Comparison of JAHtruth's "The way home or face the Fire" to the bible (part 2)


Mar 15, 2017
Do you keep The Law @JoChris? If not, then 1 John 2:27 doesn't apply to you, does it?

Acts 5:29=32
5:29 Then Peter and the [other] Apostles answered and said, We ought to obey God rather than men.
5:30 The God of our fathers raised up Jesus, whom ye slew and hanged on a tree.
5:31 Him hath God exalted with His right hand [to be] a Prince and a Saviour, for to give repentance to Israel, and forgiveness of sins.
5:32 And we are His witnesses of these things; and [so is] also the Holy Spirit, whom God hath given to them that obey Him.

Doesn't that explain why you very impolitely refer to our ALL-KNOWING God as an "information genie", in your vain attempt to dissuade others from getting to know God better?

John 17:3 And THIS is Life Eternal, that they might KNOW Thee the ONLY True God, and Christ the Saviour, whom Thou hast sent.

How would one ever get to KNOW the ONLY True God other than by learning to communicate with Him? And doesn't HUMILITY require learning to listen and obey God instead of men?

Our LOVING God wants us to be with Him ALL of the time in THOUGHT, Word and deed/action.

Why are you advising people to do otherwise, pretending that it is somehow evil to get to KNOW God, when our true, Eternal Lives depend upon staying in constant communication with Him?

And how can you ever get to know Christ, Whom the One and ONLY True God (The God and Father of Christ) SENT, if you don't allow Christ to teach YOU how to establish direct communication with God?

John 14:6 Jesus saith unto him, I am The Way, the Truth, and the Life: NOT one man cometh unto the Father, EXCEPT by me.
I am sure that TWHOFTF addresses what you claim in this entry later.
You quote it so frequently....

A Freeman

Nov 11, 2019
3:81 Many people think that if they live, what they consider to be a good life, then God will, or should help them.
3:82 It does not work that way, because only God knows what is good. You are bad, or you would not be here, and so is your judgement.
3:83 If you do what you think is good, it is usually wrong, not only for yourself, but for those around you, and the good of ALL. God, being unselfish, always does what is best for all concerned, and not just for one individual. What you think is good, may be good for your body, but not for your soul, which is actually the REAL you, and the only thing of real importance. Why do you think God went to all this trouble, to try to save your soul, instead of just executing you, if you are only a human-animal, that has to die anyway?
3:84 The Lord sent you here, and He is the only one who knows EXACTLY what each soul has to learn, on an individual basis, and therefore, He is the ONLY one who can teach you. THAT is why organized-religions are totally wrong, because they build a wall between you and God, preventing your direct-contact, and your free thinking and reasoning process. This is exactly what Satan wants, and that is why he invented organized-religions.

NEVER under-estimate Satan!!!

3:85 If you do what you want to do, you are running in circles, doing yourself and no-one else any good, being lost and confused; going nowhere; continually hurting yourself and others; suffering; and Satan will lead you astray and into “The Fire.”
3:86 The shortest distance between two points is a straight line, and, if you do God’s Will, and let Him teach you and help you, you will then be going in a straight line. You will also no longer be trying to swim against the flow, and arrive “home”; in the shortest possible time; with the least possible waste of effort. He will even supply, directly, the energy “Force”, for you to do what He wants you to do, to make it even easier for you, and He will cheer you on to victory.
3:87 God does not want you to be here, He wants you to learn to be good and come home, as soon as possible. That is all that He has always wanted of you. God is very sad, because He misses you and wants you to come home, but He can not let you come home, until He is CERTAIN that you will be good, and not cause any more trouble, or hurt anyone (Micah 6:8).
3:88 Home has many names here, like: Heaven; Nirvana; Valhalla; Utopia; Zion; The Happy Hunting Ground; Paradise; etc., but it is not an ideological, abstract place, it is the Morning Star, which is a real, physical planet.
3:89 How can you do God’s Will, unless you tell Him that you want to do His Will, and ask Him to tell you exactly what He wants you to do, second by second?
3:90 Ask Him privately, with thoughts, not words, and listen for His reply in your mind. Also ask Him to revitalize your Holy-Spirit, and reinforce it. Ask Him to come inside you, and give you the strength, to be able to do His Will and overcome Satan, by teaching you how to use “The Force”.
3:91 No human Prophet can be with you all of the time, to teach you, only God can do that, and He will, if you ask Him to. He is waiting patiently, for you to ask. You are NEVER alone, you just can not see your guardian angels, but they can see you, and they know exactly what you are doing; thinking or saying, every second of your life (Job 42:2).
3:92 Amongst Lucifer’s followers, there were many weak-willed souls, who were misled by him and deceived, by his lies, into fighting against God. There were others, who were really his friends and accomplices, who had helped him plan and organize the rebellion, and who fought eagerly with him, for their own selfish reasons.
3:93 Here in prison, God wanted good to overcome evil, so He used the natural-supremacy of the male-species, and locked Satan’s friends into female human-animals, and the less evil souls into male human-animals, so that the males, being stronger, could control the females, and teach them to be less evil and selfish (1st. Corinthians 11:3 & 1st. Timothy 2:11-12).
3:94 Before we go any further, and some of you WRONGLY decide that I must be a woman-hater, let me state the true fact, i.e. that I LOVE women, more than any man that has ever lived. I will explain the illogicality of your wrong-assumption to you (if you make it), at the end of this chapter, so, for now, please just allow me the benefit of the doubt, accept what I say, and continue reading; for your own good.
3:95 A soul (the real you) has no sex! It is the body, that the soul is temporarily using, that has a sex, so you - the soul - are neither male nor female, nor even human.
3:96 If and when, a soul, locked-inside a female- body, learns to be a perfect woman; in God’s eyes, not yours; it has then earned promotion, and the right to be locked-inside a male-body, in its next human-lifetime (see the Gospel of Thomas, log 114:20-26 / King of kings’ Bible - Thomas ch.16).
3:97 Each time that a human-animal-body, that you have been using, dies, you are unlocked from it and taken onto the Astral Plain (Paradise) (which is here, but in another dimension, that cannot be seen with human-eyes), where you are asked, what you have learned, and you have your now past human-lifetime, that you have just lived, shown to you, and you are told (paradise - “para dice” – in order to be told) what you have done right, and what you have done wrong. That life is then summarized, and the evil; that you have learned in that lifetime; is erased from your memory, along with which human you were, but the good you have learned is retained. You are then sent back, onto this material plain, and locked-inside another body, to learn some more. The kind of body and surroundings will vary, depending on whether you are to be punished and taught humility, or whether you are to be rewarded.
3:98 You can not remember what human you were previously, because that would cause you, and everyone else, a lot of pain, e.g. if an old man died and came back as a baby, remembering who he had been, and went to see his wife (now his widow), from his previous-lifetime, it would cause her; himself and his new parents, a lot of pain and would serve no useful purpose. Another reason, that you are not allowed to remember what human you were, is because; being the materialistic, selfish people that you are; if you could remember who you had been, you would go and try to claim what were your possessions. Wouldn’t you?
3:99 As the object of being here, is to learn to be unselfish; good and un-materialistic; allowing you to remember would be counterproductive. Also, you wouldn’t want to be able to remember being a murderer, or a rapist, or being murdered, would you?
3:100 What you do remember is all the good that you have learned. All those things that you KNOW are right; and that no-one, in your present-lifetime, has taught you; you have learned in your previous lifetimes.

