BTS discussion thread


Apr 8, 2018
You are so kind, thank you very much for your warm comment :)

I am now more grateful born in a family that is believing in God. After watching, reading, and listening the scary things that happened in this world, it makes me feel that I need to get closer to Him, to protect my self..

I also have a colleague than doesn't believe in God but did not dare to ask him this question. If you don't mind, would you please share with me about why some people e.g. your friends/dad did not believe in God? But please feel free to ignore this question if it makes you uncomfortable :)
I know that some of my classmates don't believe because they see him as a terrible God who brings misery to the world without helping with any problems. Also, they have even said how they would prefer to go to hell because God "hates the gays".


May 20, 2018
I've been meaning to say this for some time now. Everyone here is so smart and intelligent! Thanks to all who continuously provide detailed info and research on all of this. Some of it I already knew, but I'm constantly learning new info thanks to ya'll. I know we disagree and have different views on spirituality/religion and some are nonbelievers, and some are still fans like me; but everyone has contributed so much to being here! I'm really enjoying reading this thread regardless of the dark subject.

Now, I do want to ask a question: is this thread the most viewed? Lol! 200,000+ views can't all be because of us.

If NJ is reading this I have one thing to say: MAN UP! and stop being a puppet!! You on the bottom like everybody else!
I am 75 percent sure.. He's reading this.. Because ... We are the only thread that's updating daily by 2 3 pages at least 60 posts a day. This is not like a normal website.. Where there's a topic and that's it.. They are known for hovering around twitter looking up at fan's account.. So why not search b4ngtans and i11umin4ti and at the 5th or 6th place you find this thread .. And 200000 views.. Thats a lot for us 20 25 people who are active :D ... And yes he can read English and yes they started to take legal actions... Soon when the nw0 will have it's full grip on the planet.. Of cours the the people makeing conspiracy theories will be openly sued then..

They're working on it ... It's just the beginning


Jun 1, 2018
I never wake up at 3 o'clock. My life has been very "normal", apart from my damn family history.
But I remember one night when I lay in my bed, snoozing. At that time I shared the room with my younger sister. She was already in bed, in the living room I heard my parents talking.
Suddenly I felt a strange cold. I couldn't move anymore and coudn't even open my mouth and talk. A little later I felt something heavy on me. I could not exactly see what it was, but it was black and strangled me. I really thought I was dying! I tried to free myself from the stranglehold and wanted to scream, but I couldn't open my mouth. I only produced a "mm-mm".
A few seconds later the creature disappeared and I was able to move and talk again. The cold was gone too.
I told my younger sister about it and she said that she had heard how I said "Mm-mh", but she thought that I was just dreaming. She also said that in the corner of the room where my bed was (and my bed was at the window) she sometimes sees dark shadows at night. I had a lot of nightmares during that time and my parents worried a lot about me.
Some of my friends said that I had a sleep paralysis. But I was kind of awake. Although I was snoozing, I could hear exactly what my parents were talking about in the living room.
By the way, I'm getting strangely cold now and then. I can't describe this cold. It's different...In my old apartment many strange things happened. We had a long hallway and I often heard footsteps or whispers.

I hope I did not scare you.
From medical aspect, it reminds me about sleep paralysis when reading your experience. Sleep Paralysis

But from mystical aspect, it reminds me about my friend and my sister's friend's experience. I took a school with dormitory back then and one of my friends told me and our friends about her experience. She feels there was a dark entity in the edge of her bedroom, and then this entity move above her so that she could not move or speak for a while. She said it was a terrible experience. My sister also told me the same event happened to her friends.

She told me that there is a way to prevent this happen, that we should sleep on our right side. Or if we want to sleep on our back (face toward ceiling), we should hold somethings above our body, such as hugging a pillow to prevent this dark entity sit above us. I do not know if this is helpful or not but I always do this every time I sleep with my back on.

Hopefully you will get better soon!


Jan 16, 2018
Maybe this was discussed in the Kpop thread when the news first broke. As some of you may know JwhyP was exposed for being involved in the cult created by the Sewol Ferry owner. Here's a pic from the article. It shows a board full of other celebs involved but they're blurred out.

I would love to find out who Dispatch has on that board! I bet they have so much dirt on many entertainers over there in SK!



