Kpop Satanic/Illuminati Influence


Jan 4, 2018
These are the posters for BTS's 4th Muster that was released today, and the main colour used is PINK which was stated in a previous post is used for BETA programming, so after seeing them I decided to post them here also the theme of this Happily ever after as if living in a fairytale:



Dec 28, 2017
Remember that time when Yeri dissapeared for a few weeks and the company claimed she had a car accident??

that was very strange, the company just said she hurt her ear or something? but when she came back (weeks later) she was acting different

and I dont think Jin is the sacrifice of BTS. that would be too obvious
they are giving signs using him but in the end they will take a different route
But something big is going to happen with that group, some kind of tragedy (ritualistic) and I'm sure of that
Whenever idols go missing for long periods of time is either for PS or reprograming by their mk ultra handlers. yeri probably for reprogramming. when her ear hurt that probably means sm inserted a mind control chip into it. Here is a thought. Maybe instead of jin they are going to sacrifice a family member of his. That's happened alot.


Jan 8, 2018

The makanae line are the evil ones not the hyung line and the makanaes are tempting their hyungs.

Jin is still god

Taehyung is the devil

They're actually playing really heavily into Christianity, Satan fell from grace as did Tae from the balcony, Adam and Eve with Suga and Jimin, plus J-Hope sits in front of Michelangelos Pietà (the Virgin Mary cradling the dead body of Jesus statue), and the veil over Taehyung like the statue The Veiled Vergin by Giovanni Strazza.

I think J-hope might be the Virgin Mary idk yet tho he could be Jesus idk I'm still trying to figure out a lot of stuff with J-Hope.

There are also a lot of black and white archways that could mean a choice between good and evil.

Also that shot where they're all on the couch with the pink neon sign it says "The Tempted", I believe the boys are tempted into evil. (By Taehyung)

I also think Jungkook is Icarus and rap monster might be his "father" Daedalus cause like I said before Jungkook hangs in front of the lament for Icarus painting but also we see the painting the landscape of the fall for Icarus not sure how that plays in yet.

Plus they all sit in white at a table which I think is a play at the last supper painting

Also why I think Jin kissed the statue, Satan or Lucifer was gods most beloved Angel before he fell so it would make sense for God to still love him even after betrayal.

Oh also that big painting Jin looks at in the beginning is called The Fall of The Rebel Angels by Pieter Bruegel the Elder if that tell me anything is that the makanae line are demons and Tae is the devil.

Just looked at the lyrics and it makes sense the makanae have the chorus "My last dance just too take 'em take 'em" all the hyung rappers all rap about how something is "too sweet" and how their body belongs to someone else Suga first verse "All my blood sweat tears and my mind body and soul I know they're all yours this is a spell that'll punish me" and rap mons first verse "peaches and cream sweeter than sweet chocolate cheeks and chocolate wings but your wings are the devils wings there is a bitter next to your sweet" then J-Hope "kiss me it's okay if it hurts just tighten me so quickly that I can't even feel pain anymore baby it's okay if I get drunk I'll drink you deep now a whiskey called you" it's all pointing that the makanaes are tempting their hyungs.

I think jhope was the first to fall into their temptation cause he starts singing in the chorus with "want it more more more" plus there's the boy meets evil trailer with J-Hope and I don't think he wants to go back to being good cause he raps "grab me tight and shake me up so I can't come to my senses" then Suga fell "kiss me on the lips a secret between just the two, deeply poisoned by the jail of you can't serve no one but you and I knew the grail was poisoned but drank it anyway"

Album Liston and song relevance-

Boy meets evil:

Basically this song is a love letter for blood sweat and tears.


I'm sorry my brother, I have my hyungs - who is "brother"? Jin?


"Don't be like prey be smooth like a snake" - Adam and Eve

"Pull me from this hell"- falling from grace asking for help? From Suga maybe?


