Comparison of JAHtruth's "The way home or face the Fire" to the bible


Mar 15, 2017
There is no such thing as “AJH’s religion.....
From the website of Anthony John Hill, otherwise known as John Anthony Hill (to give himself the JAH initials)

JAH is the source of all of the information that every single Living Soul on this Planet needs, in order to survive into the new Millennium. This site covers everything, from proof of our TRUE and, until now, hidden identity (who and what we really are), to the complete explanation of why the world is in the incredible mess that it is currently in.

Also on this site, is the True interpretation of many of the Ancient Prophecies, from The Holy Scriptures and else-where; including those of Nostradamus; which were given hundreds of years ago, and give details about the times we are now living in, and what is going to happen on Earth, in the very near future.

Those are religious beliefs. You are his evangelist, probably his chief one (you poor soul).

You are attempting to label me as a liar because I did not say "JAHtruth/ TWHOFTF said XYZ" exactly word-for-word.

I am demonstrating something you do not have - the ability to read, analyse, process and then demonstrate the conclusions I reached with evidence, and in a summarised form.

Instead of protesting, bloviating and cut-and-pasting as usual, how about YOU go back to the individual verse like I did and pull apart what I said instead?
May 18, 2018
Another thing that makes no sense about AJHs made up doctrine. He says we were created on earth to learn and keep the mosaic law. However in the bible, in genesis, the mosaic law DID NOT EXIST when Adam was created. The only law God gave them was not to eat from the tree of knowledge of good and evil. It was only after the fall that the DEUTERONOMY (second law) was created
May 18, 2018
More dishonesty (lies) and logical fallacies (irrational nonsense).

Lie #6 (and a strawman argument): When has JAH EVER claimed to be Jesus, the human son born of the virgin Mary in Bethlehem of Judea, here on Earth (and thus OF THIS WORLD, hence the designation “Son of Man”)? Jesus was crucified, died and was buried, and 3 days and 3 nights later God raised Jesus from the dead.

JAH IS The Messiah/Christ, i.e. Prince Michael. Prince Michael/Christ is definitely NOT OF THIS WORLD exactly as He said 2000 years ago through the mouth of Jesus.

It is CHRIST Who is prophesied to return, in a NEW BODY (Gen. 49:10, 22-24) with a NEW NAME (Rev. 2:17; 3:12; 19:12) THAT NOBODY KNOWS SAVING HE THAT RECEIVES IT (Matt. 11:27-28).

Lie #7: Omitting part of that verse, even to discuss it later, is dishonest and deceitful, because it intentionally takes part of it out of context to try to twist its meaning. The verse in its totality is as follows (emphasis added):

The Way home or Face The Fire
2:16 This is perfectly symbolized by the ancient Roman’s symbol of the mirror, for Venus, their goddess of love. The mirror reflects exactly what is shown to it, and so does God, the Ruler of Venus (Morning Star), in faith; good and evil.

Does a mirror not reflect exactly what is shown to it? Does God not do exactly the same? If anyone mistakenly believes either of these statements are untrue, then they very obviously have been deceived.

Galatians 6:7 Be not deceived; God is not mocked: for whatsoever a man soweth, THAT shall he also reap.

Lie #8 (as well as at least three logical fallacies): Where is the claim being made that pagan mythology is a “good thing”? All that is being pointed out is that the SYMBOL of the mirror in this particular case accurately depict God. Citing a source doesn’t mean one agrees with that source on anything other than what was specifically being cited.

The logical fallacies employed? Association fallacy (a form of ad hominem fallacy), another strawman (no claim was ever made that pagan mythology was a “good thing”), and the slippery slope fallacy applies as well.

Roman Catholicism -- the Babylonian mystery religion origin of “Christian” mythology -- correctly states that Christ is the Son of God, as the Gospel accounts do over 50 times as well. Citing that fact doesn’t mean someone automatically believes that Christ is some part of a pagan “trinity”, nor is it somehow an endorsement of any other of the mistaken beliefs of Roman Catholicism.

