Houses, furnitures and objects Illuminati


Aug 20, 2023
Il y a en effet beaucoup de maisons à travers le monde.

Et dans ces maisons, beaucoup de meubles.

Et le soir, toutes ces maisons restent illuminées jusqu'à ce qu'on s'endorme...


Apr 6, 2018
@Shuna Thank you very much for all your meterial.
How about forth part in the cycle?
You're welcome and thank you most of all.

The fourth quarter is in itself the first. It is about darkness, the first Goddess, because it is about darkness. But I prefer to name it, as last, since darkness, is older, has more territory, more power and is heavier. But it is also calm, without movement, which makes it represent death, sleep. And as it is the earth, which is covered by water (sperm). Water has a mirror effect on the sky. And it is often represented as a tool = to the mirror, to see the future in stories. Knowing that they reflect the stars at night. It is also linked to the starry sky. It is also the Goddess of life, but especially sexual, being that it is the earth flooded by water (sperm). It is also, in a way, the head of the Ouroboros and the back. Water is also destructive, (which can be linked to a storm). But it is considered a purifier for some, knowing that it cleanses; see it nourishes (when it is served according to needs. It is also the quarter of water, but also of ice, and of cold (the freezing side, also comes from there, from this quarter which represents winter and night).


Apr 6, 2018
Lien vers un compte Facebook Franc-Maçon, direction sur un article avec quelques confirmations que j'ai eu et des explications de mots et de leurs origines:
Link to a Freemason Facebook account, direction to an article with some confirmations that I had and explanations of words and their origins:

Je pense par contre avoir déjà poster ce lien, ou alors je l'ai juste vu.
I think I've already posted this link, or maybe I just saw it.

Mais voici une photo flippante (il s'agit de la seconde), d'un membre connu, avec d'autres Franc-Maçon, après la première guerre mondiale, surement aussi poster sur le forum, mais vraiment la photo est flippante:
But here is a creepy photo (it is the second one), of a known member, with other Freemasons, after the First World War, surely also posted on the forum, but really the photo is creepy:


Apr 6, 2018
Shriner Fès à vendre | eBay
Elle ressemble à une cloche:
It looks like a bell:
Shriners 1993 Tanger FEZ Boutons de manchette (070823) | eBay
Elle a une forme de panier. Je pense qu'il se construit du centre, jusqu’à l’extérieurou inversement, me fait penser au nombre d'or. Et le 7 1/8, me fait pensé au 9 3/4, dans Harry Potter (don’t les livres, suit les principes Alchimiques):
It has a basket shape. I think it builds from the center, to the outside or vice versa, reminds me of the golden ratio. And the 7 1/8, reminds me of the 9 3/4, in Harry Potter (whose books, follow Alchemical principles):
Vintage Fez Hat Forms Shriners Masonic Fraternal Headwear 7 1/8" | eBay
Pins de Football Américain. On retrouve dans les clips KPop, beaucoup de référence au football Américain:
American Football Pins. We find in KPop clips, a lot of references to American football:
Vintage Shrine Allstars Football revers Pin rouge Fez chapeau maçonnique Shriners | eBay

Entre ce petit bonhomme qui m'embêtait tout le temps, dans le jeu : "Freedy's Fazbear Pizzeria" (Faz pour Fez, qui est synonyme du chapeau franc-maçon, qui s'appelle "Fez Hat", que j'ai trouvé, sur un lien Amazon, avec le site de code de cette série "Illuminati" : "Gravity Falls".) ou c'est une assiette en carton, avec d'autres morceaux de papier, qui forment des Hommes. Ce dessin simple, s'appelle un bonhomme allumette. D'ailleurs, l'image simple du pendu, m'a aussi fait tiquer, aussi bien par ce simple dessin. Mais aussi par ce côté de la pendaison. Qui dans la mythologie nordique par exemple représente Odin:
Between this little guy bothered me all the time, in the game: "Freedy's Fazbear Pizzeria" (Faz for Fez, which is synonymous with the Freemason hat, which is called "Fez Hat", which I came across, on an Amazon link, with the code site of this series "Illuminati": "Gravity Falls".) or it is a cardboard plate, with other pieces of paper, which form Men. This simple drawing, is called a matchstick man. Moreover, the simple image of the hanged man, also made me tick, as well by this simple drawing. But also by this side of the hanging. Which in Norse Mythology for example represents Odin:
Les bonhommes allumettes : comment le faire ? (

