Differences between the Bible and Islam

Jun 26, 2022
Depending on what source you use, you'll get a different number. But it's undeniable there are a lot of Bibles.

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The very word "version" should be problematic for you.

Johns version and Mikes version is a story being told by 2 separate sources. Why do we need two separate accounts? Concerning the Bible, why do we need 500 separate accounts? If KJV is the only truth, why do we need 2 separate accounts?

Take a guess how many versions of the Quran there are?

I get it, you want to defend your book and claim it's infallible. But the only way to do so is to ignore the facts.
A lot like the claims of blind faith you've made. Just close your eyes and believe. Right? Turn off and shut down all logical faculties.

The Bible is changed, this is a fact. They literally change it today. Considering it is a 2000-year-old Book, only God knows how many edits have been made to it. Jews reference your book. In fact, they change it. Why don't they believe Jesus is God's son?

I'm not sure why you are replying to me anyway, as I was talking to Zakat. I do not want to argue with you Toxic because I don't think we'll ever see eye to eye on this.
It IS problematic.

And i agree that we don't need more versions.

And i know they continue to change it. They even want to have a new version written entirely by AI.

It is an agenda. Probably enough to make a whole new thread out of it.

I'm not sure why you are replying to me anyway, as I was talking to Zakat
I just saw the mention of the new KJV and had to respond. Even many Christians don't know what the differences are.

Anyway, the point of this thread is not to attack the Bible (and i use only KJV for all my quotes, unless otherwise specified) but to discuss the differences between the Bible and Islam.

If you only want to be spoken to if you address me first ill keep that in mind...


Mar 15, 2017
They remind me of the tik tok girls of today nothing new under the sun
Prophet Lot’s daughters remind you of tiktok girls? A strange comparison. I’m not on tiktok so I haven’t caught the reference.


Mar 15, 2017
Well, the Bible tells us that faith is a gift.
It also says that blessed are those who have not seen and yet believed.

Well, part of that is that when the Bible says
Genesis 12
2And I will make of thee a great nation, and I will bless thee, and make thy name great; and thou shalt be a blessing:
3And I will bless them that bless thee, and curse him that curseth thee: and in thee shall all families of the earth be blessed

it has been interpreted and taught by some pastors as referring to the modern rothschild created country of israel.

So that's actually a good argument against having blind faith in pastors or teachers, and instead searching the scriptures ourselves.

As i've pointed out before on the forum, if a Christian believes in salvation through faith alone, supporting the country of israel is not a requirement, regardless of how a pastor tries to mental gymnastic it. The Bible does not say "saved by faith alone, except for the occasion of supporting genocide".

(And if the argument is that we have to "help" israel in order to bring on the end times, i find it kind of arrogant to presume that God would need us to do that when He is all powerful...)

And as for me personally (i'll let others speak for themselves), i don't see it as "Christians are being killed" - i see it as innocent people and a disproportionate amound of children are being killed. I sincerely hope others would care just as much if it is not people from their faith...

That's the thing, studying the Bible IS closer to the truth than many "accepted" catholic (or mainline protestant) doctrines. A common allegation is that the catholics edited the Bible but that makes no sense, seeing as they contradict it on many occasions. The Bible is the final word, not the decisions of some political church councils.

I do read commentaries, and always fact check it with the Bible. I also keep in mind who the source of the commentary is, and any agendas they may have. For example, going back to the israel thing briefly, the background story of the scofield reference Bible is sketchy to say the least. (And no, i have never read the scofield Bible personally, just read about it)

Christians are free to contest what i say, but it always goes back to the Bible. What saith the scriptures?

Does the Quran really welcome criticisms and questions though?
I know i'm personally hesitant of asking too many because i don't want to be accused of islamaphobia...

Well, the entirety of the scriptures points to the coming messiah, Jesus Christ.
There are many prophecies found throughout scripture that were fulfilled in him.

This link has quite an extensive list of them

I do wish more Christians would study the Old Testament as well, but as i've said before, if they have sufficient faith to not have required it, more power to them.

As ive said before, the Bible shows the consequences for sinful actions. If there are only cosequences but no sin predeeding them, that wouldn't make sense. Why was the kingdom divided? Why was David's reign so unstable? Why did the babylonian captivity occur? Why had the israelites fallen to idolatry long before the captivity? Etc.

Why would the Israelites write scriptures that make them look bad?