Further, the Bible itself likens the sons of Joseph (Ephraim and Manasseh) to “the horns of UNICORNS”

Deuteronomy 33:15-17 (KJV, with references)
33:15 And for the chief things of the ancient mountains, and for the precious things of the lasting hills,
33:16 And for the precious things of the earth and fulness thereof, and for the good will of him that dwelt in the bush (the pre-incarnate Christ - Exod. 3:1-3; 23:20-23): let the blessing come upon the head of Joseph, and upon the top of the head of him that was separated from his brethren (see Gen. 49:10, 22-24).
33:17 His glory is like the firstling of his bullock, and HIS HORNS ARE LIKE THE HORNS OF UNICORNS: with them he shall push the people together to the ends of the earth: and they are the ten thousands of Ephraim, and they are the thousands of Manasseh.

The passage above refers to the crown and birthright ultimately belonging to Joseph (1 Chron. 5:1-2), Israel’s 11th son, NOT Judah, Israel’s 4th son. It defines Ephraim and Manasseh to be LIKE the “horns” (kings and their kingdoms – Dan. 7:24; Rev. 17:12) of UNICORNS, the latter of which is a MYTHICAL creature; a white horse with a single, unique horn coming from its head.

Only a complete fool would look at the above passage and satanically derive from it that the Bible is claiming that unicorns are presently running around on Earth, or that we should believe in mythologies. As anyone can read for themselves, it is simply SYMBOLICALLY likening Ephraim and Manasseh to the HORNS (kings/kingdoms), just as the reference to the MIRROR in The Way home or face The Fire (TWHOFTF) 2:16 is likening the MIRROR to God.

So The Way home or face The Fire is doing exactly as the rest of Scripture does, to teach the humble and child-like (Matt. 18:1-4) to see things as they really are, rather than as one imagines them to be (Gen. 6:5). Who is in a better position to teach and correct you than God?

Lie #9 (and another strawman fallacy): Where is a claim being made that this MYTHICAL goddess was allegedly virtuous? The reference being made was to the SYMBOL OF THE MIRROR.

Lie #10 (and a pro hominem logical fallacy): there is no such thing as a “good christian character” (Ps. 53:1-3; Rom. 3:10-12). Do “Christians” not admit that they are sinners? What is a sinner if not someone who thinks, says and does evil by breaking God’s Laws? How could someone who does evil believe that they are somehow good (Matt. 19:17)?

How totally irrational/illogical!

How could a MYTHICAL character “certainly” break any Commandment, given the fact that they don’t actually exist?

Again, the association fallacy is desperately being used to LIE (#11), to try to con people into believing that the LIE that Christ would ever support adultery, just as the Roman Catholic church tried to do by adding the story of the adulterous woman to the original text of the Bible.

The rest of the article and picture, etc. is all part of a desperate smear campaign to do the same (and a red herring), to divert everyone’s attention from the fact that we are discussing the symbology of a MIRROR, and NOT the merits of a mythical goddess.

In Roman mythology, Venus is the mythical goddess of love. In REAL Life, God -- the Ruler of Venus (the Morning Star) AND THE ENTIRE UNIVERSE – IS Love. God IS Love.

Lie #12 (and another series of logical fallacies, e.g. strawman, bandwagon, cherry-picking): pretending that saying God is the Ruler of Venus (Morning Star) is somehow claiming that God isn’t The Ruler of the Universe is totally dishonest. Particularly given that just 3 verses later that point is made crystal clear.

The Way home or Face The Fire
2:19 No human friend can be with you 24 hours a day, every day, everywhere you go. Your human friends can not protect you from the Devil, and really, they are all bad, whereas GOD IS GOOD AND THE RULER OF THE UNIVERSE, the most powerful “Force” in the whole of creation.

Lie #13: the god of “Christianity” is unquestionably Satan according to Christ (Matt. 7:21-27), because “Christianity” teaches the exact opposite of what God and His Christ teach. And no, Satan clearly doesn’t rule over everything, as he is kept here on Earth by God, until Judgement Day.

...because Thou hast hid these things from the wise and prudent, and hast revealed them unto babes.

Colossians 1:15 Who is the image of the invisible God, the firstborn of every creature:

Shouldn’t we worship The ONLY TRUE GOD and Father of our Lord Christ, the Saviour instead of the “Christian” god?

John 20:17 Jesus saith unto her, Touch me not; for I am not yet ascended to my Father: but go to my brethren, and say unto them, I ascend unto MY Father, and your Father; and [to] MY God, and your God.

