BLM F&*#kery


Mar 18, 2017
Hi @rainerann

I would also say, that culture isnt something static. How could it be? But, on the other hand, there are some aspect, which change rather slowly. And, like @Artful Revealer suggested, there are definitely some achievements, that are worth, fighting for, if something or someone would try to "manage" that. Because, like you stated about freedom of speech, some of theses cultural aspects, define the very essence of our self-conception.
And it is totally normal, that some aspects of culture may be hurtful to others. Like eating meat (or being christian). But is this a good enough reason for governments, to try and change that? I see this very different from a culture that changes over time, because its "participants" change.
You know.. although I consider myself a conservative (at least in regard to values, because of my christian believes), I would never try to forbid someone else's way of life. Thats why I'm not engaged in politics.
And I'm perfectly fine with you citing the bible :) And in regard to our topic, I would raise you

Matthew 19,19: …Thou shalt love thy neighbour as thyself.

Nowadays, people like to point out, that this is impossible, or only manageable, if you love yourself first. But, imagine yourself being a foreigner in another country. What would you expect from the native society to accommodate you? I like to think, that this is, what you should do for any foreigner in your own country.

And yes, wars have been a major factor for changes in culture. But, like we witness in Europe right now, its not always our own war, or even an actual war. Sometimes, the mere possibility of war, may change the way of thinking in a society. Which brings me to another famous example. Edward Bernay (famous writer of "Propaganda" - another word for public relations (or marketing) - and nephew of Sigmund Freud) has been credited for bringing the US into the second world war, and after that, convinced a whole female generation, that smoking would act like a sort of penis [src].
And regarding Europe's current situation,.. I only speak of this situation as some kind of fate, because it is already too late. This current migration crises could haven been handled very differently. They could have raised their voice, before these conflicts escalated, they could have been there during the war (the refugee camps cried for help for a long time). But, I cannot say this often enough, our government is really happy about this immigration. Some critics say, this is because of cheap labour. Others say, its neccesarry for reproduction. And the biggest excuse was the "Fachkräftemangel" (absence of skilled workers). This has nothing to do with love, or respect for other cultures. These migrants were lured to Europe. And now we have to change our ways, because of what? Was it love? I guess not.

And if I think of Plato, I think of the "philosopher king" who thought, raising children shouldn't be allowed for anyone, but some selected few. In this regard, he (plato) really was a fascist. And technically (or mathematically) spoken, he may be right. But there are a many number, that will indicate some really painful decisions.

I'm also kind of drifting off. So.. I will end my lengthy note now. Have a great.. noon?! Ah, just have a great day!

Kind regards,

P.S. And please know, that I am really glad about reading your initial remark. Although I have to admit, that most of what I said, derived from someone else. But really.. thanks, I try to live up to that. And, in response I would like to add, that its easy, when there are such polite and interesting posts to reply to.
would you think that it is fair to say that the root complaint is relevant to the shortcomings shared by humanity then? it would seem like what you are saying is that people basically act selfishly and this selfishness leads to forcing change to a culture that many people might reject. For example, selfishness on the part of those who see economic advantages to cheap labor and the selfishness of those who have aggressive expectations they may not have earned being new to the country.

I think finding ways to address deeper challenges that humanity faces like this, would be of greater benefit than trying to hang on to former aspects of culture for dear life. What do you think?


Apr 26, 2017
That’s funny because there is an essay highlighting the difference between the use of liberty in ancient times and the present use after establishing the constitution.
The US Constitution defines the word “liberty” according to the first use of the word from the 14th Century. Liberty has never meant what is quoted here:
by changing the definition of liberty to mean literally giving someone rights, history has been changed.
You have it backwards and upside down, with a SJW’s sensibility behind it.

There are not many examples for when a words meaning has literally changed with this sort of severity. If you have an example of this, I would be interesting in seeing it.
Here are two examples from a SJW who, to push the Narrative, frequently makes severe changes to the meanings of words:
by changing the definition of liberty to mean literally giving someone rights, history has been changed.
I would also call what you are describing social justice, as postmodernism.
Words have meanings @rainerann. Sometimes several meanings, depending on the context of how it is used. Dictionaries list multiple meanings for the word liberty. However, none mean “literally giving someone rights.”


Jul 11, 2020
would you think that it is fair to say that the root complaint is relevant to the shortcomings shared by humanity then? it would seem like what you are saying is that people basically act selfishly and this selfishness leads to forcing change to a culture that many people might reject. For example, selfishness on the part of those who see economic advantages to cheap labor and the selfishness of those who have aggressive expectations they may not have earned being new to the country.

I think finding ways to address deeper challenges that humanity faces like this, would be of greater benefit than trying to hang on to former aspects of culture for dear life. What do you think?
I still see the problem from another angle. Its not them, who cling to their culture, who are causing these problems.

Douglas Murray really had a point in saying, that in previous decades, gays just wanted to be accepted in this society. Now, he criticizes the LGBTQ+ community for demanding a totally different culture, where gays (and all the other letters) are celebrated as something wonderful. Thats just over the top and wont end up in the society, they are dreaming of.

