Palestinian Resistance Launch Major Attack on Israel: What Happened? – LIVE BLOG


May 17, 2020
At least 50 children killed in two days in Lebanon: UNICEF

The UN agency for children says the Israeli air attacks on Lebanon in recent days have already killed more children per day than the 2006 war, which lasted for 33 days and killed about 1,200 people.
“The average number of children killed per day in Lebanon this week is more than double the number of children killed per day during the country’s devastating 2006 conflict,” UNICEF said.
An estimated 400 children, or about 12 children per day, were killed then compared with 50 children killed in a span of two days, according to the Lebanese Ministry of Public Health.


Nov 8, 2022
From the link:
MEE [MiddleEastEye]: Let's say you win this election come November. What's your plan for the first 100 days in office?

Jill Stein: I pick up the phone and the genocidal war is over. The White House has absolute control over Israel [because] there's no way Israel would survive for 24 hours here without the support of the US.

So the US says the word, and Israel has no choice except to comply.

And my message would be, the flow of weapons stops now, and the flow of all support stops now, unless you cease and desist from this genocidal war and end the occupation and begin your withdrawal from the occupied territories to the ‘67 borders, that is a start.

Second, I would declare a climate emergency. By declaring a climate emergency, the president unleashes over half a trillion dollars every year in emergency funding, which can then be used to basically create jobs on an emergency basis for a green economy, particularly green energy, green transportation, green agriculture and green housing.

So we can begin the transformation of our economy.

When people are hopeless, economically and politically, they embrace demagogues.

This is the origin of Nazi Germany. This is the story of fascism over and over.

So it's not like we have a choice here, or it's not like the neo-liberal Democrats are going to save us.

The Democrats' neo-liberal agenda is the cause of the surge to the right wing.
MEE: You have adopted a strong stance on Gaza. Why have you done so, given that it is such a divisive issue in the US?

Jill Stein: Once you see it, you can't un-see it. And I've been seeing it for a long time. Gaza is kind of a microcosm of what's wrong with the empire. As Ronald Reagan's secretary of defence, Casper Weinberger, said in the 1980s, Israel is the unsinkable battleship for the US and the Middle East.

I oppose the war on Gaza as a symbol of empire, which is on its last legs, and we need to transition to a multipolar world, instead of trying to be the unipolar, sole dominant power around the world, for us to be engaging in military confrontation around the world in order to maintain sole power, power when we are no longer the sole economic power, you know,

And we have been exceeded by the Brics coalition in our, you know, in the GDP and so on.

You know, we're an ageing empire, and we're making lots of mistakes like ageing empires do.

We need to transition peacefully, and according to international law and human rights and with diplomacy
into a multi-polar world. We have to do that.

But beyond that, I'd point to two things. One is that I grew up as a Jew following the Holocaust. I was born in 1950 so just a couple of years after the Holocaust, in a Jewish community, attending a reformed synagogue and dealing with genocide was a huge issue for me and the community I was in and my parents. This was a huge issue.

And part of what I was taught was that genocide is not just the responsibility of those who commit it. It's the responsibility of bystanders. I heard that a lot and that was just put into my DNA that we don't stand by while genocide is happening.
MEE: Back to your campaign, with regards to the several VP options that have been shortlisted. Can you tell us a little bit about how you decided on the people that you know that have been mentioned in news reports, right, and including several Palestinian Americans?

Jill Stein: It's been an evolving process, but our campaign has been very focused on this existential crisis of our era, this crisis of genocide, which is also a crisis of empire.

So that's really been kind of front and centre in our campaign throughout."

...Jill said, reading from the script the narrative of distribution among the public...

"I oppose the war on Gaza as a symbol of empire, which is on its last legs, and we need to transition to a multipolar world..."

Since we are in the forum of a website that says that "symbols rule the world", here is literally such a symbol, intended, along with other powerful and mighty current symbols, to manage the transition to NWO, throught (in this case) managing the perceptions of target groups. Do you understand this symbol? (Hint: he began his final assault at the end of February 2022)
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Jan 22, 2018
There's a certain irony you posting this in Stucky's thread. Both of you are British and this great commentary is from an Australian journalist. There are only three Americans who are active in this thread and strangely enough, the rest talk about November's election like it'll mean something on these forums. It's true what is said in the video because it makes many here who believe in partisan politics, people who are not being honest with themselves as they lack authenticity.

I think the entire commentary is an apt assessment.
These words really did fully align with the way I see the world of politics. I struggle to try and understand the mental gymnastics people need to do to participate in this virtual reality political pantomime we are being subjected to.

Looking at the two candidates in play now for presidential puppet I can only conclude that this is a power play by the hidden hands to finally blow the world of politics into smithereens to roll in a NWO.

There was an article I posted on here years ago that I've not managed to find again, that came from a high ranking US official which stated something along the lines of...."the only objective of an administration is to be progressively worse than the last administration"....

It's not like it's not spelled out in front of us is it? Like everyone knows that the opposite of pro is con but very few people are aware that this then means the opposite of progress is congress

....and we are seeing this now play out, in real time, they have provided us with living breathing cartoons to rule over us. And if enough people "pick" one of these clowns then the clown show continues.

A Freeman

Nov 11, 2019
There's currently live-streaming on twitch of Israeli bunker bombing a 6-building residential housing estate in Lebanon, allegedly to take out Nasrallah in Hezbollah's supposed central HQ.
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Nov 8, 2022
Apologies if this has been posted already.

To anybody who's about to vote in the US (s)election.

Take these words of wisdom and hold on to'll become a more authentic human being for doing so.

Take these words of wisdom and hold on to'll become a more authentic human being for doing so.
There's a certain irony you posting this in Stucky's thread. Both of you are British and this great commentary is from an Australian journalist. There are only three Americans who are active in this thread and strangely enough, the rest talk about November's election like it'll mean something on these forums. It's true what is said in the video because it makes many here who believe in partisan politics, people who are not being honest with themselves as they lack authenticity.

I think the entire commentary is an apt assessment.
There's a certain irony you posting this in Stucky's thread. Both of you are British and this great commentary is from an Australian journalist.
More great comments that shatter the illusion of party politics (which is believed by "people who are not being honest with themselves as they lack authenticity") by this Australian journalist. I share them with you, dear fellow forum members, in the hope that you will "take these words of wisdom and hold on to'll become a more authentic human being for doing so."


