BTS discussion thread


Jul 2, 2018
Am I just being naive that I feel like a dating scandal with Jungkook won't bury Nth Room? The only people who really listen to Kpop like that in South Korea are middle schoolers. When you get to high school and college age in Korea, you usually start listening to more diverse music like K-indie or K-R&B or Western music. I feel like the public has become desensitized to dating scandals... so what if their tween fans get upset? They have enough western fans who won't give a shit who'll shield them lol.
Most adult Koreans don't care that idols date, from the street interview videos I've seen on youtube. It's a shame the idol industry doesn't cater to Korean adults then, because things would've changed long ago.


Apr 18, 2019
Bt21 season 3 teaser :

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Could the secret of eternal youth be found in blood transfusions from young people?

This reminded me of their song, "Euph0ria". The elites consider the Andrenochrome, which according to scientists is obtained from the adrenal gland of living humans, as a means of the highest power. It is assumed that it causes mental disorders and Euphoria,as the effect is similar to LSD.
Thank you for this post very informative.
I've always wondered why they are specifically gay specifically pedophiles ( that's gotta do a lot with their doctrines and beliefs). Why do they have a problem against duality Day/Night Male/Female Good/Bad they're constantly trying to blur that line.
God is other, there is nothing like him but he has created the universe according to principles one of them is duality. That's why I've always seen their attempt at blurring the lines as defying God and trying to be gods themselves, constantly reconstructing the instinctive norms and moralities, inciting people to break free only to classify them into boxes of their own choosing... Every single day new terms are born, and people take pride into being "other" ( you're not non binary kid you're just desperately trying to be different and special by identifying as an alien , narcissism is the real disease and newsflash we are all special for simply being human souls ) , into being whatever it is the new term designs as long as it makes them stand out of a specific norm only to be put into another box designed by the new born term that would later become a norm...
#TW :
Take the subject of bisexuality for example, I would apologize in advance if there are bisexual people in here.
Take away our morality, values and virtue. There's intuition and there's instinct , our intuition deals with our minds while our instincts are purely animal. If we go by our instincts we react then to stimuli, so if someone is being sexually stimulated by a person of the same or opposite sex the natural reaction would be for them to get aroused regardless of their sexual orientation, the instinct is purely animal. In that sense you could say everyone is bisexual except we aren't. The fact that there is a term to address it only enhances it and makes it a thing, something that makes people question who they are when they shouldn't.
What it is then that stops us from going after our instincts and desires? Our morals and values.

End of TW.

And that's the very thing this elite is trying to demolish, morals.
They want us to rely more on our instincts than our intuition, what's best then is to put us into trance , by different forms of hypnosis movies/music and substances that annihilates our presence of mind.

They're pushing a new age pseudo spirituality that makes the use of psychedelics mainstream, in the name of spiritual enlightenment, some occult and magic practices that invites other entities into your body and call them Angels and spirit guides ( if anyone thinks they connected with their spirit guides or their Angels I'd strongly advice them to seek an exorcist ) , karma and past lives ... Check some YouTube videos about your past life with a BTS a member ( I swear there are lmfao ) , all of this because they cannot accept that at the end of it there is resurrection, and we will all speak for our actions and there is heaven and there is hell.

And terms regarding that field are born everyday as well, moonchildren, indigos, lightworkers and whatnot...

Same goes with mental illnesses, new disorders are born with detailed descriptions about symptoms ( they're usually normal but if you dramatize the symptoms it becomes and illness it seems ) let a celebrity do a song or a live chat about having that disorder and suddenly emo kids are tweeting about having it. No offence to people with real disorders and diagnosed by real professionals not from search a word in Google.
Though I believe that boxes/labels limit a person's identity I don't think that different sexual expressions equals immorality.Morals and values are social constructs as well and tend to change/evolve throughout the centuries. Many things would be regarded as unacceptable by today's standards that were perfectly normal back then. I believe that if bisexuality wasn't a taboo, even now, many people would explore further their feelings of the same sex since there's more than the sexual act. Those terms didn't exist back in the day not because people weren't sexually open (homosexuality/bisexuality still very much existed in the ancient times) its just people didn't feel the need to classify themselves into boxes as you stated and considered it natural until Christianity intervened. Personally, I felt attraction towards men and women since I was a child even though I didn't know any of these terms and I assume that the same goes for many other people. What I mean is that the world always had the need to translate feelings and thoughts into words and give life to them, so I see no difference in that aspect too. I agree that the elites want us to rely more on our instincts, but this has nothing to do with bisexuality since that applies to heterosexual people as well, also it is a part of being human and we shouldn't demonize that.
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Apr 18, 2019
Bt21 season 3 teaser :