A Freeman

Nov 11, 2019
3:101 If you live a good-life, you advance and shorten your sentence. If you live a bad-life, you go backwards and are punished. If you live a half-and-half type of life, you stay at the same place (same spiritual level), and just get a new body to use.
3:102 The trouble with staying at the same place, or going backwards, is that you are running-out of time to earn your pardon.
3:103 The higher you climb, the harder it gets, and the more chance you have of making a mess of things, and going backwards, so the more you need God’s help.


3:104 An evil soul can not learn everything it needs to know, as a man, or as a woman; it has to be a gradual progression, from one to the other, in order to learn and gain experience from both.
3:105 After however many female-lifetimes; of going forwards if good, and backwards if bad; that it takes the soul, locked inside a female-body, to learn to be a perfect woman, in God’s eyes; which means a perfect lady, wife and mother; when that human-animal-body, that it is using, dies, and the soul is taken onto the Astral Plain, it is congratulated on its achievement, and is then promoted and sent back into a male-body.
3:106 Once the soul gets a male-body, it has to start all over again, from the beginning, but as a man, going forwards and backwards through many male-lifetimes, until it learns to be a perfect man, i.e. like Jesus the Nazarite. Then, when that animal body dies, the soul is taken onto the Astral Plain, is congratulated on its achievement and sent home to the Morning Star (Rev. 2:26, 28), where it regains its real identity; family; memory; super-human powers; freedom, and does not have to suffer being a human, anymore. It then lives for ever, as its real self, with good people, and can travel freely around the Universe, if it so wishes; or stay at home.
3:107 The souls, that are locked inside female-bodies, are closer to Satan than to God, on a spiritual-level, because they have not yet learned the spiritual -qualities, that they need to have, in order to be able to qualify to become a man. They are therefore much more easily manipulated and used by Satan, and have been used successfully, throughout history, to destroy relatively good men, e.g. Adam and Eve; Samson and Delilah; king Arthur Pen-Dragon and queen Guinevere and the list is endless (1st. Timothy 2:14).
3:108 Allowing yourself to be manipulated and used, by Lucifer (Satan), is what got you sent here. You must learn (will-power), NOT to allow your “Self” to be manipulated, and used by him, before you can go home. The more will-power you learn, to help you resist his influence, the higher spiritual-level you attain. That is why men are on a higher spiritual-level, and harder for him to use, and women are on a lower spiritual-level, and easier for him to use.
3:109 Men are SUPPOSED to love God first, and women second; keeping women under control and teaching them, by setting them a good example, as well as by words and advice (1st. Corinthians 11:3 & 1st. Timothy 2:11-12).
3:110 THAT is why God said, from the beginning, that women can NEVER be equal to men, until they EARN their own right to be a man (Gen. 3:16)(1st.Cor. 11:1-3)(Sura 2:228 & 4:34). Read the Gospel (truth) of Thomas in log 114:20-26 / King of kings’ Bible - Thomas ch.16.
3:111 You can NOT serve God AND be a women’s libber; the two things are TOTALLY INCOMPATIBLE, because God has said REPEATEDLY that women are NOT men’s equal (Gen. 3:16)(1st. Corinthians 11:1-3 & 1st. Timothy 2:11-15)(Sura 2:228 & 4:34). They are also incompatible because they are complete OPPOSITES; serving God is based on humility and accepting His teachings, and women’s liberation is based on arrogance and refusing to accept God’s teachings.
3:112 MAN and not woman was created in God’s image, and FIRST. All of the great Prophets were men, and so were ALL of Jesus’ disciples. NOW you know why. Blue for a boy (God’s colour), and pink or red for a girl (Satan’s colour - RED dragon/serpent). There are clues everywhere in life and in nature. All of the Prophets were masters of their own households.
3:113 The selfish-soul has to be a woman first, to be taught, through motherhood, to be less selfish, and the meaning of lasting spiritual love, instead of human-animal- emotion. Once a woman becomes a mother, she should become less selfish, putting her child’s needs first and her husband’s too, because he provides for, and protects, her and his child. She has to learn self-sacrifice and an understanding of REAL love, instead of emotion (1st. Timothy 2:15).
3:114 Men understand real, spiritual love, better than any woman. Men have already learned to love spiritually, whereas women are emotional (human-animal-emotion). This is proved, by the fact, that when a marriage breaks-up, the woman can have sex with someone else, fall madly (emotionally) in love with them, and never give her husband a second-thought, whilst it takes an average man, between 3 and 5 years to get over the hurt: if he ever does.
3:115 This is because the man’s love is spiritual; real; deep and lasting, whereas the woman’s is emotional; shallow; animal, and, like animals, only temporary; until she reaches a higher spiritual-level, becomes a lady, and closer to qualifying to be a man, i.e. a perfect woman. That is why God, in His great compassion, usually takes the husband first, because the woman can get over the loss easier than the man could, if He took the wife first.
3:116 The soul has to be a woman first, to prepare it for being a man. Being a woman teaches; through the pain of child-birth; self-sacrificing and suffering, in the name of real love (crucifixion), which makes them become less arrogant and less selfish, bringing humility and tenderness. Girls were always brought- up and taught to care for people, to teach them humility and love, through taking care of others, like Jesus taught by washing his disciples’ feet (John 13:5). Nurses are a very good example of this.
3:117 Motherhood teaches self-sacrificing, by putting her children’s needs first, if she is a good mother.
3:118 The fading of a woman’s beauty teaches her humility, and to change her values, from animal-attraction and outward-show, to needing to be loved for her spiritual-qualities, instead of her looks, i.e. spiritual love, instead of animal-attraction or lust.
3:119 Women age, whilst men mature and become more distinguished, unless marred by an evil life.
3:120 This is all designed to teach the soul to be a perfect lady, wife and mother, and to be humble and unselfish.