This “Jill Stein needs to drop out” nonsense is so tedious and stupid. Democrats literally JUST saw what happens when your party’s candidate drops out: they’re replaced with another candidate. That’s what would happen if Stein dropped out. If you don’t think third parties should be allowed to exist in America, just say that. Don’t invent some fictional alternate reality universe where Jill Stein emerges out of nowhere every few years to steal votes from Democrats like some villain in a video game and where getting rid of her would get you those votes back.

Stein shows up as a presidential candidate because she’s the most popular candidate in a political party Americans created because they wanted that party to exist. Your argument isn’t with Jill Stein, it’s with Americans who don’t like your shitty imperialist political party. Either convince them that war and injustice are awesome or stop being such murderous tyrants.

A new poll from the Council on American-Islamic Relations has Green Party presidential candidate Jill Stein beating Kamala Harris among American Muslims in three key battleground states, with an especially large lead in Michigan.

To call this a night and day difference would be a severe understatement. Clearly Muslim Americans are seeing something they care deeply about this election season which the rest of the population has decided doesn’t matter very much.

That something is of course the US-backed genocide in Gaza, which the Biden-Harris administration has been forcefully supporting for nearly a year. Stein opposes these atrocities, while Harris is currently serving in the administration that’s making them possible.

So now we’re seeing a US election where two tyrannical capitalist warmongers are squaring off against each other, appealing to the votes of America’s two mainstream political factions which are only mainstream because vast fortunes have been poured into propaganda manipulations to make them mainstream. Then you’ve got candidates like Jill Stein saying normal, sane and common sense things about peace and justice while being framed as an extremist lunatic by the consent manufacturers of the mainstream press. And when Stein loses in this aggressively manipulated information environment within this aggressively manipulated electoral system, it will be framed as evidence that her politics were seen as too fringe and kooky for the mainstream public.

Vote or don’t vote in whatever way you want. No matter who you vote for, you’ll get tyranny, war and genocide.

Vote for Harris and you’ll get tyranny, war and genocide.

Vote for Trump and you’ll get tyranny, war and genocide.

Vote for Kennedy and you’ll get tyranny, war and genocide.

Don’t want tyranny, war and genocide? Go ahead and try to elect someone like Jill Stein or Cornel West who stands against tyranny, war and genocide. But have no doubt that the system is rigged to prevent that from succeeding, and you’ll get a president who stands with tyranny, war and genocide."

She, Jill, was even arrested for her anti-Zionist stance, despite being Jewish, as Karlysymon is indignant here:
Considering that...Abbott issued an executive order in March requiring that Texas universities punish anti-Semitism on campus using the International Holocaust Remembrance Alliance (IHRA) definition of anti-Semitism,....should be a worrying development. And if this legislation/definition doesn't even protect Jewish people who protest the state of Israel (like Jill Stein who was arrested), then we have to ask WHO or WHAT is this legislation/definition designed to protect?

*Did you get it?
Anti-Semitism is real and bad, real evil, the spread of dangerous disinformation about jews, which "as we know from history" if not stopped could lead to "monstrous consequences" and so on. And antizionism is a legitimate opposition to Israeli (their "genocide over Gaza", for example).

So mixing legitimate criticism and positions against zionism with the illegitimate bad far-right nazi antisemitism (which is real and we need to fight it) is bad, insidious zionist trick to defame, silence and deter legitimate critics of zionism (which is real evil).

Antisemitism is a legitimate evil.

(Just as legitimate an evil as antiislamism, antiblackness, antipalestinian racism, anti-homo and anti-trans, and other anti. And it will be a cemented evil if or when Israel is restrained, condemned, etc.?)

Professor Butch Ware is a lifelong activist and educator specializing in the history of empire, colonialism, genocide and revolution.

With his Ph.D in history from the University of Pennsylvania, Ware is a leading academic authority on the U.S. Black Radical Tradition, Africa and Islam. Since 2004 Professor Ware has been a full faculty member at Northwestern, Michigan, and now UC Santa-Barbara, teaching in History, Black Studies, and Islamic Studies.

(excerpts from the long program)

Advance reproductive rights and codify Roe v. Wade
Launch an urgent national program to rebuild the U.S. epidemic/pandemic response:

Review and update the 2006 Pandemic Preparedness Act (last updated prior to COVID in 2019) to ensure U.S. pandemic preparedness is fully funded.
Strengthen the infrastructure for accelerated emergency distribution of information, medications, vaccines, and treatments

Fund and provide high-quality personal protective equipment such as N-95 type masks and all diagnostic testing (including viral load testing) free at local pharmacies

Mandate and provide funding for high-quality air filtration code improvements for all public transportation, public buildings, schools and businesses
Establish policies that will eliminate SARS-CoV-2 transmission in schools, healthcare facilities, and on public transportation

Further study the Novavax protein-based COVID-19 vaccine to determine safety and efficacy for children under 12; remove restrictions if findings allow
Fully fund research into the causes, prevention and treatment of long COVID

A Jill Stein administration will:
Fully legalize cannabis for recreational and medicinal use with similar restrictions to alcohol.

Release nonviolent drug offenders from prison, remove drug offenses from records, and guarantee both pre- and post-release support

Ensure drug treatment on demand

Begin the process of legalizing hallucinogens (LSD, psilocybin and other related substances) and fund studies on their medicinal benefits.

Begin the process of decriminalizing personal possession of hard drugs - treat drug misuse as a health problem, not a criminal problem
End the epidemic of gun violence with common-sense gun safety laws:

Ban the sale of assault rifles and establish a buyback program
Create standardized digital records of gun registrations and sales



A Jill Stein Administration will guarantee as a human right reparations to the descendants of African slaves for the historic crime of enslavement. Reparations is a cornerstone of the Black Agenda, but reparations is far from the only policy needed to begin to redress what has been stolen from the Black community over 400+ years.

