Converse Launches LGBT Shoe Line Featuring Preteen ‘Drag Kid’

Jan 9, 2018
Pretty sure I wasn't talking about you. Rather it was a generalization of past experiences from my forced and voluntary time in church or at various jobs.

But thank you for explaining your solicitation practices.

For a person who professes Christianity, it is odd to hear you refer to soul winning as solicitation.
Jan 9, 2018
Tennessee man who raped adopted daughter receives only 12 years

“A former pastor who repeatedly raped his adopted teenage daughter has been given an effective 12 year prison sentence.The Knoxville News Sentinel reports prosecutors sought the maximum term of 72 years behind bars. The judge cited David Richards longtime ministry and the support he still receives as mitigating factors.
More than 30 people showed up to support Richards at the sentencing last week.”

I’d trust a “homo” around children more than any one who claims KKKristianity.
He should have gotten the death penalty.


Apr 22, 2017
For a person who professes Christianity, it is odd to hear you refer to soul winning as solicitation.
I've never heard of soul winning outside this forum. Technically it is solicitation going door to door which personally, from your explanation, doesn't sound productive. Different strokes for different folks.

I don't think everyone has the penchant for evangelism or preaching either especially when one has bias rather than the mind of God. Been around too many people who distort things with personal bias and ideas that don't exist in the bible.

But good for you.


Apr 22, 2017
Tennessee man who raped adopted daughter receives only 12 years

“A former pastor who repeatedly raped his adopted teenage daughter has been given an effective 12 year prison sentence.The Knoxville News Sentinel reports prosecutors sought the maximum term of 72 years behind bars. The judge cited David Richards longtime ministry and the support he still receives as mitigating factors.
More than 30 people showed up to support Richards at the sentencing last week.”

I’d trust a “homo” around children more than any one who claims KKKristianity.
Matthew 7:20 KJV
Wherefore by their fruits ye shall know them.
Jan 9, 2018
I've never heard of soul winning outside this forum. Technically it is solicitation going door to door which personally, from your explanation, doesn't sound productive. Different strokes for different folks.

I don't think everyone has the penchant for evangelism or preaching either especially when one has bias rather than the mind of God. Been around too many people who distort things with personal bias and ideas that don't exist in the bible.

But good for you.
I’m surprised to hear that. The Bible actually commands us to preach the Gospel; to be fishers of men. The apostles all went door to door soul winning. We are actually responsible for continuing their go into the highways and hedges and search for the lost and deliver them the Gospel of Jesus Christ.

Christians are ambassadors of Christ & we are tasked with this responsibility. It is the work Jesus commanded us to do, and any saved person is capable of performing it, and Christ is counting on us to do it.

“And he said unto them, Go ye into all the world, and preach the gospel to every creature.”.....Mark 16:15 (KJB)

“The fruit of the righteous is a tree of life; and he that winneth souls is wise.”.....Proverbs 11:30 (KJB)

“And the lord said unto the servant, Go out into the highways and hedges, and compel them to come in, that my house may be filled.”.......Luke 14:23 (KJB)

Romans 10 (KJB):

13 For whosoever shall call upon the name of the Lord shall be saved.

14 How then shall they call on him in whom they have not believed? and how shall they believe in him of whom they have not heard? and how shall they hear without a preacher?

15 And how shall they preach, except they be sent? as it is written, How beautiful are the feet of them that preach the gospel of peace, and bring glad tidings of good things!

2 Corinthians 4(KJB):

3 But if our gospel be hid, it is hid to them that are lost:

4 In whom the god of this world hath blinded the minds of them which believe not, lest the light of the glorious gospel of Christ, who is the image of God, should shine unto them.

5 For we preach not ourselves, but Christ Jesus the Lord; and ourselves your servants for Jesus' sake.

6 For God, who commanded the light to shine out of darkness, hath shined in our hearts, to give the light of the knowledge of the glory of God in the face of Jesus Christ.

And yes, it IS very effective. People get saved through door to door soul winning throughout the world, and the apostles were the first to go soul winning door to door.

There ARE LOTS of people who WANT to get saved; they just don’t know how or erroneously think it is by works, and have never had the Gospel of salvation by grace through faith alone in Christ Jesus expounded to them.

The harvest is plenty but the laborers few.

That is the work Jesus left for all believers to do, it is called the Great Commission.
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Dec 11, 2017
....and now.... "Lactatia" pictured snorting ketamine.....