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A Freeman

Nov 11, 2019
3:121 A REAL lady (spiritual-qualities, NOT money, or titles) has already learned special qualities, that are preparing her to become a man, in a later lifetime. She has grace and elegance, WITHOUT arrogance; is 100% feminine (soft; warm; affectionate and loving); is self-sacrificing and humble, towards her loved-ones and people in general; is modest about her body, and does not exhibit her nakedness to anyone, except her husband; is a virgin when she gets married, saving her charms, unspoiled, for the man she loves (a woman, almost always, falls in love with, and never forgets, the man to whom she gives her virginity)(lst. Timothy 2:15).
3:122 A lady has progressed from being an animal, and attracting people with sex, to wanting people to respect and be attracted to her soul, which is the real her.
3:123 She has also learned the difference, between love and emotion, and last but not least, has learned COMPASSION, which is a God-like quality, and the most important qualification needed, to become a man.
3:124 The lowest male spiritual-level, is above the highest female spiritual -level, in terms of the understanding of spiritual-matters, of love and compassion, but, because a soul has had to start again, on becoming a man, there are women who appear to be more intelligent, than some men, in worldly- matters. This is designed, so that the two sexes can help each other, on the upward climb. Mothers; being on a lower spiritual, and more human (physical) level; are equipped to take care of the physical-needs, of the family’s bodies:- feeding; cleaning; nursing; choosing and mending clothes; etc.; and giving affection. Dads; being on a higher spiritual-level, and less emotional; are better equipped to take care of the family’s discipline, and spiritual-guidance.
3:125 Women; as opposed to ladies; are often moral-less, adapting themselves to the morals of their partner, and changing when they change their partner, and they generally have no code of honour.
3:126 People say that women can be vicious; callous; bitchy; catty; emotional (all of which are animal-attributes); materialistic; scheming; have no compassion or pity, and have vicious tempers and tongues - “Hell (Planet Earth) has no fury like a woman’s scorn.”
3:127 Man should firmly, but gently (like God does), use his superior strength and understanding, to maintain discipline and order.
3:128 Women are more materialistic than men, and men just slave their lives away, to buy things for their women, and some work themselves to death, in the process.
3:129 Who wears the jewellery in a family (silly bits of yellow metal and coloured stones), and who has the biggest wardrobe of clothes? (Isaiah 3:16-24).
3:130 Once the soul has become a man, it then has to work towards perfecting its understanding of compassion, spiritual love and self-LESSness. It should be honourable and moral, fighting evil and injustice, and to protect its family, whilst working towards being a perfect (as far as is possible in Hell) man, like Jesus.
3:131 A soul is only as good as its word, and only has the same value as its word of honour. There is no such thing as a special “word of honour”, because every word should be honourable and the truth. “You will NOT bear false witness (tell lies)” – 10 COMMANDMENTS, and in Matt. 5:37, “Let your communication be yes, yes; no, no: for whatever is more than these comes from (d)evil.” Don’t fool yourselves, with thinking that you are getting-away-with telling lies, because you are not, you are only hurting your own souls.
3:132 The two sexes, in marriage, are supposed to become one flesh (Gen. 2:24)(Matt. 19:5 & N.B. 1st. Corinthians 6:16), and soul-mates, becoming not only one flesh, but also one soul, making one complete unified and indivisible body and soul, to help each other spiritually and physically, on their upwards and homeward climb.
3:133 They are supposed to create a loving, stable environment (Garden of Eden), into which to bring children, and to teach their children’s souls to be good; unselfish; compassionate; and to have an understanding of stable and lasting spiritual love.
3:134 This teaches spiritual love, because in a good (God-fearing) family there is no incestual-sex (note: shouldn’t this be incestuous-sex instead?), only pure spiritual Love.
3:135 There are varying degrees of masculinity and femininity, and in order for the two, together, to make one perfect whole, and one flesh, they need to be complementary, as well as compatible.
3:136 A man who is 100% male, needs a woman who is 100% female, and a man who is 75% male and 25% female, needs a woman who is 75% female and 25% male, so that, together, they make 100% male and 100% female, and make one whole flesh (Matt. 19:6 & Mark 10:8).


Female (pink) Male (blue)

3:137 The two partners must really be SOUL-mates (that is why Jesus could not find one, because he was an “odd-man-out”, and did not belong here, in Hell), becoming one soul, striving to be good, against all the world’s temptations and opposition, clinging to each other, for spiritual survival and LIFE, until their human-death.
3:138 The family is supposed to cling together, against all odds, “come Hell (Earth) or high water (Noah).”
3:139 Unfortunately, marriages are now based on material, and therefore superficial-values, instead of spiritual, pure love-values: so they do not work. The partners stop trying and are tempted by adulterers, and money-values, and the marriage breaks-down. Both partners must keep God’s COMMANDMENTS, and help each other to overcome temptation and difficulties.
3:140 The man is supposed to set a good example for the family, and teach them, from his higher level of spiritual-understanding, and the woman is supposed to learn, from him, and help him to be a GENTLEman and to teach their children, how to be LADIES and GENTLEMEN. The wife should NEVER try to undermine, and castrate (metaphorically) her husband, but should do her best to encourage him to be a man (1st. Timothy 2:9-15).

