BTS Not Today music video follows the story of Fire and Spring Day.
The Boys learn to no longer be controlled by their past and instead use it to take control of their future.
But One member may unintentionally hurt the others.
The music video starts with Rap Monster walking in a building.
This is the same building from fire.
The outside world of the Building seems to look abandoned.
This is similar to the world in the film Lost River.
Lost River is a film Reference in Fire.
In lost River, the town is forgotten and therefore abandoned by most, much like the boys.
Rap Monster walks into the building and seems to control the Hooded Figures.
These hooded figures have been present in multiple past music videos.
They represent the bad past and the evil that follows the boys.
Perhaps this is why V, the one with the worst past often wears a version of a hood...
In fine, the boys made a fake deal with these hooded figures in order to trick and banish their bad pasts.
Then they blew up and tricked their bad pasts.
This was an attempt to erase them.
We can see some of the aftermaths of this when the hooded figures throw black hoods in the air.
These are left over Jacket from fire, when the boys tricked this hooded figures.
Since the events in Fire, these hooded figures now listen to the boys and will help them in the future.
The boys have now learnt to control the hooded figures.
In other words, they have now learnt that in order to control their futures, they must learn from the past.
The boys break through the wall the hooded figures have made because they are now no longer trapped by them.
The past no longer owns the boys.
This also explains the lyrics of the song: Not today
The hooded figures signal a towards the boys in the middle of the music video.
Even though the boys are controlling them, the hooded figured do not want to listen.
This is Because the past will always be there to determine the future.
In this case, their past is mainly bad, meaning it may determine a negative outcome in the future.
Thr boys and the hooded figures are later seen on top of ice.
This ice is relating back to Spring day and the ice age that id outside.
The ice age is also referenced in Fire.
The ice also references mirrors and how they give clues to parallel universes.
The boys later begin to run with the hooded figures.
Instead of running from their past like in Run.