Humans are not perfect, so it makes sense that God can use imperfect men (and women, there are also some prophetesses, though minor characters).
I guess we’ll have to agree to disagree, I think you do have a degree of blind faith but it’s also good that you question and check your sources.

why on Earth would you consider asking questions about Islam islamaphobic?? Islamaphobia is insulting or attacking Muslims based on their faith, or a discriminatory approach to their religion. Asking questions is welcomed and the Quran welcomes us to think and challenge it too.

God constantly invites the reader if they’re in doubt of his words, to produce or find a text anything like The Quran

Do people imagine that this Qur’an is not from Us, and that you, O Prophet are falsely attributing to us? Tell them that if they are speaking truly they should produce ten surahs resembling the Qur’an, and that they are free to call on the aid of anyone but God in so doing.” (11:13)

Were all mankind to come together and wish to produce the like of the Qur’an, they would never succeed, however much they aided each other”. (17:88)

Oh people, if you doubt the heavenly origin of this Book which We have sent down to Our servant, the Prophet, produce one surah like it.” (2:23)

It also invites us to think and ponder about what is being said and not to blindly believe. We encourage to think and use our intellect…

these are some verses which come to mind but there are more:

So ask the people of reminder (knowledge) if you do not know (Qurʾān 21:7).

Verily! In the creation of the heavens and the earth, and in the alternation of night and day, there are indeed signs for men of understanding. Those who remember Allah, standing, sitting, and reclining, and reflect on the creation of the heavens and the earth, (and say): Our Lord! You have not created this in vain. Glory be to You! Protect us from the torment of the fire (Qurʾān 3:190-191).

He it is Who has sent down to thee the Book; in it there are verses that are decisive in meaning — they are the basis of the Book — and there are others that are susceptible of different interpretations. But those in whose hearts is perversity pursue such thereof as are susceptible of different interpretations, seeking discord and seeking [wrong] interpretation of it. And none knows its
interpretation except Allah and those who are firmly grounded in knowledge; they say, ‘We believe in it; the whole is from our Lord.’ — And none heed except those gifted with understanding.’ (Surah Aal-e-‘Imran, Ch. 3: V. 8)​



Mar 15, 2017
I should add there’s a caveat to the questions we ask. You can ask to learn more or to clarify things but some questions like ‘Who made God?’ Or ‘Why did God do x,y,z to me?’ can cause someone to be afflicted with what we call ‘wasswass’ which are essentially doubts and whispers from the shaytan. He’s constantly trying to attack or swerve us away from worshipping the one true God and he does so by filling our head with doubts.


Mar 15, 2017
Yeah i understand, and it is not a widely accepted Christian doctrine to avoid music with drums, i was just pointing out what a commentator has said.

Would it be accurate to say that "the narratives of the children of Israel" is synonymous with what we know as the Bible?

Actually, about that, i have a question: the link you posted previously about David made the claim that the Israelites commonly asked each other to divorce their wife so that the other man could marry her. Aside from the whole David issue and the power differential between a king and subject, this is not what the Bible describes at all, in fact was forbidden under the 10 commandments. Where did the Quran scholars get that theory from?
I can confidently say that the New Testament (in all its versions is not used no) but aspects of the Old Testament and Torah are. I’m not well versed in the intricacies of this study but it’s at an advanced academic level, way above my level of knowledge on Islam.

Again, I’m not sure about that as I don’t have much knowledge on the David story. They may have referred to other historical texts to get an idea of how life was like then. What’s mentioned about David isn’t as comprehensive as other prophets.


Mar 15, 2017
I can confidently say that the New Testament (in all its versions is not used no) but aspects of the Old Testament and Torah are. I’m not well versed in the intricacies of this study but it’s at an advanced academic level, way above my level of knowledge on Islam.

Again, I’m not sure about that as I don’t have much knowledge on the David story. They may have referred to other historical texts to get an idea of how life was like then. What’s mentioned about David isn’t as comprehensive as other prophets.
For us we take what’s mentioned in The Quran as foolproof and whatever else is studied to make sense of an era or historical figure/event, is taken with a pinch of salt unless sources are reliably verified.


Mar 15, 2017
The average Muslim won’t know the details of some prophets like David as what’s mentioned of him in the Quran isn’t as extensive as what the Bible references. We take the similarities where the Bible aligns with the Quranic narrative and leave the rest.


