Assassination attempt on Donald Trump


Feb 6, 2020
More Simpson's predictive programming. Note the fire department reference (Corey Comperatore...CC...33). Also can't help but notice the Springfield citizens resemble a MAGA crowd.



Jul 25, 2024
Thanks for your response. Have you worked out yet what use the images that you posted earlier are, and what we can glean from them?

You seem to have glossed over quite an important point that there was clearly not blood all over Trump's hand. Which makes Trump a liar. You've also not given an opinion with this.

Shorting his stock immediately prior to his alleged assassination attempt was very strange behaviour. I understand its your opinion that he wouldn't stand to benefit from it unless he was dead, which, without knowing the maths behind this ill guve way to your opinion. nevertheless, odd behaviour.

You've listed several items that the article points out, so I'll just agree with you. You've then given some very vague parallels with articles that support the narrative, so I'll also agree with you too.

What I'm really curious to know though, is what's your take on the information that the slow motion photography expert has given, about how insane the probabilities are that the photographer could have captured the image of the speeding bullet with the equipment he was using?
You bring up a very good point about the photography of the speeding bullet. The bullet trajectories of shots 1,2 and 3 seem to roughly fit the photograph. I do find it hard to believe that someone could have captured the photo unless they were expecting the assassination attempt, knew exactly when the shot would be fired and used a high speed camera. Some on this website would probably use this to support that the assassination was staged. Trump supporters would probably use the photograph to support that the assassination attempt was a pre-planned conspiracy and certain key media members were tipped off ahead of time.


Nov 29, 2023
You bring up a very good point about the photography of the speeding bullet. The bullet trajectories of shots 1,2 and 3 seem to roughly fit the photograph. I do find it hard to believe that someone could have captured the photo unless they were expecting the assassination attempt, knew exactly when the shot would be fired and used a high speed camera. Some on this website would probably use this to support that the assassination was staged. Trump supporters would probably use the photograph to support that the assassination attempt was a pre-planned conspiracy and certain key media members were tipped off ahead of time.
It's more the probability that a photo of a bullet fired from that type of gun and muzzle could be captured with the photographic equipment (all detailed by the photographer that allegedly captured the image) that was used. It's known that professional photographers that capture ultra slow motion images of speeding ammunition of this kind, only have a certain success rate when using far superior equipment. When considering this information, it seems extremely highly unlikely that the photograph is authentic.
Not to mention why a press photographer would have this type specialised lens for a press shoot. Nor, the ridiculously slim chance that that the press photographer got the luck of a lifetime and had the shutter going off the exact 1000th of a second the bullet whizzed past Trump's ear (allegedly).


Mar 18, 2017

Trump is the annointed messiah according to this rabbi.......
Some of the things he says are actual NWO plans like dismantling the current UN and replacing it with another entity that will be headquartered in Israel. The "Trump is Cyrus" talk made it's rounds back when he was president....the Temple Institute even minted a coin with both figures on it....we had a field day on this board. I don't believe that the temple will be erected or that Trump is crucial piece to this puzzle. That said, there are also NWO plans that indicate that should they be effected, the United States as a union will NOT survive (hello, Rockefeller Project 2050) say nothing of the death of the dollar or forcing a national religion heralded by the rabbi's messiah. Making America Godly Again (MAGA) is going to be a hard pill to swallow, just look at the opposition to Project 2025(like people not wanting to give up their should be obvious that porn and other things will be outlawed when the messianic reign begins.)


Jul 25, 2024
It's more the probability that a photo of a bullet fired from that type of gun and muzzle could be captured with the photographic equipment (all detailed by the photographer that allegedly captured the image) that was used. It's known that professional photographers that capture ultra slow motion images of speeding ammunition of this kind, only have a certain success rate when using far superior equipment. When considering this information, it seems extremely highly unlikely that the photograph is authentic.
Not to mention why a press photographer would have this type specialised lens for a press shoot. Nor, the ridiculously slim chance that that the press photographer got the luck of a lifetime and had the shutter going off the exact 1000th of a second the bullet whizzed past Trump's ear (allegedly).
I tend to agree the bullet was more likely photoshopped into the picture rather than taken with a camera.

There were lots of strange things that happened that day, for sure.

Can anyone explain why this sniper in camouflage was pointing a gun at Trump while he was getting into his limo?
The sniper replied to a message on his radio a few seconds earlier, then raised his gun and pointed it at Trump.