Un site a lu pour les commentaires des Francs-Maçons énerver:
A site read for comments of the Freemasons to annoy:
Franc-maçonnerie Montre Mailroom (
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Apr 6, 2018
Après revue cet vidéo, qui fut posté par Le chat d’Elsbet ^. .^:
Youtube ma recommander cette vidéo:
Advancing Past Beginner Occultism | Next Level Magick (
Je ne sais plus si je l'ai postée et associer à la Franc-Maçonnerie, en raison de pas mal de référence. Comme par exemple: macrocosme et microcosme. Quand elle a nommé la géomencie, j'ai pensé au terme géométrique. Mais surtout et tout d'abord au G, qui est d'ailleurs souvent utiliser:
6015-B : La lettre G (
+ La lettre G en franc-maçonnerie – Nos Colonnes (
Et dans ce dernier lien, il a ce pendentif, parmi les objets à vendre, qui confirme l'utilisation, de l'arbre de vie:

Puis elle a parler d'enthéogène: "Adjectif. (Pharmacologie) (En parlant d'une substance psychoactive utilisée à des fins religieuses ou mystiques notamment) Qui génère le sentiment de Dieu en soi, qui donne le sentiment du divin. Des champignons enthéogènes, des lotus sacrés enthéogènes."
Il a parmi les enthéogène, le LSD: Tout Savoir Sur Le Top 10 Des Enthéogènes - Zamnesia

Elle parle aussi de se nettoyer. Et fait une nuance à l'alchimie. L'eau est considéré comme un nettoyant, mais aussi, comme un élément destructeur. Hors, il s'agit de renouvellement de l'âme. Le hic, c'est que ce n'est pas bon. Elle parle d'ailleurs de possession d'esprit "de la création". Bon vous avez deviner des égrégores. Et je rappellerais pour certains, une millième fois, qu'ils utilisent un rituel d'échange d'énergie en utilisant un autel.

Elle finit par dire le but de tout ça. Il est souvent nommer, mais ils ne comprennent pas, qu'ils souhaitent enfaite la mort. C'est un mariage, elle dit aussi quel aime bien le terme et fait comme référence à l'épouse du Christ. Et qu'elle aime bien, le faite que dans une église, les femmes portent un voile. Bon j'ai déjà expliquer le terme du voile. Mais selon un de mes professeur m'avait dit, qu'il existait un rituel (je ne sais malheureusement pas dans quel peuple, et je suis même pas sûre, qu'il me l'ai dit). Mais chaque femme devait se prostituer devant le temple, en portant seulement un voile, qui recouvrait tout leur corps. Sinon, pour le reste du voile voici le descriptif d'un dictionnaire de symbole:
VOILE: - Shuna (
On peut l'associé aussi à la toile d'un tente. Elle représentait le ciel étoilé. Et le ciel étoilé se retrouve, représenter sous la forme d'une Déesse en Egypte, du nom de Nout.

Elle parle aussi, si j'ai bien lu, une partie de FMA. Qui est le manga que je site souvent, pour la représentation de l'alchimie, mais surtout des Egrégores; (qui sont nommés Ouroboros, car construit par le sang, et qui tue pleins de gens, pour créer un corps et transformer le père du héro en pierre philosophale). Hors, ils sont bien des égrégores. J'étais justement tomber, il a quelques temps, sur une chaine, qui expliquait les égrégores. Enfin c'était le thème, mais presque tout le long, il a plus comparé tout les sortes de noms différent qu'ils donnent. Alors que le descriptif, expliquait exactement, le descriptif, que j'ai supposé est vrai, au bout d'un moment. Pour cette personne, il prenait les égrégores, comme des anges venues du ciel. Pour un rituel qui provoque la mort de quelqu'un, le faisant monter au ciel. En voyant des personnes dans le ciel, qui rappelle un membre de la famille et l'informe de choses. Alors que comme les Francs-Maçons, ils prennent un égrégore, comme un simple lieu de stockage, sans ce rendre compte, que cela produit une conscience. Le manga étant: Full Metal Alchimist. Et puis d'autres fois, ils représentent les égrégores comme des Dieux. Elle nomme comme si vous avez un semant, en vers les Dieux,. étant l'obéissance, absolue. Qui ironique, par l'invité de la chaine que j'ai écouté, les définissaient, comme de simples représentations, qui ne sont pas des égrégores. Dans ce cas, ce n'est pas totalement faux, sachant qu'ils représentent chacun un élément. Et peuvent symboliquement s'associé, formant en quelques sortes un égrégores, comme je l'ai présenté avec le cycle des Dieux. Par l'inspiration constante, des mêmes Dieux et de ce qui les inspirent, qui est souvent constante, dans le monde.

