Kpop Satanic/Illuminati Influence

Dec 28, 2017

You are truly unstoppable.
There's like 10+ pages I still have to read but for now I wanna ask you: have you ever got very clear and punctual dreams related to kpop and after that you felt a sudden urge to binge on the kpop mv you dreamt of, or the idol, whatever was involved in the dream, as if you had just been infiltrated and controled by this while you were asleep (a pretty vulnerable state)?? I'm always pleading for the blood of Christ to protect me but only from outside forces (for example, sleep paralysis and such) or nightmares, but these dreams are not nightmares although they seem to bother my daily life a lot, since I get foggy and anxious and that feeling won't go until I give in to this desperation-like feeling of watching kpop. I'm usually fine in this process of leaving kpop behind UNTIL I get these dreams. Maybe it's the programming that gets what it wants while we are in a vulnerable state? Since we seem to be consciously fighting against this. I find it odd that this system they use in kpop could be THAT powerful till the point we struggle so much to get out of it. Anyway I'll keep on reading! God bless you all and I ask for the Lord Jesus to protect you while you analyze and discover these things.


Dec 29, 2017
Have you guys heard of satanic generational abuse? This pratice is used in often rich families. Basically these afflueint rich people torture and abuse their children and their children have children who they abuse. It has gone on for centuries. Makes me wonder if idols who come from affluent rich families have gone through it.
Yes, I have heard of it. I have watched an interview of 2 children from one of the 13 families who "control the world". While they were talking about their childhood they were trembling and crying at the same time...It was really sad to watch...I couldn't find the link to this video but there is another one showing an example of illuminati humiliation rituals in South Korea (it is more about politic than about the music industry):

The part 2 exposes the kpop music industry:



Dec 29, 2017
Yes, I have heard of it. I have watched an interview of 2 children from one of the 13 families who "control the world". While they were talking about their childhood they were trembling and crying at the same time...It was really sad to watch...I couldn't find the link to this video but there is another one showing an example of illuminati humiliation rituals in South Korea (it is more about politic than about the music industry):

The part 2 exposes the kpop music industry:

Do you guys be on this website all day since there is a lot of posts lmao


Dec 22, 2017

You are truly unstoppable.
There's like 10+ pages I still have to read but for now I wanna ask you: have you ever got very clear and punctual dreams related to kpop and after that you felt a sudden urge to binge on the kpop mv you dreamt of, or the idol, whatever was involved in the dream, as if you had just been infiltrated and controled by this while you were asleep (a pretty vulnerable state)?? I'm always pleading for the blood of Christ to protect me but only from outside forces (for example, sleep paralysis and such) or nightmares, but these dreams are not nightmares although they seem to bother my daily life a lot, since I get foggy and anxious and that feeling won't go until I give in to this desperation-like feeling of watching kpop. I'm usually fine in this process of leaving kpop behind UNTIL I get these dreams. Maybe it's the programming that gets what it wants while we are in a vulnerable state? Since we seem to be consciously fighting against this. I find it odd that this system they use in kpop could be THAT powerful till the point we struggle so much to get out of it. Anyway I'll keep on reading! God bless you all and I ask for the Lord Jesus to protect you while you analyze and discover these things.
I had a dream about Suga yesterday and after that I had a really annoying love feeling for Suga lol although I don't like him.
And today I had a dream about seeing everywhere news about SHINEE's comeback in 2018.
Dec 28, 2017
I had a dream about Suga yesterday and after that I had a really annoying love feeling for Suga lol although I don't like him.
And today I had a dream about seeing everywhere news about SHINEE's comeback in 2018.
I forgot to mention thaaattttt oh my Lord I have goosebumps now. It happens to me all the time with random members and when I wake up I suddenly love them so much (or at least that's the feeling I get) and I want to know everything about them. Thankfully I don't give in that easily now but I find it so weird.
About SHINee... It's so sinister for me that they would make a comeback without Jonghyun. They probably will and fans won't see any problem with it but I find it extremely upsetting.