2 Corinthians 1:3 Blessed [be] God, even the Father of our Lord Christ the Saviour, the Father of mercies, and the God of all comfort;

1 Peter 1:3 Blessed [be] the God and Father of our Lord Christ the Saviour, which according to His abundant mercy hath begotten us again unto a lively hope by the resurrection of Jesus Christ from the dead,
“He was quoting Roman mythology saying the symbol of a mirror is a symbol of Venus and it’s also a symbol of (freeman’s) god (who lives on Venus)……..BUT THAT DOESNT MEAN THE SYMBOL OF A MIRROR IS A GOOD THING.”

Freeman your dishonesty would be extremely humorous if it wasn’t couched in so much gaslighting and cult brainwashing.
AJHs god isn’t invisible, he will come on a spaceship exactly like the movie Close Encounters of the Third Kind according to him, linked earlier in the thread


Mar 15, 2017
“He was quoting Roman mythology saying the symbol of a mirror is a symbol of Venus and it’s also a symbol of (freeman’s) god (who lives on Venus)……..BUT THAT DOESNT MEAN THE SYMBOL OF A MIRROR IS A GOOD THING.”

Freeman your dishonesty would be extremely humorous if it wasn’t couched in so much gaslighting and cult brainwashing.

AJHs god isn’t invisible, he will come on a spaceship exactly like the movie Close Encounters of the Third Kind according to him, linked earlier in the thread
I quoted in red EVERYTHING the ebook said, word for word.
I gave my conclusions with evidence.
Saying what we *conclude* after reading something isn't lying!!!
The only bible verses JAHtruth quotes are the ones he misuses to build his own new religion upon.
A Freeman does exactly the same.
May 18, 2018
I quoted in red EVERYTHING the ebook said, word for word.
I gave my conclusions with evidence.
Saying what we *conclude* after reading something isn't lying!!!
The only bible verses JAHtruth quotes are the ones he misuses to build his own new religion upon.
A Freeman does exactly the same.
Yup you even showed the verses he referenced and how they never mean what he said. Could not have been more honest.

Red Sky at Morning

Mar 15, 2017
I quoted in red EVERYTHING the ebook said, word for word.
I gave my conclusions with evidence.
Saying what we *conclude* after reading something isn't lying!!!
The only bible verses JAHtruth quotes are the ones he misuses to build his own new religion upon.
A Freeman does exactly the same.
Elijah stood up the the priests of Baal. He goaded them, mocked them and stood still while God showed His power.

Deceptive spiritualities have demonic puppet masters. It is the job of the genuine follower of Jesus to stand up to deception and expose it.

Well done @JoChris
May 18, 2018
Just remember freeman believes all the thoughts in his head are from Satan if he ever questions any of his religious book TWHOFTF and his god is continually beaming messages into his head telling him what to do. You can see why someone having free thoughts about TWHOFTF would seem like “a lie” to him.
Deceptive spiritualities have demonic puppet masters
I do believe that in this case. The cleverness and craftiness used by AJH to form his religion sparks of demonic intelligence to me. The main purpose, to keep people from knowing Jesus as He is by pretending to be Him.

A Freeman

Nov 11, 2019
From the website of Anthony John Hill, otherwise known as John Anthony Hill (to give himself the JAH initials)

JAH is the source of all of the information that every single Living Soul on this Planet needs, in order to survive into the new Millennium. This site covers everything, from proof of our TRUE and, until now, hidden identity (who and what we really are), to the complete explanation of why the world is in the incredible mess that it is currently in.

Also on this site, is the True interpretation of many of the Ancient Prophecies, from The Holy Scriptures and else-where; including those of Nostradamus; which were given hundreds of years ago, and give details about the times we are now living in, and what is going to happen on Earth, in the very near future.

Those are religious beliefs. You are his evangelist, probably his chief one (you poor soul).
IF it is properly understood, the Bible repeatedly CONDEMNS churches, synagogues, mosques, temples, etc., i.e. the store-fronts for corporate fictional organized religions, and their sales staff, aka the priests, pastors, rabbis, imams, etc. that sell their illusions for filthy lucre (via the collection plate). Pointing out this FACT to others using the Bible itself is in NO WAY creating yet another organized religion. That illogical conclusion is also based on logical fallacies (faulty reasoning, e.g. questionable cause, faulty generalizations), perhaps because you don't know any better, or maybe you just don't care.