Vidéo intéressante, c'est pour ça, qu'ils non rien à faire du monde, sauf que comme ça, il le détruise, ainsi que Dieu...:
After reviewing this video, which was posted by Elsbet's cat ^. .^:
Youtube my recommend this video:
Advancing Past Beginner Occultism | Next Level Magick (
I don't know if I posted it and associated it with Freemasonry, because of a lot of references. For example: macrocosm and microcosm. When she named geomency, I thought of the term geometric. But above all and first of all to the G, which is often used:
6015-B: The letter G (
+ The Letter G in Freemasonry – Our Columns (
And in this last link, he has this pendant, among the objects for sale, which confirms the use, of the tree of life:

Then she spoke of entheogen: "Adjective. (Pharmacology) (Speaking of a psychoactive substance used for religious or mystical purposes in particular) Which generates the feeling of God in oneself, which gives the feeling of the divine. Entheogenic mushrooms, entheogenic sacred lotuses."
It Has Among the Entheogens, LSD: Everything You Need To Know About The Top 10 Entheogens - Zamnesia

She also talks about cleaning up. And makes a nuance to the alchemy. Water is considered a cleaner, but also a destructive element. However, it is a question of renewal of the soul. The problem is that it's not good. She also speaks of the possession of the spirit "of creation". Well, you guessed egregors. And I would remind some, a thousandth time, that they use an energy exchange ritual using an altar.

She ends up saying the purpose of it all. It is often named, but they do not understand, that they actually wish for death. It is a marriage, she also says that she likes the term and refers to the bride of Christ. And that she likes, the fact that in a church, women wear a veil. Well, I've already explained the term of the veil. But according to one of my teachers told me, that there was a ritual (I unfortunately don't know in which people, and I'm not even sure, that he told me). But every woman had to prostitute herself in front of the temple, wearing only a veil, which covered their entire body. Otherwise, for the rest of the veil, here is the description of a symbol dictionary:
Vol: - Listen (
It can also be associated with the canvas of a tent. It represented the starry sky. And the starry sky is represented, represented in the form of a Goddess in Egypt, named Nut.

She also speaks, if I read correctly, a part of FMA. Which is the manga that I often site, for the representation of alchemy, but especially of the Egrégors; (which are called Ouroboros, because it is built by blood, and which kills many people, to create a body and transform the hero's father into a philosopher's stone). However, they are indeed egregors. I had just stumbled, some time ago, on a channel, which explained egregors. Well that was the theme, but almost all the way through, he compared all kinds of different names they give. While the description, explained exactly, the description, which I assumed is true, after a while. For this person, he took the egregors, like angels from heaven. For a ritual that causes someone's death, making them ascend to heaven. Seeing people in the sky, who reminds a family member and informs him of things. Whereas, like the Freemasons, they take an egregore, as a simple place of storage, without realizing that it produces a consciousness. The manga being: Full Metal Alchemist. And then other times, they represent the egregors as gods. She names as if you have a semant, in verse to the Gods,. being obedience, absolute. Who, ironically, by the guest of the channel that I listened to, defined them as simple representations, which are not egregors. In this case, it is not entirely wrong, knowing that they each represent an element. And can symbolically associate, forming in a way an egregores, as I presented with the cycle of the Gods. By the constant inspiration of the same Gods and of what inspires them, which is often constant, in the world.

Interesting video, that's why, they don't care about the world, except that it destroys it, as well as God...:


Apr 6, 2018
It's at the very beginning of the topic, but there you go:


What walks on four legs in the morning, on two legs at noon and on three legs in the evening? » Answer: “The man”. Whereas at midnight, the soul is separated from the body.
The puzzle is divided into four quarters.
So, when the cycle takes the shape of an eight or the shape of the infinity sign. The mother has the option of lying down in the forequarters, if not in the transition. When she becomes pregnant, at the end of the cycle, she enters, as in the first carat of her son's life. And that she devotes part of her life to the protection and education of her child. Who needs autonomy, to the point of becoming a little before, during or after the zenith, independent. Until the end of the third quarter, where he finds... and will go with his girlfriend, starting at the end of the first cycle: by reproducing the sexual act. As soon as she gets pregnant. Taking care of the second: of his son who becomes solitary, before, during or after the zenith. Until the day he meets his girlfriend in the third quarter. Goes hand in hand: returning to take care of his mother, who is close to death. So, in the last quarter: when the children unite, the parents die. Their spirits rise to the sky, at the chosen moment of this change, abandoning their bodies to degradation. Then return immediately or not, in the next body when the one who will be the new mother becomes pregnant.
The face symbolizes, like the body, each quarter: the left eye, like the left part of the body, absorbs. The eye and the right part give. Both pass or not through the third eye (the pineal gland), which is the house of the spirit. They are followed by the nose which allows breathing, is therefore linked to the wind. The mustache represents (the part between the nose and the mouth) represents the morning and evening fog. And the mouth, at the abyss, at the lake from the end of the third to the beginning of the fourth quarter. When eating, the food (like the snake, at the head of the first quarter, or the last), leaves the first with the caves (which has become, over time, compost).
After the self-study of Man, the study of plants is accompanied by the study of the planet. So when planet Earth warms or freezes during the day, year or thousands of years. Despite the fact that the universe would have been composed of a single matter: solid and non-active dark matter. The second material, born from the previous one: it is the white substance, active and light. Thus, on planet Earth, these two materials are divided into the number of quarters of the classic cycle: with the element of earth (sand or dust) which is dried out by fire. The wind brings the water and ends up in different ways: the first is water or ice or water then ice (which becomes water again at the end of the quarter). A renewable cycle equal to the cycle of the tree which itself is equal to the cycle of Man. Starting with the seed (the sperm in humans) which is planted in the ground (the ovum). The earth (the ovum or egg), going through the second quarter, is dried out (for the egg: the white reserve is emptied), by fire. Which is linked to the sun, which leaves after crossing the zenith, loses its light intensity, refreshing the air. Until the rain brings, which fertilizes the land, from the fourth quarter, leading to drowning. What creates at the end of this last quarter,; A water reserve which will remain despite the drying out of the soil, in the first trimester, while helping the seed to sink. Food. Water like earth, the tree can finally feed on the sun in the second quarter with the appearance of its young leaves in the second quarter. Where, it will become a magnificent tree at its zenith. Then comes the period of degradation of the tree or these leaves. The tree grows in the cycle of the seasons: begins again: the cycle that begins again in spring... if the tree is still alive... The flowers open. In summer, fruits and vegetables appear. Whereas in autumn, the fruits fall. Until eventually, either letting the tree rest in winter or dying.
Among plants, the passage of a day: is represented by the flower. Which opens in the morning and closes in the evening. A day which, at dawn, at six in the morning: the sun gains strength. He will go to the zenith to dominate matter. Then it ends, going back down, for its six hours of time To the point of disappearing, behind the horizon. Thus forming the very first twelve-hour shift. Who created the first clock, which was the sundial. So, in the fourth quarter, the moon takes its place. Will do, in the sky, like the sun. And will spend the last trimester, like all the others, over a period of six hours. Then at midnight sharp, from the first quarter of the day, she will go to bed.
Over a year: will have the same number of months as hours on a clock (sundial). The first quarter is replaced by spring. The second quarter is replaced by summer. The third, through autumn and winter, goes to the fourth quarter (which is associated, with the act, when the heat returns, in the middle of this quarter, or with the change of season).
The four quarters are generally represented by one or more colors: The color pink is the first of the colors. Red (the color of the second quarter) and white (the color of the third quarter) cover their mother. The color of the two threads gives pink. The color symbolizes the sexual act: where the mother goddess, matter, receives light. The next color is yellow, the color of the sun. The mother covers it, giving it its color. While the first quarter is that of the earth, brown in color. The color red refers to the burning sun which associates with the second quarter between the first and second quarter: the color orange; the color of Man. The third quarter bears the color white, that of the sun at the zenith or the green color that of the ouroboros. The cycle ends with the mother's quarter, with the first part being that of water, which is followed by the second part, which is either in. underneath, between the last and first quarter, it wears the color black, the color of death. The color purple is the combination of the color of the second quarter and the first part of the last quarter.


