Kpop Satanic/Illuminati Influence


Mar 15, 2017
That's actually the purpose of this thread - to wake fans up about the real side of kpop. We were once part of it and want to show them the reality before they go deeper into it. Also such a thread would be impossible so survive on a regular kpop forum. But I have to admit that we've been quite active in a really short period of time and that may be really suspicious. There have been too many strange things happening in kpop for the past few years and we finally found a place where we can openly discuss this without immature fangirling.
I agree, I've looked at some of the content posted and it's alarming how dark KPOP is.

Yh I mean it's so active, that's why I commented about it being weird because it's always on the newposts when I'm lurking.


Dec 25, 2017
why do you think trolls have a right to be here?
It's the internet, and I personally believe all opinions should be respected. Especially if they are wrong. [[Perhaps I am overanalysing their intentions (I do tend to psychoanalyse everything), but trolls have an incessant need to constantly annoy and contradict everything someone else with a different opinion has to say ~ much like children. Without turning into an online psychiatrist, these people perhaps have not been listened to in their real lives and rejected for their opinions, and overcompensate online. Peoples hearts are the same whether in real life or the internet.]] Without trying to be an overly naive human being, I think love and respect goes a long way. I know because I too have been on both sides of this situation. And as a result, like I said, they might even wake up and see the reality around them.
That was a very long response that has nothing to do with this forum, so I will probably delete it if it doesn't necessitate a response


Mar 15, 2017
It's the internet, and I personally believe all opinions should be respected. Especially if they are wrong. [[Perhaps I am overanalysing their intentions (I do tend to psychoanalyse everything), but trolls have an incessant need to constantly annoy and contradict everything someone else with a different opinion has to say ~ much like children. Without turning into an online psychiatrist, these people perhaps have not been listened to in their real lives and rejected for their opinions, and overcompensate online. Peoples hearts are the same whether in real life or the internet.]] Without trying to be an overly naive human being, I think love and respect goes a long way. I know because I too have been on both sides of this situation. And as a result, like I said, they might even wake up and see the reality around them.
That was a very long response that has nothing to do with this forum, so I will probably delete it if it doesn't necessitate a response
Well it's interesting you say trolls have a right to be here, I doubt many share that viewpoint. Trolls don't have opinions or anything decent to say for that matter. They thrive off negativity, bullying and division.

Honestly, I don't care what goes on in people's personal lives. This forum is just a form of collective opinions and thoughts. I don't think trolls cry out for help, I think they're just bored and insecure.


Dec 25, 2017
Well it's interesting you say trolls have a right to be here, I doubt many share that viewpoint. Trolls don't have opinions or anything decent to say for that matter. They thrive off negativity, bullying and division.

Honestly, I don't care what goes on in people's personal lives. This forum is just a form of collective opinions and thoughts. I don't think trolls cry out for help, I think they're just bored and insecure.
Hahaha I'm not arguing. That may very well be the case!
I just choose to look at it in a different way. I have found that they usually stop pestering when they don't get the desired reaction. I know because I have a baby brother as well ;) he is EXACTLY the same, unfortunately. Becoming angry only hurts me, and brings him joy that teaches him it's ok to act in that sort of manner


Mar 15, 2017
Hahaha I'm not arguing. That may very well be the case!
I just choose to look at it in a different way. I have found that they usually stop pestering when they don't get the desired reaction. I know because I have a baby brother as well ;) he is EXACTLY the same, unfortunately. Becoming angry only hurts me, and brings him joy that teaches him it's ok to act in that sort of manner
Neither am I, just responding since you said you'd delete your post if it didn't necessitate a response.

Maybe, some trolls are very persistent and go to a lot of lengths to get the desired reaction they want. Including creating sock accounts and starting provocative threads.

I don't think people here get angry at trolls, it seems the trolls get angry at them for not feeding them attention. Above all, I just pity trolls. To spend your existence typing hate and to be so engrossed in a virtual world, that you don't enjoy the fruits of the real world- it's pathetic
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Dec 25, 2017
Neither am I, just responding since you said you'd delete your post if it didn't necessitate a response.

Maybe, some trolls are very persistent and go to a lot of lengths to get the desired reaction they want. Including creating sock accounts and starting provocative threads.