11 Year Old “Drag Queen” Demonstrates Snorting Ketamine, Authorities Stand Idly By
Posted at 8:00 am on May 16, 2019 by Bonchie

11 year old “drag queen” Nemis Quinn Mélançon-Golden has been making the rounds on media for over two years now. He goes by the name “Lactatia” and has been the subject of glowing spreads in publications like Elle, as well as being celebrated on Good Morning America. All along the way, liberals have promoted what’s going on as empowerment and progress.

ELLE Magazine (US)✔@ELLEmagazine
This 8-year-old boy loves transforming into drag queen Lactatia—& he won't let other people stop him from doing what makes him feel accepted
28.7K8:03 AM - Sep 2, 2019​
Disgusting is too mellow of a word for this, as things have only gotten more disturbing as time has progressed.

View image on Twitter

9 year old drag superstar Lactatia at @RuPaulsDragCon with a message for her haters!!

wearing her infamous sequin onesie from @TheHouseofMann!!
2403:30 PM - May 15, 2018

At 10 years old, Nemis was photographed posing with a naked man.

1,024 people are talking about this
I have no idea how authorities didn’t react to that, but they didn’t. Were they scared of the blow back from the LGBTQ community? I don’t know, but it’s crazy that a ten year old was allowed to take photos with a naked man without any repercussions for the parents.

Now Nemis is back in the news after a video has emerged of him hanging out with another middle-aged drag queen and mimicking snorting Ketamine, which is a horse tranquilizer used in clubs as a psychedelic.

3,236 people are talking about this
The video is tough to watch because of just how sad it is to see a child abused like this. No kid is naturally this way. This is learned behavior pushed by his parents who have a desperate desire to be famous. His mother is an awful human being who has no business retaining custody of Nemis at this point.

Children have been taken away from parents for far, far less than this. That’s not to say all those cases are legitimate and that the government doesn’t overstep at times, but in this case you’ve got an 11 year old who’s clearly being emotionally and mentally abused. He’s also being exposed to dangerous lifestyles, hanging out with mentally ill men who like to dress like women and take naked pictures with minors. There’s nothing normal, safe, or healthy about this.

This is child abuse, plain and simple. It’s time for authorities to step in and do something.


Mar 16, 2017
What are the laws in Canada? I have no idea...

Here it would have to actually be referred to the authorities formally. Someone has to call it in. If no one has bothered to call this in that’s horrifying... if this was America I’d be mandated by law to personally call it in myself.


Apr 22, 2017
I’m surprised to hear that. The Bible actually commands us to preach the Gospel; to be fishers of men. The apostles all went door to door soul winning. We are actually responsible for continuing their go into the highways and hedges and search for the lost and deliver them the Gospel of Jesus Christ.

Christians are ambassadors of Christ & we are tasked with this responsibility. It is the work Jesus commanded us to do, and any saved person is capable of performing it, and Christ is counting on us to do it.

“And he said unto them, Go ye into all the world, and preach the gospel to every creature.”.....Mark 16:15 (KJB)

“The fruit of the righteous is a tree of life; and he that winneth souls is wise.”.....Proverbs 11:30 (KJB)

“And the lord said unto the servant, Go out into the highways and hedges, and compel them to come in, that my house may be filled.”.......Luke 14:23 (KJB)

Romans 10 (KJB):

13 For whosoever shall call upon the name of the Lord shall be saved.

14 How then shall they call on him in whom they have not believed? and how shall they believe in him of whom they have not heard? and how shall they hear without a preacher?

15 And how shall they preach, except they be sent? as it is written, How beautiful are the feet of them that preach the gospel of peace, and bring glad tidings of good things!

2 Corinthians 4(KJB):

3 But if our gospel be hid, it is hid to them that are lost:

4 In whom the god of this world hath blinded the minds of them which believe not, lest the light of the glorious gospel of Christ, who is the image of God, should shine unto them.

5 For we preach not ourselves, but Christ Jesus the Lord; and ourselves your servants for Jesus' sake.

6 For God, who commanded the light to shine out of darkness, hath shined in our hearts, to give the light of the knowledge of the glory of God in the face of Jesus Christ.

And yes, it IS very effective. People get saved through door to door soul winning throughout the world, and the apostles were the first to go soul winning door to door.

There ARE LOTS of people who WANT to get saved; they just don’t know how or erroneously think it is by works, and have never had the Gospel of salvation by grace through faith alone in Christ Jesus expounded to them.

The harvest is plenty but the laborers few.

That is the work Jesus left for all believers to do, it is called the Great Commission.
I'm not saying we shouldn't but not everyone has the capability or spiritual maturity to do these things well. It's why I mentioned personal bias and self gratification. Where individuals believe getting someone saved is the end of their work, its handing a grenade to someone that wants to pull the pin and doesn't know where to throw.

