BTS discussion thread


May 8, 2023
Just to point out that while they did get covid, they were asymptomatic or had very little symptoms as a result of having received the vaccine. The vaccine does not necessarily prevent covid, but absolutely makes the symptoms much less severe.

Please don't spread dangerous anti-vaxx propaganda. Vaccines save lives and make symptoms much less severe.
All kpop stars are jabbed, there is no turning back from that. BTS are jabbed. There is a detox available at from the naturopath doctor Amandha Vollmer.

The jab is part of a freemasonic mind control operation that created a global egregore of "get jabbed".

There is a group of Spanish scientists from Argentina, Spain and all over the world called La Quinta Columna, who have investigated the jabs scientifically. They made videos in multiple subtitled languages so please find the videos with the English titles for the English subtitles. You will be shocked if you don't know this already, about graphene oxide and microcomputer chips in the jabs.

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Mar 1, 2021
Just to point out that while they did get covid, they were asymptomatic or had very little symptoms as a result of having received the vaccine. The vaccine does not necessarily prevent covid, but absolutely makes the symptoms much less severe.

Please don't spread dangerous anti-vaxx propaganda. Vaccines save lives and make symptoms much less severe.
The worst part is that 20% of those who get covid, with or without the vaccine will end up with long covid, a lifelong disability.


Dec 9, 2020
Generally speaking, I'm pro-vaccine, but I don't feel like the covid vaccine is actually doing anything for us. I think this virus just spreads too fast for the vaccine to have any effect on eradicating the disease.

That being said, I can see why every kpop star is vaccinated, cause of travelling worldwide. I'd rather it be a choice for people though. We should be allowed to say no. At least where I live, the right to choose has been respected.


Jun 5, 2023
How did you know that they were "asymptomatic" or had "very little symptoms?"

Jin even admitted in one of their vlives that he had "delirium-like" nightmares that he felt like he was being pulled into hades...(must be a result of high-grade fevers)...
Their statements said so. And yes, that's possible if he did have nightmares like that, but it's still nowhere near as bad compared to if he had covid full force. Vaccines help lessen the severity of symptoms greatly. I had covid myself and it's thanks to the vaccine that it wasn't too severe. I also know tons of people who got covid who had very minor symptoms thanks to being fully vaccinated.


May 8, 2023
Their statements said so. And yes, that's possible if he did have nightmares like that, but it's still nowhere near as bad compared to if he had covid full force. Vaccines help lessen the severity of symptoms greatly. I had covid myself and it's thanks to the vaccine that it wasn't too severe. I also know tons of people who got covid who had very minor symptoms thanks to being fully vaccinated.
Most unfortunately hun what you've been told are lies. The vaccine was never meant to protect against covid. The vaccine is meant to induce a disease or condition.

Please check out this website called

Mar 1, 2021
dont know if you guys saw this, but the guy Scooter Brown (he is now JK manager) is losing all his big clients like Ariana Grande and Bieber

according to rumors, him working with Hybe made anything worse

i wonder how JK feels, he must be the only "big" client left for Scooter? mess
The site CDAN said this would happen. There's a for pay site that said J6stin and Sc00ter have not talked for months, but that J6stin did a favor for him by saying they were close. Working with hive is a mistake. They devour and don't work well together with others.


Jun 5, 2023
Most unfortunately hun what you've been told are lies. The vaccine was never meant to protect against covid. The vaccine is meant to induce a disease or condition.

Please check out this website called

lol you're seriously believing some bogus website?
I know for a fact, that the vaccine (do you know how vaccines work?) greatly protects against the severity of covid. Know this from personal experience and lots of people I know who thankfully only had minor symptoms, thanks to being fully vaccinated. The efficacy of vaccines is well-documented. Please don't spread anti-science misinformation.
Feb 20, 2020
lol you're seriously believing some bogus website?
I know for a fact, that the vaccine (do you know how vaccines work?) greatly protects against the severity of covid. Know this from personal experience and lots of people I know who thankfully only had minor symptoms, thanks to being fully vaccinated. The efficacy of vaccines is well-documented. Please don't spread anti-science misinformation.



Jun 5, 2023

Anti-vaxxers are dangerous.
Feb 20, 2020
Anti-vaxxers are dangerous.
poor lost foolish soul..

are you going to allow the devil to outwit you with his diabolic schemes/devices and deceptions? satan is the temporary ruler of this world so what do you expect!?

planned pandemic for jabs to be rolled out so they can enter the bloodstreams of humanity and corrupt them laying down the foundation of the mark of the beast. the jabs and the alien agenda are all connected that’s why you got one right after the other. tests done so they can take hold of your DNA one of the reasons being that they are looking for the DNA of the 144K hand picked by YAH so they can destroy them but they will only wish to get near them. another reason they are looking for the DNA is bc once they have it they can create different types of diseases to get rid of a certain group of people/ethnicity etc.