I don't think people here get angry at trolls, it seems the trolls get angry at them for not feeding them attention. Above all, I just pity trolls. To spend your existence typing hate and to be so engrossed in a virtual world, that you don't enjoy the fruits of the real world- it's pathetic
You're completely correct. I see these actions as a heart problem more than anything else. So only thing that we can do is pray for them and be compassionate towards them.
this verse from Romans 12 is a favorite:
Do not take revenge, my dear friends, but leave room for God's wrath, for it is written: "It is mine to avenge; I will repay," says the Lord. On the contrary: "If your enemy is hungry, feed him; if he is thirsty, give him something to drink. In doing this, you will heap burning coals on his head."


Dec 30, 2017
I know this is random but..
I feel like a burden get off my chest with this thread. I'm so happy that I found open-minded people like you. I had the urge to share these things for so long with others but seeing how fans react negative and deny everything I just gave up. I love all of you! :D :)
Well thank u for this thread because if i didnt see it while searching on google i will still be into their brainwashing system i dont know why i pity them so much like jimin taehyung the way he has changed like ahhh this id sad and Jonghyun omg


Dec 26, 2017
Well thank u for this thread because if i didnt see it while searching on google i will still be into their brainwashing system i dont know why i pity them so much like jimin taehyung the way he has changed like ahhh this id sad and Jonghyun omg
I’m not sure that we can do much to prevent others from becoming victims like Jonghyun (since people who speak out are usually branded crazy or worse may happen) but I hope that we can atleast bring some awareness to others who want to receive it


Dec 22, 2017
Well thank u for this thread because if i didnt see it while searching on google i will still be into their brainwashing system i dont know why i pity them so much like jimin taehyung the way he has changed like ahhh this id sad and Jonghyun omg
No need to thanks me! It must have been done earlier but i guess we were scared of being ridiculed from fans. We just need to pray for them and inform others.


Dec 22, 2017
Do you have a link?
Greetings from ILLUMINATI. We are looking for new recruit’s to spread the enlightenment of our organization. We do not represent evil nor do. We do not advocate violence or harm against anyone. The ILLUMINATI it's a group of enlightened individuals whose focus is to spread knowledge and enlightenment. We do not promise you riches, however we can advise you on how to obtain these things only if you truly desire them. For more information, contact us on whatsapp number +19292984123/Email address

I don't even know how did they even find me because my channel is practically empty(only those 2 videos). Even if it's a troll it's still fishy.


Dec 23, 2017
This is a definitely a weird thread, a lot of the posters have been members for a few days and are posting inscessantly.
I imagine most of us here are veterans of various kpop portals. Try offering a different view to another kpop fan. At best, you're blocked from sharing your view and explaining it. This is the first time I've been able to connect with other kpop fans who are willing to critically examine entertainment - regardless of our "biases"


Dec 23, 2017
It's sad because a lot of people resonate with this type of music, some of my students are obsessed with Kpop groups.

Jackson Wong is a popular artist they love and he came to London a while ago, they waited 10 hours at the airport for him :confused:, i find it alarming Young impressionable girls and boys are falling for this veil of perfection presented to them via their music videos. It just creates this fantasy world where they genuinely believe they'll only be happy with material goods. When these young fans realise with age, this was all a farce, they feel depressed and go down the same fate as their beloved idols...
I got into this knowing it was a facade. What shocks me is the talent these people have and how they're preyed upon. Its an open secret that has now foghorn volume. Nothing will be solved or stopped if we continue the silence.


Dec 22, 2017
I think making videos could be a good idea but Im just warning you guys: kpop fans are EXTREMELY close minded and obsessed with their idols
they believe their idols are perfection and always try to protect them so if you are posting this info on Youtube better get ready to be insulted or them making fun of you calling you crazy

Maybe some of them will believe the info but you can be sure almost all of them will deny it because they have a cult mentality and their obsession with kpop is too strong to give it up


Dec 22, 2017
Greetings from ILLUMINATI. We are looking for new recruit’s to spread the enlightenment of our organization. We do not represent evil nor do. We do not advocate violence or harm against anyone. The ILLUMINATI it's a group of enlightened individuals whose focus is to spread knowledge and enlightenment. We do not promise you riches, however we can advise you on how to obtain these things only if you truly desire them. For more information, contact us on whatsapp number +19292984123/Email address

I don't even know how did they even find me because my channel is practically empty(only those 2 videos). Even if it's a troll it's still fishy.
I googled the number and seems like they're spamming with the same text all random sites lol.