Converse Launches LGBT Shoe Line Featuring Preteen ‘Drag Kid’


May 21, 2019

Elsewhere in the interview, Desmond revealed that he didn’t have many friends at school, but his mother quickly corrected him, asserting he had a “fan club”. Desmond has also apparently made a lot of money from his drag queen activity and has spent much of it on toys.

That last sentence is so sad :(
Honestly, that kid looks so sad all the time. Either that or drugged. And if he genuinely likes dressing up in drag, that is something that he could do at home, privately. You don't need to parade your kid around or take him to bars and let him do it in front of other people. He would be happy just dancing in front of friends and family.

Most of these parents who "support" their kids like this are doing it to get attention for themselves. They are not doing it for their kids. In Desmond's case, he is being pimped out for $. Like child actors. Parents turn a blind eye because the kid can make more money than they can. No amount of money is worth exposing my kid to the entertainment business -- whether it is Disney or drag clubs. Once Desmond turns 18, he can do drag for the rest of his life if he wants. Until then, it will NOT hurt a child to tell them, "no, you aren't old enough to do that". We tell them that with smoking, drinking, driving and other things. There are plenty of other ways for him to be artistic or perform that don't involve adult venues or adult behavior.


Mar 13, 2017
The only problem is that pedos have the highest recidivism rates of any type of offender. You can give them second chances, but you are basically just letting them out to destroy some other kid's life (or more likely, the lives of several children). A pedo rarely ever gets caught after his first victim anyway since it is so rarely reported by children. And even those pedos who claim that they don't offend often are consumers of child porn. Sure, they aren't technically touching a child, but they are still just as culpable because they create a demand for that child porn in which real children are harmed. There are some who are pushing for simulated child porn (where it is digitally created, so there is no actual child) as an answer to this -- but that runs the risk of normalizing those images which may peak the interest of people who wouldn't normally be interested in that kind of stuff but think it is okay because it isn't real. And anyway it doesn't address the underlying attraction to children, it just gives them media to satisfy that urge. Chemical castration might be an option, too, but compliance is not high considering that most don't want to give up all sex, including the solo variety.

I'm sure I'm biased in my opinion because I was molested as a kid by a family member and it pretty much destroyed my self-esteem and burdened me with a terrible secret that I had to carry around my entire childhood. He also threatened that if I told my dad, my dad wouldn't love me anymore and I believed it. So, it affected my relationship with my parents as well. Then later, it affected my ability to have intimate relationships. It took a while for me to stop thinking it was my fault (because I didn't say no or stop him -- even though I was around 7 when it started and didn't even fully realize that it was wrong or that I even had the ability to say no) and realize that I did nothing wrong and to be able to reclaim my own sexuality without it triggering those feelings of guilt and shame. Even now, though, I still can't stand to be touched while I sleep.

It is definitely an area where I struggle with my faith. I'm all for giving people second chances, but knowing the manipulation used and the devastation wrought by pedos, it is hard to not have hatred in my heart and think that they all deserve to die. My abuser recently died and I was happy to hear it. Then I felt incredibly guilty that I felt that way. I know it is decidedly un-Christian to feel that way -- but I guess I'm just not a very good Christian. I'd be okay if they took pedos and locked them up for the rest of their lives -- but I definitely think that they need to be separated from society because the risk that they will re-offend is just too great to put kids' lives at risk. And I know that many pedos were once victims themselves, but while I have sympathy for the child that they were -- I can't give them a pass on what they CHOOSE to do as an adult. And if we have to sacrifice those adults to stop the cycle of abuse, maybe that injustice is worth it.
I don’t think I saw this..I’m so sorry that happened to you.

Sometimes when the hurt is so takes awhile to heal it. I would just keep praying to God about how you feel and trusting in Him to help you and change your mind and heart.


Mar 13, 2017
Either that or drugged.
I saw a video of him sniffing when someone mentions a I think he either has watched others do them or he know firsthand. Either way it’s terribly sad that his parents don’t protect him and they aren’t arrested for child abuse but celebrated instead. Evil truly is being billed as good nowadays.


Dec 11, 2017
Friday, June 21, 2019 9:45AM CT

Kween KeeKee proclaims you can be anything you want to be!

AUSTIN, Texas (KTRK) -- A 9-year-old living near Austin is spreading a message of love and inclusiveness as he performs as a drag queen.

Keegan performs in drag as Kween KeeKee.

A third-grade teacher asked her class what they wanted to be when they grow up, and Keegan wrote in his memory book these words: "gender creative."

Keegan said he can be himself when he's wearing a dress.

