BTS discussion thread


Mar 16, 2020
Lol funny cuz he juuls and its 2 years of singularity and these are the lyrics. His vpice sounds really stable even while dancing in the vid.

Speaking of the gay thing- and also, this is a MARRIED lady fangirling over tae, who probably is even older than him. He couldve at least said "you should love your husband more than me!" but tae rather say "your wife is more interested in me than you :p;) "
The Korean translation according to twitter stans before the emojis is "groom", might mean he flirted on the husband


Apr 7, 2020
Hey everyone! Well, I've been reading some of the content posted here, obviously not all because...y'know, this is the length of a novel lol. I read some full pages and skipped others. Anyways, this is all pretty intense, and I'm only at the tip of the iceberg. I do have a few questions though, but for now, this:

What are the key points someone could use to expose a member or the group in general? Like to an army, to get them to understand that it is harmful. Even if it isn't something related to Satanism (in fact, I think they would be more likely to wake up and maybe stop being a fan if the points of evidence presented to them against their idols wasn't related to Satanism, since that's heavier and would sound farfetched to them, or they might be atheists and not believe it for that reason). For example, I heard some of them lied about their wealth growing up and such? Is there evidence for this, like maybe records or documents found online? I'm assuming their management/label would scrub the info, but hopefully someone archived it. I do not know if I made much sense because I'm not good with words :/

Sorry for the bother, and thank you!
Hi :) no bother at all.

This is a really good question. I wish I fully could answer this because I asked myself the same thing and I’m not sure what I would do either. It’s hard because the majority of the fandom are illogical, brainwashed and seriously see these guys as angels that can do no wrong. So if you try and say even the slightest thing against any of the members it triggers them to death and they lose their chips. They don’t even care to consider what the person actually says because BTS is “perfect” right?

I’ve watched many different YouTube videos on people explaining why they stopped listening to Kpop, some Christian, some not and most of the comments seem to be flooded with fans saying how they’re obsessed with BTS and they don’t know how to stop but they want to because they recognize how unhealthy it is. So I feel like that’s a good place to start is pointing out how many people around the world are unhealthily attached to this group and how that’s the whole marketing tactic of BTS or just kpop in general I guess. No satanism mentioned like you said because I agree that is really intense to start off with or explain, especially to someone who doesn’t have a clue about the occult.
I know you asked about exposing specific members but like I said it’s a good place to start with.

Hope this helps. Xo


Apr 7, 2020
I had a dream last night were taehyung died. I was on the internet and I saw this information, at night when i was going to sleep( i sleep very late now..Around 2 am and 3 am.)And on a youtube video, there was a lot of RIP ....

I was not sad but...he died without apologizing to God, knowing that he will go to hell...And he died very young.
That’s so sad

I’ve seen a lot of people have dreams about the members dying.

Ultimately what hurts me is their fate after death if they don’t repent. Or if it’s even possible to still repent in the industry? Or your soul is doomed as soon as you sell out? Still not clear on how that works but anyway still very sad.

This just reminded me of a video I saw a while back of them maybe it was a run episode I can’t remember but jungkook said “jokingly” , “well I’m going to hell anyway ahahahah” I was like ...........................


Nov 8, 2019
Are you serious that this stuff didn’t exist in 90s? Try going back further than that to the 80s, 70s, 60, or the film industry in the 30s, 40s, 50s?
Do you know anything about art or music history in the eras of Mozart etc and what debauched lifestyles they lived?
Do you know about writers like Shakespeare, Victor Hugo, Oscar Wilde, Virginia Woolf?
If you think that these things are a symptoms of a New World Order, you’re going to be disappointed. These things have existed since time itself.
What you are implying about that child in that photo with I think, Taehyung, is disgusting. What kind of a person does that make you?
It’s sickening that females especially, could even read that into an innocent photograph. The worst thing about it is that some of you have young children.
Who is that child in that picture? If it were your daughter would you want bitchy females who can’t have who can’t have Taehyung themselves posting that about your daughter. If you have any shame you’ll delete that Picture and your insinuations straight away. It’s disgusting.
You think you have it all worked out. However, your experience and knowledge if the world is limited.
I’m sorry if you think I’m being disrespectful to you but anyone who posts an innocent picture of a child with a celebrity and makes the inferences made here, is beyond low.
Anyone who doesn’t see that is as low as the OP is.
I don’t care what else you think, but you cannot go around blaming people of crimes like that with no evidence. You need to take a long hard look at yourself.
There is a limit to what’s acceptable - even under the guise of free speech. Accusing someone of paedophilia when there is no evidence of it, is not free speech. You put people who have fought for the right to free speech to shame, frankly.
Stop behaving like a disney princess. You did say you don't know BTS and you just proved that.I support you, of course you can't accuse someone without prove but you also can't ignore the signs and be ignorant cause many people are dying due to the same reasons so for once just look at things from our point of view.