V :
View attachment 34454
View attachment 34455

Could the secret of eternal youth be found in blood transfusions from young people?

This reminded me of their "Euph0ria" song. According to scientists andrenochrome is also obtained from the adrenal gland of living humans and it is said that it causes mental disorders and euphoria.(the effects are similar to LSD)
They exhausted the band as well as the fandom.
Now that they're out of creativity and the situation isnt favorable for any new releases, I think Bighit will try something new and that is Drama.
Maybe they'll start pushing the good boys gone bad, some few headlines here and there to keep people interested however, it doesn't go without risks. JK in that sense was a Guinea pig ? The infamous rebellious phase every child star go through. They may lose a lot of fans, Korean fans specifically but it may give a realer image of the boy band.
Or they could allow the band members do their own thing under their label, like I dont know why they deny members solos opportunities.

Speaking of their personas , they're so unidimensional that after some point they become their own caricature.
This should make the Korean industry revise their unreachable standards, instead of creating perfect dolls almost Anime like. They could maybe consider support real human beings and let them Express their individuality, after the idealization phase is over, fans want to connect to something real and honest.
Breaking out of their delusions when they realise their favorite isnt perfect and that they dont necessarily practice what they preach their downfall must be really painful. I dont imagine how Big Bang fans felt for example after their favorite got exposed.
When you set the bar too high for yourself people will expect just as much of you.
You described it perfectly! I believe that they aren't as famous as they wanted to be in the western market ( apart from the language barrier issues that don't exactly help) bc they appear so wooden, polished and fake and people realize that . If they attempted to express themselves more freely and act like adults, being more natural, showing their weaknesses etc they would attract far more people. Also, I noticed that with the current situation, more and more people are starting to realize how fake and unimportant the celebrities are, they are all over the social media talking about that, they even talk about their p*dophilic tendencies and all,yes, it took a pandemic to open their eyes but they are more aware now, if they keep the same mentality after this whole thing ends, Bt€ will certainly phase some problems with their fame, at least on a wider scale in the West.


Apr 7, 2020
Thank you for this post very informative.
I've always wondered why they are specifically gay specifically pedophiles ( that's gotta do a lot with their doctrines and beliefs). Why do they have a problem against duality Day/Night Male/Female Good/Bad they're constantly trying to blur that line.
God is other, there is nothing like him but he has created the universe according to principles one of them is duality. That's why I've always seen their attempt at blurring the lines as defying God and trying to be gods themselves, constantly reconstructing the instinctive norms and moralities, inciting people to break free only to classify them into boxes of their own choosing... Every single day new terms are born, and people take pride into being "other" ( you're not non binary kid you're just desperately trying to be different and special by identifying as an alien , narcissism is the real disease and newsflash we are all special for simply being human souls ) , into being whatever it is the new term designs as long as it makes them stand out of a specific norm only to be put into another box designed by the new born term that would later become a norm...
#TW :
Take the subject of bisexuality for example, I would apologize in advance if there are bisexual people in here.
Take away our morality, values and virtue. There's intuition and there's instinct , our intuition deals with our minds while our instincts are purely animal. If we go by our instincts we react then to stimuli, so if someone is being sexually stimulated by a person of the same or opposite sex the natural reaction would be for them to get aroused regardless of their sexual orientation, the instinct is purely animal. In that sense you could say everyone is bisexual except we aren't. The fact that there is a term to address it only enhances it and makes it a thing, something that makes people question who they are when they shouldn't.
What it is then that stops us from going after our instincts and desires? Our morals and values.