Jan 16, 2018
From medical aspect, it reminds me about sleep paralysis when reading your experience. Sleep Paralysis

But from mystical aspect, it reminds me about my friend and my sister's friend's experience. I took a school with dormitory back then and one of my friends told me and our friends about her experience. She feels there was a dark entity in the edge of her bedroom, and then this entity move above her so that she could not move or speak for a while. She said it was a terrible experience. My sister also told me the same event happened to her friends.

She told me that there is a way to prevent this happen, that we should sleep on our right side. Or if we want to sleep on our back (face toward ceiling), we should hold somethings above our body, such as hugging a pillow to prevent this dark entity sit above us. I do not know if this is helpful or not but I always do this every time I sleep with my back on.

Hopefully you will get better soon!

99.9% of the time if I sleep on my back, I will have terrible nightmares. I never understood why.


Jun 11, 2018
After watching all those very informative videos i came to my own conclusion/breakdown of things so please let me know if you want to hear it :) (i might end up sued,listed and what not but at this point idc )(it's gonna get complicated at some parts so correct me if i make any mistakes )


Jun 11, 2018
I've been able to see/sense stuff since I was a baby. I used to freak my mom out a lot. I have a very strong gift of discernment as well. I rebuked it in Jesus name. Whatever attacked me that night was clearly sent to deliver a mesage for me to hush up. The fleur de lis is everywhere and very few know that it is just as powerful for entities to attatch to as say a pentagram. It's a powerful tool to sneak entities into your home.
This is incredible. I for example never notice anything in people or in a situation.


Apr 25, 2018
This may just be a tip of the iceberg. BeeT$ doesn't compare to these el1te at the top. Shows no matter how many !lluminati signs Beet$ pose they are just near the bottom of the pyramid, just a little bit more above than us. Tptb are showing their evil plan because of their "so-called" "ethics" of letting people know about their NWO agenda because they're so full of themselves that they think they're untouchable.
Do I feel sorry for BeeT$? Yes, because tptb are purely psychopathic and don't care about fellow people. They see people as slaves. So this gives me a different perspective. BT$$ are slaves and they have fallen prey to the lures of the el1te but they're trying to survive and make a living. But, they also chose the wrong side to support and I see them as sell-outs. Sad for them but also sad for us because it seems they didn't go to the side of resisting the el1te.
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Preach and well-said. I don't necessarily feel sorry for them because they do receive huge success and fortune (yes, that's all that matters for B!H! and the boys, doesn't it?) worldwide. Perhaps only for their souls and their families. And just because they are sell-outs now, it really doesn't mean they will still be untouchable in the future (they are only untouchable for now; that's why they can bully the public by suing them - moreover S.K laws seemingly only 'help' the rich). Once the el!te find someone/band to replace them - they will always find young blood, well, we know what will become of them. Nobody stays on top in the music industry forever. I don't know why but I feel that if they decide to continuously suing the public, this will eventually become their humiliation. As some of you have mentioned, I also have never seen a pop group suing the public like that and I also agree that @rmys will definitely be their downfall. What kind of a fandom that likes to see their oppas bullying people that way ? Who the faak like to see others to sue people ? This really says alot about what sort of people attracts this kind of people. I certainly don't like to see people suing people for no reason !


Jun 1, 2018
I know that some of my classmates don't believe because they see him as a terrible God who brings misery to the world without helping with any problems. Also, they have even said how they would prefer to go to hell because God "hates the gays".
Thank you for answering my questions! I have read somewhere about the reason of people who do not believe in God same as yours but it gives me different feeling after knowing directly from the person who involved in it.