A Freeman

Nov 11, 2019
3:141 A family is like a ship (Ark), and, IF it is going to float and not get wrecked, it has to have a captain (father - like in the British Royal Navy) and a good first-mate (wife), cook and crew, etc.
3:142 Just like a good first-mate is invaluable to a captain, a good woman can help to make a good man, and a bad woman could break him (and vice-versa), if he let her, by loving her more than God (the Divine navigator, to steer a straight course home).
3:143 That is why a woman should love; honour; cherish and OBEY her husband (unless he is trying to get her to do wrong), through good and bad times (and not leave a sinking-ship - but help with the bailing-out), until death, and learn from him, and help and encourage him to be good.
3:144 From arrival in Hell (Earth), to qualifying to go home, everything is designed to teach unselfishness, by the perpetual crucifixion of “Self”.
3:145 When the “Self” goes; and you are no- longer addicted to material-things, but prefer to be addicted to God (good) and spiritual joy and richness; the pain goes with it. The pain is attached to the “Self”, to encourage you to lose it. When you have lost the “Self”, you can go home, where everyone is unselfish, and everyone loves everyone (spiritually), and you can trust absolutely everyone - HEAVEN.
3:146 There have been misguided (by Satan) fanatics, throughout history, who have known that women were more evil (more easily manipulated by the devil) than men, and have killed them, whilst believing that they were doing God’s work, by destroying evil women and their evil influence, i.e. prostitutes, etc. In so doing, they have made themselves more evil, than their victims. Only fanaticism, can allow the devil to be able to create this kind of totally-illogical situation, in someone’s mind. How can you possibly not be worse than a prostitute, if you become a murderer (like “Jack the Ripper”, etc.)?
3:147 Fanaticism, or a closed-mind, always leads to trouble, especially religious (Satan’s invention) fanaticism, because it allows the devil to REALLY get hold of the soul, and deceive it, into doing evil, whilst believing that it is doing it for God: hence these insane murderers, and religious-wars (John 16:1-4).
3:148 You must always be balanced, and must not submit to ANY over-whelming animal emotion. Remember that Satan talks to your animal body, so you MUST learn CONTROL.
3:149 Jesus was perfectly balanced, spiritually, at all times, because he asked for, and received, God’s help, especially when he was being struck and spit-upon, and his human-life was in danger, and you must do the same.
3:150 God says, “You shall not kill”, EXCEPT in self-defence (real and not imaginary), or as a punishment in accordance with GOD’s Laws and JUDGEMENTS.
3:151 You must dissuade people from doing evil, by setting them a good example, or by shunning them, to make them ashamed of themselves, and love them into changing their ways.
3:152 NEVER under-estimate the POWER of “The FORCE” of spiritual (Divine) love. It is the greatest and most powerful force, in the whole of creation.
3:153 It is also important, to understand the use of “The Force” of love, in respect of health.
3:154 I have already explained, that your human-parents’ bodies made the body (human-animal), that you are temporarily using, but that they are not really your parents, because their bodies did not make your soul (the REAL you), just as their parents’ bodies did not make their souls. “Call no man upon the Earth your father, your Father is in heaven” (Matt. 23:9).
3:155 That does NOT mean that you should dis-own each other! Everyone’s soul came from the Morning Star, thousands of years ago, and that is why Christ said, that his body’s mother, and his body’s brothers (humans) were NOT his mother and brothers, but that the souls (people), that hear and believe his words, and put them into practice, keep the COMMANDMENTS and DO God’s Will, are his mother and brothers and sisters (relatives).
3:156 This means that the souls who want to be good, and live, and eventually go home, are his relatives, and that the rest are not, because they want to continue to be evil, and, thereby, remain His enemy, and their souls are going to die, on the Last-Day.
3:157 This explains why the second COMMANDMENT says, “Love your NEIGHBOUR as yourself [and not just the people of your own household]” (Mark 12:31). Your neighbour is not just the man next-door, but also the man on the far side of the planet and everyone in between!
3:158 From the time that Jesus began his ministry, right up until his human-death on the cross, he called Mary “WOMAN”, and NOT mother (John 2:4 & 19:26).
3:159 ALL souls are related, because they originally came from heaven, and it is the soul that is important; bodies are only prison-cells, and worthless.

Love ALL your relatives, NOT just those of your body!

3:160 That person that you can see in trouble, could have been your dead grand-parent re-incarnated. Shouldn’t you be helping them?

A Freeman

Nov 11, 2019
3:161 When a soul (Being) has learned all that it can, in a particular body and environment, it is time to move-on, to a new body and a new environment, to learn some more, and so, that body dies. The soul is then unlocked, from the body, and goes to the Astral Plain, and later-on, it is sent back, into its next body, to learn something different.
3:162 If the soul has been good, it gets a healthy-body, and if it has been VERY bad, it can get a disabled or deformed body, as a punishment, to teach it HUMILITY.
3:163 If you are given a healthy-body, and you always do good, you will always be healthy, because your healthy spirit, within your body, will keep the body healthy. A healthy spirit, which lives always in the Light, will keep its body healthy, until it is time for it to move-on, to a new body and environment, to learn some more. “The good die young.”
3:164 If you were given a healthy-body, and you start to do evil, and to live in the dark, then your evil, unhealthy spirit, will poison the body from within, and it will become sick, which is part of the punishment (Divine Justice) for doing, or THINKING evil.
3:165 If you then stop doing evil, and come out into the Light, and do God’s Will, your now sick body will heal itself, from within. So, if you start to become ill, you should recognise it for what it is - i.e. a sign, that you have taken a step, in the wrong direction; stop, and; instead of running to the medicine-cupboard, or doctors; ask God, where you have gone wrong, then follow His guidance and continue on the right path, and the sickness will get better. However, if you continue to go in the wrong direction, your illness will get worse and worse.
3:166 Doctors; with their drugs, surgery and obscene machinery; temporarily relieve the body’s physical symptoms, thereby allowing you to ignore God’s signs, and continue going the wrong way, and so, unwittingly; by trying to play at being God; they are actually helping Satan, and doing you all a great deal of harm. If they weren’t there, and/or didn’t profess to have the answers, you would all HAVE to ask God to help you, which is exactly what He wants you to do, and is why He sent you the sign (of being sick - Deut. 28:58-61), in the first-place. There are NONE so blind, as those who REFUSE to see.
3:167 EVERYTHING in life is for a REASON! Seek and you will FIND that reason, but you have to seek in the right place - GOD - with ALL your heart (Jeremiah 29:13).
3:168 If you were given a sick-body, as a punishment/Karmic debt and you do good, then, your now healthy spirit will start to heal the body, from within, or, your punishment will be terminated, and the sick-body will die, and you will get a new healthy-one, depending upon the severity of your punishment and sickness.
3:169 Human bodies HAVE to die, or there would be no progress; no “fresh-starts”; no way to control the population-explosion, and also, no way to allow nature’s natural process to keep the breed healthy, young and strong. You can not have many more bodies, than there are souls to use them. Bodies were only designed to be prison-cells for the souls (Beings/Jinns), and are themselves worthless.
3:170 God has sent many “clues” for you, about the fact that “the physical reflects the mental and spiritual”, one of which is the story, that God wrote; using the hand of Oscar Wilde; called “The Picture of Dorian Gray”, which illustrates it perfectly.
3:171 This story of Dorian Gray and his portrait, and his deal with the Devil, shows perfectly; that the physical; which Dorian transferred to the portrait, by making a deal with Satan; reflects the mental and spiritual.
3:172 Every time Dorian did something evil, the painting of himself became more and more grotesque; evil-looking; wizened and wrinkled; until he could not bear to look at his own evil soul’s effect on his body, portrayed on the canvas.
3:173 There are other “clues”, in the story of Dorian Gray, about this reflection, and also about “HOME”.
3:174 In the story, Dorian has a book sent to him, by his friend Henry. The book is about evil deeds, and how people that do evil deeds start to look evil. The reason why no-one suspected Dorian, of doing evil deeds, was because he looked so handsome; young; innocent and healthy. They did not know that Dorian had done a deal with Satan, and that the painting was looking more and more evil and sick, instead of him.
3:175 Dorian reads this book, in the evening, by the light of a single “bright star” (Rev. 22:16 / King of kings’ Bible - Rev. 30:16), until night falls, and he can not read any more. This is a “clue” about “HOME”, because the only star, that it could have possibly been, is the Morning/Evening Star (Venus), which is the brightest star in the sky, and can be seen before the sky goes dark, and all the others then appear.
3:176 Doctors, by playing at God; keeping bodies alive, when they should have died, and the soul (Being/Jinn) should have received a new body; are actually causing unnecessary suffering, by prolonging people’s illnesses, and, thereby, also their punishment, and the pain they have to suffer. IF they stopped playing at God; as they should, and let the body die, as God intended; the suffering would STOP, and the soul (Being/Jinn) would get a brand-new body (human).
3:177 As already mentioned in Ch. 2, mankind MUST live WITH nature, in order to survive and to keep the race HEALTHY. Unfortunately, AS USUAL, mankind is living AGAINST God and nature, weakening the race, and filling the world with more and more sick and crippled bodies, thereby causing the souls; that then have to use those bodies; to have to suffer unnecessarily, just so that the selfish parents can have a baby. What about the RIGHTS of the poor soul, that is then forced to have to use that baby (body), and suffer being permanently sick or crippled?
3:178 When nature rejects a baby, and it is ejected (born prematurely), it is for a VERY GOOD REASON - i.e. because the baby (human) is not going to be healthy-enough, to be able to be used properly by a soul (Being/Jinn), and therefore it is rejected.
3:179 Then along comes faithless, insane man, who thinks he knows better than God, and builds obscene machines, to keep those babies alive, so that they can grow-up (2 Esdras 6:21) to be cripples, and/or suffer from terrible diseases, or chronic illness, causing the souls, that have been forced to use those bodies, to have to suffer, and the parents too, with everyone-else having to pay extortionate taxes, to pay for the expensive machinery, and the doctors’ wages, etc. The doctors then; by filling the world with sick bodies; have ensured for themselves and the pharmaceutical companies, a secure job for life.
3:180 If those babies then grow-up and have children, they then make the situation even worse, by passing-on and multiplying; through their genes; the imperfections. Carried to its ultimate conclusion, the entire world would end up being sick and crippled, with no-one healthy enough to be able to work and pay taxes for; or personally take care of; the sick; or be able to grow food to feed themselves and the sick. The whole thing is self-defeating, with the ever-decreasing healthy population paying more and more taxes, to maintain the ever-increasing sick and crippled population, all of which is caused by a lack of faith.