Mar 15, 2017
I’ve had a look again at the link I posted with regards to Prophet Dawud and I’d just like to point out that just because something was forbidden by law, doesn’t mean the Israelites obeyed it.
It is disputed whether Dawud approached the man or was thinking about approaching him. The link I posted explores the opinion that he approached the man but I’m not convinced of that claim. There just isn’t any Quranic evidence or Hadith pointing to that.
The point of The Quran with regards to prophets like David or Jonah, is to clarify the events that surrounded their prophethood and how things truly transpired. Like I mentioned, we just don’t accept the narrative of the Bible painting God as this ill-judging, blood thirsty, angry entity.
Jun 26, 2022
why on Earth would you consider asking questions about Islam islamaphobic?? Islamaphobia is insulting or attacking Muslims based on their faith, or a discriminatory approach to their religion. Asking questions is welcomed and the Quran welcomes us to think and challenge it too.

God constantly invites the reader if they’re in doubt of his words, to produce or find a text anything like The Quran.

Do people imagine that this Qur’an is not from Us, and that you, O Prophet are falsely attributing to us? Tell them that if they are speaking truly they should produce ten surahs resembling the Qur’an, and that they are free to call on the aid of anyone but God in so doing.” (11:13)

Were all mankind to come together and wish to produce the like of the Qur’an, they would never succeed, however much they aided each other”. (17:88)

Oh people, if you doubt the heavenly origin of this Book which We have sent down to Our servant, the Prophet, produce one surah like it.” (2:23)

It also invites us to think and ponder about what is being said and not to blindly believe. We encourage to think and use our intellect…

these are some verses which come to mind but there are more:

So ask the people of reminder (knowledge) if you do not know (Qurʾān 21:7).

Verily! In the creation of the heavens and the earth, and in the alternation of night and day, there are indeed signs for men of understanding. Those who remember Allah, standing, sitting, and reclining, and reflect on the creation of the heavens and the earth, (and say): Our Lord! You have not created this in vain. Glory be to You! Protect us from the torment of the fire (Qurʾān 3:190-191).

He it is Who has sent down to thee the Book; in it there are verses that are decisive in meaning — they are the basis of the Book — and there are others that are susceptible of different interpretations. But those in whose hearts is perversity pursue such thereof as are susceptible of different interpretations, seeking discord and seeking [wrong] interpretation of it. And none knows its
interpretation except Allah and those who are firmly grounded in knowledge; they say, ‘We believe in it; the whole is from our Lord.’ — And none heed except those gifted with understanding.’ (Surah Aal-e-‘Imran, Ch. 3: V. 8)
Im thinking of how i asked on the 3 in 1 god thread about the verses a different poster mentioned and aparently there is an issue if i used wiki as my source, because wiki is supposedly biasd against Islam. Stuff like that makes me fee like questions are not allowed...

I'm not sure what exactly is meant by "a text like the Quran". With the Bible i believe that God inspired the men who wrote it, and the way it all fits in perfectly is truly remarkable. I don't know much about the Quran, just what we've gone over in this thread.

I should add there’s a caveat to the questions we ask. You can ask to learn more or to clarify things but some questions like ‘Who made God?’ Or ‘Why did God do x,y,z to me?’ can cause someone to be afflicted with what we call ‘wasswass’ which are essentially doubts and whispers from the shaytan. He’s constantly trying to attack or swerve us away from worshipping the one true God and he does so by filling our head with doubts.
In my opinion those questions are difficult to answer to someone who lacks faith. It takes a certain degree of faith to accept what God has decided is meant for us graciously.
I’ve had a look again at the link I posted with regards to Prophet Dawud and I’d just like to point out that just because something was forbidden by law, doesn’t mean the Israelites obeyed it.
It is disputed whether Dawud approached the man or was thinking about approaching him. The link I posted explores the opinion that he approached the man but I’m not convinced of that claim. There just isn’t any Quranic evidence or Hadith pointing to that.
The point of The Quran with regards to prophets like David or Jonah, is to clarify the events that surrounded their prophethood and how things truly transpired. Like I mentioned, we just don’t accept the narrative of the Bible painting God as this ill-judging, blood thirsty, angry entity.
Yes, the Bible shows us how the Israelites started disobeying the Law practically as soon as they were given it. Just that since this aspect is not mentioned ever in the Bible amidst all the Law-breaking i am curious where they got the information.

The whole thing about God being angry is that He hates sin, so sin must be punished, otherwise He would not be righteous. It is better is we obey and not sin (hypothetically), of course, but if we do there must be a consequence. It would not be just otherwise.