"I'll tell you to be like this or like that" - good or evil

"I'm sorry my brother" - who is brother? Words changed from the short film

"Are you calling me a sinner?" - Taehyung is the devil

First Love:

The brown piano he talks about is his innocence and youth?


"Ttuksemon Island swallows the night and hands me a completely different world I want to be free, I want to be free from freedom" - wants to fall to be evil maybe?


Not sure how this fits in yet maybe the Virgin Mary stuff?


"I clutch six flowers in my hands" - god clutching to his falling Angels

Jin is a falling god


They can't decide if they like or hate this path they're on.

Am I wrong:

Realizing this path may have been the wrong choice

Interlude Wings:

Wanting to fly again after sinning "with all my strength, my rosy wings" - referring to the rosy sunset on their wings but also mean blood stained wings (sin), wings are stained with sin.


So all in all I think Jin is God and Taehyung is the devil. Tae is trying to tempt everyone to become evil with him including Jin (God).
Woah... That was a really interesting take. Do you think anyone represents Jesus in the MV? Since there's the last supper scene which is about Jesus and his disciples. And maybe Jin (God) was staring at the painting with sorrow and pity because it pained him to see the angels rebel against him.

Also, EXO's Monster MV has a last supper scene. And there's that pink/white snake at the beginning. I think the member with the weird lip piercing chain could be Lucifer because he looked pretty demonic with it.


Jan 4, 2018
Red velvet music video symbolism part 2: Be natural
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(Also note that they are wearing red, black and white satanic colour combo)

Chair dance is also symbolism as well

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it was a sexy video and usually I'd disagree and say no this is a reach if it was any other girl group with this exact concept but red velvet is illuminati for sure, clock it the house!!! I wonder if the group will maintain unity in the future. what do you all think of yeri being in the group tbh? I always wondered why they couldn't just let it be the original girls. Yeri is cute and cool but I feel she is unneeded.


Jan 4, 2018
Whenever idols go missing for long periods of time is either for PS or reprograming by their mk ultra handlers. yeri probably for reprogramming. when her ear hurt that probably means sm inserted a mind control chip into it. Here is a thought. Maybe instead of jin they are going to sacrifice a family member of his. That's happened alot.
Actually many readers and psychics say something bad is going to happen Taehyung that a fan or an external force will be his downfall for a moment. Like someone is going to make an attempt on his life and try to pull a fast one on him it will be a female. As for Jin if you hear news that so and so died in his family and he is mourning that you know it's the sacrifice he must give.


Jan 4, 2018
These are the posters for BTS's 4th Muster that was released today, and the main colour used is PINK which was stated in a previous post is used for BETA programming, so after seeing them I decided to post them here also the theme of this Happily ever after as if living in a fairytale:

no lie all the illumanti aside these guys CANT be 100% happy doing fruity shit like this.
They pull it off but this just isn't them this entire shoot is just an aim at young girls pockets and wallets.

So if they don't fall apart because of programming RM will def have a "I'm tired of this and want to do my own music" Zayn kinda break from the group, watch and see.


Jan 4, 2018
not really.
you can film a reality show without putting cameras in their bedroom
The poor girls are probably filmed when they are in their underwear or changing and they dont have a minute of privacy

Imagine yourself in their position. would you like to have cameras all over your bedroom 24 hours for months??
and that's why idols turn out so messed up or end up in scandals like what happened last year.

and yeah they have cameras 24/7. I don't doubt it. A girl group member once got scolded and punished when she wasn't allowed to eat mcuh. she was starving so she went to the bathroom and pulled out like a chocolate bar or a little piece of chocolate to eat (some sort of small food) but somehow (?) her manager found out and busted in the bathroom taking it from her and scolded her. I'm like god damn she can't even take a piss without being monitored somehow.


Jan 4, 2018
Another rumored sacrifice is Jam Master Jay from DMC, the group who did "Its Tricky" which BTS did a performance to.

Another rumored sacrifice was Heath Ledger who played the joker in the Dark Knight. V in Rookie King had to paint his face like the joker from specifically The Dark Knight. He even kept saying the famous line Why so serious from movie. He also dressed as same character for halloween.