Scholars and activists who have studied and formulated propositions for Reparations itself have put the minimum cash value of reparations at $12 trillion, to be paid to those who claim legitimate descendancy from enslaved Blacks prior to the Civil War. This number is derived not only from the stolen labor prior to 1865, but also from the reneged promise of Field Order 15, commonly referred to as “40 acres and a mule”, which was never made good upon.

We don’t need any further debate on whether reparations should be paid. They should, without question, as they were in 1988 to those impacted by WWII Japanese internment camps. The Stein administration will confer with Black community leaders on who qualifies, how they qualify (historical records exist), how much they will be paid in cash, and how those payments will be made.

There are other policies essential to the overall Black Agenda, as slavery was not the only historic crime against the Black community in America. We recognize both historic and existing racism in America, While it has been addressed in legislation such as the Civil Rights Act of 1964, to this day an end to systemic racism has never been realized. Many of these essential policies, such as universal healthcare, immigration, policing, and free public college education, are addressed in other areas of this platform. Furthermore, it should be noted that the Black Agenda is a progressive agenda.

In addition to ensuring Reparations, a Jill Stein Administration will:

Direct all federal agencies to consider and include race and ethnicity as part of all of their initiatives and other programs implemented with federal dollars
Coordinate with Black-led formations including, but not limited to, the Black Hive at Movement for Black Lives to codify proposals and demands included in their Black Climate Mandate

Coordinate with Black-led formations including, but not limited to, the Black Alliance for Peace to promulgate their Zone of Peace strategies that combat and dismantle larger structures and interests that generate war and state violence—colonialism, patriarchy, capitalism and all forms of imperialism both domestically and internationally

“Nobody’s free until everybody’s free.” -Fannie Lou Hamer


A Jill Stein Administration will guarantee the human rights of the 2SLGBTQIA+ community.

Violent attacks on transgender women (particularly Black and other transgender women of color), recent stripping of state protections, lack of legal protection after negative court rulings, and long-standing historical inequities continue. We will end the acceptance of a violent culture that devalues the humanity of our 2SLGBTQIA+ siblings. We will fight for the liberation of 2SLGBTQIA+ people around the world.

Here’s how:

Support the Equality Act, the PRIDE Act, the Every Child Deserves a Family Act, and other bills to prohibit discrimination by the U.S., the military, state or local governments, or private industry

Support the PrEP Access and Coverage Act (until universal healthcare is implemented).

Develop and implement 2SLGBTQIA+ inclusive public education to combat bullying

Include 2SLGBTQIA+ history in school curricula, provide school and community trainings and 2SLGBTQIA+ specific school counseling

Federally prohibit the harmful practice of “conversion therapy”

Fund housing relief programs for 2SLGBTQIA+ youth, who are disproportionately represented in unsheltered populations

Remove punitive and cumbersome legal name change requirements and fees

Declare trans murder and suicide rates a national emergency

De-gender or add nonbinary gender options to all Federal public documents

De-gender school dress codes, and guarantee protection from discrimination as a result of dress in workplaces

Publish the original Equal Rights Amendment in the National Archives, effectively bringing it into law.

Prohibit insurance companies from denying trans-affirming procedures

Remove “transmedicalist” language from all educational materials relating to trans individuals

Specifically prohibit disciplining or firing trans employees for acknowledging their gender/pronouns with customers, clients, or other individuals in the workplace

Legally prohibit mutilative surgeries on intersex infants

Pass legislation to mandate that police adopt policies to ensure fairer interactions with transgender people, especially transgender women of color, who are disproportionately impacted by disparities in policing

Outlaw misgendered imprisonment nationwide and end “gay panic” and “trans panic” defenses for violent crimes

Prevent and repeal any legislation that purports to protect religious liberty at the expense of the rights of others

*Professor at Columbia University, is Director of the Center for Sustainable Development at Columbia University and President of the UN Sustainable Development Solutions Network. He has served as adviser to three UN Secretaries-General, and currently serves as an SDG Advocate under Secretary-General António Guterres.

More Jeffrey:
a world-renowned economics professor, bestselling author, innovative educator, and global leader in sustainable development.

Sachs is widely recognized for bold and effective strategies to address complex challenges including the escape from extreme poverty, the global battle against human-induced climate change, international debt and financial crises, national economic reforms,
and the control of pandemic and epidemic diseases.

April 6, 2021, Rockefeller Foundation
One for All: An Action Plan for Financing Global Vaccination and Sustainable Growth

"...Then you’ve got candidates like Jill Stein saying normal, sane and common sense things about peace and justice"

"great commentary is from an Australian journalist"

"words of wisdom"



Nov 8, 2022

More great comments that shatter the illusion of party politics (which is believed by "people who are not being honest with themselves as they lack authenticity") by this Australian journalist. I share them with you, dear fellow forum members, in the hope that you will "take these words of wisdom and hold on to'll become a more authentic human being for doing so."


This “Jill Stein needs to drop out” nonsense is so tedious and stupid. Democrats literally JUST saw what happens when your party’s candidate drops out: they’re replaced with another candidate. That’s what would happen if Stein dropped out. If you don’t think third parties should be allowed to exist in America, just say that. Don’t invent some fictional alternate reality universe where Jill Stein emerges out of nowhere every few years to steal votes from Democrats like some villain in a video game and where getting rid of her would get you those votes back.

Stein shows up as a presidential candidate because she’s the most popular candidate in a political party Americans created because they wanted that party to exist. Your argument isn’t with Jill Stein, it’s with Americans who don’t like your shitty imperialist political party. Either convince them that war and injustice are awesome or stop being such murderous tyrants.

A new poll from the Council on American-Islamic Relations has Green Party presidential candidate Jill Stein beating Kamala Harris among American Muslims in three key battleground states, with an especially large lead in Michigan.

To call this a night and day difference would be a severe understatement. Clearly Muslim Americans are seeing something they care deeply about this election season which the rest of the population has decided doesn’t matter very much.

That something is of course the US-backed genocide in Gaza, which the Biden-Harris administration has been forcefully supporting for nearly a year. Stein opposes these atrocities, while Harris is currently serving in the administration that’s making them possible.