Jan 5, 2020
Stop behaving like a disney princess. You did say you don't know BTS and you just proved that.I support you, of course you can't accuse someone without prove but you also can't ignore the signs and be ignorant cause many people are dying due to the same reasons so for once just look at things from our point of view.
A Disney Princess?:D
You think it’s alright to post a picture of a celebrity’s interaction with a unknown child and imply there is something inappropriate in it? Where is the evidence in that picture? If you want to speculate way about BTS in that way, then do it without posting a picture of someone else’s child!
Grow up! This isn’t about BTS. It’s about the protection of that child and the right that she and her family have for the image not to be posted on the internet for people to speculate that there’s something inappropriate going on. What kind of twisted mind must a person have to even suggest it?
There are real children out there in the world, dealing with real abuse. It’s the lowest and most vile crime in existence. These are not accusations that you throw around lightly! See it from your point of view for once? Not if it includes posting pictures of a child and suggesting with absolutely no proof that there is something inappropriate going on.
Have you got children? What if that was your child? How would you feel if you saw that?


Jan 5, 2020
;) Thank you.
Either way my point was that the more gay propaganda was allowed, the worse it got.
I was being kind to the arts comparing nowadays music with the 90s. I mean...I won’t compare nowadays music Lady Gaga Beyonce with Aretha Franklin. That’s not even funny.

As far as Hollywood goes I have posted previously an interview with
Andrew Breitbart talking about the golden era, the 50s, 60a and how the movie industry got worse once the gay mafia took over.
So... I mean...slow thinker or trolling.
Edit: both. Apparently.
You have a lot of growing up to do.
Take that picture of that child. Even in the worst case scenario, if there was something inappropriate about him talking to her in a completely open place? That little girl would have the absolute right to anonymity and not have her identity disclosed.
You are so entitled and self-righteous that you don’t even have the ability to see that. Talk about people behave like a princess?
Your posts ooze immaturity because you don’t have a clue what’s really going on in the world.
Did you grow up in the 70s or 80s? If you didn’t don’t lecture me on music ftom that time. It makes you look stupid?
Hollywood has always been scandalous. Some of the things that happened in the past make today’s stars look angelic! Charlie Chaplin married had at least 4 wives - two were 16, one was 21 and the last he married when he was 53 was 18! Infidelity was rampant as were gay and lesbian affairs. There were allegations of female actresses being forced to have abortions to save their careers? Young female stars were allegedly taken advantage of by male directors etc to get roles. Sound familiar?
1957 - Jerry Lee Lewis married his 13 yr old cousin, while he was still married to his first wife.
1961 -Chuck Berry was hailed for allegedly prostituting a 14 year old girl.
In 1969, Jim Morrison was arrested for simulating sexual acts on stage.
iIn the early 70s, Jimmy Page of LED Zeppelin had an affair with a 14 yr old girl
In the 80/90s, Bill Wyman ftom the Tolling stones dated a 15 yr old. It was a huge scandal because she was 13 when they started dating. He was 47. It wasn’t a rumour - he admitted it, as did she and her mother. They married when she was 18.
Of course I won’t even start to discuss the drugs scandals!
Your constant posts defending the entertainment industry of the past make you look naive, deluded and misinformed. You are just a deeply unpleasant person who doesn’t understand anywhere near as much as they think they do.
You are embarrassing yourself, to be honest.


Jan 5, 2020
;) Thank you.
Either way my point was that the more gay propaganda was allowed, the worse it got.
I was being kind to the arts comparing nowadays music with the 90s. I mean...I won’t compare nowadays music Lady Gaga Beyonce with Aretha Franklin. That’s not even funny.

