BTS discussion thread

Apr 16, 2020
I think it was during their predebut that things have taken place , add to that years of mental conditioning.
They were young enough to be subjected to trauma based mind control. Exhaustion, physical abuse ( too many scars in their bodies ) , starvation, insomnia... their regular training as idols was traumatic in itself.

Add to that war flashbacks to staff members hitting them as if it was routine or a regular behavior. Punishment/reward conditioning ( classic pavlov ) , wreck their self esteem. Pressure them to do unorthodox things for the sake of the band and you got the perfect puppet.

There are far worse and alarming footage of them all but here's a little example, though am always shattered in classifying Jungkook as either somebody in the autism spectrum or having mind control glitches or entering certain heaudspaces due to trigger words/signals.

Edit :

1:25min dear lord....

It actually makes me cry to see this child like this. I say young because if u study mk ultra which it seems u have, alice in wonderland has a huge role in creating a child monarch slave and it just seemed weirdly coincidental that Jimins family owned an alice in wonderland themed cafe, along with his Birth date being such an important date in one of Satans languages being numerology.

I mean we just speculating but idol trainee life is a mind control tool in itself I have gathered bits of pieces that indicates these ppl are seriously tortured and mind controlled. Looks like Bang pd and rm are the main handlers in this picture


Apr 19, 2020
View attachment 35328

So bts followed this dude right?

Well, this dude is mutuals with the girl I suspect to be Jk Girlfriend, Her name is Ashley Marie she's from UK , she is a Gamer ( aha a gamer ????) And has a YouTube Channel.

View attachment 35329
View attachment 35330
Ashley Marie follows him Too.
Here's her social medias Links :
Twitter :



She is very familiar with Korean culture and has been to Korea this summer ! And has met with the tattoo parlor Jungkook had a scandal with !!! She is friends with the girl Jungkook has been rumored to date !!!!
Jungkook this summer went to an auberge in Geoju island he left his signature there, however nobody knows with who he was there !!!
But !!! In bighit denying statement they said Jk had been there with his friends from the tattoo parlor which is bullshit because , the pictures leaked where all taken in Seoul debunked by koreans, which made the whole statement false !!!
Now the foreigner girl has been to the same tattoo parlor !! I think bighit deliberately talked about geoju in case somebody took pictures of them there!!! Jk and his alleged gf , and they used the tattoo girl as a cover up , seems like they offered money to the tattoo parlor to be the scapegoat however it fired back and the tattoo parlor wanted more money, since Lee Mijoo the girl linked with Jk has been bullied and received so much hate to protect Jk real girlfriend !!!

View attachment 35331

Do you freaking know where this is ????? This is the freaking place BTS went to , to film summer package !!!

View attachment 35332

And the biggest clue of them all ???

View attachment 35333

The poor girl JK was falsely rumored to date to hide is real FOREIGNER GF

Sometime in November the tattoo shop after bighit refused to pay them more money posted a pic of Jk hand tattoo along the caption "remember bro"
View attachment 35334
View attachment 35335
Oh my my my ~~~~~~

P.S: why did Ashley delete her post about Tattoo rennis aha !!
They also have the same hand tatto (+)
Apr 16, 2020
About mk ultra, I started to think that they are "just" subjected to hypnotism and drugs. Last year a huge scandal broke down in my country that pertains to csatanism. (Satanism is very widespread here just like in the Uk and America and contrary to popular belief, there are millions of "normal"people involved, even priests and teachers, which is something that the Church of Satan is very proud of) One of the members described that they take hold of the victims through hypnotism, drugs and threats. They also convince the victim that their family is also part of the same organization and/or that they are aware of their satanic rituals (sacrifices, p*dophilia, and many more) and tell them that they don't love them in order to break their spirit. Police stated that another high member confessed that they do rituals to them that have to do with death reenactments(it reminds me of the fact that many times Bt€ are depicted as dying) where they make death ceremonies so as to make their victim get used to the idea of their death. Many members described explicitly the tortures that take place but I can't even write them down as they are all extremely horrible, but they are literally all the worst you can possibly imagine. They also record them and sell the tapes to the black market.( The nth room is only a satanic branch as many more others)
Hi there! Yes this is on par with what satanic ritual abuse mind controlled victims go through. I suggest reading Brice Taylors book called THANKS FOR THE MEMORIES, its free to download. It explains mk ultra very well