VIDEO: 10-Year-Old Drag Kid talks bullying and being yourself always

Desmond Napoles is an amazing 10-year-old award-winning LGBTQ activist, drag artist, model, fashion icon and vouger in New York City.

He also has a message for anyone who might struggle with their identity.

"I want the world to know that you can be special, and you can be who you want to be," Keegan said. "You can be a vegetarian, you can even be a veterinarian. You can be LGBTQ. You can be a drag queen, drag king."

Keegan usually goes by the pronouns "he," "him" and "his." His family says Keegan has acceptance and support at a school in their conservative, Christian town outside Austin.

VIDEO: Glam Lab gets a rainbow makeup tutorial for Pride March

Desmond Napoles, a 10-year-old drag kid, gives Glam Lab a special, rainbow makeover just in time for Pride March.


May 21, 2019
Friday, June 21, 2019 9:45AM CT

Kween KeeKee proclaims you can be anything you want to be!

AUSTIN, Texas (KTRK) -- A 9-year-old living near Austin is spreading a message of love and inclusiveness as he performs as a drag queen.

Keegan performs in drag as Kween KeeKee.

A third-grade teacher asked her class what they wanted to be when they grow up, and Keegan wrote in his memory book these words: "gender creative."

Keegan said he can be himself when he's wearing a dress.

VIDEO: 10-Year-Old Drag Kid talks bullying and being yourself always

Desmond Napoles is an amazing 10-year-old award-winning LGBTQ activist, drag artist, model, fashion icon and vouger in New York City.

He also has a message for anyone who might struggle with their identity.

"I want the world to know that you can be special, and you can be who you want to be," Keegan said. "You can be a vegetarian, you can even be a veterinarian. You can be LGBTQ. You can be a drag queen, drag king."

Keegan usually goes by the pronouns "he," "him" and "his." His family says Keegan has acceptance and support at a school in their conservative, Christian town outside Austin.

VIDEO: Glam Lab gets a rainbow makeup tutorial for Pride March

Desmond Napoles, a 10-year-old drag kid, gives Glam Lab a special, rainbow makeover just in time for Pride March.
This is how you know that these kids aren't doing this of their own volition. What 9 year old says he wants to be "gender creative"? That is not something that naturally comes out of a 9 year old's mouth. Also terms like "drag queen, drag king" are NOT something that a 9 year old knows about unless their parents have explained what that is.

Do lots of kids pretend play and dress up in non-gender conforming clothing? Sure. They think it is funny. Playing in mom's make up? Yep. It happens. No big deal. Why people are pushing this idea that because a kid plays around like this it means that they are gender non-conformant? It has to be because they are pushing an agenda. They are taking normal behavior and twisting it into something that it isn't. And in what universe is it okay for a 9 year old to wear makeup? I wouldn't let my daughter wear make up when she was 9 as I think make up is something that is for teens or adults -- not pre-teens. Why not let kids be kids? They only get to be young and innocent once. They have plenty of time to realize that the world is a crappy place without adults ruining it for them and exposing them to things that should be adult only.


Mar 13, 2017
Or in other above so below.
Actually, I was thinking this..
Woe to those who call evil good, and good evil; Who substitute darkness for light and light for darkness; Who substitute bitter for sweet and sweet for bitter!
‭‭Isaiah 5:20‬ ‭


Apr 13, 2019
..."a trans child is like a vegan cat... everyone knows who's making the decisions"...
I agree.

I think making children transition before they are legal adults and can make informed decisions, is child abuse. I don't understand why the hell psychiatry and medicine is supporting this.


Mar 13, 2017
I agree.

I think making children transition before they are legal adults and can make informed decisions, is child abuse. I don't understand why the hell psychiatry and medicine is supporting this.
That's inaccurate, parent's are not making their children trans and trans children are not transitioning medically. That's simply not how being trans works. It has been observed and determined that children can have an understanding of their own gender identity by the age for four. Some children know that they're trans from a young age and it has absolutely nothing to do with their parents. Typically the parents are the ones who berate the child for being trans and try to convince them that they're wrong. A supportive parent is one who surpassed this stage and realized that their child needed their love and support. If you listen to the testimonies of the parents of trans children you will see that they all went through this phase of denial but the difference is that they recognized that they were harming their child by not accepting them. When a trans child is not accepted by their family, that has devastating consequences for the well being of that child. They literally become suicidal. it's already hard enough being trans but when the feel unloved and mistreated by their own parents, that is very distressing. And trans children are not being forced to transition medically... the only thing a trans child would be allowed to do is transition socially which simply means wearing different clothes and going by a different name. This helps to alleviate the child's gender dysphoria in a simple and easy way that is beneficial to the child. And obviously if they ever happen to change their mind, they can very easily start wearing their old clothes and going by their old name again (most trans children don't change their mind in the first place). Medical transition would only enter the picture when they are going into adulthood.