A Freeman

Nov 11, 2019
3:181 All you chronically-sick and crippled people have your parents’ selfishness, the doctors’ and your own, and everyone else’s insanity, and lack of faith, to thank for your suffering. When, if you let go, and they stopped meddling, YOU could have a brand-new, perfectly healthy body to use, instead of suffering, in your present-one.
3:182 When you break the rules, or have lack of faith, in God and His Wisdom, you automatically cause yourself to suffer.
3:183 There is also a very good reason, why, some people can not have babies, and that is, either, because their genes (of their bodies) would create unhealthy babies, as explained above, or God either does not consider them fit to be parents, because they would teach a child the wrong things, or, He is punishing them for what they did, in their former human-life, which could have been mistreating their children.

Turn to GOD for your cures and answers, NOT to men.

3:184 Natural-medicine; creams; herbal-remedies, etc. and the stitching of wounds; setting of broken bones; delivering babies and nursing, are a natural part of loving and caring for one another.
3:185 Because of this lack of REAL faith, in God and life-after-death, with people consequently clinging, desperately, to the present human-life that they have, no-matter what the cost, we now have a world FULL of sick people, and overflowing hospitals, and some very rich doctors and pharmaceutical companies: all of which is a terrific drain on society. Doctors are unknowingly assisting Satan, by helping people to continue to go the wrong way (do evil), because they are keeping people’s bodies healthy (?), by artificial means. They too have under -estimated Satan, been conned, and many sincerely believe that they are helping mankind, when, in fact, they have been deceived, and are actually working for Satan, and mankind’s destruction.

The road to Hell-Fire is paved with good intentions!!!

3:186 If doctors and surgeons are doing what is right, i.e. God’s Will; why do they suffer so much, from stress, that many of them are heavy smokers and drinkers, at best, and alcoholics at worst; abuse tranquilizing-drugs and have nervous-breakdowns?
3:187 Stress is caused by a lack of faith; by fear and by going against God’s Will; NOT by overwork. Overworking causes physical tiredness, NOT stress.
3:188 If they are so clever and know all the answers; as you seem to think they do, because you go to them for your answers; why don’t they heal themselves (“physician heal thyself”)? They can not and they are not clever, and yet YOU go to THEM for help, instead of going to GOD, as you SHOULD do (Deut. 32:39).
3:189 The medical-people have made human-death, almost totally illegal, and have removed and hidden it away from society, and thereby made it an unfamiliar thing, to be feared and avoided, at ANY cost.
3:190 Human-death is a perfectly natural, necessary and good thing, and is unimportant, because YOU ARE NOT HUMAN. It should be a natural part of every-day-life, and NOT something to hide away from view, and consequently to be feared.
3:191 It is WHY your body dies that is important, the death itself does not matter, except if it is murdered, or you commit suicide.
3:192 God takes the attitude, that if you want to prolong your own suffering, because you have no faith in Him, and also extend your own sentence and punishment, by not moving-on, to learn the new things, that you should be learning, then He will let you continue to punish yourselves. You are also, by doing this, wasting what precious, little time you have left, to earn your pardon.

The Fire” is getting closer, by the minute!!!

3:193 The answer, to EVERY question in life, is with God. Don’t look to humans for answers, or cures, look to your Maker. God is not just a body-mechanic, like a doctor; He is the designer-builder and master-engineer.
3:194 Doctors, surgeons and psychiatrists do not know how to make a human+being, but God does. They do not even know what a soul (Being/Jinn) is, or where it came from, or what a human-animal is and the inter-relationship, between the two. God does!
3:195 Get it right with God, first, and then heal yourself, from within, or, get your punishment commuted, and get a new body to use, and a fresh-start.

Why punish yourselves???

3:196 You can NEVER beat God. If you could, He would be here, instead of you.

Being afraid of human-death makes absolutely no sense!


3:197 As promised, earlier in this chapter, I am now going to explain, for the benefit of those people, who have made the wrong assumption; i.e. that I must hate women; how their logic, upon which they have based this wrong assumption, is TOTALLY illogical, and how those same people have no idea what REAL love is.
3:198 IF I hated women, and knowing, as I do, that, what they are doing now, is not only harming them now, but is ultimately going to cause them to be executed, then surely, if I DID hate them, I would be telling them to carry-on doing what they are doing, and advising people to take advantage of them sexually, and in other ways, so that they WILL be executed. Wouldn’t I?
3:199 What AM I doing? I am putting myself, into a position, where I will have to suffer verbal, and possibly physical abuse; from the ones who do not want to try to understand; in an attempt to help them to save their own lives, not mine (REAL LOVE).
3:200 What are those who falsely claim to love women doing? They are telling lies to women, because they are pathetic; telling women that they love them, to enable themselves to be able to steal sexual favours, and, thereby, are deceiving them, and leading them astray; causing heart-ache; creating unwanted babies and messing-up women’s minds and lives; creating terrible havoc in the world.