There are literally three chapter in The Way home or face The Fire by JAH devoted to pointing out what the Bible actually says about organized religions and their priests, etc. Wouldn't someone who feels they need to "dissect" a book for everyone have at least taken the time to read and study that book, so they have some idea of what they're talking about? Please see the titles of the three referenced chapters below:

Chapter 9. “The Birth of Christianity as yet another religion.”

Chapter 10. “Mohammed and the Birth of Islam as yet another religion.”

Chapter 11. “Satan’s use of Religions to Divide, Conquer and Rule.”

What people NEED to do is to COME OUT OF ALL ORGANIZED RELIGION AND THE BEAST SYSTEM THAT CREATED IT (Rev. 18:4), i.e. (the Babylonian buy-and-sell everything market, where it's all just "business as usual").

You are attempting to label me as a liar because I did not say "JAHtruth/ TWHOFTF said XYZ" exactly word-for-word.
Nah. You're convincing people that you seem to be incapable of telling the truth all by your "self". Even what you've just said is yet another LIE, as the LIES you told were very well-documented in the previous replies, and far beyond what you're pretending, which everyone can see for themselves (including Father).

The incessant LIES and logical fallacies are nothing more than a feeble attempt to try to relabel good as allegedly evil and evil as allegedly good.

Isaiah 5:20-21
5:20 Woe unto them that call evil good, and good evil; that put darkness for Light, and Light for darkness; that put bitter for sweet, and sweet for bitter!
5:21 Woe unto [them that are] wise in their own eyes, and prudent in their own sight!

I am demonstrating something you do not have - the ability to read, analyse, process and then demonstrate the conclusions I reached with evidence, and in a summarised form.
Please. All you have demonstrated is that YOU lack the capacity for rational thought, and apparently have no fear of being held accountable before God and His Christ on the Last Day (Judgement Day) for all of the LIES, logical fallacies and personal attacks you have launched.

What greater folly could there be than to attack the very Soul Whom God has appointed and anointed to be our Judge?

Instead of protesting, bloviating and cut-and-pasting as usual, how about YOU go back to the individual verse like I did and pull apart what I said instead?
Judgmental language and tu quoque.

Those are two of the logical fallacies you just employed in that one sentence as a red herring (another logical fallacy) so you can continue pretending that you didn't really copy and paste all of that irrelevant garbage, e.g. about the goddess of Venus, and that the Scriptural evidence personally provided in the form of multiple, spot-on RELEVANT verses can be written off as "cut-and-pasting as usual".

Do you have no shame?

Red Sky at Morning

Mar 15, 2017
The cleverness and craftiness used by AJH to form his religion sparks of demonic intelligence to me. The main purpose, to keep people from knowing Jesus as He is by pretending to be Him.
I do believe there is, for want of a better way of putting it, a spiritual force behind the AJH deception. Satan comes to steal, kill and destroy. If we have prevented some from being robbed by these spiritual hucksters I would regard that as a worthwhile use of time.

A Freeman

Nov 11, 2019
I quoted in red EVERYTHING the ebook said, word for word.
Another LIE.

Everything you posted out of The Way home or face The Fire by JAH was in total boldface, to block the emphasis placed on it in the original text. Also it was not originally posted in red. You also then inserted punctuation marks and increased the font in places (e.g. verse 2:17).

You also made a number of patently false accusations, and don't even have the common courtesy to apologize for doing so, KNOWING those things were never said, as they have been documented and pointed out to you for your benefit and for everyone else's as well, so they can see how you operate.

I gave my conclusions with evidence.
When someone makes a strawman argument, i.e. makes up something that another individual NEVER said, and then attacks it, whatever evidence they may present is IRRELEVANT. And when people routinely LIE and employ multiple logical fallacies, sometimes within the same sentence, what they consider to be "evidence" is often only evidence of their own ignorance and/or arrogance, in believing that their totally irrational nonsense (conjecture) should be placed on par with REAL evidence.

Saying what we *conclude* after reading something isn't lying!!!
Pretending that we simply differ on our conclusions, and that you didn't LIE or use logical fallacies (i.e. totally irrational/illogical tactics and faulty reasoning) IS yet another LIE, and the deployment of even more logical fallacies (e.g. red herring, false equivalence).

You were very plainly shown how the verses from The Way home or face The Fire by JAH, which itself is prophesied in Scripture to be delivered during the end-times (see John 16:25, Rev. 10:2; Rev. 10:6-10; Rev. 2:17) were in PERFECT agreement with Scripture.