End of TW.

And that's the very thing this elite is trying to demolish, morals.
They want us to rely more on our instincts than our intuition, what's best then is to put us into trance , by different forms of hypnosis movies/music and substances that annihilates our presence of mind.

They're pushing a new age pseudo spirituality that makes the use of psychedelics mainstream, in the name of spiritual enlightenment, some occult and magic practices that invites other entities into your body and call them Angels and spirit guides ( if anyone thinks they connected with their spirit guides or their Angels I'd strongly advice them to seek an exorcist ) , karma and past lives ... Check some YouTube videos about your past life with a BTS a member ( I swear there are lmfao ) , all of this because they cannot accept that at the end of it there is resurrection, and we will all speak for our actions and there is heaven and there is hell.

And terms regarding that field are born everyday as well, moonchildren, indigos, lightworkers and whatnot...

Same goes with mental illnesses, new disorders are born with detailed descriptions about symptoms ( they're usually normal but if you dramatize the symptoms it becomes an
illness it seems ) let a celebrity do a song or a live chat about having that disorder and suddenly emo kids are tweeting about having it. No offence to people with real disorders and diagnosied by real professionals not from searching a word on Google.

That's the sole use of celebrities and entertainers ( a few deserve the word artist there is close to none ) they're just pushers, advertisers of the Orwellian #NWO sponsored by luciferien grandpas.
Wow you hit it right on the nail.
I know exactly what you mean by everything you mentioned.


Jul 2, 2018
That was a nice post, thank you for sharing and it should be taken as a reference because you have pointed out exactly to the issue/s !

The pseudo mental illnesses, with no regards, respect or even some sort of empathy towards people suffering from mental illnesses. People suffering from mental illnesses, not only are not eager to talk about it, but IF they rarely do, it never sounds like people from industry trying to get more fans out of it. See the "emo kids" going wild for Halsey, or/and especially Billie Eilish. The perfect industry plant targeting this certain demographic romanticizing "mental illnesses". See BTS with their lyrics and videos always emphasizing on "pain", "suffering", "mental illnesses" . All to make people, especially young ones, wanting to "suffer" from some sort of "mental illness" to make them depended on pills and easier to manipulate.

- past life with a BTS member?? Are you kidding?!?

You mentioned morals and values. Those are the only ones who in the end make us, our decisions, our action, to be who we are, and what protects us.

This entire agenda is only meant to destroy morals and values. The left side, "democrats" , are making the right side, the "republicans" the villains, just because the right side is based largely on people who hold onto their morals and values, who see right from wrong.
Having instintincts, attractions and acting on it are two different things.

No gender, or 100+ genders, no religion, no age too young for sex, no respect towards matrimony man/woman, alcohol abuse, drug dependency, controlling the minds (Bill Gates wanting to inject chips into people to track them), no separate bathrooms for woman, the "cancel" culture - God forbids you point out to the truth, you will loose your job and worse, no good or bad, just one notion - freedom to do whatever you "want", meaning opening Pandora's box for sexual abuse of any kind.

The same association in America, the APA (American Psychiatric Association) who pressured about 40 years ago (almost same timeline as the gay mafia in Hollywood, so no coincidence) to remove homosexuality from the list of mental disorders (it was never removed based on medical reasons, but by pressuring the members into voting for the removal), is now minimizing p***philia to a disorder rather than child abuse, to allow creeps to get away with those crimes. APA calls p***philia a "sexual orientation" !!


"The problem with the law and society being a follower of psychology, is that what is categorized as a "psychological illness" depends on psychiatry's view of the good life, and of human nature. And today, there is grave disagreement on those subjects.

So when psychiatry decided to redefine homosexuality as normal, it moved the condition from one category labeled "undesirable" to another category labeled "desirable." (4) It did so based on a study showing that a selected group of homosexual individuals evidenced no obvious psychological abnormality (5), and also as a result of listening to personal testimony from a number of gay people who were happy with their homosexuality. In essence, these individuals said, "We aren't psychologically unbalanced or distressed, and we're happy being gay ...So psychiatry has no right to label us disordered."

