End-Time Patriotism & The Image of the Beast: Build Back Biblical.....Project 2025 & Jan 6th Planners both want that


Mar 18, 2017

Should the Catholic Church control governments? Some contemporary Catholic thinkers in the United States think it should. A movement known as Catholic integralism has been enjoying something of a revival in contemporary American political thought, especially among Catholic critics of liberalism and modernity. They are advocating a form of government in which the Catholic Church would provide leadership and direction to the state based on the authority and teaching of the church. Such a political system would create what might legitimately be called a theocracy.

Historically, integralism probably had its fullest expression as a religious and political movement in late 19th and early 20th-century France. However, the Catholic Church has had a much longer experience running a theocracy—its thousand-year rule over the Papal States.


Mar 18, 2017
"Christian Nationalism becomes more salient during times of social unrest. Economic, political or cultural upheavals cause Americans to fall back on their core identities, traditions, values and narratives about themselves to bring order out of chaos. In some cases, as with American christian nationalism; myths, traditions and identities that weren't part of the nation's core can be manufactured for the purpose of establishing order." ~Taking America Back for God


Mar 18, 2017

In the past few years, Vance has become a favorite of conservative Catholics. The Times’ Ross Douthat noted that he and Vance have been friends since “before he became a politician.” In 2021, Vance spoke at the Napa Institute’s “annual intellectual apostolic conference preparing Catholics for the Next America.” The next year, he gave a keynote address at a similar conference at Franciscan University, in Steubenville, Ohio, organized by the former New York Post and Wall Street Journal editor Sohrab Ahmari, himself a Catholic convert. One of the other participants was Adrian Vermeule, the Harvard Law professor (and a convert) who is a proponent of “integralism,” a scheme of governance that, as the Pepperdine University political scientist Jason Blakely observed in Commonweal, in 2020, “seeks to subordinate temporal power to spiritual power—or, more specifically, the modern state to the Catholic Church.”

But the post-liberal resistance goes far beyond restricting legal abortion. The intellectual historian Mark Lilla spelled out its implications in a recent essay in The New York Review of Books. “The Catholic postliberals would like to establish (or reestablish) a more communitarian vision of the good society,” Lilla writes, “one in which democratic institutions would in some sense be subordinate to a superior, authoritative moral vision of the human good—which for many of them means the authority of the Catholic Church.” For Deneen, post-liberalism involves elevating “leaders who are part of the elite but see themselves as ‘class traitors’ ready to act as ‘stewards and caretakers of the common good’ ”—and to enact their views on abortion, marriage and divorce, euthanasia, the free exercise of religion, and other issues without the constraints of legal precedent or the democratic process. Evidently, Vance fits the bill. After learning of Trump’s choice of running mate, Deneen, in a statement, called Vance “a man of deep personal faith and integrity, a devoted family man, a generous friend, and a genuine patriot.”

The religious aspect of Vance’s American story may not be of particular interest to his running mate. But, if Trump is elected, it could bear on his public policy. After President Ronald Reagan took office, in 1981, he stocked his Administration with conservative Catholics steeped in the Church’s history of fervid anti-Communism—the Secretary of State, General Alexander Haig; the C.I.A. director, William J. Casey; and the national-security adviser, William P. Clark—who then helped shape policies backing Church-allied oligarchies in El Salvador and Nicaragua as necessary for the Cold War “containment” of Communism. Were the Trump-Vance campaign to prevail in November, the post-liberals who hope for a state informed by Catholic principles could perhaps have a channel to get their ideas into the West Wing. With Vance’s nomination, that process may already be under way.


Mar 18, 2017
The good old days when, post 9/11, the looming threat was always about Muslims planning to create a Caliphate in Western "democracies" and people like Mike Pompeo and Frank Gaffney wanted you to worry less about a christian theocracy developing in the West and more about the Iranian/muslim theocracies. At the 9min mark, Pompeo said;
“A lot of people get spun up with the wrong ideas that American evangelicals want to impose a theocracy on America.” Instead, “I wish they would be concerned about the real theocratic takeover that has been happening in Iran for the last four decades.”



Mar 18, 2017
Franciscan University of Steubenville, the conservative Catholic university in eastern Ohio, hosted a two-day conference in October where leading "New Right" nationalists, "post-liberal" conservatives and Catholic integralists declared that America's "liberal consensus" has come to an end.

The German-born billionaire was talking to host Tyler Cowen about Carl Schmitt, a political theorist and prominent member of the Nazi party.
Thiel said Schmitt was in a class of political thinkers who had "fairly deep critiques" of the direction Germany was heading in after the First World War.
He said Schmitt understood that the country "couldn't go back" to the "throne and altar" days, where Germany was ruled as a Christian Empire and "didn't really want to go forward with liberal democracy," as represented in the 1920s liberal government of the Weimar Republic.