Dec 27, 2017
thank you for the explanation.

I guess that’s why many leave Christianity (in the west anyway). You summed it up here:

This is something as mere human beings we cannot fully understand. Its a mystery. God being God, does not die. Yet He offered Himself to die in our stead so we don't have to. He gave everything that He could to save us. We will never fully understand the mystery of Jesus' sacrifice until we go to heaven.

I don’t think it’s something the average human mind can comprehend because it doesn’t make much logical and coherent sense. You do have to have that degree of blind faith like Toxic said. I guess many people don’t want that they want more plausible answers.

Of course I disagree that the only way to atone for a sin is solely on blood sacrifice, repentance like you said in your previous post is also a way but I guess it’s considered not enough in your scripture which is a shame. I guess it’s hard to imagine that every time someone sinned they’d have to offer a blood sacrifice. Makes for a blood thirsty God? We too believe in blood sacrifice as there is mention of slaughtering in God’s name but it’s not something that we believe will save you from hellfire. Repentance and worship in one true God will.
I don't have blind faith and most Christians I know and associate with don't either. Faith is gift of God and is given to us as we open our hearts to God. This faith grows through studying God's Word, communicating with Him, obeying Him etc. through the Holy Spirit. Spiritual growth (sanctification) is a process that begins when we choose to accept Christ and is a lifetime process.

As we grow in our faith, the power of the Holy Spirit dwelling in us transforms us from who we used to be into new creatures in Christ, but not without our permission of course. Christian growth is about deepening our relationship with Christ and learning to love Him more each day. And that can’t happen without our willingness and cooperation. Just like our earthly relationships require nurturing, growing our walk with God requires the same: getting to know Him, communicating with Him, spending time doing things He would do, and more.

Many people who criticise Christianity read the Bible like they would any other book. They come to the Bible with already preconceived beliefs and to compare what the Bible says with those beliefs. However the Bible is a spiritual book inspired by God not just a book of doctrines or a collection of texts that prove a point. The Bible tells us, "But the natural man does not receive the things of the Spirit of God, for they are foolishness to him; nor can he know them, because they are spiritually discerned" (1 Corinthians 2:14). No one is going to understand the Bible deeply without spiritual discernment that comes from the Holy Spirit.

So of course you don't understand or agree with Jesus' death for our sins and why there had to be a blood sacrifice. Of course it doesn't make sense to you.

The deep things of the Bible cannot be understood by just anyone no matter how brilliant they are. Unless one honestly seeks an experience with God, he or she cannot understand the things of God. The Holy Spirit, who explains the Bible, "However, when He, the Spirit of truth, has come, He will guide you into all truth; for He will not speak on His own authority, but whatever He hears He will speak; and He will tell you things to come" (John 16:13 and 14:26), is not understood by the secular mind. On the other hand, the humble, even uneducated, seeker who studies the Bible receives amazing understanding from the Holy Spirit, "But as it is written: “Eye has not seen, nor ear heard, nor have entered into the heart of man the things which God has prepared for those who love Him.” But God has revealed them to us through His Spirit. For the Spirit searches all things, yes, the deep things of God" (1 Corinthians 2:9-10).

As someone said, "Without spiritual discernment we can no more see the beauty of God's love than a colour-blind person can appreciate the beauty of a rainbow."
Last edited:
Jun 26, 2022
I don't have blind faith and most Christians I know and associate with don't either. Faith is gift of God and is given to us as we open our hearts to God. This faith grows through studying God's Word, communicating with Him, obeying Him etc. through the Holy Spirit. Spiritual growth (sanctification) is a process that begins when we choose to accept Christ and is a lifetime process.

As we grow in our faith, the power of the Holy Spirit dwelling in us transforms us from who we used to be into new creatures in Christ, but not without our permission of course. Christian growth is about deepening our relationship with Christ and learning to love Him more each day. And that can’t happen without our willingness and cooperation. Just like our earthly relationships require nurturing, growing our walk with God requires the same: getting to know Him, communicating with Him, spending time doing things He would do, and more.

Many people who criticise Christianity read the Bible like they would any other book. They come to the Bible with already preconceived beliefs and to compare what the Bible says with those beliefs. However the Bible is a spiritual book inspired by God not just a book of doctrines or a collection of texts that prove a point. The Bible tells us, "But the natural man does not receive the things of the Spirit of God, for they are foolishness to him; nor can he know them, because they are spiritually discerned" (1 Corinthians 2:14). No one is going to understand the Bible deeply without spiritual discernment that comes from the Holy Spirit.