Homosexuality is still a mental disorder, a reaction to abnormal upbringings. One will never solve childhood issues if they assume that homosexuality is normal.
There are deeper issues involved which are especially obvious in men. The weird behavior, talking, mannerism, infatuation with children (p***philia), the hate towards woman, the fear towards woman body. Many homosexual even r*pe women out of the same feelings of hate. Hating women instead of dealing with their mental issue.

Much of the evil today comes from pushing homosexuality. It started small, with removing it as a mental disorder, it got worse with the gay mafia in Hollywood, then they were allowed to marry, by claiming - where is the harm if we allow them to get marry - now people are being sued if religious institutions refuse to cater for them, or refuse to hold a religious ceremony, the government making a mockery out of the institution of marriage, religion and evolution.
Gay people are allowed to adopt, which should have never happen.

After that they introduced "transsexuality" which is gender dysphoria, but they didn't want to use the word, to not make it obvious that we are talking about a mental disease.
Now we have women being abused, beaten up my men pretending to be woman, men who go to beauty saloons and request to have their balls (sorry) shaved, failure to comply would result in the government either giving you a fine or even arresting you for transphobia. It goes so far that you are forced to address a man with "her" or "she" - failure to comply in Canada is considered to be a "hate crime", women shelters having their funds cut because they would not accept MEN who pretend to be women in their homes, the list is endless.

You have gay people who are simply living their lives not bothering anyone.
Still, there is evolution, religion, psychology.
One must at least have some doubts about this entire agenda and to see that the only purpose of it, is to destroy morals and values, in order to make everyone part of their sick agenda.
I'm not a fan of being so partisan. I won't downplay the left's issues (because there are plenty of them) but I will say that the extreme and perverse sides of whatever political ideology is on display when they are the ones in power. Since the 60s it was the left, but before that it was the right and they aren't any better at all.

I hope you know that Idaho is the only state in the US that still allows child marriage and they're a Red state. Their overwhelmingly Republican government rejected a bill to increase the age of marriage to 16. There are children as young as 13 getting married in Idaho with parental consent:

Was it you or someone else who mentioned Shirley Temple? Not sure and I'm too tired to check (lol) but Hollywood back then was a lot more conservative, yet she was still sexually harassed and child stars back then were still exploited and abused. The difference between the right and the left is that one commits it's perverse behavior in the shadows and under the guise of "morals" in public, while the other does it in the open. Pick your devil - the one you can't see or the one you know.

You do have to wonder, is it so fair to wish to go back to a time when the elite were still as evil as they are now but they pushed "good" morals to cover their ass and thus we were willfully ignorant to the abuse of children happening before our eyes? Is it okay to give up the lives and happiness of a few for our own illusory happiness? Back then young men would be shamed as gay if they revealed some male Hollywood producer had tried to seduce them. Now, with Kevin Spacey, people take those allegations seriously because we don't see being gay as taboo and can differentiate between two consenting adults and clearly inapprioriate predatory behavior. Also back then, a girl as young as Millie could say she was talking regularly to a guy as old as Drake and people didn't bat an eyelid because they would assume he was a good upstanding Christian man, but the uproar that it caused in today's time shows clearly that people won't stand for that because we're more wary of people (whether that's for the better or worse). Of course, no one could technically do anything about the Millie situation. What I'm trying to say is... I think there have always been monsters in society and they may be emboldened now, but even back then they existed, we were just in denial of it. There are, I think, pros and cons to both periods in time.

I'm sorry. Don't flame me y'all :/
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Jul 2, 2018
^ Low-key I feel like deleting that because I'm not sure if I got my point across properly :/
There's extreme left and extreme right. There is a "pro-p***philia" argument when you get to the extreme right too and it's that girls should be allowed to marry at their period (so ~pubescent age) since that's when they can give birth technically. It's a reversal of the early 1st wave feminist movement which actually pushed the age of consent up because they wanted girls to get an equal chance at education and have the chance to be independent and not be married off so young (which is actually the true reason as to why the age of consent increased and girls as young as 12 weren't marrying older men anymore).