Who REALLY loves you ladies? Me, or them? You decide.

NOW can you see your own illogic?


Mar 15, 2017
The NT is written in Koine Greek, which had a greater number of more precise words than the Hebrew…

View attachment 86754

@Red Sky at Morning, I thought down the page this one gave a good summary as well as definitions [omitting references below for clarity's sake]

μετάνοια, μετανοίας, ἡ (μετανοέω), a change of mind:
as it appears in one who repents of a purpose he has formed or of something he has done...

especially the change of mind of those who have begun to abhor their errors and misdeeds, and have determined to enter upon a better course of life, so that it embraces both a recognition of sin and sorrow for it and hearty amendment, the tokens and effects of which are good deeds....

On another forum I had a long discussion with a man who wanted to feel repentance, so he would be sure that he was saved.
It came out that he had a slow-growing brain tumour that prevented him from feeling any emotion at all. That is how I came across the term metanoia, change of mind.
He was shown by me and other Christians that it was faith in Jesus that would save him, not feelings.

The thing that gave it away that made me believe he would not become converted is that he refused to change his mind about any type of afterlife.


Mar 15, 2017
Very interesting! I have known a number of Catholics and they do take great store by personal experiences of Mary, saints, omens and many other things that resonate with the “AJH way” of looking at things. They also have a low view of scripture (elevating the Critical Text narrative and the need for the Magisterium of ‘The True Church”) and certainly an elevated view of the pronouncements of men!

good catch Jo!
There is way more to the RCC than most people realise. There is a reason why adults have to do classes to officially join the RCC!
May 18, 2018
3:52 It is not possible to teach an evil soul, in its free state, to be good, by sending it to bed with no supper, because it does not get hungry. It is not possible to smack its backside, because it does not have one, and, in any case, it does not feel pain.
The soul is normally locked inside the human-animal-body, for the lifetime of the body, and is locked-in, in such a way, that it becomes an integral part of the body (Rev. 3:7), and therefore feels whatever the body feels. Then, by inflicting pain on the body, the SOUL feels it, and so, can be punished, to varying, but exact degrees, depending upon what it deserves, by the various types and severities of pain, e.g. physical; mental; heart-ache; hardship; disabilities and deformities; etc
This is utterly ridiculous. The soul only learns through sensations of the body? What about remorse/repentance? What a massive blind spot and at the same time a naked revelation of this false teacher! He didn’t even think about repentence because he probably ignores those feelings in his soul of the actual God (NOT the one that lives on Venus with a spaceship) trying to guide him away from ignorance and misleading others.

The soul has no sensations other than what the body gives it? So divine love is also just a bodily impression. It’s obviously possible for a soul to learn through a manifestation and acceptance of divine love in its life. To say that that is not a sensation in the soul, but only the body, truly shows how shallow this teaching is.


Mar 15, 2017
Back to this paragraph:

3:55 God talks to the soul by telepathy, using the good voice, which is the same voice that Satan, using the LIES of religions and superstitious-nonsense, has deceived you all into believing is your conscience. It is NOT your conscience; it is God talking to each and every one of you, by telepathy, via your connection - the Holy-Spirit.

Biblia- telepathy

A term introduced by F.W.H. Myers in 1882 to denote “the ability of one mind to impress or to be impressed by another mind otherwise than through the recognized channels of sense” (Gurney, “Phantasms of the Living”, I, 6); or: “the communication of impressions of any kind from one mind to another independently of the recognized channels of sense” (Myers, “Human Personality”, I, xxi).

What does the bible say about telepathy? Got questions

..... God made humans to interact in specific ways, ways that foster community and glorify Him. Some people may be blessed with a keen insight, but that doesn’t mean they have telepathy. The prophets of old were given the ability to ask God to act on their behalf in miraculous ways, but they didn’t have powers of psycho-kinesis. We are to look to the Holy Spirit for our strength. Trying to read another’s thoughts, move objects around a room, or create an energy ball takes time and effort away from the business of loving God and loving others and opens a dangerous door into the world of the occult.

Telepathy is nothing like a person praying silently to God, and then a person receiving thoughts in their mind which they then believe came from God.
AJH is both deceived and a deceiver there.


Mar 15, 2017
This is utterly ridiculous. The soul only learns through sensations of the body? What about remorse/repentance? What a massive blind spot and at the same time a naked revelation of this false teacher! He didn’t even think about repentence because he probably ignores those feelings in his soul of the actual God (NOT the one that lives on Venus with a spaceship) trying to guide him away from ignorance and misleading others.

The soul has no sensations other than what the body gives it? So divine love is also just a bodily impression. It’s obviously possible for a soul to learn through a manifestation and acceptance of divine love in its life. To say that that is not a sensation in the soul, but only the body, truly shows how shallow this teaching is.
You make a great point! How would AJH explain Phineas Gage - Wikipedia?

Phineas P. Gage (1823–1860) was an American railroad construction foreman remembered for his improbable[B1]: 19  survival of an accident in which a large iron rod was driven completely through his head, destroying much of his brain's left frontal lobe, and for that injury's reported effects on his personality and behavior over the remaining 12 years of his life‍—‌effects sufficiently profound that friends saw him (for a time at least) as "no longer Gage". [H]: 14 

The iron's path, per Harlow[H]: 21 
Long known as the "American Crowbar Case"‍—‌once termed "the case which more than all others is calculated to excite our wonder, impair the value of prognosis, and even to subvert our physiological doctrines" [2]‍—‌Phineas Gage influenced 19th-century discussion about the mind and brain, particularly debate on cerebral localization,[M]: ch7-9 and was perhaps the first case to suggest the brain's role in determining personality, and that damage to specific parts of the brain might induce specific mental changes.....

Red Sky at Morning

Mar 15, 2017

@Red Sky at Morning, I thought down the page this one gave a good summary as well as definitions [omitting references below for clarity's sake]

μετάνοια, μετανοίας, ἡ (μετανοέω), a change of mind:
as it appears in one who repents of a purpose he has formed or of something he has done...

especially the change of mind of those who have begun to abhor their errors and misdeeds, and have determined to enter upon a better course of life, so that it embraces both a recognition of sin and sorrow for it and hearty amendment, the tokens and effects of which are good deeds....