"Liberalism is exhausted, one suspects that democracy, whatever that means, is exhausted, and that we have to ask some questions very far outside the Overton window."

The Overton window means the range of views or opinions considered politically acceptable at a given time. Source

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Mar 18, 2017
“I want to maximize the Christian commitments of the state,” Mohler said in his remarks. “I’m not claiming that every citizen will be a confessing Christian. But that does not mean they are not obligated to the acknowledgment of the Christian structure of this civilization.” Within this new order, Mohler explained, other religions would be tolerated. But given that “a nation cannot exist without specific theological commitments,” he continued, all citizens, Christian or not, “must acknowledge those commitments. The secularist dream is a constitutionalist nightmare.”

Mohler and Wilson both laid out their vision for a society under Christian rule, where people of other religious faiths will have to “respect” the theology that structures society — whatever that vague phrasing might mean in practice. There were some clues though, to what this fun-house mirror version of religious pluralism could look like. Yoram Hazony, chairman of the Edmund Burke Foundation, which hosts NatCon’s conferences, moderated the talk between Wilson and Mohler and served up one example. Hazony, who is Jewish, announced paradoxically that while he was “not a fan of litmus tests” for joining NatCon’s big tent movement, there should at least be one requirement: that everyone agrees on the need to display the Ten Commandments in public schools.


Mar 18, 2017
What are the historical roots of postliberalism?
“Postliberalism” as an ideology has complex origins: medieval papalism, ultramontanism, and continental reactionary thought.

Medieval papalism was the school of thought that the pope’s claim to spiritual authority over Christendom made him the true sovereign over Christian subjects. Hence, the church could authorize a king’s subjects to revolt against his rule in favor of a person the church favors.This school of thought reached its zenith under Pope Boniface VIII, who issued the 1302 bull, Unam sanctam, to declare his spiritual sovereignty over Christian kings. The result was that the French king, Philip the Fair, kidnapped him, and Boniface died soon after of an “illness” and thus ushered in a century-long religious and political crisis called the “Babylonian Captivity” with its popes and anti-popes. We are not off to a good start.

Ultramontanism (based on the Latin meaning “beyond the mountains,” meaning the Alps) was the successor ideology to papalism after the Reformation and the rise of nation-states. In this case, ultramontanism referred to the deference Catholics should pay to obeying the pope over secular laws when the two were in conflict.

Finally, and perhaps most obscure, is the rightwing continental reaction to the French Revolution, which requires more explanation. For post-revolutionary reactionaries on the European continent, liberalism—based on the belief that individual rights informed political authority—was the effort of radicals to destroy traditional institutions of authority, namely the throne and altar. So continental reactionaries did not engage with liberal ideas as much as they sought to discredit them by attacking their supposed origins—Jews and Freemasons—and the shadowy agents that inserted them into national political life.


Mar 18, 2017
@George Clinton
nah you know I support the Imperial Cult of Rome and not the nerds in the Vatican..although I will say the church is the only thing that kept Europe together after the collapse of the Empire because the Germanic savages shouldn’t be tasked with running an Arby’s
Interesting....you know, i can actually see someone advancing this very argument. That as our "liberal democracies" are falling apart, the Church should step in and keep things together from devolving into a "Tribes of Europa" situation. Ofcourse, said individual will invoke the "successes" of the past. I'll keep your comment at the back of my mind as i read some of this stuff on integralists.



Mar 18, 2017
The Protestants...

We are living at a critical moment in American history. How we respond today will go a long way in determining the future of our nation — or whether our nation even continues to exist as the United States of America.

Simply stated, without a sweeping revival in the church that leads to a national awakening, America as we know it is doomed. We will either continue to fall into moral and spiritual confusion, ultimately crashing and burning, or we will break up entirely as a nation, pulling apart at the seams. Either way, without revival, we are in very critical condition.

But here’s the catch. Revival alone will not get the job done. Revival alone will not turn the tide. It must be a revival in the Church that leads to a reformation in society, an outpouring that leads to awakening. Otherwise, to repeat, we are doomed. A powerful revival movement, without a national awakening, would just delay the inevitable or, worse still, simply make us more accountable. It really is revival and awakening or we die. Or do we really think that the right political candidate or the latest social program will solve our problems and cure our ills? Not a chance.

George Clinton

Aug 6, 2024
I dont celebrate the fall of western democracies. Whatever is about to happen is your fault

if it takes the church to step in and maintain some order so that the evil evangelicals don’t start killing all non whites than so be it

I’d prefer a secular society but I’d hand the keys to absolute power to the Vatican before I ever allied with you
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A Freeman

Nov 11, 2019
The following is a generic version of a letter, personally sent many years ago to a teacher at a public middle school, who couldn't seem to understand how patriotism is yet another casualty of the ever-changing definitions of words, to dupe people into believing and doing the opposite of what they should.