So now we’re seeing a US election where two tyrannical capitalist warmongers are squaring off against each other, appealing to the votes of America’s two mainstream political factions which are only mainstream because vast fortunes have been poured into propaganda manipulations to make them mainstream. Then you’ve got candidates like Jill Stein saying normal, sane and common sense things about peace and justice while being framed as an extremist lunatic by the consent manufacturers of the mainstream press. And when Stein loses in this aggressively manipulated information environment within this aggressively manipulated electoral system, it will be framed as evidence that her politics were seen as too fringe and kooky for the mainstream public.

Vote or don’t vote in whatever way you want. No matter who you vote for, you’ll get tyranny, war and genocide.

Vote for Harris and you’ll get tyranny, war and genocide.

Vote for Trump and you’ll get tyranny, war and genocide.

Vote for Kennedy and you’ll get tyranny, war and genocide.

Don’t want tyranny, war and genocide? Go ahead and try to elect someone like Jill Stein or Cornel West who stands against tyranny, war and genocide. But have no doubt that the system is rigged to prevent that from succeeding, and you’ll get a president who stands with tyranny, war and genocide."

She, Jill, was even arrested for her anti-Zionist stance, despite being Jewish, as Karlysymon is indignant here:
Considering that...Abbott issued an executive order in March requiring that Texas universities punish anti-Semitism on campus using the International Holocaust Remembrance Alliance (IHRA) definition of anti-Semitism,....should be a worrying development. And if this legislation/definition doesn't even protect Jewish people who protest the state of Israel (like Jill Stein who was arrested), then we have to ask WHO or WHAT is this legislation/definition designed to protect?

*Did you get it?
Anti-Semitism is real and bad, real evil, the spread of dangerous disinformation about jews, which "as we know from history" if not stopped could lead to "monstrous consequences" and so on. And antizionism is a legitimate opposition to Israeli (their "genocide over Gaza", for example).

So mixing legitimate criticism and positions against zionism with the illegitimate bad far-right nazi antisemitism (which is real and we need to fight it) is bad, insidious zionist trick to defame, silence and deter legitimate critics of zionism (which is real evil).

Antisemitism is a legitimate evil.

(Just as legitimate an evil as antiislamism, antiblackness, antipalestinian racism, anti-homo and anti-trans, and other anti. And it will be a cemented evil if or when Israel is restrained, condemned, etc.?)

Professor Butch Ware is a lifelong activist and educator specializing in the history of empire, colonialism, genocide and revolution.

With his Ph.D in history from the University of Pennsylvania, Ware is a leading academic authority on the U.S. Black Radical Tradition, Africa and Islam. Since 2004 Professor Ware has been a full faculty member at Northwestern, Michigan, and now UC Santa-Barbara, teaching in History, Black Studies, and Islamic Studies.

(excerpts from the long program)

Advance reproductive rights and codify Roe v. Wade
Launch an urgent national program to rebuild the U.S. epidemic/pandemic response:

Review and update the 2006 Pandemic Preparedness Act (last updated prior to COVID in 2019) to ensure U.S. pandemic preparedness is fully funded.
Strengthen the infrastructure for accelerated emergency distribution of information, medications, vaccines, and treatments

Fund and provide high-quality personal protective equipment such as N-95 type masks and all diagnostic testing (including viral load testing) free at local pharmacies

Mandate and provide funding for high-quality air filtration code improvements for all public transportation, public buildings, schools and businesses
Establish policies that will eliminate SARS-CoV-2 transmission in schools, healthcare facilities, and on public transportation

Further study the Novavax protein-based COVID-19 vaccine to determine safety and efficacy for children under 12; remove restrictions if findings allow
Fully fund research into the causes, prevention and treatment of long COVID

A Jill Stein administration will:
Fully legalize cannabis for recreational and medicinal use with similar restrictions to alcohol.

Release nonviolent drug offenders from prison, remove drug offenses from records, and guarantee both pre- and post-release support

Ensure drug treatment on demand

Begin the process of legalizing hallucinogens (LSD, psilocybin and other related substances) and fund studies on their medicinal benefits.

Begin the process of decriminalizing personal possession of hard drugs - treat drug misuse as a health problem, not a criminal problem
End the epidemic of gun violence with common-sense gun safety laws:

Ban the sale of assault rifles and establish a buyback program
Create standardized digital records of gun registrations and sales



A Jill Stein Administration will guarantee as a human right reparations to the descendants of African slaves for the historic crime of enslavement. Reparations is a cornerstone of the Black Agenda, but reparations is far from the only policy needed to begin to redress what has been stolen from the Black community over 400+ years.

Scholars and activists who have studied and formulated propositions for Reparations itself have put the minimum cash value of reparations at $12 trillion, to be paid to those who claim legitimate descendancy from enslaved Blacks prior to the Civil War. This number is derived not only from the stolen labor prior to 1865, but also from the reneged promise of Field Order 15, commonly referred to as “40 acres and a mule”, which was never made good upon.

We don’t need any further debate on whether reparations should be paid. They should, without question, as they were in 1988 to those impacted by WWII Japanese internment camps. The Stein administration will confer with Black community leaders on who qualifies, how they qualify (historical records exist), how much they will be paid in cash, and how those payments will be made.

There are other policies essential to the overall Black Agenda, as slavery was not the only historic crime against the Black community in America. We recognize both historic and existing racism in America, While it has been addressed in legislation such as the Civil Rights Act of 1964, to this day an end to systemic racism has never been realized. Many of these essential policies, such as universal healthcare, immigration, policing, and free public college education, are addressed in other areas of this platform. Furthermore, it should be noted that the Black Agenda is a progressive agenda.

In addition to ensuring Reparations, a Jill Stein Administration will:

Direct all federal agencies to consider and include race and ethnicity as part of all of their initiatives and other programs implemented with federal dollars
Coordinate with Black-led formations including, but not limited to, the Black Hive at Movement for Black Lives to codify proposals and demands included in their Black Climate Mandate

Coordinate with Black-led formations including, but not limited to, the Black Alliance for Peace to promulgate their Zone of Peace strategies that combat and dismantle larger structures and interests that generate war and state violence—colonialism, patriarchy, capitalism and all forms of imperialism both domestically and internationally

“Nobody’s free until everybody’s free.” -Fannie Lou Hamer


A Jill Stein Administration will guarantee the human rights of the 2SLGBTQIA+ community.