Should clarify I don't agree with this, but that's the extreme right position and it still exists today. Dumbass incels online regurgitate this trash.
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Mar 9, 2020
Can anyone who has stopped listening to BT3 please share how you have successfully managed to do so. This is probably a horrible question as one could just simply not listen, but its become a major habit
I’m still in the process, but I was able to quit their most blatantly anti-God songs after I finally figured out the MV and lyric meaning for their song ON. I don’t know why I let so many other songs slide, but that one slapped me awake. I’m slowly deleting their songs from my life. I can now go weeks without listening to their songs, but I find that I still miss my illusion of them. It’s made worse because 2 of my daughters are ARMY, (thank goodness they are multi-stans, so they’re not freaking out too much), and I am slowly trying to steer the household away from kpop altogether, or at least have them verify that the video, group and lyrics do not have demonic content.

If you want to cold turkey this, do try. If you fall off the wagon occasionally, forgive yourself and try again. If you need to wean yourself off like I have to, that’s ok too. Our individual methods may vary, but we can all get through this.

I also recommend that, with your now clearer eyes, you really look back and appreciate that we were all groomed to accept anything from them, because they go to great lengths to convince us that we “know” them, and to keep us too busy with the cuteness, laughs, and yes, talent to see what was really going “on”.
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Apr 6, 2020
I’m still in the process, but I was able to quit their most blatantly anti-God songs after I finally figured out the MV and lyric meaning for their song ON. I don’t know why I let so many other songs slide, but that one slapped me awake. I’m slowly deleting their songs from my life. I can now go weeks without listening to their songs, but I find that I still miss my illusion of them. It’s made worse because 2 of my daughters are ARMY, (thank goodness they are multi-stans, so they’re not freaking out too much), and I am slowly trying to steer the household away from kpop altogether, or at least have them verify that the video, group and lyrics do not have demonic content.

If you want to cold turkey this, do try. If you fall off the wagon occasionally, forgive yourself and try again. If you need to wean yourself off like I have to, that’s ok too. Our individual methods may vary, but we can all get through this.

I also recommend that, with your now clearer eyes, you really look back and appreciate that we were all groomed to accept anything from them, because they go to great lengths to convince us that we “know” them, and to keep us too busy with the cuteness, laughs, and yes, talent to see what was really going “on”.
Thank you for your response. The music video for ON is very symbolic.. Would be interesting to know what it all means


Apr 18, 2019
I am a woman and I do feel attraction towards women too but I didnt label myself as bisexual , and I wouldn't act on my feelings if I were to harbor any towards a woman. I would say because of my morals and values but then You brought my attention to something important the opposite would mean immoral and that shows a very poor and insensitive wording from my part.

I shouldn't have used bisexuality or sexuality in general as an example, what I was trying to say is that nowadays people who hold power are those who blur the lines of moral divisions. That's something that is extremely dangerous.
The aspect of going after our impulses and do whatever we want as long as we're not hurting anybody is dangerous too. What is it then that holds us back from doing or going after certain things/sensations ? There is a necessity of virtue.

And while sticking to our values and beliefs we should be mindful of not hurting other people whose beliefs and values differ from ours.

I would like to apologize for being insensitive in my wording , our views differ but you have certainly given a valuable different perspective.
Yeah, I feel you on that as I don't label myself as anything too, and I would describe my attraction towards girs as more romantic and spiritual as I am more of a spiritual person generally. But I tend to agree with Aristotle that morals and values are taught and not inherent. When he was asked which morals he would consider to be the apsolute truth he answered "Tell me which century we are talking about and then I will tell you". So I think that there is not an one sided truth and the point of being human in a society is to evolve (whatever that means), it's in human nature to not want to stand still and change whether that be in the values, mindsets or laws etc. Morals imply a prevention of hurting someone else so I don't think that sexuality (not the perversions of course such as p*dophilia) are included in that category.