As far as Hollywood goes I have posted previously an interview with
Andrew Breitbart talking about the golden era, the 50s, 60a and how the movie industry got worse once the gay mafia took over.
So... I mean...slow thinker or trolling.
Edit: both. Apparently.
Also, do you know that Aretha Franklin had two children by the time she was 15 - the first, when she was just 12?
Do you know she died of pancreatic cancer, after many, many years of alcohol abuse?
Apr 16, 2020
You have a lot of growing up to do.
Take that picture of that child. Even in the worst case scenario, if there was something inappropriate about him talking to her in a completely open place? That little girl would have the absolute right to anonymity and not have her identity disclosed.
You are so entitled and self-righteous that you don’t even have the ability to see that. Talk about people behave like a princess?
Your posts ooze immaturity because you don’t have a clue what’s really going on in the world.
Did you grow up in the 70s or 80s? If you didn’t don’t lecture me on music ftom that time. It makes you look stupid?
Hollywood has always been scandalous. Some of the things that happened in the past make today’s stars look angelic! Charlie Chaplin married had at least 4 wives - two were 16, one was 21 and the last he married when he was 53 was 18! Infidelity was rampant as were gay and lesbian affairs. There were allegations of female actresses being forced to have abortions to save their careers? Young female stars were allegedly taken advantage of by male directors etc to get roles. Sound familiar?
1957 - Jerry Lee Lewis married his 13 yr old cousin, while he was still married to his first wife.
1961 -Chuck Berry was hailed for allegedly prostituting a 14 year old girl.
In 1969, Jim Morrison was arrested for simulating sexual acts on stage.
iIn the early 70s, Jimmy Page of LED Zeppelin had an affair with a 14 yr old girl
In the 80/90s, Bill Wyman ftom the Tolling stones dated a 15 yr old. It was a huge scandal because she was 13 when they started dating. He was 47. It wasn’t a rumour - he admitted it, as did she and her mother. They married when she was 18.
Of course I won’t even start to discuss the drugs scandals!
Your constant posts defending the entertainment industry of the past make you look naive, deluded and misinformed. You are just a deeply unpleasant person who doesn’t understand anywhere near as much as they think they do.
You are embarrassing yourself, to be honest.
Totally spot on here
Apr 16, 2020
Hon 33 is right u know. BTS has absolutely no sort of bizarre paedophilic acts that it seems some people here and desperate to see. Hon 33 is correct that music in times before this had sex and underage scandals that honestly cant even be compared! BTS is guilty of the infantalisation of themselves sure but really the only thing paedo about BTS was some saesang saying they selling shit


May 7, 2020
Wow this thread is something else lol
I haven't gone that far back but I just wanted to say a few things. I don't agree with alot of the stuff here but I was never obsessed with BeeTeeS either as my obsession days with kpop was long gone 10 years ago. My sisters like beetss so I wanted to find out some stuff about them (I have always had interest in semiotics and the kpop industry changes) and I came accross this thread.

Allow me to make some points as someone who has lived in an Asian country and had worked, lived and befriended with Thai, Korean, Chinese, and Japanese people. There are some things you guys are misunderstanding due to some cultural clash.

1. The gay mannerism you pick on in kpop has an explanation.

When I first moved to Asia, I thought half of the men were gay. But later I came to find out Asian men have naturally more toned down masculinty in their mannerism and the way they carry themselves. Especialy those born and living in the east compared to the Asians in the west. You can go to a rural village where there TV is rare and there is no internet and you will find men with the same mannerism. It's not a gay agenda or a propoganda to spread something. Compared to African men - I am african btw - who are hyper masculine (to the point of being rough/crude) in their mannerism. It doesn't make one race better or worse than the other. Likewise, Asian women are also way more feminine than African women - in the modern sense of the concept - so softer, quieter, subdued, delicate mannerism. I have had the comment be made about us African women being tough and masculine many times by Asians not unlike the comments about Asian men being emasculated. Does that mean Asian women are real women and African women are not?

It is also a mix of boyish mannerism. In Korea guys like beets are still considered boys and not men and that's because the Korean male is not considered a man/comes of age until they serve in the military. Most idols and actors go to the military and come back considerably more ribbed and masculine. The military is no joke there and the boys go and come different becuase of the things they experience there. There is no special treatment or adoring screaming fangirls. Just heightened males compitition, trying to up each other and prove themselves. (account from a Korean friend).

Kpop international fans love to read the culture from their western liberal lense where they think kpop is revolutionizing the views on masculinity - which is not unlike what most of you are doing here, reading the industry from your point of view without consideration of cultural context. Korea is nothing like the west - it is a confucius and buddhist conservative patriarichal society with rigid expectations of men so don't let the make up, colourful MVs and soft looks trick you.