Another rumored sacrifice was Marilyn Monroe, supposedly for threatening to go public about affair with JFK & inside info. J-Hope & Rap Monster are wearing shirt & jacket with Marilyn Monroe on them in Wings teaser photo.

Another rumored sacrifice Peaches HoneyBlossom Geldof an UK socialite and reporter was part of Ordo Templi Orientis , a satanic group tied to the illuminati. In 2014 she started speaking out against the illuminati, she died on 4-6th or 7th 2014 body found on 8th,wikepedia says 7th but biography said 8th, from a suicide by heroin overdose ,although she'd been passing weekly drug tests. What made me include her was well the name Peaches. I thought it was strange for Rap Mon to sing Peaches and Cream, since that phrase is very sexual based. But also she died of heroine overdose, ruled suicide just like Kurt Cobain. She also was found exactly 10yrs to the day after Kurt Cobains body was found. Her sisters name is Tiger Lily, a flower seen mainly around Jin. These coincidences couldnt go overlooked.

On September 3, 2014, 9-3 the kpop group Ladies Code, who debut in 2013, was involved in a car accident that resulted in the deaths of EunB and RiSe. EunB was declared DOA, RiSe was pronounced dead at 10:10 AM on Sept 7th. Wings album & BS&T mv was released on 10-10. Their deaths were rumored to be the first Illuminati celebrity sacrifices, which were predicted in their video Kiss Kiss. Watch video.

K-POP Stars EunB and RiSe Illuminati Blood Sacrifice Conspiracy EXPOSED
Besides how much alludes to Jin being dead in the HYYH trilogy, and speculation to a car accident, theres more hints outside of HYYH trilogy.

Jin in Fire is only member that has scenes in front of burning car. There is a peace sign written on car. The peace symbol (also called the "broken cross," "crow's foot," "witch's foot," "Nero Cross," "sign of the 'broken Jew,'" and the "symbol of the 'anti-Christ''') is actually a cross with the arms broken. It also signifies the "gesture of despair," and the "death of man.'' The rim of back tire is positioned to look like upside down star, or baphomet. Also on car are 4 //// markings with a - through them they represent captivity. A scene from Ladies Code Hate You, also depicts same markings. Also their PD is called Hitman Bang. Could Bang allude to hitman? The G in bang is also the same as the G from begining of Prologue. Theres also a big red X on wall same as one x ing out Jin in Run.

In this still shot from Fire, you can see Caution in black, just under it is word pink in pink. Above Jins head you see Suga making the devils horns hand sign. Does the pink hint at Jin since thats his favorite color & color he's wearing at time?

Next is other half of still shot, which features a stick man with words Outside is cold above it. Could represent a time when its cold outside like winter? The face on stick figure is seen for a split second on car as it falls to ground.

In blood sweat & tears Jin kisses a white statue with wings, symbolic to The Kiss of Death, just like EunB & RiSe's kisses of death in kiss kiss.

The statue called Kiss of Death

Following picture shows Jin wearing a shirt with a triangle with a upside down star (alledged illuminati signs) with words V, join or di.

This last part will cause mass hate but its crucial to point this out. Its speculative. And is no way meant to defame, or slander BTS. Im just pointing out a coincidence.

I hate to even have to bring this subject up but not all sacrifices are celebrities. Its alledged that the blood sacrifice for fame involves any loved one. In I Need U original version V is seen killing his father, in Prologue it starts off with V's hands covered in blood, thought to be his fathers. The phrase Blood on his hands means to be responsible for someones death, to be guilty of causing someones death. Again in Prologue it shows V looking at a picture of baby & older woman. V stated his grandmother passed on September 3rd, 9-3(same as Ladies Codes EunB) her funeral was held 49 days later, 4+9=13, that his grandmother raised him , picture of baby & woman was him with grandmother.