Mar 13, 2017
I agree.

I think making children transition before they are legal adults and can make informed decisions, is child abuse. I don't understand why the hell psychiatry and medicine is supporting this.
I think the child abuse starts at thinking your child is trans...


Mar 13, 2017
And obviously if they ever happen to change their mind, they can very easily start wearing their old clothes and going by their old name again they would be allowed to. You aren’t allowed to talk your child out of “being trans.” Like you aren’t allowed to talk your child out of being homosexual.
Aren’t the people that change their mind ostracized for changing their mind? This includes adults later in life who decided that what they did was wrong. I read the story of the man who thought he was a woman because his grandma liked dressing him up as a girl, became a woman and then decided he was actually a man, he doesn’t get any love from the lgbtq people. And he tries to help people who are wavering.


Mar 13, 2017
7,122 they would be allowed to. You aren’t allowed to talk your child out of “being trans.” Like you aren’t allowed to talk your child out of being homosexual.
Aren’t the people that change their mind ostracized for changing their mind? This includes adults later in life who decided that what they did was wrong. I read the story of the man who thought he was a woman because his grandma liked dressing him up as a girl, became a woman and then decided he was actually a man, he doesn’t get any love from the lgbtq people. And he tries to help people who are wavering.
If someone happens to be trans or gay, you can't just "talk them out of it". You can't beat it out of them or force them to change by treating them as outcasts. It's just something that they inherently are and trying to force them to be something else is detrimental to their health and well being and it's simply just wrong. You can't force people to be something they're not. Trans people can't choose to become trans, and nothing their parents do can "turn" them trans nor make them stop being trans.

Like I already said, many parents already try to force their child to not be trans, but what all of the supportive parents realized was that it is futile and simply does not work. They realized that they were causing harm to their child so instead of hurting their kid, they decided to love and accept their kid for who they are instead of who they want them to be.
Last edited:


Mar 13, 2017
If someone happens to be trans or gay, you can't just "talk them out of it". You can't beat it out of them or force them to change by treating them as outcasts. It's just something that they inherently are and trying to force them to be something else is detrimental to their health and well being and it's simply just wrong. You can't force people to be something they're not. Trans people can't choose to become trans, and nothing their parents do can "turn" them trans nor make them stop being trans.

Like I already said, many parents already try to force their child to not be trans, but what all of the supportive parents realized was that it is futile and simply does not work. They realized that they were causing harm to their child so instead of hurting their kid, they decided to love and accept their kid for who they are instead of who they want them to be.
No, they aren’t inherently trans, it’s all choices and you can talk someone out of it like they talked themselves into it.

I think the parents give into their children’s stubbornness but that’s if the kids aren’t being encouraged to be trans by their parents, which I think is the more likely thing taking place. Or with the man that I was talking about..his grandma dressed him up in girls dresses and he thought that meant something was wrong with him not that something was wrong with grandma for doing it.


Apr 13, 2019
Not really, no child is trans, do we still agree?
We do, actually. I wasn't talking about adults. If an adult wants to trans, I am OK with their freedom to do so. But I don't believe there is any justification for transitioning kids.


Mar 13, 2017
We do, actually. I wasn't talking about adults. If an adult wants to trans, I am OK with their freedom to do so. But I don't believe there is any justification for transitioning kids.
Adults in the US are 18..that’s still too young to make that kind of choice.

Ya people have the freedom to do a lot of things they probably shouldn’t.


Mar 16, 2017
The brain does not fully develop until 25 - and consequential thinking is the last thing to develop. I don’t believe we should be allowed to make life altering decisions before this time. But we do anyway, in a million ways. Signing up for the military, taking out 6 figure student loans etc...

I believe the reason they start transitioning some kids in adolescence is because medically at that time it is easier.


Mar 13, 2017
The brain does not fully develop until 25 - and consequential thinking is the last thing to develop. I don’t believe we should be allowed to make life altering decisions before this time. But we do anyway, in a million ways. Signing up for the military, taking out 6 figure student loans etc...

I believe the reason they start transitioning some kids in adolescence is because medically at that time it is easier.
The thing with taking out loans and signing up for the military is that those things aren’t permanent. Transitioning is permanent in that you cut off things or cut out things, you aren’t getting that back. That’s a huge decision no matter how old you are and it’s not a guarantee you’ll be happy with the results...or won’t again change your mind that maybe you should have stayed the sex you were.

Life is all about choices and I don’t think people should make that kind of choice no matter if they have the freedom to do it because it’s not a guaranteed happiness if you do.