Some of you call them Ladyboys. Google ladyboys to see what they truely look like in Asia and see how they are rejected by the society there compared to the drag and LGBTQ community elsewhere.

2. The entertainment industry is bad everywhere. The analysis of the satanic signs is nice but not particularly creative as these signs are repetitive throughtout any popculture form.

But the claims some of you make - with such strong certainity but no hard evidence about them being gay, p***philes, and addicts. And it's by analysing clips from scripted variety and reality shows, the monitered SNS interactions and pictures of facial expressions. It makes it hard to take it seriously and makes me questions the morality, ethics and mentality of some you. It is worse than sasaeng behaviour. At least sasaeng's infos are evidence but there is no way you can obtain sasaeng's info because those people are a tight knit group who deal their stuff in ways you can't access. If you did actually pursue and obtain sasaeng infos then you are truely in too deep in the dark if you can't see how messed up that is.

The speculations about their sexual lives - like digging up Jimin's girlfriend's and the male escorts instagram account for rumors I am sure are years and years old - how is this any different from sasaengs or obsessive gossip/rumor chat rooms? It indicates some of you have a fascination/obsession about their sexuality and sexual activities that you are disguising as the good deed of exposing evil. No believer, with good intentions and pure heart would need to go digging and searching for those type of rumors or informations.

You would either see the satanic signs in the MVs or understand the problamatic and abusive system that is Kpop decide to unfollow them and stop there. But the level of interest in their sexual and personal lives points that the problem is with you. You can't face your weak selves that have dragged you down this obsession so instead you are intricately weaving another far more disturbing fantasy to help you get by and not over the obesssion. To help you rationalize and cope with denying yourselves the drug - which is beetss. It is equally time consuming and spiritually draining. I hope you all find the light and learn that for you to leave an obsessive fantasy life behind you don't need to go through such extreme lengths that could be even more detrimental to you mental and spiritual health. No good comes from attempting to excavate and engage with others' dark sides - whether it exist in them or not.

You are not all adults here either. Some of you stated that you are teenagers. So you are also setting really bad example and dragging minors with you.
Last edited:


Mar 20, 2017
A Disney Princess?:D
You think it’s alright to post a picture of a celebrity’s interaction with a unknown child and imply there is something inappropriate in it? Where is the evidence in that picture? If you want to speculate way about BTS in that way, then do it without posting a picture of someone else’s child!
Grow up! This isn’t about BTS. It’s about the protection of that child and the right that she and her family have for the image not to be posted on the internet for people to speculate that there’s something inappropriate going on. What kind of twisted mind must a person have to even suggest it?
There are real children out there in the world, dealing with real abuse. It’s the lowest and most vile crime in existence. These are not accusations that you throw around lightly! See it from your point of view for once? Not if it includes posting pictures of a child and suggesting with absolutely no proof that there is something inappropriate going on.
Have you got children? What if that was your child? How would you feel if you saw that?


Jan 5, 2020
You’ve done nothing in this thread except trolling and writing bizarre nonsensical things that you pick up randomly from the Internet.

You seem to have the intellect of a child, not understanding a thing from what is being talked in here, you pick up one word, then you look up on the internet and bring something in totally irrelevant to this forum as well as erroneous information.

You heavily offended multiple members in here for no reason, on and on and you seem to be somehow mentally unclear.

Writing about me exposing a child’s identity??

Bringing up random names as some sort of what? Attack? Charlie Chaplin and whatever you picked up from Wikipedia ?

Everybody knows about Aretha.

So what?? I was comparing the music not when someone got pregnant.

I was referring to the quality of the art. Not who rapped who.

Back in the 50s there were rapist and good art.

Now we have rapist, pedophiles, gays and bad art.

I can’t explain a subject that is clearly over your mental state to you, like to a child.
On multiple occasions I have been polite and patient with you. I have taken the time and sum up things discussed in here. But I see that it was only to my detriment.

You seem to be mostly interested in defending and faning over Jimin because you don’t want anything negative attached to it/him.

Their relation and all the endless pedophiliac symbols THEY’ve included in the videos/photoshootings/lyrics, an endless data gathered so carefully by other members in here, has been detailed over pages and pages. This isn’t a “maybe”.

More important than Jimin or Taehyung’s pedophiliac signs or no signs are the endless hints that were exposed in this thread. For over 1200 pages.