Apr 19, 2020
Fffffffff__________KKKKKKK That's my first reaction.
Second reaction - that tattoo story was fishy from the beginning and I've suspected something similar to your analysis, regarding money being involved.
Third reaction - Jungkook's all hugs with that other tattoo girl didn't sat right with me, still doesn't. My feeling - he hooked up with her for sure.
4th reaction - THIS girl looks very young, I wouldn't give her more than 18. Yet she posts a lot of raunchy pictures

What can I say - boy has taste for loose girls exposing themselves on the internet.

Can't wait for Jin and Taehyung's "soulmates".

Let that liquor ride babe, love the way you chillin’ and I love the way your lying to em

why i feel like she's talking about he's vlive, don't remember wich one
Apr 16, 2020
yeah he acts very soft and delicate now and he looks almost identical to Taemin. When I first saw this picture I thought JK was hugging Taemin. Everyday they look more similar is kinda creepy

Its so upsetting. Jimin to me is the best looking, when hes normal manly Jimin. They have feminized and changed this mans look and personality drastically over the years and to me is morphing into Taemin ever more and more and it makes me sick cause Taemin to me looks freaky and just freaks me the hell out
Apr 16, 2020
He was so young, i'm so sorry for him. Sometimes he is so repellent. Once i saw a few fan pictures that he scratched his wrist. I hope he is fine because idk he seems innocent to me. There is a moment where he appeared on a TV show and buy for the crew burgers and softdrinks but they rejected jungkook he was treated so badly by them. That was so heartbroken. How can this older mans be so disgustingly mean and disrespectful they should be ashamed.

(WARNING if you watch this video you really want to beat this older mans ass i`m sry for how i write but this guys really makes me angery)

What do u mean by rerepellant? It doesnt seem to fit in with what u are saying? Sorry not to be rude I just maybe dont understand?

Yes this video is very sad, it is probably nothing compared to the torture he has probably faced. I pray for Jimin Jungkook alot.


Jun 9, 2019
Yes there's a video where tae licked his lips looked at whoever was in the box and said Hi , everyone was confused as to who he addressed...

Now she was there again in late late late show, even the youtuber she brought along didnt know how the hell she managed that.
The youtuber said Jungkook approached them to say hi during James Corden show lol , dude he didn't recognize you, he recognized freaking Rachel lol.

View attachment 35356
You’re trying very hard to connect apples and oranges. I appreciate your efforts but you are yet to post actual proof. I believe all the BTS members are dating. But I doubt their girlfriends are following them to tv shows dancing in the crowd. Their girlfriends are (most likely Korean) tucked away for safety reasons


Jun 9, 2019
yes exactly they're probably dating idols
if they're actually dating foreigners id be really surprised tbh
Agree. & Not only that, but I hope this thread doesn’t go in the direction of useless gossip, like whose dating who? Who cares. there are some really smart, thought provoking posts in this thread. Some girl making eye contact with Tea at a concert isn’t one of them. Sorry not sorry
Apr 16, 2020
The first time you are required to be sodomized, regardless of gender by 1-3 people privately. After that you are required to participate openly.The higher the rank you go up or if a celeb wanting more wins or a polititian wanting a win or more power or something the more sadistic and disgusting it gets including children and animals. Those things will be going on at the same party in private closed off areas. I never reached that level praise God but I know someone who was forced to watch it. I know this is a disturbing topic but sadly it's something that is very real and happens often.