Apr 6, 2018
Some Freemason rites have remained, such as some parts of the outfit. It seems that it is still a great link, for the highest, otherwise, it remains symbolic, and can also make one think of the university graduation. But there are also symbols, in the exterior or interior decorations. As well as in the room where, in an oval room, the teachers meet. This makes me think of the large table, which is not existent to the master, but to higher up:
00 Titre 2008 (
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Dec 1, 2019
Brachycephaly are special traits of Hivites. This is why they are parasites - they cannot work with energy. They are empty vessels of humans - they cannot generate their own energy.
The word derived from the Ancient Greek βραχύς, 'short' and κεφαλή, 'head') is the shape of a skull shorter than average in its species.
Look for the ones who have it - they hide their hivite roots.
#hivites #hivitetraits #hivite #hivite_scull
Thank you
Anything about scull and Brachycephaly? Symbolism.


Apr 6, 2018
View attachment 110306
Brachycephaly are special traits of Hivites. This is why they are parasites - they cannot work with energy. They are empty vessels of humans - they cannot generate their own energy.
The word derived from the Ancient Greek βραχύς, 'short' and κεφαλή, 'head') is the shape of a skull shorter than average in its species.
Look for the ones who have it - they hide their hivite roots.
#hivites #hivitetraits #hivite #hivite_scull
Thank you
Anything about scull and Brachycephaly? Symbolism.
Apart from seeing that it comes from the formation of the skull.
It reminded me of a report on the traditions of the Mayans, which consist of stretching the head in reference to the sun god, and especially, the corn god.
T’as vu ta tronche ? Les déformations crâniennes culturelles - Ostéo et sciences (
And to the Nazis, with the Aryan ideology.


Dec 1, 2019
Apart from seeing that it comes from the formation of the skull.
It reminded me of a report on the traditions of the Mayans, which consist of stretching the head in reference to the sun god, and especially, the corn god.
T’as vu ta tronche ? Les déformations crâniennes culturelles - Ostéo et sciences (
And to the Nazis, with the Aryan ideology.
Hivite have forbidden medical part Phrenology. They forbade it to hide themselves- people always killed them, recognizing them for the short sculls.


Apr 6, 2018
Hivite have forbidden medical part Phrenology. They forbade it to hide themselves- people always killed them, recognizing them for the short sculls.
By the way, this reminds me of what I found on Scientology. I would need your opinion, on the second link, if you have the courage:


Dec 1, 2019
I agree with it.
Owl have connections to woman body parts.
Addition: Athena have has owl as a messenger. Athen has been born by Zeus from his head, 7 chakra. She has no mother. The circled eyes of an owl - represents connection with third eye, connection of 2 chakra and 6 chakra.
Internal reproductive system has beggining in the belly, 3 chakra. Solar Plexis, the center of a human body.

I have a little question about the use of the Owl and its connection with the Goddess. At home, I have sculptures (of probably symbolic origin, or not). Which represent an owl at each edge of the chimney, owls have eyes that are formed with the golden ratio. Geometry, to make sculptures was common, for the manufacture of the symbols of the Druids; as well as sculptures. The chimney represents the end, but as we compare the oven of today to a preparation of the child (which is represented by the small bread). And besides, the Pakistani sculptures, represent the father grinding a bread dough, with a large stick (while normally it is the women, who do it, since the Man hunts). So I wonder, if the owl represents the body of the woman. The eyes of the owl, the chest and the body, the torso of the woman; the eggs, the ovules of the woman. A symbol of a torso, whose arms and legs are cut off or destroyed, as in ancient times represents only the body, but to avoid the morbid or is just representative. It is covered with hair, etc.:
déesse fertilité – Histoire de l'Art et du Sacré (
As customs have evolved and intertwined. Maybe he was using the idea of concentrating chakra. Well, it's an idea, although it's interesting, thinking of the statues that are used on the bodies of the dead in Egypt, or the coins.

P.S. The fire/fire of life (light) either of the father or of the child (symbolically of the son), whose yellow/gold color, can symbolically cover the mother and her symbols.

Hivites twist all symbols all time because truth will set us free.


Apr 6, 2018
I agree with it.
Owl have connections to woman body parts.
Addition: Athena have has owl as a messenger. Athen has been born by Zeus from his head, 7 chakra. She has no mother. The circled eyes of an owl - represents connection with third eye, connection of 2 chakra and 6 chakra.
Internal reproductive system has beggining in the belly, 3 chakra. Solar Plexis, the center of a human body.

