Are The Gods 12 Twelve?


Aug 13, 2017

The Establishment of Secret Power of Lawless established in the world
in the Name of "Christ"
as “Jesus Paid it all”


Mar 15, 2017
Can you at least give the website so people can see what type of website you are gaining your "information" from please?


Aug 13, 2017

The Illiteral christian said:
"the sun refuse to shine for 3hrs (again, historical record)"

He doesn’t know the Solstice!

Solstice: The word comes from the "sun" and the "ίστημι" = "stand" / "stance" because near the solstice (a few days before or after) the Sun appears to slow down its apparent movement to the north or south (movement to the divergence) , Until the day of the solstice this movement is zeroed and reversed.


Aug 13, 2017

Illiteral christians proud of their illiteracy
wonder why they know nothing!



Mar 18, 2017
This might come as something of a disappointment, but before the modern world filled with people like yourself who think they are having some great eureka moment seeing an understanding of Greek culture throughout Christian history.

Like wow, the church has just been pulling the wool over your eyes.

The problem is that most people don't like to read old books so they don't know that most Christian scholars throughout history have often studied Greek poetry and understood the Greek language and history.

John Milton is a notable Christian poet and prose writer of the 17th century that most people have never heard of even though Harvard and Yale will teach classes focused on his writings even though they are religious in nature.

He wrote a poem called "Paradise Lost" even though he was actually blind at the time. He dictacted the whole things orally. This poem is probably one of the longest and most complex poems most people will ever read in their lives, thus it is used as a textbook in Ivy league colleges.

There is no questions that study of Greek culture was even capable of swaying his religious opinions because Paradise Lost is a poem about the story of the fall in the garden.

However, this did not prevent him from studying Greek poets and Aristotle and other philosophers. Ancient Greece was a major component of higher education among Christian scholars.

So I am rather amused that these memes throughout this thread paint this picture that Christians are not transparent about this exposure and study of ancient Greek civilazations.

They keep going, "Pow," look at all how these last generations of TV watchers don't know or have half the discipline of the generations before them who devoted their time to studying.

These new generations of TV watchers are all shocked by this revelation that Christians studied Greek culture. Like oh my goodness becky...

In other news, Greek culture did influence early Christianity because many Greek people converted to Christianity because Christianity brought with it a new concept called conversion.

This introduction of a methodology of conversion created a diversity within our faith that was unique in its origin. This diversity initiated translation of scripture into the Greek language. Therefore, logically, the European Christian church had a motivation to understand Greek language and culture because it serves the function of translating the scriptures that exist in the Greek language.

Since Christianity is a religion of conversion, it is not exclusive to any one language. If our scriptures exist in any language, they are scripture. In Russian, Swahili, Mandarin, they are our scripture. If the only language you were aware they existed in was Mandarin, well it would make sense to learn Mandarin to read the scripture.

So the integration of Greek culture within the fabric of Christianity is because many people who were Greek converted to Christianity. It is therefore not a strange thing that we have aspects and understanding of this culture within our history.

Before, the time of television, this was also a well known and transparent reality was never hidden or concealed for any function of oppressing this information. Christian scholars have openly expressed their knowledge and familiarity of this subject without fear or shame for centuries before the internet made everyone a historian.


Mar 15, 2017
This might come as something of a disappointment, but before the modern world filled with people like yourself who think they are having some great eureka moment seeing an understanding of Greek culture throughout Christian history.

Like wow, the church has just been pulling the wool over your eyes.

The problem is that most people don't like to read old books so they don't know that most Christian scholars throughout history have often studied Greek poetry and understood the Greek language and history.

John Milton is a notable Christian poet and prose writer of the 17th century that most people have never heard of even though Harvard and Yale will teach classes focused on his writings even though they are religious in nature.

He wrote a poem called "Paradise Lost" even though he was actually blind at the time. He dictacted the whole things orally. This poem is probably one of the longest and most complex poems most people will ever read in their lives, thus it is used as a textbook in Ivy league colleges.