When I think of Jimin or Jungkook in this situations(because the mk ultra seems to be the most apparent in these two) I feel like crying. It sounds insane but I beg God to take whoever is in BTS and is actually a innocent soul trapped in an mk ultra mind to be saved from this evil. Along with all the kids around the world who have been tortured abused and desecrated in these satanic acts!!!!!
Apr 16, 2020
Thanks for sharing.
I was wondering about J!m!n he seemed like he just got into more alcohol this time around. He is always so excited to drink alcohol and I guess that could be due to SK culture but I see V and JayK not liking to drink much. But J!M!n he just chugs down his alcohol like he wants to forget something. Like, they're really successful and he can kick back and relax but wow by the end of it he's gonna have a damaged liver. But I guess, since he is programmed and is under mind-control then that doesn't matter to them anymore. But the comparison between V&JayK and J..M he drinks the most/ maybe Sug@r drinks a lot too. For now, I don't see any signs that they might be into drugs. But J!m!n probably use alcohol as an escape for the trauma/abuse and to lower his inhibition.

I noticed in some other times too J!m!n sounded drunk.

Here he drinks champagne like water:

In burn the stage also, he drinks wine like water. The episode 3 I think when JayK needs medical attention.

View attachment 8974
Here in the comeback show he sounds drunk:

This was in the past but this one he sounds drunk too (I don't know where to find the full video)

I feel u are spot on
They are ruining a beautiful soul. U can see deep down hes a good person man. And jk. This really makes me so sad


Mar 16, 2020
Yeas, I remember very well that posting ! It opened my eyes regarding Jin's role in the band.

I gotta say this - watching those 4 seconds hit my stomach. The sexual abuse in that video is without excuse and should not remain unnoticed. As well as Jungkook enjoying it. Nipples, both in men and women, hold a large amount of sexual nerves.
This is...I'm speechless.

I think I need some tarot reading to calm down.
To be honest, J1n and JK does not look like they have a 5 year age gap here.

No one thinks it was pedo to ship them.

Edit: I saw one now on another video


Last edited:


Dec 28, 2018
Im so disappointed with tae.. Just Saw a video of a security man literally throwing a fan to the side and tae absolutely does nothing abt It... Ok she wasnt right either but first, it was a girl, second, it was a fan, i mean, she was there only to see you, shes the one who buy your albums, waiste their times on you,and you see them being treated this way and do nothing abt It??? Not even try to say anything???
Apr 16, 2020
Hello. I saw what that person (love for Lucy) wrote about religion. Now some things that person mentioned is not that secret. Religions have been corrupted. I recently read a book by Kamal Salibi (a Labenese Christian historian) on who Jesus was. He also mentioned that Quran contains the correct history of Jesus the prophet. If anyone is interested, here is the link where you can download this book.

History has been altered and manipulated. This isn't new.

As for Islam (this is for muslims here or anyone interested), I suggest you watch these videos by a gentleman by the name of Sam Gerrans. He talked about the two points this person mentioned which are the hadith writers being persian infilterators to corrupt Islam

and the deification of Prophet Muhammad.

To be honest, I've come across this before. This isn't secret knowledge, just not wide spread. There are Quran alone Muslims who follow the Quran. There are books written about conspiracies against the Quran that explain how the hadith were made to destroy the true message of Islam.

As for the code 19-It's considered the mathematical miracle of the Quran. The Quran has linguistic and mathematical miracles.

''Some Islamic scholars, following the work of Rashid Khalifa, assert that numerous coincidences regarding the number "19" in the Quran are beyond chance, and prove that "a super intelligent source is responsible for this document [the Quran]; one who designed the work in this extraordinary manner, then managed to keep it a well guarded secret for 14 centuries, for a predetermined time. ..."

If you're more interested, you can find more info here:

I'm still studying, however, I'd like to share what I've learned so far in terms of religion:

Yes, the 3 Abrahamic faiths (Islam, Christianity and Judaism) have been distorted. Islam however has the Quran. The Quran is the last book from God to humanity. You can say it's the updated version of the Torah and Injil/New Testament (book given to Issa or Jesus). Since it's the last book to humanity (no prophet will come), God will protect it and he promised to protect it. The Quran contains the core message given to Moses and Issa (Jesus) and additional laws meant for the entire mankind. Moses and Jesus were sent only to the children of Israel whereas Muhammad was the last prophet sent to mankind. He didn't bring anything new. The message has been the same since Adam.
The main message from the Quran: Believe in God, the last day(day of judgement), the divine books, messengers, angels and do good works and you will have your reward.
The real history of mankind and what God wants from us is still recorded in the Quran. However, the elite created these brands called Christianity, Judaism and Islam to keep people divided. They've also ruined the reputation of Islam in general so everyone won't even consider looking at the Quran.