Jun 11, 2018
they also let ppl know to scare them and make them depressed bcuz when some ppl know abt these stuffs they feel hopeless like there's no way out , these feelings generate bad/negative energy and they really want that ( I remember reading somewhere long ago that they have a great purpose in making the world a negative place , bcuz their Lord and master ( they're waiting for the false Christ ) will only come if the world is full of this energy and they even make special buildings with specific architecture to enhance it ( the article that I read talked about really tall buildings, the taller the better in creating bad waves , pyramids , and other things (lemme just finish my exams and I will translate the article and post the pics)
also there are ppl with really weak mentality , when they find out abt these stuff they get traumatised , later they will probably try to forget and not believe these things and convince themselves that it's not real even when it's real , to the length of imagining that the world is evil free and they were over reacting just to make themselves feel better ( and this seems to me like what mkùltrà victims do when they get tortured , they dissociate and imagine a whole new world to forget the pain , that's what the brain does anyway to protect itself from trauma ) it's like programming but in an indirect way
I'm supposed to be of weak mentality (due to early abuse) i told y'all i was recovering meaning while i'm learning about the lies and truth it's traumatizing but let me tell you that i'll never want to forget about all of this
Right now the evil is strongest but as more and more people get out of the matrix/brainwashing than we have always hope (we are the proof) to win the battle !!!!
(God is said to come back in the year 6000 so we still have 4000 years to go so perhaps we are only meere piece of a huge puzzle ?idk)


Jun 11, 2018
I really think we are being spyed on cause when i was reading the theory about the l0v3 m!z3 i had the same ads even if i went back a page or forward and it was saying : m!z3 mak3r and m!ze l0v3r (?) like wtf ?!?
Mar 24, 2018
In their new album they have a song called "love maze" I looked for the lyrics and some parts are interesting (not sure if they are really talking about love)

Cuz I’ll be in love maze
Cuz I’ll be in love maze

Locked in a maze of choises
Tired from dead-end confusion
We were lost looking for an answer
Lost in the maze, in the darkness
(they mention darknes, saying they had to make a choice)

We may run and run this path endlessly
The countless false outcries
May tear us apart
It’s true baby
(not sure if they are talking to their love interest or about them and the choice they made)

We must only believe in us
Don’t let go of our hands
We must be together forever

Other people say
I’m the only fool if I do this
But I don’t wanna use my head
I don’t wanna calculate
Love ain’t a business
Rather like a fitness
I’ve never used my head to love
I know it’s gonna be cold like the winter
But I wanna tackle it ayy
If you push me I’ll fall, raise me up yeah
You don’t have to come even when I pull
Let them be them
Let us be us
Love is a maze damn
But you is amaze yeah
(let them be them, making a difference between themselves and the others maybe those who dont know?)

Take my ay ay hand, don’t let go
Lie ay ay in the maze
My ay ay never let me go
In love maze
Take my ay ay hand, don’t let go
My ay ay come closer
My ay ay we must never miss each other
In love maze

Let’s not listen no matter what others say
Just let’em talk No matter what they say
I become more confident the more they say
Yeah yeah yeah
Yeah yeah yeah

Can’t you hear me, you gotta believe me
Baby just don’t give a damn
Promise, promise me

In a maze that’s blocked in all four directions, we’re at a dead end
We are walking in the abyss
The sliver of light over there
I hope that we are wandering towards the paradise
Keep in mind, sometimes lies will try to tear us apart
Hardships will try to trick us but
I focus on myself in those times
In darkness, we are enough
In an empty lie
If we are together, even this endless maze is a paradise
(mentioning paradise here saying there is a bright light at the end, but they are still in darkness but if they are together this darkness feels like paradise)

Take my ay ay hand, don’t let go
Lie ay ay in this maze
My ay ay never let me go
In love maze

What can we do, we came here through our formula
Yeah what can we do, we came to a head with that rule
This maze that we wander in
In the endless crossroads
This is one of our providences for each other
I always think that eternity is difficult
I want to do it, yeah let’s be eternal
Our mountain, our climb
Our axis of the world, our hearts
Travling towards the exit
The hands that hold each other become a map
(lol talking about the "formula" here, strange lyrics. Are they talking about their love interest or about themselves and what they did to get to this place? they also talk about being "eternal")

