Colleen Ballinger/miranda Sings - New Breed Of Hollywood Puppet?


Jun 3, 2017
Cool thanks, well basically the who, what, when, where, why, how?

You've already explained a bit of the why.. but like;
- how did you find a way to become a part of the system?
I'm a natural entertainer, but I was a medical student, i wanted to be a doctor. But when my parents found out that I was being sexually abused from age 10-16, they mistook it as something else. They also found out I was gay, and basically thought I was a whore this whole time. They cut all ties to me. I couldnt afford to stay in school, I was kicked out of school. There was a fashion show nearby when I was going for my "homeless" walk, and the director picked me and liked the way I looked. Paid me to be in the show, and through some early modeling, I got into other fields like acting and making comedy videos on youtube for fun to suppress how i felt. In regards to the whole "satanic illuminati 666 triangle" system lmao, I always knew about it and I was curious in the dark arts naturally anyway. Even as a child I would practice "magic" and play with fire. My curiosity to know if there really was a super natural tie to humans was too strong, so I stepped into the blood. But I know my limits, so I didnt take another step deeper. I just needed to know.

In terms of benefits, it came VERY slow. But as my presence got stronger, and I appeared more & more at events, parties, business parties etc, the opportunities would come pouring in like a heavy rainfall. I'm sure you noticed the symbolism that I use in some of my videos, the necklace in particular is interesting. At events & parties, (yes im purposely being vague when I say events/parties) my necklace is the first thing people notice, and they ALL seem to grab it and want it for themselves.
Different people speak to me when the necklace is on me, and when it isnt.

You ask if it was worth it? But I didnt give anything up. So there isnt much to say about that. I had nothing to give, but also nothing to gain. They cant hold much on me because im not materialistic. I dont care about money, fame or cars. I care about knowledge. But they know that...

I don't fear for my life. I come from a muslim family, if I ever spoke out about something thats about to happen like ariana grande's shooting for example (we all knew about it), they would label me as a terrorist and say i was part of the attack, and have me killed. But I do not fear that, I dont have an emotional connection to life in itself. I've become numb over the years and the concept of death doesnt scare me. But as you can see, knowing the truth is sometimes worse than knowing nothing at all.
A lot of you question why dont we say anything if we know whats about to happen - thats because 9/10 people in this industry dont give a shit about anyone but themselves. But those few that do, know that even if we did speak out, either no one would believe us and we would get killed/our family would get killed OR people would believe us, but then the government would cover it up cleverly and then we would get killed. It's a lose-lose situation.

- what did you have to do to get into the system?
Between the obvious pizza gate and the directors and elite trying to fuck me every night, there is blood sacrifice that goes on. but that's for the much higher tier puppets in the game. I don't mess around with that. I may know whats going on and stay quite, but I refuse to murder someone. They can try to use my body but they wont take my humanity.

- do they watch your online activity? Yes. But they slack sometimes.
- do they monitor you in real life? Yes. They will tell you about something that happened to you 16 years ago. You know half the story yet they can tell you every angle of it.
- what happens if you go against them? Read above.
- do you know of any other YouTubers in the same situation as you? or anyone on any platform we may know of? If they have over 500k subscribers, they are either being slowly integrated into it, or already are part of it willingly. Keep in mind, people that try to become famous arent usually the best of people morally. As nice as they may seem on camera, most are toxic. As far as I know, im the only youtuber in the industry that doesnt pretend to not know whats going on.
- is the symbolism on your YouTube account necessary? like did they make you show the hidden eye in your dp, the dark pyramid for your banner and the eye hanging from your ceiling which seems to make it into every frame? I have a manager that controls some of these things. As for the necklace hanging, well its my necklace and thats where I hang it. Some viewers have reported that it moves on its own in some videos and it creeps them out. Then again, people also say that my eyes are the gates of hell because they are red. Who knows haha.

- what would you have to do to have more success? Travel the world and help as much people in need as possible. The elite wont let us help that much. If we do, it becomes an issue because you cant have good morale people in an industry filled with cannibalism, child r*pe, murder and abuse.
- have they offered you the opportunity to have more success? A lot of family members ask me if i sold my soul, my response is, if i did, you would have known by now. Do I get offered? Every day. Do I want to pay the price? No. As I said earlier, I stepped into the blood for my own curiosity. It's like walking by a forest and wondering whats inside, so you take a step in and here beasts growling. You dont need to step in further to know there's predators. Even though you dont physically see them, the information your brain has collected from that 1 step is enough to inform you on whats inside.