If you're interested in checking out the Quran, here is one translation that I use which is devoid of any hadith references. It's free to download and is available in pdf format. Other translations insert explanations and quotes from the hadith. This particular translation is the meaning of the Arabic words to English. If you're Muslim, check it out as well. Here is the link:

Here is a video that gives an example the difference between hadith and Quran. Hadith in fact contradict the Quran yet Muslims follow hadith without questioning it.

I would recommend Christians and Muslims who really care to know the truth to deeply reconsider what we've been taught and research to find the truth. Keep an open mind.The deception of Satan goes deeper than we think. Knowledge is power. Don't be too arrogant or lazy to do due diligence.

I'm sorry for talking about religion but I felt it was important to address this as some members were concerned what that person wrote.

Now back to the main topic...

Yes very true. Hadith need to be verified and if it doesnt correlate directly to what the truth of the Quraan says it needs to be discarded. Many muslims do not know this. Such as the hate towards dogs. This goes in direct opposition of what the Quraan indicates about dogs. Many muslims are even following satan without knowing it


Apr 7, 2020
Im so disappointed with tae.. Just Saw a video of a security man literally throwing a fan to the side and tae absolutely does nothing abt It... Ok she wasnt right either but first, it was a girl, second, it was a fan, i mean, she was there only to see you, shes the one who buy your albums, waiste their times on you,and you see them being treated this way and do nothing abt It??? Not even try to say anything???
Are you able to post the video here ???


Mar 6, 2020
Well put! Even if they aren't involved themselves, BigShit could also be behind this in a way, since many politicians are related to this scandal and we all know that they work for the government and this room served satanic purposes or maybe this whole MBC thing was indeed a defamation for spiritual reasons as most companies do that for a higher purpose.

Yes, it makes me so annoyed that they haven't spoken about this publicly since they always preech about current issues but they are "political" when it is safe for them and serves them well, ex gaining fans. They keep releasing unnecessary amounts of content to stay relevant instead, people are already calling out celebs for doing that pinpointing their greediness and need for attention, it shows you that they simply don't give a damn. During this hard period, I happily saw many people realise the sinister truth about celebrities and their allegiance to Satan, and even some of other famous people are starting to confess the satanic nature of the entertainment industry, so many of them are waking up, but unfortunately Armiez are a different story.

Bt€ are already Saturn followers and from an astrological point of view, we are entering Aquarius and we already had many Saturn transits, so I definitely think that somehow played a part in those scandals. Kinda off topic but having studied ancient philosophy, astronomy and occultism for years I'd really like to give you guys a thorough explanation some day as to what I believe Bt€ truly represent and what is their real purpose/belief but apart from my English not being good enough for those complicated subjects, I don't know if it will be well received since it may be not exclusively related to a "dogmatic" idea of modern religion, but if you'd like, I'll eagerly share some knowledge here. I don't know if it's the absolute truth, but it definitely is what those guys believe in.
Your english is excellent. I would like to know what they truly represent and what their real purpose is.


Mar 6, 2020
Agree. & Not only that, but I hope this thread doesn’t go in the direction of useless gossip, like whose dating who? Who cares. there are some really smart, thought provoking posts in this thread. Some girl making eye contact with Tea at a concert isn’t one of them. Sorry not sorry
It all matters and it's all interesting.


Jul 2, 2018
View attachment 35328

So bts followed this dude right?

Well, this dude is mutuals with the girl I suspect to be Jk Girlfriend, Her name is Ashley Marie she's from UK , she is a Gamer ( aha a gamer ????) And has a YouTube Channel.