Best regards,


Jul 11, 2020
I’m reading a book on Marx right now. He was a racist. He called black people idiots and was for slavery. It is so odd to me how the left seems bent on changing our republic Marxist and seems so fond of Marx and of Margaret Sanger. You can wear the wrong shirt and get canceled for racism, but these blatantly evil racists seem to get a free pass and are loved. No one is taking down any public honors of Margaret Sanger,, and her goals of decreasing the black population through abortion have largely been realized. Nothing to see here. Keep moving along. Let’s hunt down some random actor and call him out for wearing blackface twenty years ago. That’ll fix it. The hypocrisy of it all is madness!!

But I’ll just sit back and eat my popcorn and watch those in the intersectional movement eat their own. It’s a daily sideshow lately
Many commentators are pointing out, that Marx believed capitalism would automatically lead to communism. I guess because of social tensions between rich and poor (what would be the reason for liberals to hypocritically and effectively not helping the poor). Its like Marx 2.0. Because the poor werent really that poor, there needed to be some other artificial fighting lines.

Best regards,


Mar 18, 2017
The US Constitution defines the word “liberty” according to the first use of the word from the 14th Century. Liberty has never meant what is quoted here:

You have it backwards and upside down, with a SJW’s sensibility behind it.

Here are two examples from a SJW who, to push the Narrative, frequently makes severe changes to the meanings of words:

Words have meanings @rainerann. Sometimes several meanings, depending on the context of how it is used. Dictionaries list multiple meanings for the word liberty. However, none mean “literally giving someone rights.”
so you have absolutely no examples of when a word has been changed to mean something as contradictory as war is peace at all? I assumed you would avoid this and you did.

You also don’t actually have an example of liberty from the 14th century, just a claim. I think you are full of hot air, manipulative, and untrustworthy. Most people may agree with you because they are not looking to see what you are saying, just whether or not you are saying something that represents the right like we are all arbitrarily placed into different teams we score points for. this is really no different than the way the msm manipulates media, but keep telling yourself whatever you need to in order to make yourself feel better.

in general, you are too partisan to have a true conversation about these things. I don’t belong to a partisan cult, and have more freedom to explore outside the box than you appear to have. Have fun trying to focus every point you have towards defending a political side rather than what is truly right or wrong or where you can find an opportunity that works to your advantage. Take care and good luck in your crusade.
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Mar 18, 2017
I still see the problem from another angle. Its not them, who cling to their culture, who are causing these problems.

Douglas Murray really had a point in saying, that in previous decades, gays just wanted to be accepted in this society. Now, he criticizes the LGBTQ+ community for demanding a totally different culture, where gays (and all the other letters) are celebrated as something wonderful. Thats just over the top and wont end up in the society, they are dreaming of.

Best regards,
I see what you are saying, but the older I get, the more I realize that the things that are considered extreme positions, are usually the things that end up being temporary. Is it possible that some things like the example of Douglas Murray could represent a trend rather than an existential threat?

overall, I think what people are trying to portray most of the time, is that there is some evidence that something is subversive. But when the argument is that something which appears normal is actually a subversive device, like changing trends or the natural change that takes place to the meanings of words over time, it becomes difficult to convey a sense of urgency if you are not identifying the root of the issue.

therefore, the argument should be focused towards identifying something subversive rather than generalizing something subversive into such a broad category that characterizes a person as a conspiracy theorist. Or someone who looks for deception where there is innocence present for example. I think this is what makes it difficult for people to see something that may exist as an existential threat when people are unable to separate this threat from what exists innocently of this manipulation when they are trying to communicate this information to them.
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Frank Badfinger

Aug 4, 2019
BLM As A Marxist Front Organization? & The Irony of Marx’s Views On Black People (Red Ice, FF ep.82)


Apr 26, 2017
I don’t belong to a partisan cult
Members of other cults would say the same thing.

The cult of social justice is not-so cleverly concealed behind a façade of virtue signaling and identity politics. Marxist ideology steeped in critical theory comes across clearly in your posts, regardless of if you recognize social justice as partisan, or not.


Jul 11, 2020
I see what you are saying, but the older I get, the more I realize that the things that are considered extreme positions, are usually the things that end up being temporary. Is it possible that some things like the example of Douglas Murray could represent a trend rather than an existential threat?

overall, I think what people are trying to portray most of the time, is that there is some evidence that something is subversive. But when the argument is that something which appears normal is actually a subversive device, like changing trends or the natural change that takes place to the meanings of words over time, it becomes difficult to convey a sense of urgency if you are not identifying the root of the issue.

therefore, the argument should be focused towards identifying something subversive rather than generalizing something subversive into such a broad category that characterizes a person as a conspiracy theorist. Or someone who looks for deception where there is innocence present for example. I think this is what makes it difficult for people to see something that may exist as an existential threat when people are unable to separate this threat from what exists innocently of this manipulation when they are trying to communicate this information to them.
Hi @rainerann

unfortunately, I dont have much time this weekend. But.. yeah, these extremist will not stay forever. The pendelum will inevitably swing back, and like the Hegelian dialectic predicts, leave us with a "synthesis". And, speaking of subversion.. Woodstock's most effective change wasnt through dancing and chanting, it was their offspring, who radically changed the minds of this very generation.

Best regards,


Jan 2, 2020
I thought this might be a good place to show videos of black people speaking out about the perverse nature of BLM.

My heart is truly aching for these innocent people who are being taken advantage of on such a wide scale in the name of BLM. I just happened to come across these and wanted to share.

I had to share this because to me, he is spot on! You should be able to view if you have fb. Copy url
Yes they’re movement is all bullshit and it is being exposed.