I have no problem with evangelism, not even contesting the verses, my problem lies in individuals believing they can only pass off the gospel and say go to church. Which church? KJV only, why? How will I know if I'm being deceived or joining a cult?

The apostles were giving the gospel, teaching, and training individuals and not everyone is capable of that despite what should versus what is. Jesus knew their sins but he not only gave the gospel without personal bias but godly wisdom and he taught the multitudes.

But hey, it's enough to plant the seed for most people.
Jan 9, 2018
I'm not saying we shouldn't but not everyone has the capability or spiritual maturity to do these things well. It's why I mentioned personal bias and self gratification. Where individuals believe getting someone saved is the end of their work, its handing a grenade to someone that wants to pull the pin and doesn't know where to throw.

I have no problem with evangelism, not even contesting the verses, my problem lies in individuals believing they can only pass off the gospel and say go to church. Which church? KJV only, why? How will I know if I'm being deceived or joining a cult?

The apostles were giving the gospel, teaching, and training individuals and not everyone is capable of that despite what should versus what is. Jesus knew their sins but he not only gave the gospel without personal bias but godly wisdom and he taught the multitudes.

But hey, it's enough to plant the seed for most people.
There is no personal bias involved, no self-gratification. All that is required is for the soul winner to be saved, because anyone who is saved is indwelled with the Holy Spirit.

Without the presence of the Holy Spirit through the saved believer, it is impossible to get another saved because it is NOT by our own words or abilities that we get people saved; it is ONLY by the hearing of God’s Word (which is why we open the Bible & show them the Gospel from the Scriptures directly [so they can read along] as we read them aloud) & the Holy Spirit within us that enlightens them to understand His Word, and they choose to believe it or not.

There is no glory in it for us; we are merely the messenger.

1 Corinthians 1: KJB)

17 For Christ sent me not to baptize, but to preach the gospel: not with wisdom of words, lest the cross of Christ should be made of none effect.

18 For the preaching of the cross is to them that perish foolishness; but unto us which are saved it is the power of God.

We do invite them to our church, even though it isn’t required to be saved. It is vital for fellowship with other believers, and hearing preaching by a Spirit-filled Pastor promotes their growth as a Christians & helps steer them away from sin.

Additionally, we help each other with personal sins, praying for & exhorting one another. Everyone has a particular sin they struggle with, and we try to help each other overcome it, or at least not have to suffer through it alone.

At the very least, we will always listen and provide a friendly shoulder to cry on.

And no, we are not a cult, & the visitor or member is free to leave at any time. Nobody will harass them or speak ill of them for leaving. Nobody is asked to do anything they don’t want to. If they don’t want to go soul winning or tithe or fellowship, that’s fine.

NOTHING is forced, and the Pastor encourages our church to TEST ALL THINGS, to verify everything he preaches from the Word of God. He is not offended if people require additional proof from the Bible to back up his preaching...he actually preaches directly from the Bible, proving it as he goes & if someone doesn’t understand something he is more than willing to take the time to expound on his teaching further, showing them from the Bible & patiently answering all their questions.

Yes, we only use the KJB, because it is the only inerrant, Holy Spirit inspired, preserved, direct translation that can be traced back to the original manuscripts.

ALL modern versions are exactly that: versions—NOT—translated from the original manuscripts.

This can be proven by tracing the origins:


Also, there are no contradictions in the KJB, which is VERY clear, and it is the only Bible that contains the POWER of God in its words.

Try it out for yourself by comparing it with modern versions and if you are saved, pray for God to reveal HIS TRUE WORD to you.

I think I answered all your questions, if you still have some, feel free to ask.

God Bless.


Apr 22, 2017
There is no personal bias involved, no self-gratification. All that is required is for the soul winner to be saved, because anyone who is saved is indwelled with the Holy Spirit.

Without the presence of the Holy Spirit through the saved believer, it is impossible to get another saved because it is NOT by our own words or abilities that we get people saved; it is ONLY by the hearing of God’s Word (which is why we open the Bible & show them the Gospel from the Scriptures directly [so they can read along] as we read them aloud) & the Holy Spirit within us that enlightens them to understand His Word, and they choose to believe it or not.

There is no glory in it for us; we are merely the messenger.

1 Corinthians 1: KJB)

17 For Christ sent me not to baptize, but to preach the gospel: not with wisdom of words, lest the cross of Christ should be made of none effect.

18 For the preaching of the cross is to them that perish foolishness; but unto us which are saved it is the power of God.

We do invite them to our church, even though it isn’t required to be saved. It is vital for fellowship with other believers, and hearing preaching by a Spirit-filled Pastor promotes their growth as a Christians & helps steer them away from sin.