View attachment 35329
View attachment 35330
Ashley Marie follows him Too.
Here's her social medias Links :
Twitter :



She is very familiar with Korean culture and has been to Korea this summer ! And has met with the tattoo parlor Jungkook had a scandal with !!! She is friends with the girl Jungkook has been rumored to date !!!!
Jungkook this summer went to an auberge in Geoju island he left his signature there, however nobody knows with who he was there !!!
But !!! In bighit denying statement they said Jk had been there with his friends from the tattoo parlor which is bullshit because , the pictures leaked where all taken in Seoul debunked by koreans, which made the whole statement false !!!
Now the foreigner girl has been to the same tattoo parlor !! I think bighit deliberately talked about geoju in case somebody took pictures of them there!!! Jk and his alleged gf , and they used the tattoo girl as a cover up , seems like they offered money to the tattoo parlor to be the scapegoat however it fired back and the tattoo parlor wanted more money, since Lee Mijoo the girl linked with Jk has been bullied and received so much hate to protect Jk real girlfriend !!!

View attachment 35331

Do you freaking know where this is ????? This is the freaking place BTS went to , to film summer package !!!

View attachment 35332

And the biggest clue of them all ???

View attachment 35333

The poor girl JK was falsely rumored to date to hide is real FOREIGNER GF

Sometime in November the tattoo shop after bighit refused to pay them more money posted a pic of Jk hand tattoo along the caption "remember bro"
View attachment 35334
View attachment 35335
Oh my my my ~~~~~~

P.S: why did Ashley delete her post about Tattoo rennis aha !!

dude did we just... solve this all on the VC forum? if this is ends up being real better get ready to go on the run if Bighit decides to sue us lmao


Apr 7, 2020
I've become a member about two months ago and before posting my first entry, I took the time to read every single post, out of the 25,683 (now, after many being deleted) posts made spanned over 1285 pages.
Half of it is very farfetched, non related, gossip, theories, rumors. That's the whole idea of it. Everything we write on forums, comment about people, it's gossiping.

I did not interrupted a discussion, nor did I try to dubiously shut it down, just because I deemed to find it uninteresting.

As per the saying - show me who your friends are and I'll tell you who you are, who the members are personally engaging with, it's probably the most important thing about them/their life/personality.
We are talking about BTS, a group who's celebrity and success is based on the notion that they have no personal life, no personal feelings toward any other female except an "army" of teenage girls. The very own Taehyung shouted out - We only love you, you belong to us. Yoongi said - keep your 4th finger free, that's for us.

If I were a fan buying merchandise, spending every penny I got to "serve" them believing that I have found somebody who's entire love and attention goes solely to me, I would be very mad to find out that they didn't kept their "promise" - for 7 years claiming to have only love "us" and nobody else. I would be justified to feel betrayed. And it is some sort of betrayal.
Imagine liking a guy, who's taking advantage of you without you noticing. Little things. Like in school you buy a sandwich for him, or you make him gifts and he keeps saying how he only has love for you but for some reason he cannot be with anybody together at this moment. Next day he starts a relationship with the new girl in class.

It's the same principle. I don't directly blame those young girls for having the impulse to bash and attack girls like the tattoo Jungkook girl or naked Rachael mistress. Those girls have put themselves intentionally in that position to get attention.
Being surprised or even shocked if they see things like the ones mentioned. It's simply the opposite of what the band has been claiming and preached for years.
From a legal and psychological aspect, the members are the guilty party for having built their success upon a fantasy they still keep present.
If their success was built on the quality of their work, nobody would care if they are even married.
Jungkook went on to apologize and crying for his "behavior" . Guy felt guilt for holding a girl, for letting "army" down. That's how much he is willing to sell from his soul, that he goes on and cries saying he's sorry. Scripted or not, he said it.

There is always a certain amount of disappointment, even in adult women, if you find out that some famous hot shot actor or musician is in a relationship with a girl. It's not logic, it's not real, it's not that you really believe you could be together with the image of somebody who is famous and who you like, but it's simply a reaction.