Then theres this pic of Jin. Shirt says Rich 93. He's with Tony, who gained the ship name of Jony (jimin/tony)on American Hustle Life. Jony is written on side of pool from Prologue, see above pic.

Both Jin & V were born in December, both Decembers Child. Both part of the sacrifice rituals. There is an undeniable connection between V & Jin in the HYYH trilogy. That V seems to be the cause. When a young man joins the Freemasons, Illuminati they start off intitiated as an APPRENTICE. To move up to higher degrees the apprentice must recruit new members.

Now with the release of Spring Day MV and the connections to "Those who walk away from Omelas" by

Ursula K. Le Guin, which is set during the beginning of Summer Festival, or Summer Solstice. The people of Omelas live in a city of unbelievable happiness & delight, at the sacrifice of 1 child living in utter misery.

Based on the previous information it's hard not to ignore how much connects to sacrifices.

This is all a theory based on a mix of real life events & concepts. How you each individually percieve it is up to you. I just wanted to bring a new THEORY into retrospect.
RM is the only one not in a pose engaging the camera but of course he is the main popular person in BTS and maybe there wasn't enough room on the edbe of the bed to lean into the next member, but I'm telling you. V, JIN, or RM (if not J-Hope) will have a desire to break from the group. V and Jin possibly at their own expense if it's not for their own benefit (i.e jin wanting to act and V well just wanting to climb the ladder)


Jan 4, 2018
I think I saw it on this thread,on one of the first pages.
I thought it was mega obvious he is a handler. he isn't just the spokes person but he is the handler.

thats why also BTS is successful in America and not bigbang. BIGBANG don't play handlers to each other. Taeyang attempts here and there (which is ironic cause he has some inner issues and meek qualities about himself tbh, in no position to try) but everyone in bigbang goes normally if there is a handler it is a YG person. Notice how nobody in BTS at all seemingly knows a lick of english or can converse? During the media blitz when they debuted here I was deadass thinking to myself "are they truly incapable or for some reason is rap monster forced / forcing to be the speaker for everyone?" it's perfectly normal if they can't speak english or don't want to, but with the way he is the voice for the group and has the 98% responsibility for handling all the media communication it's like god y'all either fucking lazy or something not right.

this is why you will never see RM fall ill or be out of it whenever he is needed to be the spokesman. you'd think at some point this dude gotta catch a cold and let someone else talk. I feel like BTS need to learn english not cause they are accepted here but for their own safety and benefit. they are really hindering themselves if they truly are this behind in english and comprehension while RM is the most knowledgeable. That means RM has the most power and he will call the shots and can restrict the boys himself too. its like back in the days when people werent allowed to read, only certain types of people, like if slaves knew how to read and began to learn basic stuff they'd suddenly realize what they are under and gain the access to get out. RM is like the nicole of this group if he suddenly wasn't there anymore how else would the casual listener who isn't all weeabo going to get something from the members in an interview? How will they express themselves?

It's ironic cause Seungri in BB is pretty language fluent and can speak english pretty well. GD can speak pretty well, TOP likes to be stubborn and not do it acting like he can't but he can in a small conversational way few words, daesung probably not, Taeyang can. But you don't see GD locked down as the voice. America is used to groups like that anyway mostly in bands i.e pussycatdolls and maroon 5.


Jan 4, 2018
If they wanted to be generous they can just donate food or clothes but they choose to donate COAL BRIQUETES after what happened to jonghyun?

this company is sinister and all those artists attending the event give me the creeps
they might be slaves following orders but is still disgusting to see them smiling while holding those things after what happened
they probably did it in a backwards sentimental way thinking even though he died from it use this coal to stay warm and as you are warm may your herat be warmed by the memory of jonghyun. Some dumb crap like that.

but yeah that was a total ritual and forced thing. it was just horrible to do.


Jan 4, 2018
I am not BTS fan, so I haven't paid them much attention, but I realized from these videos that V really behave strange its obvious MK ultra case

in the second video, Jimin looks like thinking whats up with V, I get this vibe from him
lmao it's not funny but god V was tearing that cake up he ate all those strawberries like that was gonna be his only meal.