Please take the time to actually read and study and ask Father (God) about what has already been shared, before having another knee-jerk reaction to it. That would be the HONEST and LOGICAL thing to do, for everyone's benefit (including and especially your own).

The only bible verses JAHtruth quotes are the ones he misuses to build his own new religion upon.
A Freeman does exactly the same.
More lies. No evidence.

What's amazing is that the totally irrational/illogical nature of making such overtly false statements/accusations eludes the individual making them.

IF the Bible is correctly transcribed and translated, it is IMPOSSIBLE for ANY verse to be in disagreement with the others (Enoch 104:8-11; Num. 23:19; Mal. 3:6; John 1:1-2; 1 Cor. 14:33; Rom. 3:4-8; Sura 39:23).
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A Freeman

Nov 11, 2019
To make this as simple as possible for everyone, this is the core message provided in Scripture:


God loves us and wants us to come to our senses and learn to keep His Perfect Law, which He gave to us to protect those who keep it from evil. That Way, He can shower us with His Blessings, just as He has promised to do for all that love and obey Him (Deut. 28:1-14; Acts 5:29-32).

If you want to know the Sole/Soul reason why we are in the mess we are presently in, it's because we haven't kept The Law.


Lucifer/Satan/Iblis (the devil/liar) very obviously doesn't want anyone to obey God (Deut. 28:15-68). Satan deceives everyone (Rev. 12:9) into believing they don't have to obey God, or that they supposedly can't obey God, as if God is some sort of tyrannical idiot that gave us a set of rules that no one can allegedly keep because He somehow lacked the perfect and complete knowledge of our capabilities.

EVERYTHING made in this world is designed, built and in business to DECEIVE. That includes all corporate fictional governments at every level, all corporate fictional courts, all corporate fictional policing agencies, all corporate fictional organized religions, all corporate fictional hospitals, corporate fictional chemical/pharmaceutical companies, etc. ALL corporate fictions.

Those who love the ways of this world, its institutions, its traditions, its penchant for violence and crime, its destructive nature, and their own human lives, will lose everything in the end.

Those who hate the ways of this world, and are willing to sacrifice everything, as Christ did when He was here in the body of Jesus, to be able to learn directly from God how to be good, will gain their real, eternal lives.

This is a very simple concept that any child should know.

The Way home or face The Fire by JAH is very simply explaining this simple choice to us AGAIN, right before the end of time as we evidently have forgotten it.
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May 18, 2018
I do believe there is, for want of a better way of putting it, a spiritual force behind the AJH deception. Satan comes to steal, kill and destroy. If we have prevented some from being robbed by these spiritual hucksters I would regard that as a worthwhile use of time.
Theres been a lot of questions about the strange robotic nature of freeman’s posting. It struck me that it’s a natural effect of the teaching he believes. If you can have no possibility of free thought, and thoughts are just beamed into your mind from a god or Satan, you can imagine the deadening effect it would have on the soul. This is the effect of Anthony’s teaching, I think he probably isn’t conscious of its demonic subnature, he uses it for his own benefit to keep people under his thumb, and he is being used by demonic forces to deaden the human spirit.
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May 18, 2018
Another LIE.

Everything you posted out of The Way home or face The Fire by JAH was in total boldface, to block the emphasis placed on it in the original text. Also it was not originally posted in red. You also then inserted punctuation marks and increased the font in places (e.g. verse 2:17).

You also made a number of patently false accusations, and don't even have the common courtesy to apologize for doing so, KNOWING those things were never said, as they have been documented and pointed out to you for your benefit and for everyone else's as well, so they can see how you operate.

When someone makes a strawman argument, i.e. makes up something that another individual NEVER said, and then attacks it, whatever evidence they may present is IRRELEVANT. And when people routinely LIE and employ multiple logical fallacies, sometimes within the same sentence, what they consider to be "evidence" is often only evidence of their own ignorance and/or arrogance, in believing that their totally irrational nonsense (conjecture) should be placed on par with REAL evidence.

Pretending that we simply differ on our conclusions, and that you didn't LIE or use logical fallacies (i.e. totally irrational/illogical tactics and faulty reasoning) IS yet another LIE, and the deployment of even more logical fallacies (e.g. red herring, false equivalence).