Jared Leto (the full program like Leonardo di Caprio, promoting leftist democratic agenda, p***philia, promiscuity, part of the illuminati masonic Hollywood ), an almost 50 y old men, who has build a career since his 20s for being hot and cute, dating all models as young as 16, even 14, has been for almost 30 years the obsession of a lot of girl fans, his concerts are filled with women, many of them married, with children, his age. Those same adult women are attacking every now and then the "models" he is "dating" not for the age gasp, but just disturbs their fantasy. That's how this thing works in the advantage of males. All you need in entertainment it's a cute dude - success is guaranteed.

It worked out better for Justin Bieber, because he never hided his relationship with Selena Gomez. They went out publicly from the beginning, so fans had to accept the situation and get accustomed to it. Surprise, surprise. Did it worked out? Of course. Would he have had more success if he would have gone the same route like BTS? For sure! But it was obviously for him that it's not worth harming, disrespecting or lying about the person he is inlove with. If there is one thing I have respect for Justin Bieber, is for at least not selling a bullshit like BTS of image with no girlfriend, or loving someone else.
That's where the problem is and why it's important to point out, that things aren't what they claim to be.

It's the sick hiding of this entire personal life that's harmful, but works out for their advantage.

Deep down, those girls know that the notion of them really only having love feelings for millions of fans they've never met or briefly met, is somehow not making sense. I believe that their reaction sometimes aggressive by going after those girls is due of rage because the band/company/ Bang Si-Hyuk are using the "we don't love anybody else" card. I think deep down, they know it's not realistically.

When you have the feeling someone for whom you have exuberant feelings is taking advantage of you and lying on top of that, doesn't make you more angry?

Out of the almost 26,000 postings, there have been maybe less than 5 regarding to this subject ! That's actually not enough.

It exposed Taehyung taking gifts from a rich fan, in exchange for engaging with her personally, showing his character and how they sell themselves, why they wouldn't want to let go of a lifestyle where they are constantly being gifted by fans all over the world the most expensive stuff;
it exposed Jungkook most likely having had something going on with at least on of the tattoo girls, raising the question on how much is BigHit willing to pay and how further are they willing to go and destroy someone personally and professionally (that store had to shut down for a while) just for keeping the image of Jungkook being "single";
It exposed Taehyung getting a naked instagram model access to their events and Jungkook knowing the naked girl. Taehyung was acting like a porn star on camera licking and biting his lips while looking at the Rachel K starr naked instagram "model" for fee. It was at the same time while he was going to shows claiming like an idiot "I'm a good boy" and vaping jool . Those girls don't look like they come from the best of environments. To express myself in a decent way.
On top of that - you don't get backstage and having Taehyung weaving and bitting his lips to you, with no story behind. People who are having backstage passes, reserved seats, wearing the own clothes of a certain member and taking a PICTURE of it, that's not random. That's hooking up in return for her doing those things and being allowed by BigHit to be present at those events.
BitHit wouldn't even let doctors hired by the event organizer to be NEAR them.

I am welcoming anyone who has material like this. I was not aware about it and it added a new puzzle piece to the BTS story.

It's not just interesting, it's the domino stone that will clash everything down.
From building the image of "cute babies, innocent, loving nobody but ARMY" , implying them being homosexual, constantly engaging in homosexual behavior and becoming the homosexual and pedophiliac propaganda tool, to the image of boys with questionable character engaging on live camera in behavior alluding to sexual content hooking up with naked instagram models.

Of course it's important to find out about gossip if they order naked instagram models to their shows. Adds up to the Illuminati sex orgies.
You made some really awesome points.

The company/the members are to blame to be honest with how attached the fandom are to them. They constantly say things to feed into the delusion which is very harmful.. especially to young girls. Saying things like you stated, also when they were asked once where are your girlfriends?? And RM responded with “army are our girlfriends” or in a Vlive when someone asked tae “who do you like right now?” And he responded “I like army”.
Tbh I don’t blame girls for getting jealous if they eventually will announce one of them is dating someone. Of course there’s always people who take things too far which is NOT OKAY (talking about death threats etc..) I’m in my 20s and I don’t even like the idea of some of the members I like dating which is so messed up, but it goes to show that what the guys say to again, like I said, feed into this delusion of fantasy of being with them is NOT okay.

Creating this image from the beginning that they’re never dating or with anyone ahhh.....not smart.