I rarely see idols act like that over food in that kind of quick interview style.


Jan 4, 2018
Hi guys, I am Irene. The thing i have deduced is kind of crazy so please dont think i am mad.
Well.. i have a gut feeling about Jonghyun. I think it is connected with Sherlock Holmes. Just like Sherlock faked his death and came back after 2 years...And SHINee has two tracks on Sherlock ...i think oppa is gonna come back after 2 years after getting better... the evidences and the proofs are just not adding up..i have a gut feeling ... like..that back dog he recently tattooed on his rib cage as a sign of depression..i mean he suffered from depression from a long time..why did he tattoo it now.ALSO HE SENT HIS SUICIDE NOTE TO 9 BEFORE HIS DECEMBER SOLO CONCERT..LIKE WHY DID 9 NOT SHOW THE LETTER TO HIS FAMILY THAT TIME IF SHE KNEW JONGHYUN WAS GOING TO KILL HIMSELF..SOMETHING IS FISHY AND ALSO HIS BURIAL SITE IS PRIVATE..WHY?IS SOMEONE GONNA DIG UP HIS GRAVE ..THEN WHY? SOMETHING IS JUST NOT RIGHT..
he better come back with michael jackson and drop the world's greatest ballad.
I'm not even trying to be funny but if he came back the world would shit itself the same way it would MJ if he suddenly goes "surprise, I'm here".

if he is not dead and comes back it will be as someone you won't recognize. but he has such a distinctive face and stature it'd be hard for him to disguise himself as well as his voice and singing voice, he is way too unique more unique than MJ even to come back. Unless he got ton of surgery or stayed in a costume or transitioned into a women. but it'd take some clever plan. he is dead and I accept it but I know he didnt die simply like they lie to us to believe.

I only told myself I'd pop on to see what I missed but now I'm replying to every comment that catches my eye lol.
but yeah he not coming back. notice they killed off the most distinctive one in the group minus taemin ironically.


Dec 23, 2017
This is kpop mv from year 2000, Adult Ceremony by Park Ji Yoon. The song made by JYP:

At 4.49 she's dancing in front of baphomet/goat's skull head
At 5.06 that skull head placed exactly behind her head.
The song is about losing virginity at certain time. The mv full of disturbing thing like a giant teddy bear forcing to come in her house, tailor machine with motion that has any meaning with push and pull thing, and the dancing in the mv kinda demonic too.

Joy, Chanmi AOA and Hayoung APink, they cover that adult ceremony stage.
I don't know the exact reason why they were choosen for covering that song.
JYP is creepy......

I've seen the song covered before
Here's the song w/ 9muses (did they disband?) & subs


Jan 4, 2018
JYP is creepy......

I've seen the song covered before
Here's the song w/ 9muses (did they disband?) & subs
they are in the silent disbandment.

they are not officially broken up but they are like after school and just done for but stay together for brand value within the books.

Kyungri will be vlogging on youtube, Eaurin is dating someone, Idk about the others. but yeah they are doing individual activities.

as for JYP yeah but would you rather JYP manage your career or YG? you may come out of JYP with a little dingity left but go to YG and you're fucked unless you're lee hayi or akmu level talented and don't get bothered like everyone else.


Jan 4, 2018
oooh this shit scared me and gave me the creeps I will never be able to unsee this.

but thank god I am saved cause for some reason idk why I always avoided this album and overlooked it even when I listened to it I never got into it like that I always just breezed over it as if it didn't exist to me. This proves to me that although I am not attending church services and 100% into my christainity as I should be that me professing my sins and praying to god has saved me.

cause if not I would have been so stuck on this album even if I didn't like it. I don't even stare at the album art work really but wow thats creepy. I liked that song baby I miss you cause it fit dara voice so well but CL lyrics annoyed me. it was just her saying let's go into our own world where nobody knows lala.