Jimin and Taehyung have clearly traits of pedophiles. My opinion. Show the pictures and their multiple interactions with underage girls to any doc, he will tell you something about it.
Their behavior around children has been discussed in different other forums.
All of them have lived SURROUNDED by pedophiles and gays.
We even discussed in here the role of their parents in the Freemasonry because they allowed the surroundings and physical abuse, drag clothings, amongst others.
It’s all in this thread.

Michael Jackson was clearly a p***phile even though no clear proofs were ever found.

His/others infatuation with children is a first sign in a p***phile. Grown men loosing it over children.

Let me be wrong, I don’t hold the global answers nor the truth to anything.
I have professional background to sniff pedophiliac signs in at least the two members mentioned plus Jin.

Worse than that is everything that people have exposed in here about BTS/BigHit/Bang Si-Hyuk p***phile agenda.

If you are really objectively interested on this subject, you can read the thread from the beginning.

But this is simply trolling what both of you are doing.

One goes all cuckoo's nest in here, sometimes is funny because clearly it’s a nutjob, you don’t like anything bad about Jimin, then you have people going crazy for criticism over Jungkook and Taehyung, it’s like the past 1300 pages have been for nothing.

Their videos,music, clothing, signs are heavily filled with gay pedophiliac Illuminati symbols.

This isn’t about different opinions. This is a fact. What they are promoting through the endless amount of means - either their questionable video game who has already been criticized about age inappropriate content, videos, music, clothes they are wearing, things they are promoting and recommending, books, toys, merchandise, publicity for Coca-Cola who is using death embryos in their beverage as an introduction to cannibalism.

All of that has been exposed in this thread. This isn’t about one picture, one member and fans feeling personally attacked.
The members have been exposed in this order: Namjoon, Jin, Taehyung/Jimin/Jungkook, Yoongi, Hoseok.

The company has been exposed.
Bang Si-Hyuk
His cousin
Their other managers
The other other managers
The one who blackmailed them
Their political affiliation

It’s 1300 pages.

Trying to reach a hand out and this is where it gets.
Pick up from wikipedia? No one in their right mind uses Wikipedia as a source! :D
I knew most of these things before the internet even existed!:rolleyes:
I’m proud to say I was born pre-internet.
What erroneous information have I presented?
You don’t believe homosexuality existed in entertainment, pre-1950s? That would explain the number of older actors, like Rock Hudson, who died of HIV/AIDS then?
Are you familiar with the writer and playwright Oscar Wilde? Have you heard of his novel “The Picture of Dorian Gray?” I mean, I’m guessing that before the film industry was developed, playwrights were as close as you got to the entertainment industry.
Sweetie, I grew up in the 70s and 80s. I lived through many rock scandals. I mentioned just the other day about groups like Frankie Goes to Hollywood, Culture Club, Erasure, Bronski Beat to name but a few who were at the forefront of pushing forward the gay agenda in pop culture.
You think this is the first generation to do so, think again! What about icons like Freddie Mercury, Elton John and later George Michael? If you want gender fluidity look at artists like Prince, Boy George, David Bowie, Marc Bolan? Coming hot on the heels of the 50s snd 60s, they changed popular culture in the early 70s
I’m not finding this information out on the internet. It was not in the distant past to me. it formed the basis of my music tastes in the 80s - a much more controversial time than now. Queen, T-Rex, Elton John, Mott the Hoople, Bad Company, David Bowie and many, many more. They were all part of the glam rock genre which really started to blur gender boundaries in early 70s. I lived through it!
Since the 60s gender neutral, unisex clothing had already become a big thing. For the first time ever, traditional gender roles had really been challenged in the 40s during World War 2. With it came slow but steady change.
Surely for a professional working in the entertainment industry, you know all this? Right?
Every time you open your mouth, you look foolish. You think the information you post about BTS is groundbreaking and evidence of a new, corrupt world order. I’ve got news for you, honey. Kpop kinda missed the boat on that. It’s all been done before and more dangerous characters than BTS.
The accusations of homosexuality, dating underage girls, drinking, drugs and whatever - they’ve all been made before. All you are doing is making up stories, that might as well just be fan fiction, that you have absolutely no proof is true!
The stories that were told in the 60s, 70s and 80s? Most of them were substantiated. The rock stars liked to boast about their conquests, their drinking, drugs and whatever. They didn’t keep it secret.I could give you lists and lists of celebrities who have since died because of the lifestyles they adopted back then. Proof of the lifestyles they had.
You think Taehyung using a juul is shocking:D You don’t have a clue!