not sure what the lyrics are about. But I remember RM saying this song was one of his favorites so it's probably not a simple love song
Good analysis yh that’s what I think too it’s definitely not about love
Most likely about being trapped and trying to make out the most of it they’re saying hold out hands does it mean some members maybe wanted to leave
Mar 24, 2018
Yo the maze in the back of Lost performance looks like the maze in Ariana Grande's new video which is full if mk ultra symbolism. I believe the vigilant one talked about it in their yt vid on her.
Yh I remember that maze and also the masks were similiar to Singularity
I think 2pac explained it best about the maze, mice and society:
BeeT$ could mean they are trapped like in a maze as well controlled like the mice in experiments...
Thank you for the video!!!!!
Mar 24, 2018
Oh God I just saw your reply sweetheart I am so sorry! :( Could you please elaborate on the suspicious things you saw? I'm definitely not questioning you I just have simply no idea on the matter because I don't watch many videos with them in general, they are so many of them that at some point I kinda gave up haha and now I watch only their performances and some funny episodes from time to time:confused: Seems like J!m!n is a charmer haha for real though I hope that your friends will see the reality eventually, my bias is also Vee and he still has a place in my heart bc he seems to me the most genuine out af all but it doesn't erase the fact that they followed the wrong path:( AHH thank you sooo much for the courage you give me, I truly hope you do well,wish you lots of luck,you can do this! <3

Regarding the R0ckfeller I remember one video where a high-ranking member of 1LLum1nat! talked blatantly about how they control everything and said arrogantly and coldly something along these lines"keep believing that you are free and you have control over your lives, your elections etc in the meantime we are the puppet masters" it gave me chills to my spine he was speaking so calmly but he was scary af at the same time,it was like he had no life in his eyes.Ah I am so glad that I contribute however I can but it doesn't get measured against your help, you guys!<3 I also didn't know about the black sun that was so interesting thank you one more time for that! I think it has also something to do with the egyptian civilization like the god of the sun (Ra)but I'm not sure. :/ Yeah I've heard about the korean school system before,it makes me completely outrageous to think of all those children who suffer daily because they arrive home late at night and have to study till dawn.Also the competition there is huge,the lifestyle is very expensive and they can't afford it so they have to study hard to get high-paying jobs.I've read about all those suicides bc of that pressure,it's really sad :( Υes C00kie got into the industry since really young I remember him saying that he forced to grow up fast because of it.:(
Actually the suspicious things are all on this thread lol the signs they make to eachother I doubt they don’t know about that and @the world is a stage has such amazing VKook analysis she wrote It on the other thread I believe you could PM her if you wanted and if she’s ok with that (she’s super nice)as I suck at analysing lol and I don’t know what to talk about in this field haha
I don’t believe any of them were gay to start off and Jungkook seems to like women so I’m really confused but I don’t want to rule out anything
It’s fine!
Jimin is really a magnet everyone is sucked in by him even I used to be before but I swayed more to Tae at the end
Yess, some people don’t like V now or choose new biases a lot of people I know unbiased him and chose other members he seems the most genuine to me and had always been my bias he’s always under pressure bless he talks about it in Burn The Stage i wish he could leave he seems to have a dark presence though
Yes education systems are corrupt
I learn so much on this thread but nothing in school I forget everything and it’s worse around the world
Thank you I’m so nervous lol my brain and French don’t get along well
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May 21, 2018
Hi guys! :) I was previously kinda active on the discussion thread about kpop and Illum1nat1 but then I had to leave for a while because Uni kept me busy :/ Finally I have been able to watch this thread and the other one for some time now and i managed to read almost all of the pages.You guys are amazing,thank you so much for your brilliant input and explanations, because of you I pulled off disconnecting myself completely from BeeTS and Kp0p in general and I am so grateful for that help! Despite the fact i knew the truth about Kp0p for a while,I was turning the blind eye to the truth because deep inside I didn't want to believe that Ι wasted so many years and so much energy/time on those people in vain.As i've stated on the other thread,I am very familiar with the Freemas0nry from a young age since my father's best friend is unfortunately a Freemas0n himself and I have a cousin which is an actress in my country and let's say she has seen it all :3 From the small experience i have.i can confirm that all you've written here is true,this cult runs the celebrity life it also happens in my country and mind you I live in a relatively small European country,i don't want to imagine what happens on a bigger scale.Please excuse my English.
Hi! So can you reveal which country you're from? I myself am from a small southern European country.


Apr 30, 2018
After watching all those very informative videos i came to my own conclusion/breakdown of things so please let me know if you want to hear it :) (i might end up sued,listed and what not but at this point idc )(it's gonna get complicated at some parts so correct me if i make any mistakes )
sure. i'd want to