entre l'Homme et Dieu, faisant de lui le messager entre son grand frère et la terre. Envoyant plus qu'un message, il envoie, la source/le soleil. Qui lui donne surtout un ordre, qu'il est sensé suivre. Qu'il finira par exécuter ou ne l'exécutera définitivement pas, qu'il modifiera ou la remplacera par une autre, avant que ce message n'agisse définitivement sur la matière.


Apollon - Bacchus - Cerbère - Dionysos - Exus (Eshu) - Faucheur - Janus - Jack Frost - Jupiter - Hadès - Hermès - Loki - Lucifer - Neptune - Odin - Pazuzu - Satan - Seth - Thor - Yamaraj - Zeus

The mother (the darkness) gives birth to her second son (the rays). In doing so, she screams or blows, before or during the expulsion of the rays that will join to form her first son (a sphere of light). Before dividing, to then join again, in a perpetual recommencement. Conversely, the youngest of the two brothers (the rays) is born after or comes from his big brother (the sun). The impact, which he has between his father (the sky of fire), who cools down when meeting his wife (the earth of ice). And his mother who is melting when meeting her husband. Causes his parents to, from their meetings, give birth to their son; who surrounds himself or not himself with evaporation/smoke/clouds. Who, above the water (his mother) and under a beautiful blue sky (his father). Whether he is on or without his throne, he moves and/or remains motionless. It internalizes and/or accumulates the energy that is around it.
The meteorite (phallus) of the second god crashes and marks the earth (his girlfriend) with a crater (the vagina). Then, he uses his phallus to spread the vagina, if it is not open. The sperm (water). where tears flow and/or water/sperm spurt: drop by drop, or in the form of rain. And/or the droplets or dew are spread on the ground. The water/sperm flows and projects itself, becoming a river/a waterfall, and ejects itself, becoming a fountain. When this hole/vagina is filled with sperm/water, it becomes a well. The water will cover or covers and hydrates the earth doing the same, when it covers and hydrates the seeds. These same seeds are similar to baby fish that come closer, and to tadpoles that look like sperm. Who cross, travel or inhabit waterways.
The fruits are composed of flesh (the testicles) of water/fruit juice (the sperm) and seeds (the spermatozoa). The hole (of the testicles) is filled with water (of sperm). Which is in front of the tree (the body) or/with the mountain (the phallus). And the lake (of the vagina) is below or far from the trunk (of the body) or/with the mountain (the phallus). The woman is therefore below or separated from the man. But whatever his position and his height, whether or not he is in a hole. The level of its water is equal to or below the ground. Access to the cave is located at the base of the trunk, or it is located under the first roots of the tree, or at the bottom of the cliff. The cave (the placenta), shelters the lake (the water which is inside the placenta). As well as eggs (ovules), treasures which come from the mother. They join together to create children, fish (sperm), treasures from the father.
While at the foot of the tower he passes through the door Whether inside the cave of the hearth of the testicles When lighting and the heat of this fire the sperm represent the spirit, life. The smoke the sperm, envelops the fire, and crosses the chimney until exiting through the opening at the top. Thus the hearth,. of light is Paradise. The source, while on earth, it comes from the mother's womb. The acquisition must go through its manufacture. The child is carried for nine months. It is formed from water and symbolically from earth (the matter). When, water and flour (the matter) are among the ingredients that make up bread. Which is kneaded by hand, arm or using a pestle by the man; referring to the action of the phallus inside the vagina. Then, depending on the recipe chosen, the bread dough needs to rise beforehand. And then it bakes in the oven. So the child who is then associated with bread, grows in his mother's womb. The womb is compared to an oven, and the baby has a loaf of bread.
The mountain and the volcano are symbols of the phallus. When the tip of the phallus is inactive, the mountain and the volcano are bare. When it contains water, it is either inactive, when it is at the top of the volcano, it has a lake shape. But the water being in passage, from the sky remains or flows. The sperm has a drop that stagnates, or is about to flow from the top of the phallus. In winter, the peaks are covered with snow. The sun melts the ice, it becomes water or it becomes completely dry. The volcano is really active, when the lava from the volcano comes out and then flows in the form of rivers of fire, or waterfalls of fire.
Lava turns everything into ash. Ash falls. It feeds the earth. It provides it with nutrients. When water hydrates and it is fed by the earth, while they do not have enough nutrients. Fertilizer feeds, just like wood chips, etc. Fertilizer can be composed of dried blood, for rapid mineralization and horns for slower mineralization. Animals have different pairs of horns. The ram, for example, has horns that recall by their shape: /the golden ratio. The golden ratio being present in all of creation: from the snail shell, to the seashell. Materials, the end of the point of which is perforated. So that the breath of the player who embodies the source can pass through the instrument, in order to produce a sound, at its exit. The horn, shell, shell, cornet and any other object, having a sound box,; which amplifies the sound. By sticking it to his ear, the sound is produced by the circulation of blood. The horn produces wind/waves, and which like light act symbolically on matter. But, wind and sound are as volatile as light. The second god has or does not have a body. The god of the spirit (and therefore of the soul), of egregores, and therefore of magicians, he is therefore capable of giving life and taking it back.
Egregores do not normally have a physical body. However, there are exceptions: they can possess a body, which is alive or not, or they can be born as a human and an egregore. But even with this body, they need to stabilize themselves. By absorbing the quantity, being the leader, the god of egregores therefore feeds on his own; or through servants such as: bees that collect the nectar they bring to the hive. Where it will be transformed into honey, before being redistributed under the supervision of the queen. And the employees who collect money each year for their company, will see their sum redistributed under the direction of the boss. Other types of servants harvest energy. Some use hermetic alchemy, this practice consists of destroying the body of a "living being" in order to recover its spirit/soul or a little of its soul. All of these harvests symbolize the daily act; from absorption to continuous release between heaven and earth. In the same way, whether physical or energetic, man absorbs just as much. The second god travels the space between Man and God, making him the messenger between his big brother and the earth. Sending more than a message, he sends the source/the sun. Who gives him above all an order, which he is supposed to follow. Which he will end up carrying out or will definitely not carry out, which he will modify or replace with another, before this message definitively acts on matter.


Apr 6, 2018
Thread title- Houses, furnitures and objects Illuminati

Okay, here's a quiz question- anybody know what's so special about this house overlooking a lake?-
View attachment 98561

Ce cimetière se trouve juste en bas de la pente de la maison.
View attachment 98562

En regardant vers la droite, on peut voir la maison (flèche jaune) entourée d’échafaudages après qu’elle ait été éventrée par un incendie.
View attachment 98563

Et si nous marchons plus loin sur la route et regardons en arrière, nous voyons la guérite et l’allée incurvée au-delà des portes menant à la maison...
View attachment 98564
Boleskine House, da Jimmy Page a Crowley- tutti i misteri della villa maledetta - - Vidéo Dailymotion