Apr 23, 2018
Although I've never been interested in BTS, I read the thread because the analysis presented were good and they could apply to most of kpop. But it seems like this thread has taken a different turn. It's not about information and research any more...It's just people arguing their opinions over the same things over and over again. Aren't these threads meant to be critical analysis of Entertainment and the occult? It's not about your feelings. It shouldn't matter if you like someone or not. Bring your proofs and debate over what you think is true and false. This is getting driven more by emotion and opinions when it shouldn't.

It's okay to like an idol, but it shouldn't cloud your judgement and arguments, and it shouldn't be the driving factor. This forum is not for that! It's for proof and evidence of the occult.

People come here to hopefully break out of the obsession, but the way this forum is going, it's enabling it more by these types of discussions. Like the small inside BTS jokes and teasing are not good in my opinion. New members aren't getting the correct information. It's a shame. I know gay agenda is a thing because of all the research I've done over the years, but if I was new and came across arguments like these I would think the same as these new members, like @Nonononsense. I think the people who know about the occult should stop arguing the same points, just ignore them and being in new evidence when you have it.
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Apr 16, 2020
Wow this thread is something else lol
I haven't gone that far back but I just wanted to say a few things. I don't agree with alot of the stuff here but I was never obsessed with BeeTeeS either as my obsession days with kpop was long gone 10 years ago. My sisters like beetss so I wanted to find out some stuff about them (I have always had interest in semiotics and the kpop industry changes) and I came accross this thread.

Allow me to make some points as someone who has lived in an Asian country and had worked, lived and befriended with Thai, Korean, Chinese, and Japanese people. There are some things you guys are misunderstanding due to some cultural clash.

1. The gay mannerism you pick on in kpop has an explanation.

When I first moved to Asia, I thought half of the men were gay. But later I came to find out Asian men have naturally more toned down masculinty in their mannerism and the way they carry themselves. Especialy those born and living in the east compared to the Asians in the west. You can go to a rural village where there TV is rare and there is no internet and you will find men with the same mannerism. It's not a gay agenda or a propoganda to spread something. Compared to African men - I am african btw - who are hyper masculine (to the point of being rough/crude) in their mannerism. It doesn't make one race better or worse than the other. Likewise, Asian women are also way more feminine than African women - in the modern sense of the concept - so softer, quieter, subdued, delicate mannerism. I have had the comment be made about us African women being tough and masculine many times by Asians not unlike the comments about Asian men being emasculated. Does that mean Asian women are real women and African women are not?

It is also a mix of boyish mannerism. In Korea guys like beets are still considered boys and not men and that's because the Korean male is not considered a man/comes of age until they serve in the military. Most idols and actors go to the military and come back considerably more ribbed and masculine. The military is no joke there and the boys go and come different becuase of the things they experience there. There is no special treatment or adoring screaming fangirls. Just heightened males compitition, trying to up each other and prove themselves. (account from a Korean friend).

Kpop international fans love to read the culture from their western liberal lense where they think kpop is revolutionizing the views on masculinity - which is not unlike what most of you are doing here, reading the industry from your point of view without consideration of cultural context. Korea is nothing like the west - it is a confucius and buddhist conservative patriarichal society with rigid expectations of men so don't let the make up, colourful MVs and soft looks trick you.

Some of you call them Ladyboys. Google ladyboys to see what they truely look like in Asia and see how they are rejected by the society there compared to the drag and LGBTQ community elsewhere.

2. The entertainment industry is bad everywhere. The analysis of the satanic signs is nice but not particularly creative as these signs are repetitive throughtout any popculture form.

But the claims some of you make - with such strong certainity but no hard evidence about them being gay, p***philes, and addicts. And it's by analysing clips from scripted variety and reality shows, the monitered SNS interactions and pictures of facial expressions. It makes it hard to take it seriously and makes me questions the morality, ethics and mentality of some you. It is worse than sasaeng behaviour. At least sasaeng's infos are evidence but there is no way you can obtain sasaeng's info because those people are a tight knit group who deal their stuff in ways you can't access. If you did actually pursue and obtain sasaeng infos then you are truely in too deep in the dark if you can't see how messed up that is.