Violent attacks on transgender women (particularly Black and other transgender women of color), recent stripping of state protections, lack of legal protection after negative court rulings, and long-standing historical inequities continue. We will end the acceptance of a violent culture that devalues the humanity of our 2SLGBTQIA+ siblings. We will fight for the liberation of 2SLGBTQIA+ people around the world.

Here’s how:

Support the Equality Act, the PRIDE Act, the Every Child Deserves a Family Act, and other bills to prohibit discrimination by the U.S., the military, state or local governments, or private industry

Support the PrEP Access and Coverage Act (until universal healthcare is implemented).

Develop and implement 2SLGBTQIA+ inclusive public education to combat bullying

Include 2SLGBTQIA+ history in school curricula, provide school and community trainings and 2SLGBTQIA+ specific school counseling

Federally prohibit the harmful practice of “conversion therapy”

Fund housing relief programs for 2SLGBTQIA+ youth, who are disproportionately represented in unsheltered populations

Remove punitive and cumbersome legal name change requirements and fees

Declare trans murder and suicide rates a national emergency

De-gender or add nonbinary gender options to all Federal public documents

De-gender school dress codes, and guarantee protection from discrimination as a result of dress in workplaces

Publish the original Equal Rights Amendment in the National Archives, effectively bringing it into law.

Prohibit insurance companies from denying trans-affirming procedures

Remove “transmedicalist” language from all educational materials relating to trans individuals

Specifically prohibit disciplining or firing trans employees for acknowledging their gender/pronouns with customers, clients, or other individuals in the workplace

Legally prohibit mutilative surgeries on intersex infants

Pass legislation to mandate that police adopt policies to ensure fairer interactions with transgender people, especially transgender women of color, who are disproportionately impacted by disparities in policing

Outlaw misgendered imprisonment nationwide and end “gay panic” and “trans panic” defenses for violent crimes

Prevent and repeal any legislation that purports to protect religious liberty at the expense of the rights of others

*Professor at Columbia University, is Director of the Center for Sustainable Development at Columbia University and President of the UN Sustainable Development Solutions Network. He has served as adviser to three UN Secretaries-General, and currently serves as an SDG Advocate under Secretary-General António Guterres.

More Jeffrey:
a world-renowned economics professor, bestselling author, innovative educator, and global leader in sustainable development.

Sachs is widely recognized for bold and effective strategies to address complex challenges including the escape from extreme poverty, the global battle against human-induced climate change, international debt and financial crises, national economic reforms,
and the control of pandemic and epidemic diseases.

April 6, 2021, Rockefeller Foundation
One for All: An Action Plan for Financing Global Vaccination and Sustainable Growth

"...Then you’ve got candidates like Jill Stein saying normal, sane and common sense things about peace and justice"

"great commentary is from an Australian journalist"

"words of wisdom"

Stupid conservatives do not have enough wisdom to understand that the political system and elections are illusions. And the platforms of political parties are illusions. And the application of the platforms is an illusion. Unwise conservatives look at what the (illusory) Democrats do, how they put into practice their illusory program, look at the program of the only independent and anti-genocide candidate, Jill Stein, then look at the platform (and words, and actions) of the Republicans, and cannot understand that they are all the same.


Nov 8, 2022
In fact, because the programs of Jill and the democrats are almost indistinguishable (Jill's program is more hard-democratic), Jill can steal, divert voters much more than the democrats, but much less than the conservatives (from there will steal only those who oppose Israel's actions in Gaza, and they are much less than potential democratic voters).

So if it's true that Jill is approaching Kamala and Trump in terms of potential voter numbers, that's especially true of Kamala (and the potential decline in her voters), but much less so for Dony. Which guarantees the election of the best Israeli president of America.

However, Jill's strengthening of positions would not have happened if it were not for the genocide of Isael, which the Democrats supported and Jill opposed.

"Both Don and Kamala support genocide." But Jill is against it. However, the rest of Jill's program is almost identical to Kamala's. If you are a liberal and support the liberal democratic program, "but you are against the genocide" that the Democrats are sponsoring, you can support Jill, who also claim that she will implement the liberal program much more than the wavering Democrats.

All this, if the elections - the number of ballots cast - actually decide who will be president. Something that some of us doubt, so much doubt that we don't believe it. Instead, they believe that the platforms of unreal enemies are real and are aimed at real conservative and liberal groups of people. So a possible "diversion of Jill's voices from Kamala" would be the perfect basis for Don's victory. This would give credibility to the vote.

That brings things closer to my prediction that Donald is coming back. (... unless "the third time they *kill him" :D and the states split, or split anyway, or, or, or...)

..And Elon, who, since becoming a conservative, has not stopped fighting for freedom of speech, all day every day, will head the committee on effectiveness. (Wasn't this commission said that it would cut the powers of the states at the expense of communities of people? "Empowering people, communities of people" "Decentralization" Exactly the right-wing trend of trends "that totalitarian democratic plans stimulated." I read that right-wing technocrats are crazy about this commission and the idea of such a post-democratic *free world, with technology *for freedom. "Less State, more communities of free people." Free with technologies that give freedom, I mean, otherwise without technology for freedom there is no freedom.
..So a division of the states would fit perfectly. And a fair multipolarity world too. And "Two States", "recognition of sovereign Palestine", maybe? Interestingly, what happened in Palestine (which happened after the active move towards multipolarity that began in 2022, "for justice to the global South") goes along with the rumors of the division of the American states.
The nasty Evil Empire wants to centralize more and more, even more, extreme centralization into global totalitarianism, but the world said "NO!" and began to fight for decentralization and detachment from the global slavery of the evil Western Zio Empire. It started after the PROXY WAR, which started after the DEADLY PANDEMIC in which the wrestlers were fully involved, I mean; Not before.
..The evil centralization will disintegrate and there will be equality between free communities of people. Crypto world...
Elon has other ideas for future communities, and even makes tools for them.)