So of course you don't understand or agree with Jesus' death for our sins and why there had to be a blood sacrifice. Of course it doesn't make sense to you.

The deep things of the Bible cannot be understood by just anyone no matter how brilliant they are. Unless one honestly seeks an experience with God, he or she cannot understand the things of God. The Holy Spirit, who explains the Bible, "However, when He, the Spirit of truth, has come, He will guide you into all truth; for He will not speak on His own authority, but whatever He hears He will speak; and He will tell you things to come" (John 16:13 and 14:26), is not understood by the secular mind. On the other hand, the humble, even uneducated, seeker who studies the Bible receives amazing understanding from the Holy Spirit, "But as it is written: “Eye has not seen, nor ear heard, nor have entered into the heart of man the things which God has prepared for those who love Him.” But God has revealed them to us through His Spirit. For the Spirit searches all things, yes, the deep things of God" (1 Corinthians 2:9-10).

As someone said, "Without spiritual discernment we can no more see the beauty of God's love than a colour-blind person can appreciate the beauty of a rainbow."
You're able to articulate this so much better than i could :)


Jun 28, 2020
Im thinking of how i asked on the 3 in 1 god thread about the verses a different poster mentioned and aparently there is an issue if i used wiki as my source, because wiki is supposedly biasd against Islam. Stuff like that makes me fee like questions are not allowed...
wiki is supposedly biasd against Islam

Suicide, terrorists, terror. I'll let you read the article.

When the reality is..

Does the kkk represent Chrisitnaity? According to them, they do.

If you need the satanic verses, an obvious biased source coming from someone who hates Islam, to describe Islam, then I don't know what to tell you.

You can always tell someone's agenda when you just look at the source material they bring. You might as well start quoting Robert Spencer and David wood while you're at it.

Like I've told you before, millions hate Islam. Yet not a single one has managed to change a single letter in the Quran. But keep telling yourself you're upon the truth.

The dogs constantly bark, but the Lion pays them no heed.


Mar 15, 2017
Im thinking of how i asked on the 3 in 1 god thread about the verses a different poster mentioned and aparently there is an issue if i used wiki as my source, because wiki is supposedly biasd against Islam. Stuff like that makes me fee like questions are not allowed...

I'm not sure what exactly is meant by "a text like the Quran". With the Bible i believe that God inspired the men who wrote it, and the way it all fits in perfectly is truly remarkable. I don't know much about the Quran, just what we've gone over in this thread.

In my opinion those questions are difficult to answer to someone who lacks faith. It takes a certain degree of faith to accept what God has decided is meant for us graciously.

Yes, the Bible shows us how the Israelites started disobeying the Law practically as soon as they were given it. Just that since this aspect is not mentioned ever in the Bible amidst all the Law-breaking i am curious where they got the information.

The whole thing about God being angry is that He hates sin, so sin must be punished, otherwise He would not be righteous. It is better is we obey and not sin (hypothetically), of course, but if we do there must be a consequence. It would not be just otherwise.
I mean wiki isn’t even accepted in university as a reliable source. Purely because it’s edited by anyone and everyone so it’s not considered a reliable source. So I do agree with Daze in that regard. When I was at university we were banned from using it; there’s a wealth of other secondary and primary resources which you can quote from or use as reliable sources.

So with Quran, we believe it is the direct word of God from himself, which was sent down through Angel Gabriel. So Angel Gabriel recited the direct words of God to Muhammad pbuh. There is no other authorship or interference from anyone else. Muhammad was I guess a vessel in which God’s literal words were relayed. So it’s a common misconception for some to conclude that Muhammad wrote the Quran himself. He was in fact illiterate and couldn’t read or write. That’s what makes The Quran so miraculous in origin.

So I’ll clarify, it is absolutely fine to ask questions about God, The Quran, existence etc. but I was trying to make the point that many people fall in to an endless loop of questioning and they could fall into doubt. It could be their faith wasn’t firm in the first place but it could also be that life circumstances have pushed them into a downward spiral. I’m of the opinion that if this happens, you just have to reconnect with God through prayer and reading Quran.