The speculations about their sexual lives - like digging up Jimin's girlfriend's and the male escorts instagram account for rumors I am sure are years and years old - how is this any different from sasaengs or obsessive gossip/rumor chat rooms? It indicates some of you have a fascination/obsession about their sexuality and sexual activities that you are disguising as the good deed of exposing evil. No believer, with good intentions and pure heart would need to go digging and searching for those type of rumors or informations.

You would either see the satanic signs in the MVs or understand the problamatic and abusive system that is Kpop decide to unfollow them and stop there. But the level of interest in their sexual and personal lives points that the problem is with you. You can't face your weak selves that have dragged you down this obsession so instead you are intricately weaving another far more disturbing fantasy to help you get by and not over the obesssion. To help you rationalize and cope with denying yourselves the drug - which is beetss. It is equally time consuming and spiritually draining. I hope you all find the light and learn that for you to leave an obsessive fantasy life behind you don't need to go through such extreme lengths that could be even more detrimental to you mental and spiritual health. No good comes from attempting to excavate and engage with others' dark sides - whether it exist in them or not.

You are not all adults here either. Some of you stated that you are teenagers. So you are also setting really bad example and dragging minors with you.

You know what!! Excellent points. Honestly.
Apr 16, 2020
Wow this thread is something else lol
I haven't gone that far back but I just wanted to say a few things. I don't agree with alot of the stuff here but I was never obsessed with BeeTeeS either as my obsession days with kpop was long gone 10 years ago. My sisters like beetss so I wanted to find out some stuff about them (I have always had interest in semiotics and the kpop industry changes) and I came accross this thread.

Allow me to make some points as someone who has lived in an Asian country and had worked, lived and befriended with Thai, Korean, Chinese, and Japanese people. There are some things you guys are misunderstanding due to some cultural clash.

1. The gay mannerism you pick on in kpop has an explanation.

When I first moved to Asia, I thought half of the men were gay. But later I came to find out Asian men have naturally more toned down masculinty in their mannerism and the way they carry themselves. Especialy those born and living in the east compared to the Asians in the west. You can go to a rural village where there TV is rare and there is no internet and you will find men with the same mannerism. It's not a gay agenda or a propoganda to spread something. Compared to African men - I am african btw - who are hyper masculine (to the point of being rough/crude) in their mannerism. It doesn't make one race better or worse than the other. Likewise, Asian women are also way more feminine than African women - in the modern sense of the concept - so softer, quieter, subdued, delicate mannerism. I have had the comment be made about us African women being tough and masculine many times by Asians not unlike the comments about Asian men being emasculated. Does that mean Asian women are real women and African women are not?

It is also a mix of boyish mannerism. In Korea guys like beets are still considered boys and not men and that's because the Korean male is not considered a man/comes of age until they serve in the military. Most idols and actors go to the military and come back considerably more ribbed and masculine. The military is no joke there and the boys go and come different becuase of the things they experience there. There is no special treatment or adoring screaming fangirls. Just heightened males compitition, trying to up each other and prove themselves. (account from a Korean friend).

Kpop international fans love to read the culture from their western liberal lense where they think kpop is revolutionizing the views on masculinity - which is not unlike what most of you are doing here, reading the industry from your point of view without consideration of cultural context. Korea is nothing like the west - it is a confucius and buddhist conservative patriarichal society with rigid expectations of men so don't let the make up, colourful MVs and soft looks trick you.

Some of you call them Ladyboys. Google ladyboys to see what they truely look like in Asia and see how they are rejected by the society there compared to the drag and LGBTQ community elsewhere.

2. The entertainment industry is bad everywhere. The analysis of the satanic signs is nice but not particularly creative as these signs are repetitive throughtout any popculture form.

But the claims some of you make - with such strong certainity but no hard evidence about them being gay, p***philes, and addicts. And it's by analysing clips from scripted variety and reality shows, the monitered SNS interactions and pictures of facial expressions. It makes it hard to take it seriously and makes me questions the morality, ethics and mentality of some you. It is worse than sasaeng behaviour. At least sasaeng's infos are evidence but there is no way you can obtain sasaeng's info because those people are a tight knit group who deal their stuff in ways you can't access. If you did actually pursue and obtain sasaeng infos then you are truely in too deep in the dark if you can't see how messed up that is.