Dec 29, 2017

You are truly unstoppable.
There's like 10+ pages I still have to read but for now I wanna ask you: have you ever got very clear and punctual dreams related to kpop and after that you felt a sudden urge to binge on the kpop mv you dreamt of, or the idol, whatever was involved in the dream, as if you had just been infiltrated and controled by this while you were asleep (a pretty vulnerable state)?? I'm always pleading for the blood of Christ to protect me but only from outside forces (for example, sleep paralysis and such) or nightmares, but these dreams are not nightmares although they seem to bother my daily life a lot, since I get foggy and anxious and that feeling won't go until I give in to this desperation-like feeling of watching kpop. I'm usually fine in this process of leaving kpop behind UNTIL I get these dreams. Maybe it's the programming that gets what it wants while we are in a vulnerable state? Since we seem to be consciously fighting against this. I find it odd that this system they use in kpop could be THAT powerful till the point we struggle so much to get out of it. Anyway I'll keep on reading! God bless you all and I ask for the Lord Jesus to protect you while you analyze and discover these things.
WOOAAAAA I can relate to it so badly !!!

It happened to me as well...before you realise you might have watched hours of reactions videos, crack/vine videos, shows, music videos, etc. It is so painful after that to go on your knees before God....One day I woke up with a urge to continue a movie I started watching at a friend's house who is also a christian, but I knew that some parts...most of the parts in the movie would surely not please God...After 10 min, I prayed for strength and protection & I said aloud to the devil to back off from me, and the feeling totally disappeared.

These people who gives you these images of perfection and peace are surrounded by evil spirits of seductions who will create a soul tie between you and them. It is this duality between good and evil that made it even harder for me to stop listening to their music...They look so innocent but their music is so evil, I was really going crazy.

In order to win a fight we need to know who we are truly fighting against.

Prayer is powerful. We should never stop praying even when we are feeling really down, ashamed or guilty. It is this constant communication that brings us closer to our Creator and protects us against the traps of the evil one.

“No temptation has overtaken you except what is common to mankind. And God is faithful; he will not let you be tempted beyond what you can bear. But when you are tempted, he will also provide a way out so that you can endure it.” 1 Corinthians. 10:13

"Submit yourselves to God. Resist the devil, and he will flee from you." James 4:7

"But the Lord is faithful, and he will strengthen you and protect you from the evil one." 2 Thessalonians. 3:3

God bless you too. I will be praying for you
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Kandy Amemori

Dec 26, 2017
Have you guys heard of satanic generational abuse? This pratice is used in often rich families. Basically these afflueint rich people torture and abuse their children and their children have children who they abuse. It has gone on for centuries. Makes me wonder if idols who come from affluent rich families have gone through it.
Oh yes!~ I've seen a video about on YouTube some months ago about what these families do to their own children. I can't see any parent in their right minds doing what these parents do to their children...
When I saw that video it made me feel sick and my my blood boil....
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Dec 26, 2017
I also got confused by the reporting and varying Information we got. First, it was said Jonghyun was found unconscious at home by his sister. A frying pan with "Brown liquid" was mentioned. How can someone confuse coal briquettes with a liquid? Strangely we can see a woman holding a pot with a dark liquid at the begin of the VCR.

Later the reports changed and it was pointed out that Jonghyun wasn't actually at home, but in a rented apartment and was already found at the state of cardiac arrest.
(I can post the links if someone needs them).
Furthermore, in Wikipedia there is talk of "traces of vomit".
thats because the mainstream media is mocking us actually, they will NEVER report the truth, they report contradicting stories to hook us and confuse us, they like to play us, and sadly, the vast majority of people always fall for it


Dec 22, 2017
I forgot to mention thaaattttt oh my Lord I have goosebumps now. It happens to me all the time with random members and when I wake up I suddenly love them so much (or at least that's the feeling I get) and I want to know everything about them. Thankfully I don't give in that easily now but I find it so weird.
About SHINee... It's so sinister for me that they would make a comeback without Jonghyun. They probably will and fans won't see any problem with it but I find it extremely upsetting.
That's weird how those feelings suddenly submerge after just a dream! I remember having a dream of J-Hope before I even knew all the names of BTS and wasn't into all that, and even despite of these facts I got that feels for him loooooool

There is also one weird thing that happens to me: when I wake up for a few seconds in the middle of the sleeping I realize that I'm thinking about some certain idol lol and then fall asleep again wtf. Like once I was sleeping, then suddenly woke up and asked myself if Suho could be a good president and then fell asleep lol

Kandy Amemori

Dec 26, 2017
That's weird how those feelings suddenly submerge after just a dream! I remember having a dream of J-Hope before I even knew all the names of BTS and wasn't into all that, and even despite of these facts I got that feels for him loooooool

