God at Eventide

A Freeman

Nov 11, 2019
Eyes of the Spirit. - October 12

You have much to learn.

Life will not be long enough to learn all, but you are gaining that Spirit-Vision which replaces the eyes of your mortal body, when you enter into a life of fuller comprehension with My Father and Me.

A Freeman

Nov 11, 2019
Stories in the Bud. - October 13

Learn a further lesson from the Two Debtors . . . A lesson in forgiving others as you realize My forgiveness of sins committed, lessons slowly learned, faults and shortcomings so easily condoned, which hinder your progress, and work for Me?

Can you show to others My patience to you.

Can you, too, give to others freely, while you claim My unrestricted Bounty? Meditate on this.

A story of Mine is like a bud. Only to the Sun of ‘Self’-effacement and Spirit-Progress does it unfold.

A Freeman

Nov 11, 2019
Receptivity. - October 14

Only those in close touch with Me, inspired by My Spirit, infected by My Love, impregnated with My Strength, retain a resilience of being and receptivity to new Truth.

The child heart that I enjoined upon My followers is ever ready to be renewed, is ever responsive to all that is prepared for "the new creature in Christ Jesus."

A Freeman

Nov 11, 2019
The Way of the Lord. - October 15

Always before My coming into a life there must be a time of preparation. This is the work of those who already know Me.

The preparation may differ in each individual case. The Baptist came with his thunder-note of repentance!

In many cases a loving hand of help may be needed before the ground is ready for Me, The Sower.

Prepare My Way:- by loving intercourse, by Spirited example, by tender help, by unflinching adherence to Truth and Justice, by ready ‘Self’-sacrifice, and by much prayer. Prepare ye The Way of the Lord.

A Freeman

Nov 11, 2019
In Step. - October 16

This means endeavoring to suit your steps to Mine. Yet know full well, with the trust that gives security, that I ever suit My Steps to your weakness.

Divine restraint springs ever from a tender understanding. With Me beside you, there is the hope, the assurance, that the day will come when My firm tread will be yours.

"Keep pace with us," the world says as it rushes by.

But there is One Who knows no feverish haste. He walks with you. Be not afraid.