The speculations about their sexual lives - like digging up Jimin's girlfriend's and the male escorts instagram account for rumors I am sure are years and years old - how is this any different from sasaengs or obsessive gossip/rumor chat rooms? It indicates some of you have a fascination/obsession about their sexuality and sexual activities that you are disguising as the good deed of exposing evil. No believer, with good intentions and pure heart would need to go digging and searching for those type of rumors or informations.

You would either see the satanic signs in the MVs or understand the problamatic and abusive system that is Kpop decide to unfollow them and stop there. But the level of interest in their sexual and personal lives points that the problem is with you. You can't face your weak selves that have dragged you down this obsession so instead you are intricately weaving another far more disturbing fantasy to help you get by and not over the obesssion. To help you rationalize and cope with denying yourselves the drug - which is beetss. It is equally time consuming and spiritually draining. I hope you all find the light and learn that for you to leave an obsessive fantasy life behind you don't need to go through such extreme lengths that could be even more detrimental to you mental and spiritual health. No good comes from attempting to excavate and engage with others' dark sides - whether it exist in them or not.

You are not all adults here either. Some of you stated that you are teenagers. So you are also setting really bad example and dragging minors with you.
U are so right I actually want to cry real tears. Im not even joking. This is so valid. So so so true. (If some of what u have said applies to me then I have to accept that and look in the mirror and ask myself what is wrong with me) but honestly some peoples obsession here is so bad they are basically delusional. And some ppl here are truly sincere. And honestly some people so full of themselves its a joke. I just dont understand


May 7, 2020
@sadtruth I do believe in the g*y agenda in the west but I don't believe kpop has much to do with it - at least not yet. It is not marketed towards the west. It takes advantage of female's love of the "flower boys" or just pretty boys to the extreme. This flower boy stereotype appeals to females in Asia and the 3rd world because it implies a certain softness/gentleness that comes with being upper class, educated, emotionally understanding and almost "princely" - a contrast to the more roughened up everyday male. Also in Asia, high maintainance look and extravagant outfits and accessories are associated with wealth and class - a pillar of the fantasy kpop idols are selling. Just look at Indian and Chinese art and performance cultures - colourful silk and gold. The west might have gone through centuries of changes but the Asian cultures haven't and they still retain much of these views. Another example is the trend with African entertainer dressing in colourful, tailored flashy suits, hair does, and jewelery to project success.

The g*y stuff "aka fanservice" enables the females to ignore the fact that these guys get with other women and therefore aren't possible boyfriends. It keeps the fantasy going without breaking the constituent idea that they could belong to these female fans. If the group members are imagined to be g*y together it means they are still capable of human emotions, caring and loving someone since they don't want to imagine them with women. In shipping (fantasaizing two members are g*y and together), one member would be feminised more and together with the basic sembelance of personalities they show - almost cartoonish at times - it becomes easy for females to draw on them qualities they want. Hence, one half of the ship/a band member becomes a vessel for a feminised male alter ego of these fan girls. Make no mistake, this part of kpop is on purpose and they know exactly what they are doing. It is not difficult for them either as it would be for a westerner because generally Asians are naturally more phsyical with their same sex friends. Most show no notion of personal space with their own people - it is another story whether you're a different Asian, white or black depending on how much they like/dislike you.

The majority of the west, general public and mainstream don't like kpop for those reason. Doesn't matter what liberal leftist think - who are in my opinion are only a portion of Millennials and GenZ. The majority aren't leftist and even if they are, they don't see kpop in a good light - it is the fandomd that is keeping the bad light at bay. The west still values a more masculine appeal wether in looks or personality. It would make more sense for them to adorn a more subdued masculine look to gain more popularity which they are trying to do while also keeping the flower boy look. Just compare their outfits in the US vs Asia. Always flashy and clourful in Asia but subdued and dark in the US - proving they want to appeal to the mass. But this is a weak, shallow strategy and they aren't consistent and so it isn't working. Beets will not become mainstream. G*y looking ladyboys is literally what everyone in the west thinks except fangirls.
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Feb 28, 2020
They didn’t keep it secret.I could give you lists and lists of celebrities who have since died because of the lifestyles they adopted back then. Proof of the lifestyles they had.
You think Taehyung using a juul is shocking:D You don’t have a clue!
Is this some kind of competition? to see who looks worse? the rock era, all those famous names, or kpop?
why are you arguing about something that is not about this freaking thread.

this gay agenda has been around for ages, ok, move on.

If you dont have something to say that is about this thread don't say it.