

Mar 14, 2017
I really don’t understand the resistance to this tbh. I hate being told what to do myself but the level of resistance regarding this matter seems to be disproprtional to the amount of inconvenience it actually causes imo.
It restricts my breathing. The loops hurt my ears. I have to adjust it often (touching face/mask = increased risk). Just a few reasons. I don't think the resistance is disproportionate at all.


Mar 13, 2017
hmm, in general, I agree about the getting concessions thing. Accommodating the public in this way when there isn't any real evidence of a great deal of concern for public health does create some confusion.

Although, when it comes to what you are seeing with the numbers in your area, if there is not a significant percentage of mask-wearing compliance, there isn't a real way to know whether they are effective or not. So the conclusions remain as an unknown rather than leading to the conclusion that it doesn't really matter what you do.

I would imagine that it would take an area 3 weeks of at least 70% mask compliance to see whether or not they changed the way the numbers appear to be trending. I would say most areas seem to be around 30% to 70% compliant right now and so this should be somewhat useful in speculating whether this makes a difference.

However, this is not the same thing as determining how far something travels by air or other more specific measurements that would swing a final decision in one direction or the other. So it is frustrating. Restrictions shouldn't be guesswork at this point.
Based on what I've witnessed my estimate is about 50-70% of the people in Ohio are in on the mask thing. It's great that people are doing it to make each other feel better, it's not having any positive effect on transmission rates though.

Today it was reported there are another 800 confirmed cases in Ohio. That is almost double the day before. This is of course, after staying home orders, closing businesses, and mandating masks. Basically there is no rhyme or reason to these numbers. They definitely don't justify the measures we have taken though.

I'm all about looking at the bright side, but there isn't a bright side to a leadership clown show.


Apr 15, 2019
Health officials in the South Korean capital are scrambling to track down nearly 2,000 people who were at the Itaewon nightclubs visited by a man who tested positive with COVID-19. Over 40 infections linked to the patient have been confirmed so far.



Jul 27, 2017
Sorry to hear that. It creeps me out to see so many people wearing a mask when I walk in, so I don’t look at too many of them. I’m waiting to see if someone comes up to me and says anything about how I‘m not wearing one has so far.
Aye! I’m good lol.
I did feel like the elephant in the room though. Uncomfy feeling


Mar 13, 2017
Pandemic themed commercials are driving me nuts. Like how corny do you have to be to think up something like that? Plus that seems kind of jarring, to be told it's a national emergency than see corny ass commercials.

There was a protest in my city today, and I've been thinking of what my protest sign would be. That's all I would do in a protest, just go and hold up some ridiculous sign. Like "DeWine drinks moonshine".


Jul 27, 2017
It restricts my breathing. The loops hurt my ears. I have to adjust it often (touching face/mask = increased risk). Just a few reasons. I don't think the resistance is disproportionate at all.
You need to filter out oxygen, not retain what you’re filtering out.

Wearing mask in some settings I can see. But leave it optional for the most part. If you’re going out to the park, buying necessities, etc. Anything, everything you touch has some type of germs/virus attached. Your body’s constant exposure has developed immunity or at worst allergies.


Mar 16, 2017
For the love of Pete... it doesn’t work like that. It works by keeping asymptomatic peoples germs contained within their own person. So it doesn’t matter what a healthy person touches the asymptomatic person isn’t able to contaminate anything. If everyone who got sick showed symptoms and did so within a short period of time this wouldn’t even need to be a discussion.
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Jul 27, 2017
For the love of Pete... it doesn’t work like that. It works by keeping asymptomatic peoples germs contained within their own person. So it doesn’t matter what a healthy person touches the asymptomatic person isn’t able to contaminate anything. If everyone who got sick showed symptoms and did so within a short period of time this wouldn’t even need to be a discussion.
I avoid all y’alls like the plague anyways lol.
My gas station incident was one rare covid-19 occurrence when Maes17 was out in the wild


Jul 27, 2017
Whatever I’m inhaling within that degreaser and all purpose cleaner at work. I have a feeling I’ll be seeing some compensation commercials in the future, but I’m sure that shiz is killing the covid too.



Mar 16, 2017
I avoid all y’alls like the plague anyways lol.
My gas station incident was one rare covid-19 occurrence when Maes17 was out in the wild
It’s not about you. It’s about all the people walking around sick and not knowing it, speeding their germs by coughing and talking etc. which then live in shrfaces that you the healthy person touches. If everyone wears the mask there’s no way the asymptomatic sick person isn’t wearing a mask.


Jul 27, 2017
It’s not about you. It’s about all the people walking around sick and not knowing it, speeding their germs by coughing and talking etc. which then live in shrfaces that you the healthy person touches. If everyone wears the mask there’s no way the asymptomatic sick person isn’t wearing a mask.
I know I know.
I’m just being a douche tonight. My eyes are cloudy, this corona situation still has most shops shut down. I’m just venting thoughts regarding mask right now


Mar 16, 2017
It’s all good. It’s surreal that I’m literally being treated like a tinfoil hat wearing crackpot for saying “hey I think we should wear the masks” - I’ve been saying it for weeks now, way ahead of the damn media and I feel like cuz the media’s saying it that’s the end it must be no good. Meanwhile I called my brother who spent a lot of time living in Japan and he was like “Americans are stupid, don’t worry about me, I was wearing a mask before corona” and Japanese people live like forever. Just saying.

I will leave it alone now. I did my part trying to tell people. Whatever you all decide to do is up to you. I just don’t want to be sitting somewhere six months from now with 500k deaths and a completely destroyed economy while the rest of the world rebounds thinking “why the f-k didn’t we put on the damn masks”
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Jul 27, 2017
It’s all good. It’s surreal that I’m literally being treated like a tinfoil hat wearing crackpot for saying “hey I think we should wear the masks” - I’ve been saying it for weeks now, way ahead of the damn media and I feel like cuz the media’s saying it that’s the end it must be no good. Meanwhile I called my brother who spent a lot of time living in Japan and he was like “Americans are stupid, don’t worry about me, I was wearing a mask before corona” and Japanese people life like forever. Just saying.

I will leave it alone now. I did my part trying to tell people. Whatever you all decide to do is up to you. I just don’t want to be sitting somewhere six months from now with 500k deaths and a completely destroyed economy while the rest of the world rebounds thinking “why the f-k didn’t we put on the damn masks”
We all have our opinions. If you feel like a mask is helping continue to do so. Call it being cautious, courteous.

Us non mask wearers. We’re either questioning the government, defying orders, being stupid or....questioning the government.