There is also one weird thing that happens to me: when I wake up for a few seconds in the middle of the sleeping I realize that I'm thinking about some certain idol lol and then fall asleep again wtf. Like once I was sleeping, then suddenly woke up and asked myself if Suho could be a good president and then fell asleep lol

The only recent dream about about k-pop idols was about a week ago and it was the most horrible dream I ever had...
At first it was just SHINee's lucifer playing repeatedly. Then, the whole music video started playing repeatedly but all of the members had pitch black eyes and then a voice was talking over them saying, "Yes, they love me! Look at them chanting my name. Do you love me like they love me?" I was saying, "No I don't! I love Jesus and his father!" I tried waking up but it was like I couldn't. It was like someone had pent me down to the bed and had my eyes and mouth glued shut. Guys, I literally thought this demon that was attacking me in my dream was going to kill me. It left me alone when I shouted out the name of Jesus 4 times. After that dream I deleted my music app from my phone and haven't listen to any k-pop since.


Dec 29, 2017
Yes, I have heard of it. I have watched an interview of 2 children from one of the 13 families who "control the world". While they were talking about their childhood they were trembling and crying at the same time...It was really sad to watch...I couldn't find the link to this video but there is another one showing an example of illuminati humiliation rituals in South Korea (it is more about politic than about the music industry):

The part 2 exposes the kpop music industry:

Do you guys be on this website all day since there is a lot of posts lmao

Kandy Amemori

Dec 26, 2017
Do you guys be on this website all day since there is a lot of posts lmao
Today was the most time I ever a spent on this forum but I can say that a haven't spent all day on here. I had things to do at home like wash my clothes, shop for house supplies, cook me some food, nap, watch a few k-dramas, and enjoy the New years. LOL :);)
Dec 26, 2017
I forgot to mention thaaattttt oh my Lord I have goosebumps now. It happens to me all the time with random members and when I wake up I suddenly love them so much (or at least that's the feeling I get) and I want to know everything about them. Thankfully I don't give in that easily now but I find it so weird.
About SHINee... It's so sinister for me that they would make a comeback without Jonghyun. They probably will and fans won't see any problem with it but I find it extremely upsetting.
it is so weird that this thing did happen to me! I just discovered I am not the only one.
before two years after have been to kpop around 6 months, I wasn't a fan of SHINee, but I have dream about Key, and since that time after this dream, when I wake up I felt huge love for Key, like he is someone I know personally, I become HUGE fan of SHINee!!! and of course Key has become my ultimate bias, it is strange
Dec 26, 2017
The only recent dream about about k-pop idols was about a week ago and it was the most horrible dream I ever had...
At first it was just SHINee's lucifer playing repeatedly. Then, the whole music video started playing repeatedly but all of the members had pitch black eyes and then a voice was talking over them saying, "Yes, they love me! Look at them chanting my name. Do you love me like they love me?" I was saying, "No I don't! I love Jesus and his father!" I tried waking up but it was like I couldn't. It was like someone had pent me down to the bed and had my eyes and mouth glued shut. Guys, I literally thought this demon that was attacking me in my dream was going to kill me. It left me alone when I shouted out the name of Jesus 4 times. After that dream I deleted my music app from my phone and haven't listen to any k-pop since.
wow, this is terrible, you scared me about SHINee, I used to listen to this song back then, I am still huge fan of them, I don't know, I feel really scared, may be I should stop being fan

Kandy Amemori

Dec 26, 2017
wow, this is terrible, you scared me about SHINee, I used to listen to this song back then, I am still huge fan of them, I don't know, I feel really scared, may be I should stop being fan

Trust me it'll take time to wean yourself from k-pop. For me, it didn't happen over night it took me 2 years almost. I was a HUGE fan trust me...
Dec 28, 2017
WOOAAAAA I can relate to it so badly !!!

It happened to me as well...before you realise you might have watched hours of reactions videos, crack/vine videos, shows, music videos, etc. It is so painful after that to go on your knees before God....One day I woke up with a urge to continue a movie I started watching at a friend's house who is also a christian, but I knew that some parts...most of the parts in the movie would surely not please God...After 10 min, I prayed for strength and protection & I said aloud to the devil to back off from me, and the feeling totally disappeared.

These people who gives you these images of perfection and peace are surrounded by evil spirits of seductions who will create a soul tie between you and them. It is this duality between good and evil that made it even harder for me to stop listening to their music...They look so innocent but their music is so evil, I was really going crazy.

In order to win a fight we need to know who we are truly fighting against.