But some people here tell us that the U.S. elections is some kind of local issue with no connection to anything. However, when it comes to Gaza and Israel, then there is a connection. (There are no elections, there is a film about elections and their result, which is a key episode of "what future the owners of uniparty (and other significant factors) have determined for the world")
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Nov 8, 2022
US: Muslim groups urge voters to back Jill Stein, Cornel West or other pro-Palestine candidates
While only a minor voting bloc, Muslims say endorsements show their anger over bipartisan support for Israel could sway the election

The statement was written by the American Muslim 2024 Election Task Force, an umbrella group formed this year that consists of a number of prominent Muslim organisations including the political arms of Americans for Justice in Palestine (AJP), Cair, and the US Council of Muslim Organizations.



Nov 8, 2022
...Otherwise, it would be like a real Scheherazade fairy tale:
just when they are pushing for the Green Agenda to come, to finally come and save the planet with a real climate agenda, exactly now, the only among all (both and trade unions and all human rights organizations etc.), unlike the compromised, pro-genocide Uniparty, the Greens are the only one against genocide.. And the UN constantly sings to Israel "stop, stop". Jill Stein wins and declares a climate emergency (and it may coincide with the declaration of a "global climate emergency". Peace, equality and climate behavior, fairly distributed among all russians, ukrainians, palestinians, jews, whites, blacks, yellows, lgbtia2Q+ - and all other letters and numbers..)


Nov 8, 2022
Now proceed calmly with the genocide, which has nothing to do with anything, with nothing that should not be associated with (as the approved sources of the POV say there)
Mar 30, 2017
These words really did fully align with the way I see the world of politics. I struggle to try and understand the mental gymnastics people need to do to participate in this virtual reality political pantomime we are being subjected to.

Looking at the two candidates in play now for presidential puppet I can only conclude that this is a power play by the hidden hands to finally blow the world of politics into smithereens to roll in a NWO.

There was an article I posted on here years ago that I've not managed to find again, that came from a high ranking US official which stated something along the lines of...."the only objective of an administration is to be progressively worse than the last administration"....

It's not like it's not spelled out in front of us is it? Like everyone knows that the opposite of pro is con but very few people are aware that this then means the opposite of progress is congress

....and we are seeing this now play out, in real time, they have provided us with living breathing cartoons to rule over us. And if enough people "pick" one of these clowns then the clown show continues.
Perhaps there are some who are more interested in the puppets while others are interested in the puppeteers? IMHO, as I've mentioned earlier, I believe Israel is acting like a spoiled and demon possessed child is because with the BRICS gaining more traction, they know their reign will be ending soon. It'll leave the West in the dust while it continues to fund the murdering thousands of innocent Palestinians with our government leaders who are bribed, blackmailed or threatened into supporting Israel.

But no, let's talk about an election that won't make a shred of difference on a global scale...y'know, small talk.


Nov 8, 2022
Perhaps there are some who are more interested in the puppets while others are interested in the puppeteers? IMHO, as I've mentioned earlier, I believe Israel is acting like a spoiled and demon possessed child is because with the BRICS gaining more traction, they know their reign will be ending soon. It'll leave the West in the dust while it continues to fund the murdering thousands of innocent Palestinians with our government leaders who are bribed, blackmailed or threatened into supporting Israel.

But no, let's talk about an election that won't make a shred of difference on a global scale...y'know, small talk.

The Moron's Mentor.

Watch your shop there, the trade to go; leave the unraveling of complex processes to others..
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Nov 8, 2022

This joint report provides recommendations to the Canadian government regarding the renewal of the federal Anti-Racism Strategy. It argues that Canada's strategy must address antisemitism, Islamophobia, and anti-Palestinian racism together hand-in-hand using an intersectional framework. This is a joint submission from Canadians for Justice and Peace in the Middle East (CJPME), the Arab Canadian Lawyers Association (ACLA), Independent Jewish Voices Canada (IJV), and Canadian Muslim Public Affairs Council (CMPAC).

Issued May 2024


Both Canada and Israel are settler-colonial states, created as an outcome of British imperialism. Given this intersectional history, Canada’s Anti-Racism Strategy must approach racism through the lens of settler-colonialism and therefore antisemitism and anti-Palestinian racism, like all forms of racism, must be understood within the structure of settler-colonialism present in Canada.

..Handbooks and guides should be consistent with an anti-racist approach that includes a definition of anti-Palestinian racism, along with other definitions of racism and discrimination. Importantly, anti-Palestinian racism must be understood as distinct from, but in instances intersectional with Islamophobia (anti-Muslim racism). Conflating anti-Palestinian racism with Islamophobia, erases the identity and experiences of Palestinians as well the root causes of the racism they experience.

The recent rise in antisemitic, anti-Arab, anti-Palestinian, and Islamophobic incidents cannot be separated from the escalation of racism and xenophobia we are seeing throughout the world; phenomena linked to the diminution of liberal democracy as it is influenced by the effects of ethnonationalism, surveillance capitalism, and environmental breakdown. Fighting and educating against antisemitism must be part of a larger struggle against white supremacy, eurocentrism, and all forms of group hatred and discrimination.
(read more in the link)

"This is a joint submission from Canadians for Justice and Peace in the Middle East (CJPME), the Arab Canadian Lawyers Association (ACLA), Independent Jewish Voices Canada (IJV), and Canadian Muslim Public Affairs Council (CMPAC)."

Independent Jewish Voices Canada (IJV)

Independent Jewish Voices Canada (IJV) is a grassroots organization grounded in Jewish tradition that opposes all forms of racism and advocates for justice and peace for all in Israel-Palestine. Our strength comes from our members. IJV has active chapters in cities and on university campuses across the country.
Thematic areas
Palestine Solidarity: IJV was the first national Jewish organization to endorse the Palestinian-led Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions movement. We continue to support and defend BDS as well as to hold Canadian organizations accountable when complicit in Israeli oppression of Palestinians.

Anti-racism and Indigenous solidarity: IJV stands in solidarity with Indigenous peoples and with all marginalized peoples in Canada against racism, settler colonialism and white supremacy. IJV also works to combat antisemitism and distinguish it clearly from critiques of Zionism and Israeli policies.
IJV Principles

4. We oppose all forms of racism, including antisemitism, anti-Arab racism, anti-Black racism, Islamophobia, and intra-Jewish racism, which marginalizes Jews of colour, Sephardi and Mizrahi Jews.
7. We strive to be inclusive, justice-seeking, democratic, and open to diverse ideas and practices.
8. We believe that true security requires justice and solidarity.

