For those of our esteemed co-forumers who have read one of my other long boring comments: scroll. This is for casual visitors who are interested. You scroll.
And the Muslims who now cry for the Palestinians, why didn't you cry out for the Ukrainians? You know they're not all Nazis, right? I don't think anyone is. There are ordinary people who work and raise families. And they drove them out, the end of their normal lives. In the beginning they were given a hotel without money, money on hand, etc., now I do not know (in my country they stopped the help... which pleased all of us, because we are a poor country and our pro-European fag government does not take care of its own people, especially the Pensoneri and the needy, but it gave relative affluence to the Ukrainians, because "we stand with Ukraine").
I read that one said (but I won't mention it because I'm sure he doesn't want me to mention it for anything). He said to directly: Stand with Ukraine, because these people are left homeless. It was at the beginning of the Ukrainian circus, later he may have changed his mind, I don't know.
I didn't say it and I won't say it. Because I'm bad, I look at what the back real goal is, and I'm not on a mission to "embarrass Russia in favor of Ukraine." And I not "stand by ukraine".
However, though... Back then, many of those now active on Palestine were possessed by the false demons of the CIA's alt-media, which distorted the entire narrative (in indissoluble cooperation with the mainstream media).
What did they twist the story about? For the fact that the Ukrainian authorities, the funny Zelensky, the oligarchs, etc., are vile scumbags? No, it's all right - true. (But the alt-media said, on the one hand, "Zelensky, Jew," etc., the entire Jewish connection of Ukraine; on the other hand, third-party "Nazis," "proxies of the Americans," which somewhere, depending on the focus of the media, is "proxies of the Zionists, the American Jewish (real) elite.
Is there strong Jewish influence in Ukraine? Yes, yes, there is. American proxy? "Proxies" is absurd (if used in the sense of "military proxies"), because against whom are these proxies; And those against whom the proxies are, what relation to the plan by 2030 of the owners of the proxies? They have a 100% positive attitude and are actively developing their country under this plan, without the point for lgbt. Sure thing. And if some complete idiot thinks that not having lgbt means opposing the rest of the plan, then anything is possible because "for the poor in spirit....".
But, they are under Western possession. Ukraine has nothing else, their whole strategy is built by the West (and all their "restoration" seems to be from the West). And there are Jewish oligarchs; Jews in the government. And what changes this, in terms of Russia's attitude towards the plan of plans, which is written and run by the owners of these "proxies" (Ukrainians) who are against Russia? Nothing.
But let's say that the Ukrainians (authorities) are American (and Jewish/Zionist) proxies with the task of challenging Russia, to provoke the situation that will lead to the end of Russian (mostly gas) "geopolitical influence" in Europe.
This is what the same alt-media say, which have written in total (for the entire Internet from around the world) at least a trillion articles about the plandemia and the great reset. Very well, that's how people are informed.
Among them there are mediocre, better, as well as very good articles. Constantly, permanently; Yes, because what is more important than what the articles clarify: that these elites are moving things exactly to the point of no return (digitalization, digital ID, even CBDCs, can come back, but not genetic modification and chip).
This is a powerful start in 2020. (If anyone doesn't understand, look at the story.)
Is Russia participating? 100%. Absolutely open sources from their msm and any other open sources. It is also present in the Western mainstream, and it was the most open participation, as in the plandemia (the first country in the world with a registered "covid "vaccine"), Putin immediately participated in the "urgent" meeting of VEF "on restart", Russia hosted "cyberpigon", etc. They, in Russia, did everything that in the West, and in Asia, and in Australia, and the Arabs, and everywhere they announced. (Optimists will say, "They tried to do." Okay.)
What was the mass of alt-media saying during that time? An absolutely abridged, crippled and very often distorted report with the dominant that "Russia is not participating." But still this was not quite the huge mass, because at the same time there were many correct messages; it was so openly obvious and so much in the mainstream that there were messages, and especially people, Internet users, were in no small part aware that Russia was inside the game.
why, although it was overtly and clearly, did the majority (or even very large) of the alt-media either not report or distort the same thing they were writing billions of articles (already trillions) against, for West? What's the reason?
Behold, how ridiculously and formidably simplistic I speak and attacks them: I say that they, en masse, almost all, are servants of the same elites against whom they write trillions of articles, and incessantly informing us. Is this possible, look how ridiculous and childish it sounds? Do you believe it? The same media that, unlike the nasty mainstream, gave you tons of really good revelations. Can they be servants of the elites? That sounds ridiculous. Rather, I'm dumb or on the payroll of the elites.
And what was the reason, massively, for these so clever and good researchers to spare or lie about reality in Russia? Why did they do it?