Additionally, we help each other with personal sins, praying for & exhorting one another. Everyone has a particular sin they struggle with, and we try to help each other overcome it, or at least not have to suffer through it alone.

At the very least, we will always listen and provide a friendly shoulder to cry on.

And no, we are not a cult, & the visitor or member is free to leave at any time. Nobody will harass them or speak ill of them for leaving. Nobody is asked to do anything they don’t want to. If they don’t want to go soul winning or tithe or fellowship, that’s fine.

NOTHING is forced, and the Pastor encourages our church to TEST ALL THINGS, to verify everything he preaches from the Word of God. He is not offended if people require additional proof from the Bible to back up his preaching...he actually preaches directly from the Bible, proving it as he goes & if someone doesn’t understand something he is more than willing to take the time to expound on his teaching further, showing them from the Bible & patiently answering all their questions.

Yes, we only use the KJB, because it is the only inerrant, Holy Spirit inspired, preserved, direct translation that can be traced back to the original manuscripts.

ALL modern versions are exactly that: versions—NOT—translated from the original manuscripts.

This can be proven by tracing the origins:

View attachment 21959

Also, there are no contradictions in the KJB, which is VERY clear, and it is the only Bible that contains the POWER of God in its words.

Try it out for yourself by comparing it with modern versions and if you are saved, pray for God to reveal HIS TRUE WORD to you.

I think I answered all your questions, if you still have some, feel free to ask.

God Bless.
I wasn't really asking questions rather posing the issues with inept evangelicals. I know how it should be but more often than not it isn't


Jan 22, 2018

When you read through the comments section of this video it does give you faint hope about the morality of today's society. I think it clearly illustrates public opinion on this latest assault on common decency.

When you listen to the whooping of certain members of the audience are you hearing a celebration of a child who's liberated enough to freely dress as the opposite gender or are you hearing a salacious nod from some closet pedo who see's Desmond as an object of sexuality. I wonder if the guy in the crowd, whooping like a mating Orangutan, was confronted by his own child of 11 years old who said they wanted to dress up as the opposite sex and go and dance in a bar for money if his enthusiasm may be slightly tempered.

There is no mention of Desmond suffering any type of Dysphoria, he's being touted as a child who "Just likes dressing up in drag" but then he says that he gets lots of letters from people, especially kids, that he inspires. They gush that they wished they had Desmonds "support" from their parents.

Now if you think about it the only kids that Desmond is likely to inspire would be the growing numbers of young kids who don't want to dress up in drag but are encountering the debilitating and life threatening condition of gender dysphoria.

It's s growing market and Desmond is the perfect PR what with him being Autistic also.

I found the overt grooming by the three pantomime dames particularly distasteful.
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May 14, 2017
Catholics like Dorothy Day and the Berrigan brothers are personal heroes of mine, and they along with men like Bishop James Pike and Bishop Spong actually make me want to be a Christian, but then I see the fundamentalism that is prevalent here and I can’t help but feel totally revolted.
I've grown to try to ignore the awful, fundamentalists of all religions, except when dealing with them online. They are to faith, what tankies are too left-wing politics.,

I’m already saved, so I could just sit on my rump & not worry about whether or not people die & go to Hell.
You know, if you conveniently ignore all of Christ's commands to actually love your neighbor and do good deeds. Matthew 25 is all about compliance and a lack of charity.

Because telling a person that his lifestyle is wrong and God doesn't approve it is a hate crime...
I don't think most people an issue with religious people promoting chastity. What most people have a problem with is how some Christians seem to judge homosexuals engaging in fornication a lot harsh that heterosexuals in engaging in fornication and treating homosexuals as if their same-sex attraction somehow makes them less of a person.

By all means, feel free to tell someone that living a life of one-night stands is shallow and unfulfilling and may lead to damnation... But you're not going to save all that many souls if you treat the same sin differently just based on who they are having sex with.


May 21, 2019
I have a real issue with drag culture. Honestly, for me, drag is nothing more than the gender equivalent of black face. As a woman, no one really has the right to tell me that I am not allowed to be offended by men dressing up as women -- not as an actual woman like someone who is transgender or likes to cross dress -- but as a CARICATURE of a woman. A representation that plays off of stereotypes of women and turns womanhood into a comedy/parody entertainment act. It is blatantly disrespectful and the fact that it is done by a marginalized group (LGBQT community) doesn't make it okay. In fact, they should know better. If I decided to do an act where I dress up like a stereotypical gay man or butch lesbian, I don't think that they'd be amused.