We hereby reclaim the tradition of Jewish support for universal freedoms, human rights and social justice. The lessons we have learned from our own history compel us to speak out.

IJV Halifax condemns bigoted stickers appearing around the city

October 2, 2020

A message possibly connected to “Q-Anon,” a conspiracy theory alleging a worldwide cabal is kidnapping and abusing children.

Unknown individuals are placing unattributed adhesive stickers around Halifax that promote conspiracy theories and foment hatred toward vulnerable groups, especially using COVID-19 as a starting point.

Independent Jewish Voices condemns this spate of hate and is calling on people of good will to report these affronts so that we can monitor their proliferation and messages and take measures to stop them.

The stickers appear to be similar and may be related. The message seems to be that both the pandemic itself and the measures taken to reduce its spread are part of a secret scheme to rob individuals of their freedom. The so-called “Q-Anon” movement, originating in Donald Trump’s US is part of a reaction to the Movement for Black Lives.

Halifax has seen its share of right-wing and white-supremacist hatred of late: acts of anti-Black racism in HRM employment sites, including Fire, Police and Transit. insults to people of colour on Transit, the so-called Soldiers of Odin marching through the north end, the so-called “Proud Boys” (the same group Donald Trump, in the recent presidential debate told to “stand down and stand by”) disrupting a protest at Halifax’s Cornwallis statue, counter-demonstrations against the indigenous treaty fishery.

The proper response to all of this is solidarity – among all the groups targeted: African-Canadians, Indigenous folks, other people of colour, Jews, women, LGBTQ2+ people and immigrants.

One of the stickers targets Jewish people. As Jews, we are, of course, concerned. But it is essential to recognize that antisemitism is not an exceptional form of bigotry. People who hate, discriminate and/or attack Jews can, and also do, hate, discriminate and/or attack other vulnerable groups.

In addition, privileging the efforts to combat discrimination against one of these groups, risks further marginalizing the other targeted groups, and undermines solidarity and cooperation among them in fighting their common enemies.

Fighting and educating against antisemitism must therefore be part of a larger struggle against all group hatred and discrimination."

Medical Apartheid in Israel-Palestine

May 10, 2021

Independent Jewish Voice Canada has applauded Human Rights Watch and B’Tselem for issuing reports finding that Israeli authorities are committing the crimes against humanity of apartheid and persecution. It is important to understand how Israeli apartheid operates as a system by denying Palestinians access to healthcare resources.
February 16, 2021: Democracy Now reported that Israel has halted the shipment of 2,000 doses of COVID-19 vaccine to the Gaza Strip, where they were due for medical workers. The besieged territory is home to more than two million people but has yet to receive any vaccines. This comes as Israeli health officials reported a nearly 95% drop in symptomatic coronavirus infections among 600,000 Israelis who received Pfizer’s COVID-19 vaccine. About 30% of Israeli citizens have received at least one vaccine dose — the highest rate of any major nation — but that figure excludes Palestinians in the Occupied Territories who remain largely unvaccinated.
What you can do
Support the People’s Vaccine Campaign for an equitable and just COVID-19 global distribution plan.

People’s Vaccine Campaign:
There is no moral justification for millions to die whilst pharma billionaires line their pockets with profits gained in part from public research and investment. We cannot continue on a path where pharma shareholders call the shots and women, minorities, and people in poorer countries suffer the consequences.

We must break up monopolies, improve global research capacities, and support tech transfers that ramp up production of lifesaving vaccines, tests and treatments.

Pandemics should not be a case of survival of the richest.

The Alliance advocated for the waiving of IP barriers to boost global production of COVID-19 vaccines, tests and treatments.

The Alliance has played a pivotal advocacy role in the negotiations surrounding the Pandemic Accord.

Alliance Co-Chair Winnie Byanyima and leading world figures advocate for a People's Vaccine - because no one is safe until everyone is safe

IJV Stands with Trans and Non-Binary People at the University of Waterloo and Beyond

July 7, 2023

Last Wednesday, June 28, a gender studies class at the University of Waterloo was targeted in an apparent hate crime that left a professor and two students injured. This was not an isolated incident, but rather another disturbing sign of the rise of transphobia and hate in Canada.

Extreme anti-trans policies are inflaming the United States, but Canada is showing symptoms too. This can be seen in the rise in transphobic rhetoric online and by politicians, as well as the targeting of events like all-ages drag storytime and of teaching and research critical of racial, ethnic, and gender-based intolerance. As an organization established to oppose hate, violence, and oppression, Independent Jewish Voices condemns these hate-fueled attacks and stands in solidarity with trans people all over the globe. We are proud to count trans and non-binary Jews as part of our membership and continue to work to make our organization trans-inclusive. We also recognize that our Palestinian comrades, both at home and in the diaspora, include trans and non-binary people who experience greater susceptibility to violence because of their intersecting identities.

Our fight for Palestinian liberation and an end to antisemitism is deeply intertwined with the struggle for trans liberation and an end to transphobia. It is no coincidence that those who oppose the existence of trans people also perpetuate antisemitic tropes and call for a white nationalist state. The alt-right movement is the latest stage in a long colonial history that has tried to impose a white, Christian, capitalist, patriarchal power structure on societies the world over. We see this now with groups such as White Lives Matter and their targeting of Jews, racialized people, and trans people, which makes those with overlapping marginalized identities especially vulnerable. But this type of hate is not new, and neither are the direct parallels between oppression of Jews and oppression of queer people.

In the 1940s, the LGBTQ+ community was targeted alongside Jews for systematic genocide by the Nazi regime. While both Jews and trans folks represent a small portion of the overall population, they are often highlighted by hate groups as being responsible for the social and moral decay of (Western) society.

These hate groups understand that white heteropatriarchal nationalism involves targeting of *all* vulnerable communities. We know that to oppose them, we must continue to see our struggles as interwoven. Today and every day, we stand in solidarity with our trans kin under attack and we will fight for a world where everyone is free, from Turtle Island to Palestine.