You were very plainly shown how the verses from The Way home or face The Fire by JAH, which itself is prophesied in Scripture to be delivered during the end-times (see John 16:25, Rev. 10:2; Rev. 10:6-10; Rev. 2:17) were in PERFECT agreement with Scripture.

Please take the time to actually read and study and ask Father (God) about what has already been shared, before having another knee-jerk reaction to it. That would be the HONEST and LOGICAL thing to do, for everyone's benefit (including and especially your own).

More lies. No evidence.

What's amazing is that the totally irrational/illogical nature of making such overtly false statements/accusations eludes the individual making them.

IF the Bible is correctly transcribed and translated, it is IMPOSSIBLE for ANY verse to be in disagreement with the others (Enoch 104:8-11; Num. 23:19; Mal. 3:6; John 1:1-2; 1 Cor. 14:33; Rom. 3:4-8; Sura 39:23).
This post is a literal masterwork in deception
-she didn’t quote it word for word because she made the font red
is my personal favorite

Red Sky at Morning

Mar 15, 2017
This post is a literal masterwork in deception
-she didn’t quote it word for word because she made the font red
is my personal favorite
We once had a family friend who got into the spiritualist church and produced a quantity of automatic writing. There was a clear spiritual force behind it you could actually feel. It was also clearly pure deception, but I don’t know if I would have know that if I wasn’t a Christian when I read it.

I doubt any actual Christians would be seduced by AJH, but I do think that religious legalists who a looking for unity at all costs might be drawn in.

A Freeman

Nov 11, 2019
This post is a literal masterwork in deception
-she didn’t quote it word for word because she made the font red
is my personal favorite
Red is Satan's color. Satan had her change the text to red so that when she arrives at the middle of chapter 3 he (Satan) through her "self" could again declare to everyone that good is evil and evil is good (Isa. 5:20-21), just as Satan has been doing all along through the "selves" arguing against God's Word. Including yours.

As there were at least 16 lies in the posts she made about TWHOFTF 2:15-19 clearly identified among numerous logical fallacies and false accusations, and more afterwards, you deciding to seize upon the color, as if that was the only thing pointed out that was deceitful, is itself a logical fallacy (cherry-picking). Not surprising given your track record of irrational posts and the fact that this is a lunatic asylum.
May 18, 2018
Red is Satan's color. Satan had her change the text to red so that when she arrives at the middle of chapter 3 he (Satan) through her "self" could again declare to everyone that good is evil and evil is good (Isa. 5:20-21), just as Satan has been doing all along through the "selves" arguing against God's Word. Including yours.

As there were at least 16 lies in the posts she made about TWHOFTF 2:15-19 clearly identified among numerous logical fallacies and false accusations, and more afterwards, you deciding to seize upon the color, as if that was the only thing pointed out that was deceitful, is itself a logical fallacy (cherry-picking). Not surprising given your track record of irrational posts and the fact that this is a lunatic asylum.
Colors arent satanic theyre a part of life. Jesus had red blood, was his blood satanic. Total made up nonsense as everything you post.

Here are the statements you said were lies
1-3. AJH has a religion
-the belief in and worship of a superhuman power or powers, especially a God or gods.

-a particular system of faith and worship
Not a lie, you counted this as 3
Status-not a lie
4.ajh has paganism in his religion
-all you did is quote biblical sources that denounce paganism. We know it does this, we are examining the book he wrote where he employs pagan symbols, as has been proven
status-not a lie
5.Christians are not believers
Just your opinion. Saying so breaks ajh 11th commandment not to judge.
Status-not a lie
6. You said that this is a lie
"That is a very generalised statement following on from previous verses"
Because it's what Satan wants people to believe. In fact it's just an assessment of the text itself.
Not a lie
7. when JoChris showed AJH was quoting pagan mythology she asked why is a so called Jesus reborn doing this? Your response is that he's not Jesus reborn, he's christ reborn. A meaningless statement that does nothing to detract from the point
Not a lie you said it was a lie to quote a verse and only discuss the next verse in the next discussion
Nothing was left out, it was just quoted thusly for clarity. The whole point of this is to discuss it verse by verse. You may not like the style but does not speak to the veracity especially when the next verse was indeed discussed therefore
Not a lie
9. Next you said even though ajh said the symbol of a mirror is a symbol of venus and used to to show the nature of your god but that it didn't mean it was a "good" thing, that's really meaningless, using pagan symbols to explain your god was the point so
Not a lie
10. Next you said there's no such thing as a good Christian character because you don't like Christians. That's your opinion but it does nothing to refute the point she made nor does it make that point a lie so
Not a lie
11. Next you said she lied because ajh reference to the godess Venus who is an adulterer but Venus is a mythology. It doesn't matter nor does it make that point a lie
Not a lie
12. you said jochris saying ajh sounds similar to a health and wealth doctrine but in fact that's exactly what he's doing, he says faith cures EVERY ill, it does sound very similar so
Not a lie