Prayer is powerful. We should never stop praying even when we are feeling really down, ashamed or guilty. It is this constant communication that brings us closer to our Creator and protects us against the traps of the evil one.

“No temptation has overtaken you except what is common to mankind. And God is faithful; he will not let you be tempted beyond what you can bear. But when you are tempted, he will also provide a way out so that you can endure it.” 1 Corinthians. 10:13

"Submit yourselves to God. Resist the devil, and he will flee from you." James 4:7

"But the Lord is faithful, and he will strengthen you and protect you from the evil one." 2 Thessalonians. 3:3

God bless you too. I will be praying for you
Aww this message touched me. God bless you sister. I'll try to do what you did when I get those urges. Yes praying is so important and I relate so much when you said that it is painful to get on your knees before God after dwelling in such darkness. Nevertheless shame and guilt are also tricks from the devil so I must remember that His blood stands in our defense. Conviction is so important but guilt comes from the enemy!! Stay strong family!
Dec 28, 2017
The only recent dream about about k-pop idols was about a week ago and it was the most horrible dream I ever had...
At first it was just SHINee's lucifer playing repeatedly. Then, the whole music video started playing repeatedly but all of the members had pitch black eyes and then a voice was talking over them saying, "Yes, they love me! Look at them chanting my name. Do you love me like they love me?" I was saying, "No I don't! I love Jesus and his father!" I tried waking up but it was like I couldn't. It was like someone had pent me down to the bed and had my eyes and mouth glued shut. Guys, I literally thought this demon that was attacking me in my dream was going to kill me. It left me alone when I shouted out the name of Jesus 4 times. After that dream I deleted my music app from my phone and haven't listen to any k-pop since.
This is so scary oh my Lord. Praying for you. Stay protected by His almighty hand... Christ already won the fight.

That's weird how those feelings suddenly submerge after just a dream! I remember having a dream of J-Hope before I even knew all the names of BTS and wasn't into all that, and even despite of these facts I got that feels for him loooooool

There is also one weird thing that happens to me: when I wake up for a few seconds in the middle of the sleeping I realize that I'm thinking about some certain idol lol and then fall asleep again wtf. Like once I was sleeping, then suddenly woke up and asked myself if Suho could be a good president and then fell asleep lol
I laughed so hard at the 'Suho could be a good president' LOL but yes this is so weird guys... It can't be a coincidence that a bunch of us go through the same thing and especially it gets worse when we dream of kpop related stuff or think about them while we sleep... Like I'm running to get my prayer journal to add 'pray for kpop fans' :eek:
Dec 26, 2017
The k and j pop industries are really messed up, if not worse than the Western industry. I've been into Asian music for a while and started avoiding kpop early on despite it's popularity after I noticed how shallow and just messed up it is, same with the big j pop artists too. Now I'm learning Mandarin Chinese and am really into mandopop/c-pop and it's refreshing lack of big illuminati influence. Though I pretty much avoid boy and girl groups (after all, China created the first boy band with all girls *eyeroll*) and big artists. I'm curious if any truthers have seen similar symbolism and whatnot in the pretty big but not as popular in the west Chinese language music market
I listened to Chinese and Taiwanese songs, I can tell you for sure that they are not free from the illuminati, I used to be huge fan of Taiwanese singer who sings about Buddhism before my eye waked up about the illuminati, I haven't suspected anything, however, after I wake up and watched those videos, it is blatant about MK ultra and occult, even religious songs are not free from this thing, and of course Chinese and Taiwanese pop music is way worse than the religious one, but I will say that their negative on influence on me wasn't that bad like Kpop, not sure why, but Kpop is much much worse

Kandy Amemori

Dec 26, 2017
I listened to Chinese and Taiwanese songs, I can tell you for sure that they are not free from the illuminati, I used to be huge fan of Taiwanese singer who sings about Buddhism before my eye waked up about the illuminati, I haven't suspected anything, however, after I wake up and watched those videos, it is blatant about MK ultra and occult, even religious songs are not free from this thing, and of course Chinese and Taiwanese pop music is way worse than the religious one, but I will say that their negative on influence on me wasn't that bad like Kpop, not sure why, but Kpop is much much worse
I remember listening to a Taiwanese girl group about 4 years ago (LOL)
The song was called "Peacock" and it was terrible. The girls were singing about a guy who was sucking on a lolipop plus their choreography was horrible and they were NOT in step. I found it very cringey.
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