Re: Pledge of Allegiance

Dear American School Teacher,

I hope this finds you well, in good spirit and having a good day.

It has come to my attention that you have spoken to the children about saying the Pledge of Allegiance and that you are curious to know why some do not thoughtlessly repeat such things. Please allow me to explain.

You may mistakenly feel that it is every American’s Patriotic duty to say the Pledge of Allegiance. In fact, it is every American’s Patriotic duty to put God FIRST and to pledge our allegiance to Him (Matt. 6:33). We have ALL promised God that we will love Him with ALL of our heart, ALL of our soul, ALL of our mind and ALL of our strength and serve Him ONLY (Mark 12:30). This is the First, and therefore the most important COMMANDMENT. It should therefore be self-evident that our first and foremost obligation and patriotic duty is to God.

The Pledge of Allegiance states the following:

"I pledge allegiance to the flag of the United States of America, and to the Republic for which it stands: one Nation under God, indivisible, With Liberty and Justice for all."

Rather than mindlessly repeating the words, I would encourage everyone, including you, to please read and THINK about the words and what they mean. Why would anyone pledge their allegiance to a flag please? Does that really make any sense to you? Even if you believe that the flag stands for the Republic, why would you worship a piece of cloth that is NOT the Republic, no matter what it stands for please? Can you not see that the flag has become a false idol? Before you mistakenly think it’s over the top to equate saying the Pledge of Allegiance to worshipping the flag of the United States, please consider what it means to pledge your allegiance to something.

The word allegiance means the obligation, devotion and loyalty of a subject to their master/ruler. Allegiance is therefore the true and faithful obedience of a subject/slave. We have ALL pledged our allegiance to God in the form of the First Commandment. How then could we possibly pledge allegiance to something else and think that we are not breaking the First Commandment? Christ made it perfectly clear that we CANNOT serve two masters (Matt. 6:24), so it should be intuitive that we cannot serve God AND the flag of the United States of America.

Concerning the Republic, that the flag supposedly stands for, “Republic” is a name given to a group of people who have rejected earthly kings/monarchs and are supposed to be serving God through the fair and loving treatment of one another. God has given us the Second Great Commandment, which Christ said is like unto the First; that we love our neighbors as much or more than ourselves (Mark 12:31). How can we pledge allegiance to the name given to a group of people? How is this any different than pledging allegiance to a flag? Shouldn’t we all be treating each other as we would like to be treated ourselves, as God has COMMANDED us to do, instead of pledging our allegiance to a fictitious entity? IF everyone was living by the Two Great Commandments that have been previously quoted, then none of us would pledge allegiance to a flag, a Republic or any other false idol.

The rest of the Pledge of Allegiance states “one Nation under God, indivisible, With Liberty and Justice for all."

In becoming a nation of people that have rejected God and His Laws, in favor of our own man-made legislation and traditions, like repeating the Pledge of Allegiance, we can hardly claim to be “under God” and as such there will NEVER be Liberty and Justice for all. God has explained in great detail in His Law, found in the first five books of The Bible, that the ONLY Way we can ever have TRUE Liberty and TRUE Justice is by living by The Torah/The Law. We cannot do the opposite of what God has Commanded and expect to receive His Blessing and the Liberty and Justice that comes with it.

The Law contains all of His Commandments, Statutes and Judgments, along with the perfect economic policy, the perfect agricultural policy and the perfect healthy diet. Within The Law God PROHIBITED mankind from legislating (Deut. 4:2) and warned us that if we did we would NEVER have Liberty and Justice for all (please read Deut. 28 to see the details of the Covenant/Contract that we have ALL made with God). In fact, the quote about Liberty that is inscribed on the Liberty Bell was copied from Leviticus 25:10, which is the third book of The Bible and The Torah/The Law. Sadly the Liberty Bell cracked the first time it was rung, and has remained broken ever since. Not surprising considering we have abandoned the only path to True Liberty.

As a teacher, you may emphasize the importance of word origins and meanings to your students. Meanings that have never been more twisted than they are today. A perfect example of this is Patriotism, which has now been twisted to mean the exact opposite of what it originally meant. Hopefully the following lesson from Christ on this subject will resonate with you, as it ties everything above together, in a world where everyone has been misled/deceived (Rev. 12:9).



Patriotism has been hijacked, and its meaning corrupted and changed to suit Satan and his Synagogue (Rev. 2:9; Rev. 3:9) and their endless wars that are used for profit and to murder and maim the infants (infantry) of the nation, who are the future of the nation, thereby destroying the nation.

One of their mottos is: perpetual commerce through perpetual war. So, for them, the endless “War on Terror” is perfect.