On another forum I had a long discussion with a man who wanted to feel repentance, so he would be sure that he was saved.
It came out that he had a slow-growing brain tumour that prevented him from feeling any emotion at all. That is how I came across the term metanoia, change of mind.
He was shown by me and other Christians that it was faith in Jesus that would save him, not feelings.

The thing that gave it away that made me believe he would not become converted is that he refused to change his mind about any type of afterlife.
A beautiful description of hearing God’s voice:

1 Kings 19:12-13 KJV

…and after the earthquake a fire; but the LORD was not in the fire: and after the fire a still small voice. And it was so, when Elijah heard it, that he wrapped his face in his mantle, and went out, and stood in the entering in of the cave.

Malevolent spiritual entities force their “revelations” on their subjects. God tells us to seek Him while He may be found, and doesn’t need to shout at us telepathically.


Mar 15, 2017
I missed 3:54!!!!!
For context [ first rule of biblical interpretation: "context, context, CONTEXT"]

3:53 The soul is normally locked inside the human-animal-body, for the lifetime of the body, and is locked-in, in such a way, that it becomes an integral part of the body (Rev. 3:7), and therefore feels whatever the body feels. Then, by inflicting pain on the body, the SOUL feels it, and so, can be punished, to varying, but exact degrees, depending upon what it deserves, by the various types and severities of pain, e.g. physical; mental; heart-ache; hardship; disabilities and deformities; etc.

3:54 This is all designed to teach humility,....

So the human body's frailty, diseases, injuries, old age and eventual death is only for God to teach humility?

Romans 5:12 Wherefore, as by one man sin entered into the world, and death by sin; and so death passed upon all men, for that all have sinned:

Four biblical truths about sickness and death

The bible says to we are to deny ourself, not destroy ourself.
Compare the "deny" results to the "destroy" results [limited to New Testament].
Deny and destroy are not synonyms.

"Mortify the flesh" doesn't mean punish the body itself.

Romans 8:13 For if ye live after the flesh, ye shall die: but if ye through the Spirit do mortify the deeds of the body, ye shall live.

Colossians 3:5 Mortify therefore your members which are upon the earth; fornication, uncleanness, inordinate affection, evil concupiscence, and covetousness, which is idolatry:

The mind lusts. The mind idolises. The mind covets.
The body puts into action what the mind wants.
The body doesn't make a person choose to sin!

and the destroying of “Self” (selfishness).

Self and selfish are completely different words.




Mar 15, 2017
When you read 3:54 before 3:53, it has a very different tone than the other way around.

3:54 This is all designed to teach humility, and the destroying of “Self” (selfishness).
All pain is attached to the “Self”; when the “Self” goes, so does all pain. Life is a perpetual crucifixion, designed to destroy your selfishness; greed and materialism.

Read this next:

3:53 The soul is normally locked inside the human-animal-body, for the lifetime of the body, and is locked-in, in such a way, that it becomes an integral part of the body (Rev. 3:7), and therefore feels whatever the body feels. Then, by inflicting pain on the body, the SOUL feels it, and so, can be punished, to varying, but exact degrees, depending upon what it deserves, by the various types and severities of pain, e.g. physical; mental; heart-ache; hardship; disabilities and deformities; etc.

3:53 softens you for the 3:54 pro-euthanasia, pro-choice, anti-medicines, anti-mainstream health viewpoints AJH presents further in the ebook.

If TWHOFTF had said 3:54 without 3:53 first, some sensitive readers might have recoiled from it.

A Freeman

Nov 11, 2019
The DAILY Sacrifice/Crucifixion/Denial/Destruction of the “self” in Scripture,
to overcome the human/flesh which can NEVER please God (Rom. 8:5-8)

(Matt. 10:38, Mark 8:34, Luke 9:23, Luke 14:26-27, Gal. 2:20, Sura 6:162, Sura 92:18-21).

Matthew 10:37-38
10:37 He that loveth father or mother more than me is not worthy of me: and he that loveth son or daughter (or anyone or anything) more than me is not worthy of me.
10:38 And he that taketh not his cross, and followeth after me, is not worthy of me.
10:39 He that findeth his life shall lose it: and he that loseth his life for my sake shall find it.
10:40 He that receiveth you receiveth me, and he that receiveth me receiveth Him that sent me.
10:41 He that receiveth a prophet in the name of a prophet shall receive a prophet's reward; and he that receiveth a righteous man in the name of a righteous man shall receive a righteous man's reward.

Mark 8:34-35
8:34 And when he had called the people [unto him] with his disciples also, he said unto them, Whosoever will come after me, let him deny his "Self", and take up his cross, and follow me.
8:35 For whosoever will save his life shall lose it; but whosoever shall lose his life for my sake and the gospel's, the same shall save it.

Luke 9:23-27
9:23 And he said to [them] all, If any [man] will come after me, let him deny himself, and take up his cross DAILY, and follow me.
9:24 For whosoever will save his life shall lose it: but whosoever will lose his life for my sake, the same shall save it.
9:25 For what is a man advantaged, if he gain the whole world, and lose himself, or be cast away?

Luke 14:26-27
14:26 If any [man] come to me, and hate not his father, and mother, and wife, and children, and brethren, and sisters, yea, and his own (human) life also, he can NOT be my disciple.
14:27 And whosoever doth not bear his cross, and come after me, can NOT be my disciple.

Galatians 2:20 My "Self" is crucified with Christ: nevertheless I live; yet not I (the "Self"), but Christ liveth in me: and the life which I now live in the flesh I live by the faith of the Son of God, who loved me, and gave himself for me.

Sura 6:162. Say: "Truly, my prayer and my (daily) service of "Self" sacrifice (Luke 9:23; 14:26-27), my life (of selflessness) and my death (to "Self"), are (all) for "I AM", the Cherisher of the Worlds:

Sura 92:18-21
92:18. Those who spend their wealth for increase in "self"-purification,
92:19. And have in their minds no favour to anyone for which a reward is expected in return,
92:20. But only the desire to seek for the Countenance of their Lord Most High;
92:21. And soon will they attain (complete) satisfaction.

The "Overcomeths" (Overcoming the "self"/flesh/human, making it possible to do God's Will)

(Rev. 2:7, 2:11, 2:17, 2:26-28, 3:5, 3:12, 3:21, 21:7)

Revelation 2:7 He that hath an ear, let him hear what the Spirit saith unto the communities; To him that overcometh will I give to eat of the Tree of Life, which is in the midst of the paradise of God.

Revelation 2:11 He that hath an ear, let him hear what the Spirit saith unto the communities; He that overcometh shall not be hurt of the second death (The Fire - Rev. 20:14).