Mar 15, 2017
I don't have blind faith and most Christians I know and associate with don't either. Faith is gift of God and is given to us as we open our hearts to God. This faith grows through studying God's Word, communicating with Him, obeying Him etc. through the Holy Spirit. Spiritual growth (sanctification) is a process that begins when we choose to accept Christ and is a lifetime process.

As we grow in our faith, the power of the Holy Spirit dwelling in us transforms us from who we used to be into new creatures in Christ, but not without our permission of course. Christian growth is about deepening our relationship with Christ and learning to love Him more each day. And that can’t happen without our willingness and cooperation. Just like our earthly relationships require nurturing, growing our walk with God requires the same: getting to know Him, communicating with Him, spending time doing things He would do, and more.

Many people who criticise Christianity read the Bible like they would any other book. They come to the Bible with already preconceived beliefs and to compare what the Bible says with those beliefs. However the Bible is a spiritual book inspired by God not just a book of doctrines or a collection of texts that prove a point. The Bible tells us, "But the natural man does not receive the things of the Spirit of God, for they are foolishness to him; nor can he know them, because they are spiritually discerned" (1 Corinthians 2:14). No one is going to understand the Bible deeply without spiritual discernment that comes from the Holy Spirit.

So of course you don't understand or agree with Jesus' death for our sins and why there had to be a blood sacrifice. Of course it doesn't make sense to you.

The deep things of the Bible cannot be understood by just anyone no matter how brilliant they are. Unless one honestly seeks an experience with God, he or she cannot understand the things of God. The Holy Spirit, who explains the Bible, "However, when He, the Spirit of truth, has come, He will guide you into all truth; for He will not speak on His own authority, but whatever He hears He will speak; and He will tell you things to come" (John 16:13 and 14:26), is not understood by the secular mind. On the other hand, the humble, even uneducated, seeker who studies the Bible receives amazing understanding from the Holy Spirit, "But as it is written: “Eye has not seen, nor ear heard, nor have entered into the heart of man the things which God has prepared for those who love Him.” But God has revealed them to us through His Spirit. For the Spirit searches all things, yes, the deep things of God" (1 Corinthians 2:9-10).

As someone said, "Without spiritual discernment we can no more see the beauty of God's love than a colour-blind person can appreciate the beauty of a rainbow."
You can make up all these reasons as to why I don’t accept the Bible but ultimately you aren’t able to prove anything you believe in. There’s absolutely no concrete evidence of Jesus’ divinity and you are* referring to the sayings of ‘inspired men’.
I have approached Christianity objectively, I have an analytical mind and all I care about is accuracy and truth. God is not the author of confusion. The Bible doesn’t make sense to me because it’s not a cohesive body of work direct from the Creator. You have absolutely no way of proving those authors (is it 40+ authors?) were inspired by God. Everything you have today and refer to as scripture, was this documented in the life time of Jesus? Are there any carbon dated manuscripts in Aramaic? Why is the oldest text in Greek? Sounds like blind faith to me. If I was a Christian I’d look into the origins of my book and why it has a dozen or so versions and why everything before Jesus pbuh is not in line with your book.
One day God decided to send his son, who is also God, but according to some people is just his son, to die for our sins as the ultimate sacrifice? There are so many issues with this I’ll just make one stark one, SIN STILL EXISTS so his sacrifice was for what? Christians still sin so his sacrifice was for what? What just and fair God would allow one person to die for the sins of mankind? Again, your doctrine requires a significant level of blind faith because you can’t rationalise it, it doesn’t make logical sense.

Anyway, this isn’t a thread about the authenticity of the Bible so I won’t delve further. I apologise for derailing. I expect you to defend your faith and your book but you literally have no way of explaining why the Bible is hard to understand other than ‘you don’t get it because you need accept Jesus’. Bit of reductive way of explaining it away.


Mar 23, 2021
Prophet Lot’s daughters remind you of tiktok girls? A strange comparison. I’m not on tiktok so I haven’t caught the reference.
Well reference refers to those meme's of it. They are focused on nothing but the phone making their stupid little dances etc because thats the digital society they are engrossed in. No different then the sodom city society they where brought up in same type of debauchery. Obvious Lot was not the best role model.


Mar 15, 2017
Well reference refers to those meme's of it. They are focused on nothing but the phone making their stupid little dances etc because thats the digital society they are engrossed in. No different then the sodom city society they where brought up in same type of debauchery. Obvious Lot was not the best role model.
Yes the Bible doesn’t paint Lot in the best light.


Mar 15, 2017