Yes, I totally agree with you that those in power want to create confusion and chaos by blurring the lines but at the end of the day people get to chose whichever applies to them based on their own mindset, change isn't necessarily a bad thing if someone has an already cultivated personality and knows to handle it, on the contrary, it means wisdom. I am sure that many people tend to think differently that they used to 5 years ago for example, which is very natural as it comes with a person's growth. But I believe that the real problem is that most people don't know how to filter what they hear and don't set boundaries and TBTP rely on that. Exactly, we should always respect others virtues and morals, our freedom ends where the freedom of another person begins.

No need to apologize dear, I am always glad to hear different opinions as it gives me space to think and, sometimes, reconsider my own thoughts too, and this is what makes it important.
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Feb 22, 2020
Can anyone who has stopped listening to BT3 please share how you have successfully managed to do so. This is probably a horrible question as one could just simply not listen, but its become a major habit
It's a very good question!
I've never been addicted to Bts music, so I can't really help with that particular problem, BUT, if you treat it as an addiction I can give you some advice from people I know who had porn addiction, which they say works completely the same with any other addiction, be it alcohol, smoking, etc.
1. Realize that what you're subjecting yourself to is a poison. It's a weapon to kill your soul. In this context it means remind yourself what exactly Bts concepts and music are aimed to do to you.
2. Know your triggers. Really think about it. When and why do you feel the craving? Are you lonely? Are you bored? Did you not sleep well or drink enough water? etc.
3. Understand that if you're around your triggers it's much harder to quit. That's like putting food infront of you and complaining that you're hungry. Get rid of it and stop smelling the food. Funny off-topic thing is, I heard a great argument that if you need porn to wack off - you don't need to wack off. If you need a stimulant to masterbate, you don't actually need it. You're making yourself do it.
4. A lot of addictions come from depression. When you're depressed you want something that will release seratonin (a feeling of happiness) into your mind.
5* This is optional, as it depends on what you're addicted to, but for example, if it was porn I heard it helps to read biographies of porn stars, because that makes you realize that they're just abused girls, and you are pretty much gaining from that abuse. I think this might work with celebrities, because in a way they're also just weak sinful people who want money and shiny stuff. They are successful, but very rarely happy. Often they're just depressed talented people also trying to get a seratonin release.

I really hope this helps in some way. I'd also add from myself that if you believe in God, you should try praying to him to help you with your addiction. Addictions are difficult to break, so don't be too hard on yourself if you slip up. Just have faith in yourself.
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Apr 6, 2020
It's a very good question!
I've never been addicted to Beetees music, so I can't really help with that particular problem, BUT, if you treat it as an addiction I can give you some advice from people I know who had porn addiction, which they say works completely the same with any other addiction, be it alcohol, smoking, etc.
1. Realize that what you're subjecting yourself to is a poison. It's a weapon to kill your soul. In this context it means remind yourself what exactly Beetees concepts and music are aimed to do to you.
2. Know your triggers. Really think about it. When and why do you feel the craving? Are you lonely? Are you bored? Did you not sleep well or drink enough water? etc.
3. Understand that if you're around your triggers it's much harder to quit. That's like putting food infront of you and complaining that you're hungry. Get rid of it and stop smelling the food. Funny off-topic thing is, I heard a great argument that if you need porn to wack off - you don't need to wack off. If you need a stimulant to masterbate, you don't actually need it. You're making yourself do it.
4. A lot of addictions come from depression. When you're depressed you want something that will release seratonin (a feeling of happiness) into your mind.
5* This is optional, as it depends on what you're addicted to, but for example, if it was porn I heard it helps to read biographies of porn stars, because that makes you realize that they're just abused girls, and you are pretty much gaining from that abuse. I think this might work with celebrities, because in a way they're also just weak sinful people who want money and shiny stuff. They are successful, but very rarely happy. Often they're just depressed talented people also trying to get a seratonin release.