Revelation 2:17 He that hath an ear, let him hear what the Spirit saith unto the communities; To him that overcometh will I give to eat of the hidden Manna, and will give him a white stone, and in the stone a NEW name written, which no man knoweth saving he that receiveth [it].

Revelation 2:26-28
2:26 And he that overcometh, and keepeth my works unto the end, to him will I give power over the nations:
2:27 And he shall rule them with a rod of iron; as the vessels of a potter shall they be broken to shivers: even as I received of my Father.
2:28 And I will give him the Morning Star.

Revelation 3:5 He that overcometh, the same shall be clothed in white raiment; and I will not blot out his name out of the Book of Life, but I will confess his name before my Father, and before His angels.

Revelation 3:12 Him that overcometh will I make a pillar in The Temple of my God, and he shall go no more out: and I will write upon him the name of my God, and the name of the city of my God, [which is] New Jerusalem, which cometh down out of heaven from my God: and [I will write upon him] my NEW name.

Revelation 3:21 To him that overcometh will I grant to sit with me in My Throne, even as I also overcame, and am set down with my Father in His Throne.

Revelation 21:7 He that overcometh shall inherit all things; and I will be his God, and he shall be My (adopted) son.

Jesus was CRUCIFIED on a cross in part to illustrate this very teaching. That is why He uses what some consider to be the "harsh" metaphor of taking up one's cross DAILY, to crucify the "self", thereby denying it ANY influence/claim over your real, eternal (spiritual) Life.

Only when the "self" is DEAD, i.e. crucified with Christ, can it no longer prevent you from doing God's Will, as we are all supposed to be doing.

So The Way home or face The Fire by JAH again has it correct, and in perfect agreement with Scripture, exactly as one would expect from The Word of God made flesh again.

The Way home or face The Fire 3:65-67
3:65 The reason, or logic, behind God designing human+beings, is that the soul has to overcome and control the animal, then use it to give love (spiritual and pure) and affection (human), and to always do for the benefit of everyone. You have to overcome both the animal and spiritual SELFishness, thereby making it twice as difficult to achieve, and so, consequently, making the end result twice as effective.
3:66 This was the demonstration given by Christ, on the cross, when he controlled the animal that he was temporarily using, which was made by Mary’s body, with God’s help, and then used it, for the benefit of everyone on Earth, by taking upon himself the sins of the whole world. He controlled it and used it, to the extent, that he “VOLUNTARILY” suffered the agony of the cross, giving up his human-life, to show people he ULTIMATE example - destroying the self, with PERFECT CONTROL, voluntarily, for the benefit of others. The PERFECT example of UNSELFISHNESS. YOU must learn that degree of CONTROL.
3:67 Two thousand years and NO-ONE understands what the demonstration of the cross REALLY means. The cross is not to be worn around your neck. It is to be worn inside. Hold out your arms, horizontally, look in a mirror, and you will see your cross. Your cross is your selfishness, that you must overcome and destroy. The cross of “SELF-sacrifice”, i.e. voluntary destruction of your own SELFISHNESS, by the giving-up, of your own human, material interests, for the benefit of everyone else’s spiritual well-being, thereby setting a good example, for others to follow, by your

A Freeman

Nov 11, 2019
John 12:23-30
12:23 And Jesus answered them, saying, The hour is come, that the Son of Man should be glorified.
12:24 Verily, verily, I say unto you, Except a corn of wheat fall into the ground and die, it abideth alone: but if it die, it bringeth forth much fruit.
12:25 He that loveth his life shall lose it; and he that HATETH his life in this world shall keep it unto Life Eternal.
12:26 If any man serve me, let him follow me; and where I am, there shall also my servant be: if any man serve me, him will [my] Father honour.
12:27 Now is my soul troubled; and what shall I say? Father, save me from this hour: but for this cause came I unto this hour.
12:28 Father, glorify Thy name. Then came there a voice from heaven, [saying], I have both glorified [it], and will glorify [it] again.
12:29 The people therefore, that stood by, and heard [it], said that it thundered: others said, An angel spoke to him.
12:30 Jesus answered and said, This voice came not because of me, but for your sakes.

The flesh (the human), which is at enmity against God, can NEVER be subject to The Law of God, and thus can NEVER do God's Will. The human/flesh can NEVER please God because it serves itself instead, which is exactly why it MUST be crucified/destroyed on a DAILY basis.

Romans 8:5-14
8:5 For they that are after the flesh do mind the things of the flesh; but they that are after the Spirit the things of the Spirit.
8:6 For to be carnally minded [is] death; but to be spiritually minded [is] life and peace (John 3:5-6).
8:7 Because the carnal mind [is] enmity against God: for it is not subject to The Law of God, neither indeed can it be.
8:8 So then they that are in the ways of flesh cannot please God.
8:9 But ye are not of the flesh, but of the Spirit, if so be that the Spirit of God dwell in you. Now if any man have not the Spirit of Christ, he is not his.
8:9 But ye are not of the flesh, but of the Spirit, if so be that the Spirit of God dwell in you. Now if any man have not the Spirit of Christ, he is not his.
8:10 And if Christ [be] in you, the body [is] dead because of sin; but the Spirit [is] life because of righteousness.
8:11 But if the Spirit of Him that raised up Jesus from the dead dwell in you, He that raised up Christ from the dead shall also revitalize your mortal bodies by His Spirit that dwelleth in you.
8:12 Therefore, brethren, we are debtors, not to the flesh, to live after the flesh.
8:13 For if ye live after the flesh, ye shall die: but if ye through the Spirit do MORTIFY the deeds of the body (crucify the "Self"), ye shall live.
8:14 For as many as are led by the Spirit of God, they are the (adopted) sons of God.

This has nothing to do with "euthanasia", as humans wrongly claim, because they are incapable of understanding ANYTHING Scriptural (John 3:3-7).
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A Freeman

Nov 11, 2019
This question has been previously asked, but remains unanswered:

DO YOU KEEP THE LAW/COMMANDMENTS OF GOD (found in the first five books of the Bible, namely Genesis, Exodus, Leviticus, Numbers and Deuteronomy?

This question is now being extended to all who post here against The Word of God (Matt. 12:30) to challenge their qualifications to critique God's Word which, according to Scripture, they are incapable of correctly understanding.

God will only reward those who obey Him with His GIFT of the Holy Spirit in increasing measure, so it should be self-evident that anyone who isn't striving to crucify/deny/destroy their human "self" on a daily basis, to be able to please God by keeping His Law and doing His Will, is completely unqualified to talk about Scripture, i.e. something they know NOTHING about.

If you aren't denying your "self" daily, then you are automatically denying God's GIFT of His Holy Spirit (Luke 12:10). Please consider this very carefully (Rom. 8:5-14).

Luke 2:14 Glory to God in the highest, and on Earth peace, good will toward men.
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