So in fact JoChris didn't tell a single lie and your accusations reflect very poorly upon your own honesty. Your attempt to overprove failed, it would've been better if you had even one point that could stick.

Red Sky at Morning

Mar 15, 2017
Colors arent satanic theyre a part of life. Jesus had red blood, was his blood satanic. Total made up nonsense as everything you post.

Here are the statements you said were lies
1-3. AJH has a religion
-the belief in and worship of a superhuman power or powers, especially a God or gods.

-a particular system of faith and worship
Not a lie, you counted this as 3
Status-not a lie
4.ajh has paganism in his religion
-all you did is quote biblical sources that denounce paganism. We know it does this, we are examining the book he wrote where he employs pagan symbols, as has been proven
status-not a lie
5.Christians are not believers
Just your opinion. Saying so breaks ajh 11th commandment not to judge.
Status-not a lie
6. You said that this is a lie
"That is a very generalised statement following on from previous verses"
Because it's what Satan wants people to believe. In fact it's just an assessment of the text itself.
Not a lie
7. when JoChris showed AJH was quoting pagan mythology she asked why is a so called Jesus reborn doing this? Your response is that he's not Jesus reborn, he's christ reborn. A meaningless statement that does nothing to detract from the point
Not a lie you said it was a lie to quote a verse and only discuss the next verse in the next discussion
Nothing was left out, it was just quoted thusly for clarity. The whole point of this is to discuss it verse by verse. You may not like the style but does not speak to the veracity especially when the next verse was indeed discussed therefore
Not a lie
9. Next you said even though ajh said the symbol of a mirror is a symbol of venus and used to to show the nature of your god but that it didn't mean it was a "good" thing, that's really meaningless, using pagan symbols to explain your god was the point so
Not a lie
10. Next you said there's no such thing as a good Christian character because you don't like Christians. That's your opinion but it does nothing to refute the point she made nor does it make that point a lie so
Not a lie
11. Next you said she lied because ajh reference to the godess Venus who is an adulterer but Venus is a mythology. It doesn't matter nor does it make that point a lie
Not a lie
12. you said jochris saying ajh sounds similar to a health and wealth doctrine but in fact that's exactly what he's doing, he says faith cures EVERY ill

So in fact JoChris didn't tell a single lie and your accusations reflect very poorly upon your own honesty. Your attempt to overprove failed, it would've been better if you had even one point that could stick.
It’s not looking good for FalseChrist2023, is it?

A Freeman

Nov 11, 2019
Colors arent satanic theyre a part of life. Jesus had red blood, was his blood satanic. Total made up nonsense as everything you post.

Here are the statements you said were lies
1-3. AJH has a religion
-the belief in and worship of a superhuman power or powers, especially a God or gods.

-a particular system of faith and worship
Not a lie, you counted this as 3
Status-not a lie
4.ajh has paganism in his religion
-all you did is quote biblical sources that denounce paganism. We know it does this, we are examining the book he wrote where he employs pagan symbols, as has been proven
status-not a lie
5.Christians are not believers
Just your opinion. Saying so breaks ajh 11th commandment not to judge.
Status-not a lie
6. You said that this is a lie
"That is a very generalised statement following on from previous verses"
Because it's what Satan wants people to believe. In fact it's just an assessment of the text itself.
Not a lie
7. when JoChris showed AJH was quoting pagan mythology she asked why is a so called Jesus reborn doing this? Your response is that he's not Jesus reborn, he's christ reborn. A meaningless statement that does nothing to detract from the point
Not a lie you said it was a lie to quote a verse and only discuss the next verse in the next discussion
Nothing was left out, it was just quoted thusly for clarity. The whole point of this is to discuss it verse by verse. You may not like the style but does not speak to the veracity especially when the next verse was indeed discussed therefore
Not a lie
9. Next you said even though ajh said the symbol of a mirror is a symbol of venus and used to to show the nature of your god but that it didn't mean it was a "good" thing, that's really meaningless, using pagan symbols to explain your god was the point so
Not a lie
10. Next you said there's no such thing as a good Christian character because you don't like Christians. That's your opinion but it does nothing to refute the point she made nor does it make that point a lie so
Not a lie
11. Next you said she lied because ajh reference to the godess Venus who is an adulterer but Venus is a mythology. It doesn't matter nor does it make that point a lie
Not a lie
12. you said jochris saying ajh sounds similar to a health and wealth doctrine but in fact that's exactly what he's doing, he says faith cures EVERY ill, it does sound very similar so
Not a lie