There is no questions that study of Greek culture was even capable of swaying his religious opinions because Paradise Lost is a poem about the story of the fall in the garden.

However, this did not prevent him from studying Greek poets and Aristotle and other philosophers. Ancient Greece was a major component of higher education among Christian scholars.

So I am rather amused that these memes throughout this thread paint this picture that Christians are not transparent about this exposure and study of ancient Greek civilazations.

They keep going, "Pow," look at all how these last generations of TV watchers don't know or have half the discipline of the generations before them who devoted their time to studying.

These new generations of TV watchers are all shocked by this revelation that Christians studied Greek culture. Like oh my goodness becky...

In other news, Greek culture did influence early Christianity because many Greek people converted to Christianity because Christianity brought with it a new concept called conversion.

This introduction of a methodology of conversion created a diversity within our faith that was unique in its origin. This diversity initiated translation of scripture into the Greek language. Therefore, logically, the European Christian church had a motivation to understand Greek language and culture because it serves the function of translating the scriptures that exist in the Greek language.

Since Christianity is a religion of conversion, it is not exclusive to any one language. If our scriptures exist in any language, they are scripture. In Russian, Swahili, Mandarin, they are our scripture. If the only language you were aware they existed in was Mandarin, well it would make sense to learn Mandarin to read the scripture.

So the integration of Greek culture within the fabric of Christianity is because many people who were Greek converted to Christianity. It is therefore not a strange thing that we have aspects and understanding of this culture within our history.

Before, the time of television, this was also a well known and transparent reality was never hidden or concealed for any function of oppressing this information. Christian scholars have openly expressed their knowledge and familiarity of this subject without fear or shame for centuries before the internet made everyone a historian.
Thinkers will appreciate your post.
Cut-and-pasters will ignore it.
Those unable to analyse will be unable to respond in their own words.


Mar 18, 2017
grateful servant said:
Please share the historical records - of them I am unaware.

Phlegon and this. Why fabricate something that is very easily verifiable and happened not too long ago (2 millenia) when evidence was etched in 'stone'?

You believe in a book that has talking animals, wizards, witches, demons, sticks turning into snakes, burning bushes, food falling from the sky
The same can be said about every religion, even atheism. Christianity is hounded hard but tenets/beliefs of other religions will always be outrageous to the non-practitioner. Example, the Aztecs' 400 drunken rabbit gods (Centzon-Totochtin)


Aug 13, 2017

"The same can be said about every religion"
Can you say the same about the Greek religion?


Aug 13, 2017

"Greek culture did influence early Christianity because many Greek people converted to Christianity because Christianity brought with it a new concept called conversion".

Let's see the conversion of the Greeks:
The Passion of the Greeks: Christianity and the r*pe of the Hellenes: Evaggelos G. Vallianatos

Interesting: The raped is forbidden to write that he has been raped!
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Aug 13, 2017

"many people who were Greek converted to Christianity"

Lets see How The Greeks converted to Christianity:

+324 Emperor Constantine declares Christianity as the only official religion of the Roman Empire.
At Dydima, Asia Minor, he sacks the Oracle of God Apollo and tortures its Pagan priests to death.
He also evicts the Gentiles from Mt. Athos and destroys all local Hellenic Temples.
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Aug 13, 2017

Skythopolis: It is the Christian slaughterhouse for our Greek ancestors!
This is how the Greeks became Christians !
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Aug 13, 2017

You are faithful Christians.
Can you read the original text of the new Testament in Greek?

What does "λόγος" mean ?


Aug 13, 2017

Lets see How The Greeks converted to Christianity:

+326 Emperor Constantine, following the instructions of his mother Helen, destroys the Temple of God Asclepius in Aigeai of Cilicia and many Temples of Goddess Aphrodite in Jerusalem, Aphaca, Mambre, Phoenice, Baalbek, etc.

+330 Constantine steals the treasures and statues of the Pagan Temples in Greece to decorate Nova Roma (Constantinople), the new capital of his Empire.