Jul 26, 2024
The sheer lunacy of people who believe that someone staged to have someone slightly clip their ear as they make a slight head movement is beyond me. Not everything is a conspiracy. The shooting was real and the deep state tired to get rid of Trump but by the sheer will of the lord, they missed. I'm sure some of you would have still been like Trump staged his own death if they had succeed in his assassination. LOL


Apr 19, 2023
The sheer lunacy of people who believe that someone staged to have someone slightly clip their ear as they make a slight head movement is beyond me. Not everything is a conspiracy. The shooting was real and the deep state tired to get rid of Trump but by the sheer will of the lord, they missed. I'm sure some of you would have still been like Trump staged his own death if they had succeed in his assassination. LOL
agreed, this forum takes it too far at times. Was it an inside job? Most likely, because I don't think this 20 year old lunatic outsmarted the whole secret service, but the shots were definitely fired and it's not a haox.

A Freeman

Nov 11, 2019


Jan 4, 2021
The sheer lunacy of people who believe that someone staged to have someone slightly clip their ear as they make a slight head movement is beyond me. Not everything is a conspiracy. The shooting was real and the deep state tired to get rid of Trump but by the sheer will of the lord, they missed. I'm sure some of you would have still been like Trump staged his own death if they had succeed in his assassination. LOL
Not only that... People in social media making all kind of claims and theories about everything to a point in which I'm starting to think there is someone pushing this whole noise to confuse people.

It's very important to separate between facts and evidence from theories or assumptions. You can clearly tell who's new to conspiracy by reading all the retarded comments without even trying to face them with evidence.

A Freeman

Nov 11, 2019

Note: This is a short clip from a ballistic gel test that very quickly after it was first posted began disappearing. @Daze posted a 2 minute summary from X (formerly Twitter) which too was deleted.

Those conducting the test were themselves surprised at the results, expecting the test to dispel the so-called conspiracy theories. Instead, the test shows that even a grazing shot just nicking the ear would not only have caused a large temporary cavity and extensive damage to the ear, but would have sent a shockwave through the skull that would be expected to have caused further, potentially life-threatening damage and, at the very least, prolonged disorientation.
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A Freeman

Nov 11, 2019
Jan 27, 2018
Not only that... People in social media making all kind of claims and theories about everything to a point in which I'm starting to think there is someone pushing this whole noise to confuse people.

It's very important to separate between facts and evidence from theories or assumptions. You can clearly tell who's new to conspiracy by reading all the retarded comments without even trying to face them with evidence.
Exactly - the theory this was fake just doesn't add up imho. Already the assassination attempt is being memory-holed. Again - why would this happen if the goal of the shooting was to ensure a victory at the polls? And why would Kamala be announced at the new presidential candidate, just a few days later, essentially eclipsing this story entirely? She's been anointed by most of the MSM as the new favorite and the money is just flowing into her campaign.

If this assassination attempt was faked I think it'd be done differently and closer to the election. Americans have such short attention spans ~4 months is like an eternity.
Oct 20, 2021
CIA is denying that Crooks was mkultra but anyone who believes in MSM is already a victim of mkultra. I saw this on Zero Hedge and in the comments someone posted a link to Vigilant Citizen which is kind of cool.


Nov 8, 2022
Gatekeepers abound at VC.

In my opinion, if I may say without being asked, they are not Gatekeepers, but victims of Gatekeepers.

It's very important to separate between facts and evidence from theories or assumptions.
Not everything is a conspiracy. The shooting was real and the deep state tired to get rid of Trump but by the sheer will of the lord, they missed.
That's it. As I said. This is what you will find as a conclusion not only in almost the entire American Right Sector, not only in almost the entire European Right Sector, but also in the vast majority of the world's Alternative Number of people who oppose the depraved, normalcy-destructive, godless, diabolical, wokist "Left Agenda for the Development of the World".

Donald Jab Trump's status as a legitimate fighter not only against the deep state, but against the entire leftist agenda, was publicly sealed by God himself, who delivered him from the bullets and left him in the battle to preserve God's order, which the diabolical leftists want to destroy. (In atheistic language, it sounds like "By an incredible coincidence, Donald was saved. Incredibly, but it still happened!", which is a "miracle" in atheistic language.)

Do what you want, think what you want, underestimate the event, but in reality this is what you will find to be the Truth in the minds and hearts of the vast majority of people who oppose the "leftist" attempts to destroy normality and build a devilish new fallen world. (from the most stupid and naïve to the smartest and most well-read among them; so the same truth in different variants)

Maybe it's not much. Mm?