I have a little question about the use of the Owl and its connection with the Goddess. At home, I have sculptures (of probably symbolic origin, or not). Which represent an owl at each edge of the chimney, owls have eyes that are formed with the golden ratio. Geometry, to make sculptures was common, for the manufacture of the symbols of the Druids; as well as sculptures. The chimney represents the end, but as we compare the oven of today to a preparation of the child (which is represented by the small bread). And besides, the Pakistani sculptures, represent the father grinding a bread dough, with a large stick (while normally it is the women, who do it, since the Man hunts). So I wonder, if the owl represents the body of the woman. The eyes of the owl, the chest and the body, the torso of the woman; the eggs, the ovules of the woman. A symbol of a torso, whose arms and legs are cut off or destroyed, as in ancient times represents only the body, but to avoid the morbid or is just representative. It is covered with hair, etc.:
déesse fertilité – Histoire de l'Art et du Sacré (
As customs have evolved and intertwined. Maybe he was using the idea of concentrating chakra. Well, it's an idea, although it's interesting, thinking of the statues that are used on the bodies of the dead in Egypt, or the coins.

P.S. The fire/fire of life (light) either of the father or of the child (symbolically of the son), whose yellow/gold color, can symbolically cover the mother and her symbols.

Hivites twist all symbols all time because truth will set us free.
Thanks for the informations.


Dec 1, 2019
@Shuna PLease can you tell us about symbolism of MICE (Dysney use it), MOLE and Dolphin?
I had them as triggers. Mice- spy, mole- spy with a diversion, Dolphin - bestiality.

Duck – Dick.
Symbolism of ducks are not innocent as it sems.
Duck Tales – Cisco has wrote the it was created for MK ULTRA
Darkwing Duck – MK DELTA code. Let’s get dangerous.
Goof Troop – serves as cover to MK DELTA assasin.
The Country Mouse and the City Mouse Adventures – MK DELTA code. Mice is synonim of spies.
Tabaluga – White rabbit symblism, mole symbolism.
The little mole – USSR have this movie running all the time.
Happy Merry-Go-Round – carousel programming, swirling.
Sesame Street have Russia specific characters.
Well, Just You Wait! all about pizzagate
Good Night, Little Ones! – demons pizzagate
Flipper and Lopaka
Ultra – a pink dolphin, who was taken from her parents as a baby. She grew up in a science lab, and was taken with the pirates to search the ocean floor. After a few incidents, Ultra proves herself a true, worthy companion, and Flipper gladly takes her into the group. Later in the series, Ultra finds her parents, along with a little sister, Delta.
Flip Flop activation code. Bestiality. : Yoram Gross-Village Roadshow
Gross straigh in your face.
The series was set in a town named Bal Harbor that was supposed to be in the Florida Keys region (an actual town in Florida has a similar name, Bal Harbour, Florida just north of the City of Miami Beach). It was largely filmed, though, in Gold Coast, Queensland, Australia. The show’s first three episodes were filmed in Pigeon Key, Florida, and at the Dolphin Research Center in Grassy Key, Florida, however two of the three episodes aired toward the end of the first season.
Dot and the Kangaroo (film) – Dot alters, Australia theme.

Tabaluga – EVERYTHING have MK ULTRA context.
The Last One of His Kind As Arktos spoils Greenland’s tranquility, Digby, Ruby, and Buzz, stumble upon an egg, out of which hatches the last dragon Tabaluga. Tabaluga escapes Arktos and then learns of his destiny.
Happy Without Ending Tabaluga tumbles into the Iceworld and releases his newfound friend Happy, and they escape and rescue a defecting Fox Dandy, who leads them to Greenland.
Servant of Two Masters Vultur takes Digby to Iceworld. The Greenlanders create a diversion, while Tabaluga and Happy rescue Digby along with some other animals, as well as learning Shouhu’s purpose.
Mister Nice Guy After increased attacks on Greenland, Arktos sends James as a clown to steal some fruit. His heist fails, but the Greenlanders lend him a hand, while Tabaluga spreads cheer and happiness in Iceworld.
The Tree of Life Arktos is intent on destroying the Tree of Life, disregarding the consequences of Water cycle imbalance. Tabaluga manages to defrost the Tree of Life and save both Greenland and Iceworld.
The Flow of Time
Tabaluga sees a past vision in the River of Time, but has to take care of a river blockage that would spell eternal time freeze for the Greenlanders. After that Shouhu finally has his freedom.
Chocolate Ice for Everybody
Arktos gains the power to spread an early winter to Greenland. With the aid of the giant octopus Tentaculus, Tabaluga brings Arktos to his knees and brings Iceworld and Greenland together.
Digby, The Hero
Humsin tricks Tabaluga with mirages, giving him the moment to cast a sandstorm over Greenland. Digby feeling discontented with himself rescues Tabaluga then helps him to make rain to wash away Humsin’s sand.
Do not Forget to Remember
Tabaluga suffers a case of amnesia and Arktos takes him for a servant called Norman. Eventually, Tabaluga finds out about Arktos’ deceit and gets the memory cure from Shouhou.