Jan 4, 2018
Yes, it's totally wrong that the company follows them everyday with a camera. Even when they have holidays they should act in front of cameras. They don't have any privacy. It's like The Truman show. Everything is staged for cameras. That's not right.
BigBang has more freedom I guess, in the past they also had some home shows, but it was comparatively rare. And the company didn't follow them everywhere.

Yes, BTS fans are totally obsessed, that's even creepy. And RM himself said "Army is money" in one interview, but everyone was like it's a joke ofc. I agree that everything is done for money, but they're using some evil rituals for that
Idk what page maggie comment is on so I'll just sum it up for her comment and yours.

I remember they reacted to DNA or one of the videos and Jungkook everyone commented on his behavior in the video he looked so fucking out of it. I am not exaggerating or being dramatic go look it up it's one of the recent videos of the past 3 years if not DNA reaction, where he is just sitting there staring mindlessly like he not blinking much and he has like no type of reaction too much. Like he zoned out or he has no connection to it. I sorta understood since my personality is similar to him but if I was watching my own mv I'd have some normal bodily reactions or be curious to see how I looked on camera. how you think you will look vs how you actually look are 2 diff things and he seem to show zero connection. RM always seems to be the most aware one while the others look like they could care less or just go "yeah cool".

Call me crazy but I always wonder if it's possible to have spirits or demons go inside of them or anyone and do the performances for them or their alter stage energies / personality take over their consciousness during MV shootings and diffcult stages so when they snap out of it and it's over they don't have too many recollections of what transpired. Like they are aware and if you saw a behind the scenes filming they look like normal and normally filming, but something in them is giving them that energy spark. Hard to explain but I'm sure you'll get what I mean

Also again this is why I say BTS for America and not bigbang because in an odd contrast this extreme invasion of privacy and exposure got them to America. BIGBANG is not willing to relinquish their only true gift of privacy and being confined. Then again it's different times and BB was lucky enough to be born first and grow up before smart phones and social media was a thing. One of the secrets to logenvity is to not ware yourself out with overexposure they will burn out fast if they don't at least get their off time to themselves.

I always see 1,000 vids on youtube of BTS off stage in normal settings and I'm like god is their bed time the only time they get to themselves cause every other waking moment aside from bathroom breaks and styling they are filmed somehow. If we knew bigbang this way the group would have fell apart or been different cause we'd see how messed up top truly was or was becoming and we'd see things we shouldn't.


Dec 23, 2017
Here's twice with the same cover

they are not officially broken up but they are like after school and just done for but stay together for brand value within the books.

Kyungri will be vlogging on youtube, Eaurin is dating someone, Idk about the others. but yeah they are doing individual activities.
Kyungri :/ miss seeing her on stage. I remember a BBC documentary on them

as for JYP yeah but would you rather JYP manage your career or YG? you may come out of JYP with a little dingity left but go to YG and you're fucked unless you're lee hayi or akmu level talented and don't get bothered like everyone else.
tru tru....

YG is death. Even with both girls, you can tell that YG is messing with them mentally, with the transformations Lee Hi has undergone, dancing with the pedobear
both girls with one eye accented, LSH wearing a mickey mouse shirt with bunny ears and LH with kitten ears
and comments Suhyun has made about making efforts to be more attractive because she's wasting her life if she stays fat/plain, etc.
I can't help but sideeye that because we all know YG's views on women (he's even said he doesn't want his daughter to enter YG since women don't have a head for business) and look how he messed up a (naturally) beautiful, talented girl like Bom..... He also didn't seem to do any favors for Gummy (she had a bout of PS, plus camera-shy w/her vids) or .... that female rapper.... Lexy (not a peep from her!) Who knows what toll YG will have on the two....

JYP tho... You can see JYP in the dance moves, JYP in the costumes and JYP in the songs and lyrics. He pushes all his talents/groups under JYP to ultimately boost his relevance, name recognition and continue as a performing artist.
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