I really hope this helps in some way. I'd also add from myself that if you believe in God, you should try praying to him to help you with your addiction. Addictions are difficult to break, so don't be too hard on yourself if you slip up. Just have faith in yourself.
I just want to say thank you for taking the time to provide such a detailed answer. This is absolutely solid advice and perfectly laid out.


Feb 22, 2020
Stumbled upon some cool stuff.
I might be just seeing stuff where there isn't anything, but it's still kinda interesting.
Coronis is a Thessalian princess and a lover of Apollo (god of archery, music and dance, truth and prophecy, healing and diseases, the Sun and light, poetry and more). Their son Asclepius is the Greek god of medicine.

Dionysus' consort (wife) is Ariadne.
Ariadne was a Cretan princess, mostly associated with mazes and labyrinths.
Corona Borealis is a small constellation linked to the legend of Theseus and the minotaur. Generally considered to represent a crown given by Dionysus to Ariadne.


Jul 27, 2018
Hey guys, I found an Illuminati card (from 1994) called 'Power to the People'. It's a GOAL to the elite. And look at it:
Looks very familiar, right?
Their goal is to create human gods, like terminators and they are going to achieve it with the vaccines, in which Bill Gates will put nanobots (thinner than human hair), which combined with 5G will make it possible to control us!
In the second video Elon Musk admits he is an alien, and later on in the interview he says: "I love humanity, i think it's great"..kinda reminds me of Mark Zuckerberg's mistake of saying he WAS human, but no longer is :D I think these people are not joking or lying when admiting they are not human! They are all sell outs, their souls are gone and their bodies are just vessels for satanic spirits...Nobody is becoming a multi-millionaire or billionaire by hard work and dedication, even BTS. It takes so much more in order to be on the top. They literally eat shit for breakfast and love it! We can't make this shit up..
Side note: check out 23:00 min. where the interviewer is asking Elon Musk a question in the second video and see his rapid eye movements. Like a robot looking for all the possible outcomes before considering anything. You have to see it yourself! I got creeps when I saw it and that made me believe that despite looking like a regular uncle he is eighter AI or there is a demon inside him! And I was wondering why Amber Heard left him..I mean he is a billionaire and we know she is a gold digger so may be she saw the true nature of Elon and that's why she ran away from him :D
Mar 9, 2020
Armyz have finally figured out what that date truly meant. This situation is getting out of hand, everything was planned long before their success, indeed. Also, they rely heavily on numerology, I see. View attachment 32844
Pretty sure the other meaning is 9/21/2020, which is 7 months from the date of MOTS7 release date of 2/21/2020.


Mar 6, 2020
Can anyone who has stopped listening to BT3 please share how you have successfully managed to do so. This is probably a horrible question as one could just simply not listen, but its become a major habit
Good luck! I've had pretty good success by physically restraining myself from clicking on any BTS performances or songs on Youtube. I've also done ok at keeping myself from visiting sites like but if I'm there, I will still unfortunately click if I see a story about them. Just for one second ... and bam! It's like a thousand points of light and instant joy at seeing them, and I have to remember who and what they are and get out. I come here, where I also see BTS videos and Twitter clips yay! But reality hits here on this thread. It's endlessly funny to me that the videos and pictures commenters post here are not meant in any way to praise them, which is what I'm used to, but to examine them and talk about what's really going on. Now that is valuable in breaking an addiction.

I deleted everything "BTS" from my laptop and no longer play their music at all. I replaced it with other kpop because I love it, but not anything freaky evil as far as I can see.

I also realize that I am/was obsessed with mere humans (who I don't even know) the same way a person can be addicted to cigarettes or booze. I've found that Idolatry is just as destructive and fills up the time we have allotted to us for more constructive things. It hijacks our thoughts, our sleep, our entire lives and attempts to replace the Lord entirely. That's the demonic plan. We may be born again, but being so makes us targets to be influenced by the dark side in very personal ways. I try to keep in mind Proverbs 25:28, "Whoever has no rule over his own spirit Is like a city broken down, without walls."