The word patriotism comes from the word patri meaning father, paternal.

Patriarch – a man who is head of a family or group – father/Father.

Patrimony – an inheritance from a father – The Covenant.

Patriot – someone who defends his inheritance/patrimony that he got from his father and ancestors.

It has been hijacked and now twisted to mean somebody who proudly defends his or her country, right or wrong, and its (satanic) way of life (death really).

Patriotism is now defined as: pride in or devotion to the country somebody was born in or of which they are a citizen.

Can you see how it has been corrupted by Satan (which is Hebrew and means “the Opposer”) and his minions?

A true patriot is someone who fights for Father and The Way of Life/Torah and keeps the First Commandment which is to love, serve and obey only Father, NOT some satanic, evil government and way of death.

Satan has corrupted everything and brainwashed everyone with his dirty water including the meaning of words to further confuse and deceive everyone.


Hopefully from what has been shared you can see and understand that our Patriotic duty is, and always has been, to Father (God). And it is to Him, our heavenly Father, and His Perfect Law, that we should ALWAYS be Faithful which, in Latin, is “Semper Fidelis”, which some have shortened to SEMPER FI.

Please feel free to share this with others, for the benefit of us all.

Peace be upon you and within you.
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Dec 27, 2017
The Protestants...

We are living at a critical moment in American history. How we respond today will go a long way in determining the future of our nation — or whether our nation even continues to exist as the United States of America.

Simply stated, without a sweeping revival in the church that leads to a national awakening, America as we know it is doomed. We will either continue to fall into moral and spiritual confusion, ultimately crashing and burning, or we will break up entirely as a nation, pulling apart at the seams. Either way, without revival, we are in very critical condition.

But here’s the catch. Revival alone will not get the job done. Revival alone will not turn the tide. It must be a revival in the Church that leads to a reformation in society, an outpouring that leads to awakening. Otherwise, to repeat, we are doomed. A powerful revival movement, without a national awakening, would just delay the inevitable or, worse still, simply make us more accountable.
It really is revival and awakening or we die. Or do we really think that the right political candidate or the latest social program will solve our problems and cure our ills? Not a chance.
We need a revival, true. A genuine revival led by the Holy Spirit that will lead to conviction of sin, repentance, confession, earnest prayer, meekness etc that will bring in true reformation.

In fact a true biblical revival must be followed by a thorough reformation. In the Bible when Israel experienced a revival and reformation under King Josiah, the law of God was read and applied (2 Kings 23), and all the idolatry and pagan practices were removed from the nation. Any true revival today will be followed by the removal of every man-made tradition and blasphemous doctrine.

But where there is true revival and reformation, Satan has a counterfeit. While true revival uplifts God and His Word and brings deep heart searching and humility, false revivals are based on feelings. "There is an emotional excitement, a mingling of the true with the false, that is well adapted to mislead.” GC, p.464
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Mar 18, 2017


Mar 18, 2017

For now, the integralists do not endanger American pluralism. What they might threaten is ecumenical conservatism—the cohort (among which I count myself) of clerics, activists, writers, and the occasional pol trying to make American laws more virtuous and American culture more religious. It’s mostly Catholics who lead today’s ecumenical movement, and, given who signs up for conservative politics at top universities, that seems unlikely to change.

Integralism’s apparent purity attracts intelligent young Catholics who want to distinguish themselves from their more moderate teachers. And alas, America’s present discontents—Vermeule has written of the “slow-motion collapse” of the liberal regime—make otherwise unthinkably radical views not only thinkable but even respectable. Integralism is well-suited to the anxious moment. Americans have more freedom than ever but little sense of how to use it; public policy often seems driven by free-floating grievances. Integralism proposes a polity stably founded on the word of God instead of whatever incoherent cholent we’re stewing in right now.

Integralism is a theory for elites. It threatens not a violent revolt but a long march through conservative (and eventually government) institutions by intelligent people

George Clinton

Aug 6, 2024
We need a revival, true. A genuine revival led by the Holy Spirit that will lead to conviction of sin, repentance, confession, earnest prayer, meekness etc that will bring in true reformation.

In fact a true biblical revival must be followed by a thorough reformation. In the Bible when Israel experienced a revival and reformation under King Josiah, the law of God was read and applied (2 Kings 23), and all the idolatry and pagan practices were removed from the nation. Any true revival today will be followed by the removal of every man-made tradition and blasphemous doctrine.

But where there is true revival and reformation, Satan has a counterfeit. While true revival uplifts God and His Word and brings deep heart searching and humility, false revivals are based on feelings. "There is an emotional excitement, a mingling of the true with the false, that is well adapted to mislead.” GC, p.464
you see this madness Karly?

if the Church of Rome steps in in the south west after your collapse I will support them