Our fight for Palestinian liberation and an end to antisemitism is deeply intertwined with the struggle for trans liberation and an end to transphobia.
It is no coincidence that those who oppose the existence of trans people also perpetuate antisemitic tropes and call for a white nationalist state. The alt-right movement is the latest stage in a long colonial history that has tried to impose a white, Christian, capitalist, patriarchal power structure on societies the world over. We see this now with groups such as White Lives Matter and their targeting of Jews, racialized people, and trans people
, which makes those with overlapping marginalized identities especially vulnerable. But this type of hate is not new, and neither are the direct parallels between oppression of Jews and oppression of queer people."

"Don’t want tyranny, war and genocide? Go ahead and try to elect someone like Jill Stein or Cornel West who stands against tyranny, war and genocide."

Perhaps there are some who are more interested in the puppets while others are interested in the puppeteers? IMHO, as I've mentioned earlier, I believe Israel is acting like a spoiled and demon possessed child is because with the BRICS gaining more traction, they know their reign will be ending soon. It'll leave the West in the dust while it continues to fund the murdering thousands of innocent Palestinians with our government leaders who are bribed, blackmailed or threatened into supporting Israel.

But no, let's talk about an election that won't make a shred of difference on a global scale...y'know, small talk.


Jan 10, 2019
Journalist Ibrahim Al-Amin:

...The enemy is seeking to alter the geographical and demographic realities in more than one area. When the enemy speaks of a buffer zone in southern Lebanon, it is not referring to an area free of militants or weapons. Instead, it aims for an area devoid of any people. The objective is to eliminate any human presence that could serve as a cradle for any group that opposes and resists the occupation. In the current situation in Lebanon, where sectarian divisions govern many aspects of life, the enemy is thinking of ways to make the Shia community in Lebanon pay the price for their commitment to the cause of resistance, not merely for allowing some of their members to join Hezbollah.

“Israel" seeks to mold Lebanon in a way that suits its interests. When it decided to engage in the current confrontation, it no longer considered the opinions of Western powers, Arab countries, or other Lebanese factions. If there are those who wish to avoid destabilizing Lebanon, or the outbreak of civil wars and major economic crises, "israel" will not hesitate to allow these events to unfold if they serve its agenda. Today, we are witnessing significant cooperation between "israel" and the United States, as well as some Arab capitals, aimed at encouraging groups, forces, and communities of different sectarian backgrounds to carry out an uprising against what they have instilled in their minds as the "Hezbollah state." In such a scenario, "israel" will not hesitate to provide support to anyone willing to align with its program. It will entice them with a substantial reward, under terms like partitions, federalism, or other similar names.

“Israel" is aiming to escalate its criminal operations in order to exert various forms of pressure on Hezbollah. It will strike meaningless targets in certain areas with the intention of causing the public to reject the presence of displaced individuals in their midst. In this scenario, "israel" seeks to repeat what it has done in Gaza, where it created continuous, open-ended displacement between areas supposedly deemed "safe." "Israel" seeks a rotating displacement of the people of the south, the Bekaa, and the southern suburbs of Beirut, pushing a significant portion of them to first abandon Hezbollah, and then to leave Lebanon altogether. The enemy believes that to succeed in this endeavor, it must deliver lethal strikes against any Lebanese individual who supports the resistance, assists it in its stance or actions, or even offers it shelter. "Israel" is betting on the narrative that if it succeeds in striking Hezbollah, it will generate a significant wave of despair within Hezbollah's popular cradle, which in turn will pave the way for a decline in its influence on multiple fronts.

What has been mentioned are not mere speculations or a theoretical exercise. These are elements of a plan that the enemy has already begun to implement, leading to a clear conclusion: we are facing a different kind of battle, one that is certain to be harsher and more complex than the 2006 war.

It is true that people are asking what Hezbollah will do. It is also true that those observing the success of the enemy’s security operations in recent months are seeking answers or explanations. But more important than all of this is the fact that those who find themselves at the heart of this battle must be prepared for a war whose duration is unknown, and for the enormous costs that will need to be paid. As for what the resistance will do, all anyone can do is wait. For, as things imply, the resistance has not yet spoken its final word!


Nov 8, 2022
Journalist Ibrahim Al-Amin:
The journalist:
https :// › people › ibrahim-amine-al-sayyed
Ibrahim Amine al-Sayyed - Hezbollah
Position in Hezbollah: Chairman of the Political Council. Ibrahim Amine al-Sayyed, who went under the pseudonym "Ibrahim al-Amine" for a period, was born in the village of Haouch al-Nabi in the Baalbek District, in eastern Lebanon. Al-Sayyed studied in the religious seminaries of Qom...

Like: if I want to understand impartially and objectively, and not politically colored and framed, what Israel is doing and planning, I ask officials who work in most high positions for Israel; if I want to understand impartially and objectively what the Russians are doing and planning, I ask the officials who work in most high positions in the Kremlin; For the Americans - I ask the top of the US administration; for Canadians - the Trudeau administration. They will never tell me a lie in their interest. (That is: if I want to understand about such things as "a fierce battle of life and death, involving information warfare", and nowadays - a possible "information war against target groups not only from the opposing side")

"Trust the plan" as a whole.


Jan 10, 2019
Why massacring civilians is Israel’s deliberate strategy

...There is no separation between people and the resistance, with the former giving rise to the latter, whether in Gaza or Lebanon. And that is why Israel puts the weight of its military on the necks of civilians in both places.

The inherent human reaction to resist brutal subjugation by any means necessary, now organized and sharpened with decades of experience in both Palestine and Lebanon and elsewhere in the region, is why Israel has not and will not find any decisive victory in either.

If the US doesn’t force Israel to choose diplomacy over warfare, and there is little reason to believe Washington will, “we may witness the onset of a ‘Great War’ that could consume the entire region and pose an existential threat to Israel itself,” Saad stated.

Israel is destroying any semblance of international law, but it is also destroying itself. Only once it goes the way of other pariah colonial regimes, like Rhodesia and apartheid South Africa, will it be possible to build anew from the ashes and ruin the Zionist project will leave behind in Palestine.


Nov 8, 2022
Israel is destroying any semblance of international law, but it is also destroying itself. Only once it goes the way of other pariah colonial regimes, like Rhodesia and apartheid South Africa, will it be possible to build anew from the ashes and ruin the Zionist project will leave behind in Palestine.
Sounds like a plan.