Apr 6, 2018
I have come across this artist several times, in the show "un courant d'art", where he presents artists. And among them, he has Antoine Correia, he makes horrible paintings, but is he a victim, of the Illuminati? He presents himself in an art mission, as if inspired by the images that his father, passionate about History, showed him. He says that he wants people to feel something when seeing his paintings. And names for example, African art. I know that the Illuminati likes this art. The artist represents classical paintings and works on light. It is often a work of light, which is represented in contemporary paintings (and victims? when I think of the golden ratio ...). Otherwise, he represents religious scenes, where the nuns are dressed in red. And the other outfits are often white and red. He has as a drawing, a baby in a white diaper. And on the other hand, I am no longer, if it comes from a painting, but the name of the painting is "The pisseuse". Here is a link, which leads to a blog, which presents some of his works, and I repeat, which are horrible, for sensitive people:

The portraits he worked on after seeing his photos very saturated, where the head is blurred from the sides. And even if he uses the knife, it looks more like people, who are slaughtered with veils...


Dec 1, 2019

Comprachicos – Hivite are deviants who physically cripple and deform children to work as beggars or living curiosities. The most common methods said to be used in this practice included stunting children’s growth by physical restraint, muzzling their faces to deform them, slitting their eyes, dislocating their joints, and causing their bones to malform.

Victor Hugo's novel The Man Who Laughs is the story of a young aristocrat kidnapped and disfigured by his captors to display a permanent malicious grin. At the opening of the book, Hugo provides a description of the Comprachicos:

The Comprachicos worked on man as the Chinese work on trees. A sort of fantastic stunted thing left their hands; it was ridiculous and wonderful. They could touch up a little being with such skill that its father could not have recognized it. Sometimes they left the spine straight and remade the face. Children destined for tumblers had their joints dislocated in a masterly manner; thus gymnasts were made. Not only did the Comprachicos take away his face from the child; they also took away his memory. At least, they took away all they could of it; the child had no consciousness of the mutilation to which he had been subjected. Of burnings by sulphur and incisions by the iron he remembered nothing. The Comprachicos deadened the little patient by means of a stupefying powder which was thought to be magical and which suppressed all pain.


Apr 6, 2018

Comprachicos – Hivite are deviants who physically cripple and deform children to work as beggars or living curiosities. The most common methods said to be used in this practice included stunting children’s growth by physical restraint, muzzling their faces to deform them, slitting their eyes, dislocating their joints, and causing their bones to malform.

Victor Hugo's novel The Man Who Laughs is the story of a young aristocrat kidnapped and disfigured by his captors to display a permanent malicious grin. At the opening of the book, Hugo provides a description of the Comprachicos:

The Comprachicos worked on man as the Chinese work on trees. A sort of fantastic stunted thing left their hands; it was ridiculous and wonderful. They could touch up a little being with such skill that its father could not have recognized it. Sometimes they left the spine straight and remade the face. Children destined for tumblers had their joints dislocated in a masterly manner; thus gymnasts were made. Not only did the Comprachicos take away his face from the child; they also took away his memory. At least, they took away all they could of it; the child had no consciousness of the mutilation to which he had been subjected. Of burnings by sulphur and incisions by the iron he remembered nothing. The Comprachicos deadened the little patient by means of a stupefying powder which was thought to be magical and which suppressed all pain.
Thanks, as usual for the information. I saw the information separately. The Mayans studied the reaction of the drug, the people took the drug and told what they saw. We find in the Tintin comic strip, the comic strip series, which revolves around Freemasonry:
7016-W : Tintin et la franc-maconnerie, une lecture symbolique, ésotérique et alchimique de l’œuvre d’Hergé (
And in India, he has a lot of illustrations on high ledges. He has drawings of sexual positions, but also circus positions.
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