... We are heading towards the end of 2021 and rumors of tensions between the US (Zionists/Jews) and Russia are beginning to intensify. 13 October 2021 Russia opens WEF center for the fourth industrial revolution in Moscow. Rumors of tensions are intensifying: mostly U.S. trusts accuse Russia of preparing something, and Russia accuses Ukraine of intensively repressing the population. Etc. - the whole nonsense (not really well known, because the "accusations" on both sides were numerous and changed again and again; but anyway).
In all this time, we have not left the development of the great reset launched in 2020 (in which everyone participates). But going towards the end of 2021 and the beginning of 2022, "covid" subsides, the "war rumors" intensify... Both the mainstream and the alt-media completely go crazy and unite under the common agenda and the plandemic (which started the reset) gives way to "war", but does not disappear, but mixes with it, with reports about Russia almost 99% indicating that it opposes reset.
Why did alt-media say that? They claimed it (and reinforced the claims) at the same time that the mainstream (and Western think tanks, officials, etc.) were ramping up the narrative "Putin bad." Are alt-media is so dumb? Never. Is alt-media Putin's hand? Yes, but at the same time, Putin's hand does not stop realizing and strengthening the realization of the great reset in Russia (which is purely Western, invented and written as a strategy in the Western/US/Zionists?/Jews? reset). And the alt-media claims the opposite. Why?
February 2022. And in Russia there was a storm of adoption of a great reset-legislation.
A few days after the start of the special operation, Neuronet's roadmap for future man-machine communication was approved, including implantable neural interfaces.
Decrees for experimental legal regimes covering the entire great reset.
Establishment of a biometric system and the law of biometrics.
Decrees on the introduction of artificial intelligence in every sphere of society.
Decrees on food bugs (black lion fly, grasshoppers, cockroaches).
Etc., etc., etc... If you look at the whole activity in the scientific and technological sphere, there is a huge growth. And this follows the instructions of Putin, who has repeatedly said that "Russia must move to the next technological order." To the technologies of the fourth industrial revolution, in some places it is directly said. "To deal with sanctions", "Because of the technology race", etc.
Summed up: what was in trend before the plandemic, and intensified a lot during the plandemic, accelerated enormously after the "war". And already at stake not only a technological race, but also the future and the very survival of Russia itself under strong sanctioning pressure and military threat. This is repeated as a mantra. From highly recommended, a great reset has become mandatory and life-saving for Russia. That's what they say.
So: the alt-media all this time, constantly increasing the suggestion, claims just the opposite: Russia not only fights Western elites/deep state/satanists/bankers/Jews/whatever, but also opposes their plan to transfoming society and does not implement it, but does the opposite: it guards traditional values, it insists on Orthodox Christianity, etc.
Putin's extremely loud and incessant statements against the "world order of the United States", "American hegemony". Perhaps we have not heard such things from the mouth of a man of this stature, the leader of such a landmark country, recently. "The end of American hegemony and the beginning of just multipolarity" has been declared and repeated. BRICS, the rallying of the dissatisfied with the Americans, the rumors of the impending collapse of the United States.....
Coupled with rare but extremely bombastic and sharply contrasting with Western satanic trends, laws such as prohibiting proliferation lgbt. Which, combined with the associated pair of official universal (from powers)approval and imposition of lgbt in the west + the inflating beyond recognition and unification of lgbt with all the most satanic, from the alt media (transhumanism, chipping and genetic modifications pale in comparison to the unraveling of the LGBT threat that.... to realize it at the will of the people will take 200 years; even the majority of dumb norms understand that lgbt is the end game because it's the end of the genus; with lgbt the children stop; Most of the norms are not and do not intend to become gay).
And here we are; Palestine and so on. And who is fighting Palestine? Israel with the United States. Israel plus their U.S. Zionists. Jews.
If from the beginning of Ukraine-Russia to Hamas-Israel you have opened one of the alt media that traditionally unravels and exposes the narrative of Jewish domination, you may have noticed that they were (and still are) among the toughest and most tenacious in the narrative that Russia 100% is fighting against "American Jewish elites".
And they lied 100% that Russia does none of what the Western (Jewish, according to their account) elites of their peoples (goyim) do.
Why are they lying? Why don't they tell the reality that Russia is transforming on the great reset models on a furious pace?
And when you check, you will see that the same media that now reports about Palestine (mainstream + alto) are the same ones that together created the amazing lie about Russia-Ukraine and Russia in particular. But now they're not lying. And Palestine-Israel is not a continuation of the reset and "fall of the american/zio hegemon."
But, of course, if you don't have the feeling that before they didn't just lie, but created a satanic false egregore that still drinks the souls of the alt-media audience, then everything is fine and you are saved. This applies to the vast majority of the audience.