So in fact JoChris didn't tell a single lie and your accusations reflect very poorly upon your own honesty. Your attempt to overprove failed, it would've been better if you had even one point that could stick.
Isaiah 1:18 Come now, and let us reason together, saith the "I AM": though your sins be as SCARLET, they shall be as white as snow; though they be red like crimson, they shall be as wool.

Revelation 12:3-4
12:3 And there appeared another wonder in heaven; and behold a great RED dragon, having seven heads and ten horns, and seven crowns upon his heads.
12:4 And his tail drew the third part of the stars of heaven, and did cast them to the earth: and the dragon stood before the woman which was ready to be delivered, for to devour her child as soon as it was born.

Revelation 17:3 So he carried me away in the spirit into the wilderness: and I saw a woman sit upon a SCARLET coloured beast, full of names of blasphemy, having seven heads and ten horns.

You can pretend as if your baseless opinion is somehow evidence rather than worthless conjecture, but it won't change the fact that you have simply repeated lies and deceitfully proclaimed them to be the truth, proving who operates your puppet strings.

Isaiah 5:20-21
5:20 Woe unto them that call evil good, and good evil; that put darkness for Light, and Light for darkness; that put bitter for sweet, and sweet for bitter!
5:21 Woe unto [them that are] wise in their own eyes, and prudent in their own sight!


Mar 15, 2017
Just remember freeman believes all the thoughts in his head are from Satan if he ever questions any of his religious book TWHOFTF and his god is continually beaming messages into his head telling him what to do. You can see why someone having free thoughts about TWHOFTF would seem like “a lie” to him.

I do believe that in this case. The cleverness and craftiness used by AJH to form his religion sparks of demonic intelligence to me. The main purpose, to keep people from knowing Jesus as He is by pretending to be Him.
IMO it shows a lot of signs of automatic writing.
The jumping to and fro of subjects like playing leapfrog. Quoting Bible references right next to heresies, like it was a disguise.
The third chapter is where the Gnostic teachings really start. I will start a new thread for that too.
Everyone, please feel free to contribute with any information source or if you recognise anything from your own personal experiences.
One thing I have not done is dabble in the occult myself so a lot of this sounds foreign to me. What I do know is all head knowledge to me thankfully.
Red is Satan's color. Satan had her change the text to red so that when she arrives at the middle of chapter 3 he (Satan) through her "self" could again declare to everyone that good is evil and evil is good (Isa. 5:20-21), just as Satan has been doing all along through the "selves" arguing against God's Word. Including yours.

As there were at least 16 lies in the posts she made about TWHOFTF 2:15-19 clearly identified among numerous logical fallacies and false accusations, and more afterwards, you deciding to seize upon the color, as if that was the only thing pointed out that was deceitful, is itself a logical fallacy (cherry-picking). Not surprising given your track record of irrational posts and the fact that this is a lunatic asylum.
All accusations from the person who did not address what I actually said in context, about each individual verse.

I could go back and pull WHAT you didn't say in response
to being shown what TWHOFTF actually contains (!)
now, but since I am doing it in my own free time I won't do that. I know non JAH readers can tell who examined the verse and who did not.

I was highlighting keywords as I went, and terms that would be used as reference terms (on behalf of further potential researchers who might stumble across this weird mini-cult but think it is too much effort: please use it, just do the homework and use correct references etc).

I used red bold font for my eyes' sake and to break the monotony of black text.

Reading blood into the use of red font? Is that a deep secret hidden meaning hidden there?
Edit: I see that you are claiming Satan made me change colour there.
Did your god tell you that?
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