- did they ensure you a YouTube following? My following is purely from myself, if i was helped, id have 10 million by now, Though I will say, I'm the only person who was chosen as my "fame level". I'm not "famous" enough to be apart of this, so people at events and red carpets will question my presence. But I know what im wanted for, I know what the agenda is. I'm not an idiot like the people around me here, and the elite know this.
- were the benefits just through YouTube or do you have success in other areas? They offered me fame, I declined. They offered me money, I declined. They offered me any physical desire, I declined. They offered me knowledge, I stood silent. In arabian culture, silence is often the sign of approval
- do you have to attend cult rituals frequently? or have you done enough so far? and if so what have you done?
I get invited. If its anything related to blood, I dont go. what goes on is a part of knowledge they keep hidden from society, i will not say it here.


Mar 21, 2017
I get invited. If its anything related to blood, I dont go. what goes on is a part of knowledge they keep hidden from society, i will not say it here.
That was very interesting..... thank you for taking the time to answer me.. I initially thought you only answered one question but then saw you took the time to answer everything. So thank you. Everything you said lines up with anything I've researched, I just hadn't heard it directly from a source before.


Mar 20, 2017
That was very interesting..... thank you for taking the time to answer me.. I initially thought you only answered one question but then saw you took the time to answer everything. So thank you. Everything you said lines up with anything I've researched, I just hadn't heard it directly from a source before.
wait where did you get your questions answered?


Mar 21, 2017
oh wait it get it. i think.
Devin - Valerian wrote the answers following each of my questions. Look seven posts above this one you'll see his post.
Click 'Click to expand...' and the block of text will have his answers.


Mar 20, 2017
hmm i don't think they are real celebrities i cannot name a single you tube "star". only the teens know maybe.


Mar 21, 2017
I get invited. If its anything related to blood, I dont go. what goes on is a part of knowledge they keep hidden from society, i will not say it here.
Valerian - have any of the members who you've dealt with said anything about God? I would guess that most of them work against God's Word, but have they said anything in relation to their belief God is real? If so what have they said?


May 23, 2017
This is an interesting and informative thread. Thanks for taking the time to research and paste this vile woman...

YouTube has become a grooming platform for many young kids and teenagers. The nature of most material I see is pretty shocking, it's like YouTube is more interested in making money than filtering its content.

I don't find Miranda sings at all humorous, she's a pathetic excuse for an adult and her voice and entire gimmick is inappropriate. How parents can allow their kids to watch her is beyond me, when my younger sister was 13 she used to watch this idiot religiously, she used to emulate her voice and copy the whole smudged lipstick look. I found it creepy and my parents started to monitor what she looked at online.

The issue is parents can't watch their kids 24/7, they're going to be in school or at local clubs where kids are talking about how cool this YouTube personality is. There's a popular guy here in the U.K. called KSI, his focus was sports but a lot of time he spoke candidly and openly about sex and women, what position they liked and his big 'penis'. His audience were similar to Miranda's, around pre teen to 17 year olds. Many YouTube personalities think it's cool to talk so openly about sex knowing their audience are kids...they just repeatedly say oh I'm not here to be a role model, but when you put yourself out there you are responsible for the content you upload and have to be wary of your impressionable audience

There are decent YouTubers but they don't have as much airtime and exposure as idiots like kSi and Miranda. Just to give you an idea of how sick and twisted KSI is, he asked his father (in front of his mother) if his mum liked his dick and whether she likes anal sex...I mean it doesn't get more immoral and disgusting than that. They're having a sex Q&A with their son, who's asking them inappropriate questions, just so they can rack up views on his channel. I mean it worked, he's a multi millionaire and he's well known here but his morals are vile and kids are watching him religiously...
The part I highlighted in bold says it all. If he is this then it is OK with everybody. It seems if you were rich you could smear shit in people's faces and have them like it if you threw them lots of money. A poor person (materially) would get prison.


Mar 15, 2017
The part I highlighted in bold says it all. If he is this then it is OK with everybody. It seems if you were rich you could smear shit in people's faces and have them like it if you threw them lots of money. A poor person (materially) would get prison.
What a stupid conclusion to come to. How do you even deduce from my post that I'd smear shit in people's faces?

He did outlandish and disgusting things on his YouTube channel to gain notarity and as a result, he achieved attention, success and money. This is what people do when they have no talent and try to get people to watch them.