I've got no problem with someone choosing to identify as the opposite gender and living their life that way. I'll even use the pronoun of their choice (as long as it isn't a made up one -- I'm not okay with having a Heinz 57 variety of pronouns that I have to keep track of in order not to offend someone). Even if I don't agree with the choices that people make, I figure God gave us all free will and if He is willing to let people make their own choices, I don't see why I can't be. As long as their choices aren't hurting anyone else, that is. But I am offended when people think that femininity is something to be mocked or looked down upon. And so what if other women aren't offended by it? I am. There are women who aren't offended by misogynistic rap lyrics, either, but that doesn't mean that they get to speak for me and say it is okay when I am not okay with it. I'm frankly tired, as a woman, of being told that we can't have the show the "Vagina Monologues" on campus anymore because it might offend some women who don't have vaginas. Or we can't say "expectant mother" because some people who give birth aren't mothers, they are fathers. So, now I've got to pretend that I don't have a vagina or and give up the term "mother" just to appease a handful of people who make a stink over it? Stuff like this makes it hard to be sympathetic to the LGBQT community at times because it turns out that they are just as insensitive and bullying about their own views as the cis straight culture they complained about. I'm willing to accept equality, but I am not willing to give them special treatment or allow them to disrespect me.


May 21, 2019
I didn't leave it, I quoted it specifically but I did mention how that could create a slippery slope.

We already waste tons of fiat on minority non violent drug offenders, why not round up the known pedophiles and try treating them? What do you have to lose, more tax dollars?

You just jump ahead to killing them and while I find the abuse of children abhorrent, far too often we don't try to find out why but let public opinion and feelings take hold leading to conclusions like yours.

Last year two men came out against Afrikaans Bambata accusing him of molesting them when they were children, one of the men admitted to having p***phile like thoughts after his trauma and chose to isolate himself and push others away through violence because these weren't feelings he wanted to act on. He eventually got married and remains repulsed by sex and his trauma. He could very well be a p***phile or a very traumatized individual but I don't think the only help presented to him should be death for a trauma he didn't elect to have placed upon him.

There have been murderers, rapist, thieves, etc that have been reformed and dealt with their demons and while there takes an amount of trust for these people to be released they don't all go back to prison. I think second chances are deserved and if we're going to put that decision in the hands of the government some trust is required.

The only problem is that pedos have the highest recidivism rates of any type of offender. You can give them second chances, but you are basically just letting them out to destroy some other kid's life (or more likely, the lives of several children). A pedo rarely ever gets caught after his first victim anyway since it is so rarely reported by children. And even those pedos who claim that they don't offend often are consumers of child porn. Sure, they aren't technically touching a child, but they are still just as culpable because they create a demand for that child porn in which real children are harmed. There are some who are pushing for simulated child porn (where it is digitally created, so there is no actual child) as an answer to this -- but that runs the risk of normalizing those images which may peak the interest of people who wouldn't normally be interested in that kind of stuff but think it is okay because it isn't real. And anyway it doesn't address the underlying attraction to children, it just gives them media to satisfy that urge. Chemical castration might be an option, too, but compliance is not high considering that most don't want to give up all sex, including the solo variety.

I'm sure I'm biased in my opinion because I was molested as a kid by a family member and it pretty much destroyed my self-esteem and burdened me with a terrible secret that I had to carry around my entire childhood. He also threatened that if I told my dad, my dad wouldn't love me anymore and I believed it. So, it affected my relationship with my parents as well. Then later, it affected my ability to have intimate relationships. It took a while for me to stop thinking it was my fault (because I didn't say no or stop him -- even though I was around 7 when it started and didn't even fully realize that it was wrong or that I even had the ability to say no) and realize that I did nothing wrong and to be able to reclaim my own sexuality without it triggering those feelings of guilt and shame. Even now, though, I still can't stand to be touched while I sleep.

It is definitely an area where I struggle with my faith. I'm all for giving people second chances, but knowing the manipulation used and the devastation wrought by pedos, it is hard to not have hatred in my heart and think that they all deserve to die. My abuser recently died and I was happy to hear it. Then I felt incredibly guilty that I felt that way. I know it is decidedly un-Christian to feel that way -- but I guess I'm just not a very good Christian. I'd be okay if they took pedos and locked them up for the rest of their lives -- but I definitely think that they need to be separated from society because the risk that they will re-offend is just too great to put kids' lives at risk. And I know that many pedos were once victims themselves, but while I have sympathy for the child that they were -- I can't give them a pass on what they CHOOSE to do as an adult. And if we have to sacrifice those adults to stop the cycle of abuse, maybe that injustice is worth it.


Mar 13, 2017