nobody cares about your well being the only one who cares about your well being is YAH for He cares for your SOUL! for the battle is for the SOUL
they want to corrupt your DNA because the devil hates humanity and will do anything possible to rewrite your blueprint and make you into his image because he hates the fact that you were created in the IMAGE AND LIKENESS OF YAH! he hates people worshipping THE ONE TRUE LIVING GOD. satan wants to receive all the worship and praise if you are wondering why music is filled with diabolic symbolism THAT IS ONE OF THE REASONS. to make humans no longer fully human and make them unable to enter thru the gates of heaven.

you deciding to stay ignorant when so many people are already speaking up on losing their loved ones after they got the jab or so many people who got the jab and died a little after taking it. so many people who worked for those companies are exposing things documents are coming out exposing their lies. you being ignorant to those things will NOT make them untrue and your opinion doesn’t matter at all.. ALL THAT MATTERS IS WHAT YAH SAYS AND HOW HE SEES THINGS. arrogant humans will perish together with their gods called MY OPINION but YAH’S LAWS AND STATUTES WILL STAND FOREVER AND EVER THEY ARE ETERNAL FOR HE IS ETERNAL AND HAS NO BEGINNING AND AN END!

i advise you to get your head out of the sand and REPENT or else it will not be well for you. if you are deceived with the jabs you will fall into further and deeper deception with all else that’s on the horizon that the beast system has prepared. all technology comes from the fallen angels who come to the earth and slept with human women giving birth to the nephilim. if all the technology comes from the fallen ones where do you think vaccines came from? for the greater good they say but have you not heard that the road of hell is paved with good intentions? satan is a trickster/mischief and the master of illusion/deception the father of LIES. they speak of depopulation and you don't even know why and what's this all about at its core.. well i will tell you DESTRUCTION OF HUMAN SEED SO THE SEED OF THE SERPENT CAN ARISE AND BE MORE THAN HUMANITY. humans have no idea what their true identity is in CHRIST and that they were given the dominion and power thru Christ Jesus over the earth and all of the wicked forces of the enemy.

The Lord Jesus Christ is calling you into His loving embrace will you answer HIS call? choose this day whom will you serve for tomorrow is not promised to anyone. you can’t serve two masters. choose The Life choose The Lord Jesus Christ.

“Do not love the world or anything in the world. If anyone loves the world, the love of the Father is not in him.” - (1 John 2:15)


Aug 21, 2023
I live in a tyrannical Country when it comes to vaccines so I'm very sensitive to this matter and I brought it up in a BTS thread, but at the same time I have become stoic about it. I think it doesn't really matter if people still believe what they've been told and try to silence those who says otherwise. They won't even have their blood checked, let alone take beneficial substances like NAC to detox from spike proteins. Any advice is useless. I try to empathize with them. I can understand that surrender to the overwhelming evidence would be too terrifying so let them believe what they want if it make them feel better. At this point it's every man for himself like Captain Smith said on the Titanic after the lifeboats were all gone. I just wish they didn't poison their children with that stuff. These poor kids didn't even ask for it and they're getting myocarditis because of their parents. Truely horrific.


Aug 21, 2023
All kpop stars are jabbed, there is no turning back from that. BTS are jabbed.
Well they said so, but who knows if it's entirely true. And some of the jabs are just saline solution. Anyhow what's been really surprising me is that many pop stars seem to be in trouble with their health. I thought rich and famous people like them would be spared. They bring in tons of money. Ok, big pop singers are controlled by satanic elites and all, but harming mega stars like BTS would be stupid, it's really like killing the golden goose. Even if the plan to destroy humanity includes the rich, I'd be surprised if BTS greedy agency allowed a potential huge loss of money. A guy with an heart condition cannot perform on stage.
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Sep 21, 2021
"BTS’ Jungkook's solo song ‘Seven’ faces plagiarism accusations..."

"BTS' Jungkook's song ‘Seven’ has been accused of 'borrowing' the same scale sequence as Fin.K.L's song Time of Mask, according to a South Korean media outlet."
  • BTS' Jungkook's song ‘Seven’ has been accused of using a similar melody to Fin.K.L's ‘Time of Mask’ by composer Yang Joon-young.
  • Yang Joon-young has sent evidence to HYBE, the company behind BTS, and has requested an investigation into the matter.



Jun 26, 2022
"BTS’ Jungkook's solo song ‘Seven’ faces plagiarism accusations..."

"BTS' Jungkook's song ‘Seven’ has been accused of 'borrowing' the same scale sequence as Fin.K.L's song Time of Mask, according to a South Korean media outlet."
  • BTS' Jungkook's song ‘Seven’ has been accused of using a similar melody to Fin.K.L's ‘Time of Mask’ by composer Yang Joon-young.
  • Yang Joon-young has sent evidence to HYBE, the company behind BTS, and has requested an investigation into the matter.

Not surprised ,it's not the first time they were accused of plagiarism